
Banana diet

Banana diet
Features of a banana diet. Varieties.

The modules that are powered by one basic product, are considered one of the most effective today. This type of food also includes a banana diet for weight loss.

This type of nutrition is suitable for almost everyone, because even with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nutritionists recommend that this way of weight loss is recommended. Medical studies have shown that, in contrast to many other mixed and aligning, the banana diet does not affect the stomach harmfully. Even if you suffer from chronic bowel disease or gastritis, such a diet will only benefit and help relieve kilograms.

It is these fruits that increase the regeneration of the skin and the gastric mucosa, which reliably protects its walls from the formation of ulcers, and also contribute to healing. The results of a banana diet and raising reviews show that a banana diet is effective when dealing with obesity, contributes to improving blood circulation, has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys. Nutritionists also recommend this diet with peptic diseases and diabetes.

Pros and Cons Banana Diet


Referring to feedback on a banana diet, we can allocate some basic positive and negative aspects of such nutrition.

Pros banana diet

In addition to the fact that the diet on bananas is suitable for absolutely everyone, it has a number of advantages:

  • bananas are perfectly cleaned by the body and gently remove slags and toxins;
  • a rich composition of vitamins (A, B, C, E, PR) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron);
  • a large number of potassium contributes to healthy heart work;
  • the diet is calculated for a maximum of a week, and weight loss up to 7 kg;
  • natural sucrose, glucose and fructose provide satiety, food for the brain and a good mood;
  • despite the high calorieness, the bananas quickly dulp the feeling of hunger, and the diet is easier tolerated;
  • low fat content and cholesterol removal;
  • normalization of metabolism and preservation of weight with a gradual output of the diet;
  • improves the color and condition of the skin of the face and body, strengthens hair and nails.

Cons banana diet

In addition to the high caloric content of the product, the banana diet has its own characteristics:

  • weight loss can make a small percentage compared to other diets;
  • it is necessary to leave the diet gradually, since if you throw on another food, then the weight will return;
  • like any other monoda, the power of bananas can lead to the oversaturation of this product and disgust from it for a long time.

Banana diets - types


At the preparatory level, for any diet, you should draw up a diet menu, as well as arrange a unloading day for the body and intestines so that the fats during the diet are quickly resolved. It should be eaten at least five times a day, but small portions without overeating, every 3-4 hours. The unloading day should refuse to use the following products:

  • alcohol;
  • roast;
  • bold;
  • potato;
  • conservation;
  • smoked;
  • flour;
  • acute;
  • sweet carbonated water;
  • sweet;
  • it is too salty;
  • black tea and coffee.

Eat low-fat varieties of meat and fish in boiled, parenchy, stew, baked species, without oil use, large amounts of salt and spices. Drink cereals and cereals, stare or boiled in food as a side dish. Boiled chicken eggs or steam omelets are perfectly suitable as a nutritious breakfast.

Fresh vegetables and fruits will always help clean the body. Can drink the green tea mineral water without gas, fresh juices, honey and sugar substitute. It is also recommended to consume dairy products with low-fat - Biokefir and yogurt, cottage cheese with fresh fruit, and others.


Many girls, noticeably thinned with a banana diet, also argue that significant use in the food of this nutrient fruit helps in the fight against bad habits, namely to quit smoking. It turns out that the bananas contain substances that stimulate the hormone of pleasure, which leads to improved mood during a diet. Therefore, abandon the detrimental habits and tolerate the diet on the bananas is much easier.

For a diet on bananas, you should choose this product with special care. In no case do not buy for diet overripe or unripe fruit. For a diet, banana dried fruits are also not suitable, since they are more calories than fresh.

Banana diet for 3 days


Such a monodection lasts no more than three days, as it is considered strict and due to limited diet, the abuse of a diet can lead to a deficit of the useful substances of the body. Referring to the feedback on a banana diet for 3 days, we can say that weight losses will be from 3 to 6 kg, depending on the total percentage of excess fat mass. You should also arrange a unloading day before entering the diet and eat correctly after its end to secure the weight result.

During the day you can eat only 4-5 bananas depending on the size of the fruit. Drinking is allowed (at least two liters per day) Only non-carbonated purified water or green tea without adding sugar. Other products and drinks are not used at all, but if you feel your headache and physical indisposition, then you better go to a more sparing banana diet.

Banana diet for 5 days

Such a diet is designed as much as possible in a five-day period, as it enters the group of strict mixed fruit diets. A day is allowed to eat up to 3 bananas, and instead of snacks, you should drink a glass of any favorite Fresh, but not more than a liter per day. The best dietary freshly squeezed juices are orange, grapefruit and pineapple.

It is forbidden to use Fresh immediately after receiving a banana, the use of products must be divided by several hours. Drinking in unlimited quantities can water without gas and green tea with honey. Freshly squeezed juice should not be replaced by a shop, in which a large sugar content can be replaced by Fresh berry or fruit decoction (compote) without sugar.

Banana diet for 7 days


The diet will enjoy fans of unusual experiments in the preparation of dishes and gourmets. For the entire weekly term, weight loss will be 5 kg. Drinking water without gas and green tea without adding sugar, but to eat up to 3 dishes from bananas offered below.

Bananas in sauce:

  1. Large or two little banana thoroughly clean from the peel and cut into slices.
  2. Share bananas in the form for baking and pour lemon juice.
  3. Full cabinet of milk beat with egg and pour fruits.
  4. Bake at a minimum temperature for a few minutes until the sauce thickening.

Banana salad:

  1. 250 g of cauliflower boil, cool and cut into small cubes.
  2. One big banana clean and cut into rings.
  3. Grinding a raisin to ferment a glass of water for half an hour.
  4. All ingredients mix, add fresh lettuce leaves and fill with lemon juice and salt to taste.

Banana-fruit salad:

  1. Big banana clean and cut into rings.
  2. Apple, peach or pear (to choose) cut into cubes and mix with a banana.
  3. Full cabinet of low-fat yogurt Add to salad as a sauce.
  4. Add honey and cinnamon to taste.

Banana puree:

  1. 5 small apricots put for a couple of minutes in boiling water until the peel is detachment.
  2. Cool and clean apricots from peel and bones.
  3. Banana Carefully clean and cut.
  4. Mix fruits and beat a blender.

Banana Grill:

  1. Two banana clean and cut along.
  2. Stay on the shape, pour honey.
  3. Decorate with nuts and cinnamon to taste.
  4. Grill bake not more than 5 minutes.

Baked banana:

  1. Baking shape Lubricate with butter.
  2. Banana Clean and cut along, lay out in the form.
  3. Great solid cheese grate and sprinkle fruits to them.
  4. Sprinkle breadcrumbs and salt to taste.
  5. Bake for about 15 minutes at minimal temperature.

Porridge with banana:

  1. Fall with water oatmeal for 5 minutes.
  2. Banana Clean and cut into small pieces.
  3. Full cabinet of milk. Wake up in a blender with a banana.
  4. Mix with oatmeal and add honey to taste.

Homemade ice cream:

  1. Fat yogurt mix in a blender with a banana.
  2. Fill into the form and leave in the freezer for half an hour.


  1. Soften banana fork.
  2. Mixer Wake up an egg, a glass of kefir and a glass of flour.
  3. A teaspoon of soda put out vinegar and add to the dough.
  4. Mix the mixture with a banana and add salt to taste.
  5. Fry in a pan until tender and serve with honey.

Milky-banana diet


Such a diet will resign from 5-7 kg in a week. With a mixed diet of bananas and low-fat pasteurized milk, the diet will become easier to be moved. The only contraindication is allergic or lactose intolerance. In this case, you can replace the dairy product on soy milk with a specific taste.

Three large bananas and unlimited amount of water without gas or green tea without sugar are used per day. As a lunch, afternoon and a couple of hours before Sleep, the first three days is allowed to drink a glass of skimmed or soy milk, and then before the end of the dieting milk can be replaced with low-fat yogurt without taste additives.

Kefirno Banana Diet

On a bananan-kefir diet, you can lose from 6 to 9 kg of weight in 10 days. Four banana should be distributed for a day. Drink water or green tea with honey. In the interruptions between the eating fruit (2-3 hours), a skimmed biocyphyr should be drunk, on a glass 4 times a day for the first five days. Next, a glass of kefir can be replaced by a bath from a banana and a glass of low-fat pasteurized milk.

Curd-Banana Diet


Such a diet is recommended athletes or people whose mental work prevents feeling comfortable during diets. Weight loss will be up to 1 kg per day with weekly. The diet helps to gain muscle weight with active sports, as cottage cheese contains the necessary protein organism.

Green tea and water without gas we use at least two liters per day. Every day in food should be consumed by 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese with honey as the main meal and three banana as snacks, in a few hours. A diet can be extended for another a few days, using boiled eggs or a steam oslet in the morning, and the reception of cottage cheese is reduced by one per day.

Morning Banana Diet "Asa Banana"

Such a gentle diet is designed for a month, and weight losses will be up to 10 kg. The essence of such a light diet is that you need to eat banana for breakfast and when you feel a strong attack of hunger to the main meal. Thus, the body gets used to a full-fledged breakfast and snacks, instead of fast foods and sandwiches.

Also during a diet, it should be limited to harmful high-calorie products and drink only furla, water, green tea and dairy products. Dinner must be not very dense and only two hours before sleep. It should be refused to eat alcohol and sugar in any form, which can be replaced with honey, as well as greasy and sharp dishes.

Exit from banana diet

For a minimum of two weeks after passing a banana diet, a moderate diet should be adhered to. The main criterion for the right exit from any banana diet is that you must replace dinner by bananas or any dish or dessert from these fruits to full saturation. Only in this case the kilograms left during the diet will not return.

In order for the lost weight does not return, it is necessary to observe the diet of unloading days over the week. In this case, you will avoid stress for the body, which can cause a sharp overeating of harmful food after the end of the diet. Refusal of harmful food and beverages will help to teach the body to a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to a healthy diet, it is necessary to help your body to part with an excess of calories and burn fat. Therefore, if you are sitting on a diet, it will be relevant to the use of at least two liters of water without gas and a moving lifestyle. As wealth and possibilities go on foot and along the steps, and not on the elevator or transport, do the charge or hiking evening walks.

Video about the benefits of bananas

The banana diet of any type and complexity really helps to lose extra kilograms without heavy effort and stress for the body. Nutritionists recommend this diet even people with diseases of the stomach and intestines of light and chronic form. The benefits of the bananas themselves for the body will help you to find out the video. Footage:


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