
Features of the content of the protein deu at home. The rules for the care of Chilean proteins Deu at home. How to tame a deha protein

Features of the content of the protein deu at home. The rules for the care of Chilean proteins Deu at home. How to tame a deha protein
Chilean protein Deu: description of home proteins, photo. The care and maintenance of the protein deg at home: how to feed, how to tame, cage, swimsuit, wheel.

The Chilean protein Deu is not the last place in the list of popular pets. This animal attracts with its activity, playfulness and not complicated care. However, like any other animal, Degu protein requires special conditions of content. First of all, the future owner should equip a comfortable place for the animal, stock up on food and know how to perform hygienic procedures for his pet. In our article today, we will describe in detail how to care for the Chilean squirrel Deu.

DUGU DOW HOME STOLE: Description of rodent

Chilean Deu is small rodents from 10 to 21 centimeters. The dimensions of Deu make this animal very practical in terms of content. Animals of this species have a long tail with a charming brush on the tip. These small animals resemble mice due to small size, large rounded ears and a kind of elongated muzzle. Degu fur is short, quite rude. The coloring of rodents varies from light brown to gray, sometimes with a reddish tint. Degu tails are most often black. It is noteworthy that if you grab Degu by the tail, the animal will throw the skin in this section and hide from its offender, and if such an action is very frightened, the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe tail can bite. Degu's eyes are black or dark brown, can be either strong and poorly convex.

How much do Degu live? With good care, the life span may exceed 7 years.

Deu is sociable rodents that need the company. They communicate with the help of sounds, remotely resembling bird chirping. Rodents have an excellent sound with which they examine the situation. But the vision of the protein leaves much to be desired. Of course, like other rodents, Degu have an excellent sense of smell. With the help of the smell, proteins examine the habitat and adapt to its features. It is also worth mentioning taste receptors of protein. The taste of animals is quite developed to accurately avoid toxic or poor -quality additives in food. That is why Deu is considered gourmets, they are very selective in food, or rather not in food as such, but in its quality.

An important point is that Degu has practically no smell. If you conduct timely hygiene procedures, the squirrel will delight you with appearance and playfulness, and not embarrass the unpleasant odor.

Degu Square: Photo

Degu protein: Content at home

As mentioned above, when maintaining a house in the right conditions, Degu proteins are practically no smell. They are easily tamed and adapt to the rhythm of the owner’s life. The peak of activity falls on the daytime, but it happens that animals can be pierced at night.

Deu, like other rodents, are very shy and distrustful. Therefore, such an animal is not recommended to be kept in apartments or houses where there are cats or dogs. In addition, Degu is very sensitive to:

  • cigarette smoke;
  • toxic plants.

And if you are going to release Deu to free walking around the room, make sure that all the electric wires are securely covered by a protective casing.

Degu Squirrel: Video

Housing for Deu

Of course, if you are going to get Degu protein, then you should worry about the place of residence of the animal. As a housing for this rodent, iron cells with a small grille or a terrarium, covered with a mesh lid are suitable. According to the reviews of Deu, it is more convenient to contain the animal in the terrarium. So, the protein does not have a desire to gnaw rods. In addition, garbage does not pour out from a closed structure, which significantly simplifies Degu care. However, the terrarium also has disadvantages. For example, in this design it is more difficult to build floors for additional pallets and the “running around” of the pet. Therefore, the desired area has to be increased in length or width. The place should be increased at the rate of 95*65*45 cm for one rodent.

Also, some breeders contain Deu in aquariums covered with a net. This option is extremely not recommended, since there is a bad air exchange in such a container. In addition, the aquarium is not adapted for attaching a drinker, a house and “toys”.

As practice shows, the opinions of the owners in the issue of places for maintaining the animal are separated: some choose a terrarium for reasons of purity, others prefer to observe Deu in a cage - this gives more opportunities for rodent pranks and saves space.

If you opted for a cage, you should not choose it with a plastic bottom - the rodent will simply gnaw a hole in it and run away. The ideal option is a metal cage with a lattice bottom under which there is a plastic trash pan. It is much more convenient to clean such a kennel, just remove the pallet, wash it and put it in place. The minimum cell size for Deu 80*50*40 per rodent.

A cell or terrarium Degu should be placed in a quiet warm place without drafts and sunlight. Deu is very sensitive to changing the temperature regime, increasing or lowering humidity, drafts and noise. Permanent hypothermia for the animal is especially destructive (temperature below +18). The ideal temperature for the normal life of the protein +25- +26 degrees. Do not place Deu:

  • near the place where there are strong smells;
  • near the TV;
  • in a noisy place;
  • near the battery;
  • not far from a reservoir or aquarium;
  • under direct sunlight.

It is also worth noting that in nature, birds are mostly hunting for Deu, because the animal will not feel comfortable if it is very low. If the Degu cage stands on the floor, a person passing a nearby at an instinctive level will be perceived as a danger. To protect the animal from stress, the pet cell is optimal to place at least 1.4 meters from the floor.

Terrarium arrangement for Deu

The terrarium for Deu has a flat surface, so it is very important to hold the bottom of the structure with sawdust. Sawdles are better to choose pressed, well absorbing. A wood filler or wood shavings is also suitable. Degu also needs a secluded place for sleep and rest. Such a house can be purchased at any store. However, do not choose plastic constructions, give preference to shelters from coniferous trees (pine, spruce), they taste, and therefore the squirrels are less gnawing them. You can also make a nesting house on your own from an old ceramic vase with a chopped area. The size of the house for one or two deu is at least 13*19*15. A soft filler must also be placed in the house so that the squirrels feel comfortable, burying into it.

In addition to the house in the terrarium, there should be a feeder and a glass of glass. Today you can buy such devices on suction cups and easily place them in the terrarium. However, make sure that these devices are at a convenient height for Deg.

To prevent animals from sad, you also need to equip the terrarium with game sites: ladders, rodents wheel, tunnels. And do not forget about the stone for tightening the nails.

Cell arrangement for Deu

The Degu protein cell should be equipped with everything necessary for the life of the animal. In the cage, the floor does not need to be soaked with the filler, but for simplicity of care it is better to pour a small amount of absorbing sawdust into the pallet.

There should be in the Degu cage:

  • house with a mink shelter. The house needs to be chosen with a bottom to pour a soft filler there;
  • shelves located at different levels;
  • feeder and jacket;
  • stone for grinding claws;
  • capacity for sandbaths.

In addition, you need to place gaming devices in the cage: tunnels, ladders, running wheel.

Let's analyze the gaming devices in more detail.

Timing for Deu

In nature, Degu is bathed in the sand, and therefore they need a special swimsuit. Such a device most often has an oval shape with rounded sides and a roof. It is made of plastic, for the convenience of washing. A sand mixture is poured inside the swimsuit. This device was invented in order to avoid the scattering of sand and to observe purity. After each “water procedure”, the swimsuit is removed from the cage and washed until the next time.

Wheel for Deg

The running wheel is simply necessary for Degu if you do not let the animal walk around the room. It can be made of wood of conifers or metal. The running wheel is a small design with closed or open walls. When moving, the wheel rotates opposite to the direction of running.

Tunnels for Deu

Tunnels for Deu are not like ordinary rodents. For protein, they are made of coniferous wood. In addition, the option of making a tunnel from a vine is possible. Such a tunnel is connected by strong weaving and has a rigid structure.

GAMAK for Deu

Another mandatory attribute for arranging the Degu - hammock cell. After fun games, animals need a periodic daylight. Moreover, they prefer to relax Degu not in the house, but in open space. Gamak made of rough dense natural fabric is perfect for such a holiday. When choosing a hammock, pay special attention to the composition of the fabric from which it is made - the fabric of the hammock should not contain synthetic threads. Artificial threads can injure the Desna Deu, which can subsequently cause an infection.

DIY cage for deha

A deha cage can be done with your own hands. Of course, you will have to pretty “sweat”, but you will save money and make the perfect housing for the ward.

First, select the material for construction. It should be strong enough and safe for the "pograsi". You can make a cell from such materials:

  • lining;
  • aluminum;
  • galvanized grid;
  • organic glass.

It is strictly not recommended to make a cell from chipboard, fiberboard and similar materials, which include glue, varnish or sealant. Such impurities can cause a rodent poisoning.

Given all the features of the animal, the ideal size of the cell for it will be 125*106*55 centimeters. Such an area is allowed to comfortably coexist 2-5 animals.

We make a wire cage, following these stages:

  1. Collect the cage frame using bars made of dry non -tarry wood.
  2. Get the back wall of the aviary with lining. Make sure that parts of the cell are tightly contacted by each other. It is best to fix the lining with screws.
  3. Turn the floor with a wolf. It should turn out a solid flat surface on top of which the grid is located.
  4. Close the side parts and top of the cell with a galvanized grid with a lattice size of not more than 2*
  5. In a convenient place, install a door that will be closed on a lock or carbine.

Degu Squirrel: Care

How to care for Deu? Believe me, it’s not so difficult. It is enough to feed the squirrel in time, provide the possibility of hygiene procedures and wash the cage and its “filling”.

Than to feed Deu

Degu feed can be bought at any zoomarket. The main food product of this animal is hay. It is worth giving a pet throughout the calendar year. Pay attention to the quality of the hay - the ward will not use a low -quality product.

In addition to hay, it is recommended to add grain products to the diet of rodents. For example, they eat perfectly:

  • barley;
  • wheat;
  • oats or flakes of oats.

In the summer, you can dilute the diet of the pet with juicy feeds. This group includes:

  • plantain leaves;
  • dandelions;
  • alfalfa;
  • salad sheets;
  • clover;
  • leaves and bark of pears;
  • willow leaves and bark;
  • sprouted oats;
  • leaves and apple bark.

Less commonly, you can treat Deu fruits or vegetables. For example, with unsweetened pears, apples or carrots. Please note that sweet vegetables and fruits Degu are strictly contraindicated. If you abuse “sweets”, the protein can quickly frolic diabetes. In this case, the animal instantly blinds, can fall on the paws, etc.

It is worth noting that juicy food should not exceed 50 grams per day. With this limit, Degu feels great, and if you exceed the dose, Degu can suffer from intestinal problems.

In the diet of Deu, you can also include granular feed for chinchillas without sugar additives. In addition, proteins like to nibble special store grain sticks that are produced in different forms.

Deu is contraindicated by the following products:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • nuts;
  • sunflower seeds.

The above products lead to obesity of Deu and often cause health problems.

Degu hygiene

Degu at home is very simple to keep. These animals clean their wool on their own. It is noteworthy that Degu is washed without water (which is contraindicated for washing), and with the help of a dry method. The essence of the dry sink is that the aforementioned swimsuit with special sand is put in the cage in the cage. Distributing sand on the surface of his body, Degu degrease wool. This is an extremely important procedure for protein, which needs to be done daily.

Degu's teeth also need care. The thing is that the teeth of the proteins do not stop growing and constantly increase the length. To adjust the size, Deu grind their teeth. Otherwise, they reach such a size that the animal cannot eat and, moreover, close the mouth. The animal also produces this procedure independently. All that is required of you is to provide a special stone for grinding tooths.

Degu cell cleaning

Cleanliness is the business card of Deu. These animals in the wild carefully monitor the dwelling, removing the remnants of the feed and defecate away from the house. That is why cell hygiene is so important for Deu. Ideally, you need to clean the cage every day.

Degu drinks water very little. Therefore, bowel movements are dry and it is easy to remove them. Every day, inspect the cage for the presence of dirt, feces, feed residues. If any, remove. In addition, every day it is necessary to wash bowls, clean the house and rinse the swimsuit.

The general cleaning is enough to do once a month. During such cleaning, it is recommended to replace the jail, feeders and disinfect the house and the rest of the cell.

Degu breeding

Chilean proteins Degu propagate twice a year. Pregnancy of females lasts 3 months, droppings can be from three to thirteen squirrels. Kids are born with open eyes and black wool. During the first 30 days they feed on the mother’s milk. The male takes an active part in the upbringing of young animals: for a month, he warms the squirrel and “looks after them” while the female leaves.

It is worth noting that immediately after the birth activity, the deg protein begins. During this period, most often, males re -fertilize the satellite.

Where to buy Deu

Degu protein can be purchased at almost any pet store. Today it is quite common pets. For professional breeders, the price of Deu can be from 5 to 8 dollars. If you take a little white one, you can purchase an animal for about $ 2-3.

How to choose Deu

When choosing a pet you need to pay attention to some important features that will help you choose a healthy and strong degus. When buying Deu, pay attention to the following points:

  • belchenka age. Deu can be excommunicated from parents no earlier than 1.5 months after birth, since during this period the rodent feeds on the mother’s milk. Earlier, excommunication can threaten intestinal problems, poor immunity, aggressiveness due to stress;
  • from the birth of Degu should be kept clean. If the parents squash in a dirty cage without conditions for personal hygiene, children subsequently do not know how to take care of themselves;
  • the degree of taming. Experienced breeders communicate with the kids Degu throughout the entire period of feeding. So the cubs get used to a person and communications with him;
  • health. Healthy kids Degu have shiny eyes, healthy, not tousled and wool, clean, clean, without discharge of mouths and nose, ears without crusts. It is worth noting that the presence or absence of a brush on the tail does not indicate the health of the animal, but is a purely cosmetic defect.

How to determine Paul Degu

It is easy to determine Paul Deg. Look under the ponytail of the pet. If the anus and the urethra are located far (at a distance, approximately with a bunch of little finger), then this is a boy, if close is a girl.

How to tame Deu

After the purchase of Deu, an important point is the tame of the pet. So that the animal is not afraid of you, you need to do this gradually.

It is better to tame in the warm season, when on the street you can find an abundance of juicy feed for Deu.

How to tame Deu: phased instruction

  1. Place a piece of juicy feed on the palm of your hand.
  2. Place your hand in the cage door so that the palm with food is inside the structure.
  3. Wait for Degu to “smell” the food and comes to enjoy.
  4. Make such a taming daily.

When Degu is not afraid of an outstretched arm with food and without fear begins to eat it, immediately after he sees, you can try to take the squirrel in your hands.



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