
Fast diet for weight loss

Fast diet for weight loss
Quick diets for weight loss: Features of rations, menu diets for every day.

It happens that it is necessary to urgently take something to improve the appearance of your body, which of course includes a decrease in its mass. The human body does not like strong stresses, but sometimes to miss an important event in life or be in improper form at the right time in itself means to incur large losses for the image, profession or important relationships.

Here for such cases and there are diets for fast weight loss, which are designed for days to get rid of several unnecessary kilograms. At first glance, it seems something unreal, but in fact - everything is much easier.

Features of fast diets

diet Apple in Woman Hand

  1. A fast diet is not calculated for a long period and is not able to hold the result for a long time, so after such an express course will have to organize the right and gradual return to the usual diet.
  2. A short period of time to which most quick diets are calculated, it is unlikely to count on a loss of 10 and more killery. For such results, you need a longer systematic approach and a combination of proper nutrition with exercise. But start this path with a fast diet just very logical.
  3. So, throwing all doubts aside, we carry out for yourself and achieve the goals set in a few days a strict diet.
  4. It seems to many that the less you eat, the more you lose excess weight. It can only be powered by very low-calorie products of plant origin and use very little protein food.
  5. In fact, among the huge number of strict fast diets, you can find options for real gourmets. Such rations that allow you to be trapped by prohibited in other menus products, such as chocolate, while helping to effectively cope with the problem of excess weight.

Chocolate fast diet


  1. Chocolate diet is a new trend that came to us from Italy. No matter how strange it sounded, real chocolate in moderate quantities contributes to the acceleration of metabolism and rapid weight loss.
  2. During the day, it is recommended to eat about 100 g of black chocolate without impurities, stuffs and various bonuses in the form of nuts, divided into 3 receptions. Chocolate should be used with a cup of coffee without sugar. In itself, this combination is familiar to many, but few people knew about the possibility of losing weight in such an unusual way.
  3. Maybe this is not the fastest diet for weight loss, but still - very effective. For the week, a chocolate diet is quite realistic to reset from 5 to 7 kg. The term that is recommended to withstand on such a diet varies from 3 to 7 days.
  4. During a diet, it is necessary to drink about 1.5 liters of clean water, just to do it in 3 hours after the use of the main components.
  5. The advantages of such an incredible diet is that chocolate and coffee are a favorite delicacy of many sweets. In addition, you will have everything in order with mood, efficiency, concentration of attention.
  6. But still, before you stop your choice on such extravagant products, it is worth paying attention to your health. Allergies, hypertensive, pregnant and lactating women, people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetes such a diet is contraindicated.
  7. If the use of only chocolate and coffee is too extreme for you, then you can include some of these products and in other diets. Just now you know that you should not avoid such a delicacy if you want to lose weight.

Jockey fast diet


  1. Among the 10 most popular fast diets are also a jockey diet. It lasts 3 days for which it is allowed to eat only strictly specified products:
    • 1 day - chicken meat in the amount of 400 g, divided into several meals;
    • 2 day - boiled vegetables throughout the day, 300 g for several meals;
    • 3 day - 3 times a day 1 cup of coffee.
  2. Water with this diet is allowed in any quantities that are acceptable for you. For 3 days, such a diet you drop a couple of kilograms.
  3. However, do not relax - control your appetite after the expiration of 3 days the main diet. After that, you can use only low-fat types of meat, fish, dairy products, refuse flour and sweet. Delicate on porridge, except for mankey, vegetables and fruits. Sometimes you can eat a little coarse bread.

Pepling fast diet

Woman Measures a Buttocks with Measurement Tape. REAR VIEW. Isolated on White. Close-up shot.

  1. The motley diet is distinguished by a large variety of allowed products. Sitting on it recommended 7 days. For a week, such a fast diet you get rid of 5 kg of excess weight:
    • 1 day - we use exclusively vegetable dishes in any form, except fried;
    • 2 day - eat 100 g of low-fat meat;
    • 3 day - drnop 6 eggs screwed and spread with them for several goals;
    • 4 day - Drink 400 g of low-fat beef meat;
    • 5 day - 400 g of low-fat fish fillet;
    • 6 and 7 days - fruit assorted, except bananas and grapes.
  2. Drink so much water as comfortable. Get out of the diet gradually, using the same principles as in the previous diet.

Three-phase express diet


  1. The diet is carried out in 3 stages, each of which lasts 3 days. As a result, say goodbye with 1 kg of excess weight per day.
  2. We also eat allowed ingredients: young potatoes, vegetable dishes, dark, oblong rice grains. We drink quite clean water.
  3. The first 3 days: for the day we eat 2.5 kg of rice garnish for 5 or 6 receptions, while not solim and do not add seasonings.
  4. The second 3 days: in the day we use 1 kg of boiled or baked potatoes for several meals.
  5. The last 3 days: vegetables and fruits in the form of salads, sprinkling lemon juice. Do not salt, do not season with spices.
  6. The diet should be used very carefully to avoid health complications.

Diet fast on kefir


  1. This is a very common option of the monoda. Many women are familiar with it, both in its pure form and as one of the components of the system for weight loss. The effect is achieved quickly and significantly - per day we lose about 900 g of fat.
  2. Like other quick diets, this option should not be tested for a long time. 3 days quite enough to lose several extra kilograms and not damage to health.
  3. During the day, we drink about 2 liters of kefir with minimal fatness, for a variety you can sometimes replace it with yogurt without sugar. As always, we drink a lot of simple clean water. On the night and in the morning it is recommended to drink 1 glass of clean, slightly warm water, it is greatly pacifying appetite, and cleans the intestines.
  4. The side phenomenon of a kefir fast diet is a tangible laxative effect, so it is better to spend this period at home. But there will be a powerful purification of the body, as a result of which the body will get rid of sediments of salts, slags and toxins, as well as excess fluids.
  5. The main thing is not to delay, otherwise, along with harmful substances, your body can leave the necessary minerals and vitamins, about which your body will definitely be back by malaise.

Kefiro-cucumber diet


  1. Another interesting version of a kefir diet has the basis of its diet not only kefir, but also cucumbers. With it, the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir and eat 1.5 kg of cucumbers, sharing a portion convenient for you.
  2. Moreover, it is possible to allow yourself to eat these products even before bedtime, there will be no harm for the figure.
  3. The volume of the drinking water per day is 1.5 liters. Maximum in kefir and cucumbers can be carried out no more than 6 days, during which you can easily spread with 7 kilograms of unnecessary weight.

Buckwheat fast diet


  1. This is one of the favorite things to lose weight. Buckwheat is a win-win choice for the main or single diet.
  2. It does not cause allergies, well suits the organism with nutrients, does not irritate the intestines, while low-caloriene. Beginners can no doubt choose this particular product for experiments and plans to dramatically work.
  3. Prepare buckwheat is needed without salt and fat, only on the water. You can not limit yourself in the number of this useful product. For 7 days on buckwheat really lose weight by 5 kg. In addition, a fast and efficient buckwheat diet will bring out an excess salt and liquid from the body, which will definitely add ease, cheerfulness and youth to the body.

Diet models fast


This diet is a fairly strict, but the result is very significant. This fast diet scheduled for 3 days will help relieve up to 5 kg of excess weight.

It is necessary to cook 1 chicken egg, to purchase 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese and consume these products for 1 day. There are 1 nuance: It is forbidden to eat after 5 pm. If I really want, it is necessary to deceive your appetite with 1 glass of warm water, diluted with lemon juice.

Diet on citrus juices


  1. This diet offers only freshly fed juices of lemons, oranges or grapefruits within 3 days. It is impossible to breed juices with water, add sugar too. Juices should be squeezed before use. For 1 time it is enough to drink 1 cup of juice and do it 3 times a day.
  2. In the interruptions between juices, it is necessary to drink clean water without restrictions.
  3. You can try such a quick diet only healthy people, as it is hard enough. Any problems with the gastrointestinal tract are strict contraindications for such a diet. The side phenomenon is a laxative effect, so you should not combine such a diet with a dynamic rhythm of life.
  4. For 3 days you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight.

Soup diet


  1. This homemade diet for rapid slimming is more sparing for the stomach, because vegetable chambers of themselves are frequent recommendation of doctors.
  2. During the week, you can eat only vegetable soups in any quantities. Naturally, clean water is also in width, but you need to wait for the time intervals and avoid drinking immediately after using the main dish. Vegetable soups should not contain potatoes, meat, vegetable and animal fats. A small amount of salt is allowed.
  3. Using soups for several days is easy, as hot food additionally gives a feeling of satiety. For a week, such a diet for rapid weight loss can be lost from 4 to 5 kg of excess weight.

Pumpkin fast diet


  1. Pumpkin with such a diet is not the only component of the diet, but its presence should take 80% of the entire menu. The pumpkin version of the fast diet is drawn up for a period of about 10 days, for which weight loss is approximately 6 kg.
  2. The meaning of the diet is that it should be prepared and eat a lot of dishes from pumpkin pulp, avoiding oils, spices and adding a minimum salt. Tyva is better to boil or cook for a couple. You can diversify the pumpkin menu by any other vegetables except potatoes.
  3. You can not eat a lot of pumpkins with pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as people with chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Pumpkin dishes can be supplied in the form of soups, porridge, salads, mashed potatoes. You can prepare fresh juice, as well as use pumpkin seeds.
  5. The menu should be in such a way as to organize 3 meals and no more than 2 snacks. Do not break the drinking mode. Glorious physical activity will also benefit and give an excellent result in combination with a useful pumpkin diet.

Acting diet


  1. With this diet, they love to prepare for new roles Actors, representatives of the art of dance and other cornea scenes. Extra weight reset speed - 4 kg for 4 days. This fast diet has a varied menu that includes several types of protein food, so it is well quenched hunger and does not bother.
  2. Start an acting diet in such a way that her 4 day came on the day off. This is due to the use of wine, which is not docked with labor and multitude of business and personal contacts:
    • 1 day: We eat only boiled rice and drink 0.5 liters of tomato juice (we combine how it is convenient for us, and do not limit ourselves in the amount of rice);
    • Day 2: Eat as you want, low-fat cottage cheese and drink kefir;
    • 3 day: any amount of boiled chicken meat and green tea;
    • Day 4: Relax with the help of a bottle of red wine. Instrupping with solid cheese throughout the day (we pay special attention to that nuance that it is impossible to drink water on this day).
  3. All 3 days do not forget about sufficient water.

Fast resolving diet

salt Shaker.

  1. It is difficult to believe in advance to the high performance of this diet, because to really lose weight by 5 kg in 4 days. Its main rule is not to use salts, sugar and fats. In this case, you can eat those dishes that are strictly prohibited by other diets:
    • 1 day: eat only boiled potatoes;
    • Day 2: We use only boiled pasta;
    • Day 3: Chicken boiled meat;
    • Day 4: We return to the potato menu.
  2. Be sure to drink any drinks, including clean water, without adding sugar.

It is difficult to say with confidence, what diet is the fastest, because it is very individual. What caused a storm result from one may not come up with another, and vice versa. Sometimes it is useful to get a professional consultation of the nutritionist, and then steadily follow his recommendations in order to achieve a resistant effect.

People over the centuries were not indifferent to their appearance. Sometimes there were lush molds in fashion, and sometimes almost painful thinness and a pale look. Ladies tightly tightened their waists and busts corset and could thus at least visually lose weight to the right volumes without diets, much faster than modern girls. However, this is a very dubious alternative to look slightly.

It is good that now fashion for no extra weight is accompanied by advice on how not to damage their own health and extend the youth. The main conclusion is to be beautiful not only externally, beauty and cheerfulness should go from the inside. And this can be achieved with the help of balanced, proper nutrition, positive emotions and an active lifestyle.


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