
Salad diet

Salad diet
Salad diet for weight loss and recovery. Useful recommendations.

Traditionally, the cooking salt is added when cooking, sodium chloride is added. This ingredient in some quantities is useful for the body, however, in the abuse of a cooking salt in the body, the excess fluid is delayed, blood pressure increases, edema appears, the metabolism is disturbed. In order to normalize the salt balance in the body, an abolition diet is developed and successfully applied.

The benefits and harm of salt

Satriotic salt or sodium chloride is part of human cell fluids (blood, lymphs, etc.) and maintains the water balance of the body, is needed for the normal functioning of the neuromuscular system, and also participates in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach to maintain normal digestion. Salt salt in the body can provoke various functional deviations and diseases:

  • violation of water balance and subsequent appearance of edema;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • metabolic disorder and subsequent weight gain;
  • excessive calcium removal with urine and further osteoporosis;
  • diseases of the joints.

Cooking salt can be a real poison for the body during non-harmony use.

The daily rate of salt consumption for an adult is several grams (5-8) per day for people living in a temperate climate - and up to 20 g for residents of hot countries. Often, people consume an excess amount of salt - up to 30-40 g per day, which does not most effect on health.

It should be borne in mind that people who completely refused to eat salt can harm themselves from the use of a phenomena diet for a long time, since a certain amount of sodium chloride in the diet is necessary.

The lack of salts is fraught with various unpleasant consequences for the body, they include:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as hearts and blood vessels;
  • nervous and mental illness, depressive states;
  • washing out salts from muscle tissues, as well as bones with their further destruction.

How does the sore diet work

The advantage of a volatile diet compared to other dietary power modes in the presence of a fairly wide selection of products. Its essence is to reduce the flow of the amount of salt into the body from food. Fully resolving diet belongs to the category of hard and used mainly in diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. More often under the term "invalid diet" imply that salt in small quantities in the diet is present. The benefits of an inlet diet consists in normalizing the amount of salt in the body. Sodium chloride coming from food is in the body from 12 hours before the day, and then partially displayed. The amount of salt in the diet is limited to a minimum of the daily rate - about 1.5 g, while over the course of two days, the excess salts are gradually derived from the body. Next, with a volatile diet, the consumption of salt should be monitored so that its re-excessive accumulation occurs.

An incoming 13-day diet will help people with a tendency to swelling, as well as hypertensive - the removal of excess salts from the body contributes to the normalization of blood pressure.


The principle of action of an inset diet for weight loss is based on the effective removal of excess fluid from the body and the normalization of metabolism, as a result of which it is possible to reduce weight by several kilograms per week.

Salad diet: menu

With this diet, follow the following principles:

  • it is allowed to put a little food, but not during cooking (all dishes are prepared without salt), and immediately before use. Gradually, the body will get used to a smaller amount of salt and will better distinguish between the natural taste of products, which will contribute to the development of new food habits;
  • as a substitute for salt, you can season with various spices, fragrant herbs, garlic and onions;
  • food should be taken in small portions - at least 4-5 times a day;
  • do not overeat - to finish meals with a slight feeling of hunger.

With an inlets, the menu should consist of boiled, stewed dishes, as well as cooked steamed.


  • soups on a roast fish or meat brave;
  • rye and wheat yesterday's bread;
  • low-fat meat and fish;
  • vegetables in cheese, boiled and stew, as well as fruits and berries;
  • kefir and prokobvash, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, small amount of butter (no more than 10 g per day);
  • tea and coffee without sugar.

It is necessary to exclude fatty, sharp and fried food, marinades and pickles, strong meat and fish broths, fatty meat (pork and lamb), baking and sweetness, as well as a variety of semi-finished products and canned food, snacks, smoked, dried and dried fish - Products with the addition of a significant amount of salt.

Salad diet: dishes recipes

When using a volatile diet with time, new taste preferences are produced, the need for abundant amount of salt disappears. There are many recipes for a mustache diet, especially limit themselves in the choice of products and the method of preparation do not have to. When preparing dishes of a volatile diet diversify the taste of food with vegetables and fruits, various greenery and seasonings.

  1. Chicken with vegetables baked in foil. For the preparation of this dish, you will need: half chicken, 2 bulbs, 2 Bulgarian peppers, 3 carrots and 3 tomatoes, as well as half collectors of garlic, greens and spices. The chicken is washed, cut into large pieces, add washed and sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables, wrapped in foil and baked in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for one and a half hours.
  2. Vegetable cold soup. Cut 8 radishes, 2 cucumbers, grate a third of the celery, grind 2 cloves of garlic. Several tomatoes are scolded with boiling water to remove the skin, grind a blender or meat grinder. Eliminate chopped vegetables on plates, pour tomato mashed potatoes and kefir, add greens to taste.
  3. Garlic salt. You will need: 8 garlic heads and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Garlic cleaned and wash the teeth, grind in the garbling, decompose a thin layer on a lubricated oil baking sheet and dry in the oven for two hours at a temperature of 100 ° C. The finished seasoning is stored in a paper package, use as a substitute salt.

Elena Malysheva volatile diet

Famous TV presenter of Health Programs - Dr. Elena Malysheva has developed a scheme of rational nutrition, contributing to getting rid of excess weight and general health recovery.


Basic principles of baking diet Malyshchee are as follows:

  • fasting for weight loss is ineffective due to the fact that the body does not finish calories, goes into low-power consumption mode, and in the case of returning to more caloric power, it will begin to accumulate fats with a double power, as a result of which the weight will increase. Instead, it is recommended to reduce to a minimum amount of salt and fat in food (a reduced amount of fat gives a decrease in caloric content of the power to one and a half or twice), as well as use food with a low glycemic index - not an increase in appetite;
  • useful fractional food - in small portions five times throughout the day. Such a regime does not have to overeat and normalizes the metabolism. Breakfast must be present. Plan your dinner no later than 19:00;
  • it is important to determine the optimal calorie content of its diet, depending on the floor, age, the degree of activity. Calculate it will help a specialist - a nutritionist or a fitness coach;
  • positive mood - to the reception of food it is necessary to start in a calm and balanced state.

For holding a mustache diet Malysheva recommends:

  • breakfast with gusty oatmeal without salt and other additives, plus natural yogurt or other milk products;
  • at lunch is useful to receive protein food (low-fat veal, boiled fish, poultry meat), greens;
  • for dinner, prepare vegetable salads with light gas stations, boiled eggs, kefir either yogurt;
  • light snacks are allowed - apples, citrus fruits, dried fruits.

About the salted diet Malyshev's reviews as a whole positive - this approach to nutrition can be called rational and healthy, a mustache diet gives good results, and if you have enough will to consistently carry out recommendations, then you can improve your body, as well as get rid of extra kilograms.

Japanese resolving diet


One of the most popular currently is a Japanese diet for weight loss. It is designed for a rapid weight loss - about 7-8 kilograms in two weeks. The diet is not balanced, i.e. It does not provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients, from here and its quick effect. Therefore, the Japanese resolving diet is short-term, it is impossible to eat constantly so much. Under this volatile diet, it does not use salt and sugar, spices, as well as alcohol and confectionery. It is recommended to drinking mode - at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day, green tea will be useful. There are several options for menus of a prayer diet 14 days, they all mean that for breakfast you need to restrict ourselves to a cup of freshly brewed coffee, it is possible to add a Sukharik or toast occasionally. According to the recommendations of the Japanese clinic, which has developed this low-calorie short-term meal, dishwashed diet - boiled vegetables, chicken and fish, fresh vegetable salads with lightweight refueling.

This vacuum diet can be used for two weeks with a frequency of two or three times a year.

Salad diet for pregnant women

The restriction of salt in the diet during pregnancy will be useful in order to derive excess fluid from the body, reduce the pressure and remove the edema. For well-being to women in the position, it is recommended to limit the amount of salt in the diet, for this it is worth minimizing the use of mayonnaise and canned food, sausages and smoked, solid cheese, various finished sauces, salted fish, products and seasonings with taste amplifiers. The emphasis in nutrition should be shifted in favor of dairy and vegetable dishes, porridge, food to cook for a couple or stew.


An abolishing diet has proven itself well during pregnancy, treatment of obesity, certain diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. There are many reviews about volatile diet as an effective power supply for weight loss and recovery.

Salad diet - video


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