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Which pillow to choose

Which pillow to choose
How to choose a pillow for sleeping.

About a third of his life, a person spends on average sleep. For a healthy vacation, it is important not only the number of hours of sleep, but also the ventilation of the room, a convenient sleeping place. To be able to relax and get enough sleep well, you will need to choose a pillow - it is recommended to do this individually for each family member.

How to choose a pillow: useful tips


There is a wide selection of products of all kinds of shapes and sizes, with traditional, as well as exotic fillers - everything for the convenience and comfort of the consumer. How to choose a pillow?  The choice in any case will be individual - depending on tastes and preferences, as well as taking into account the functional features of different compositions of the products.

Traditionally, pillows made of natural and synthetic materials are not characterized by special support for the head and neck, medium softness. For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as people after 40 years, it is recommended to choose a pillow of greater stiffness, as well as orthopedic products. There are special ergonomic types of pillows “equipped” with a roller for the neck, as well as a notch for the occipital part of the head - this form repeats the anatomical bends of the body and prevents the change in the posture during sleep.

How to check if the pillow suits you:

  • if you want to beat the pillow or put your hand, then you need to choose the product higher. A low pillow is not suitable for snippets;
  • the feeling of inconvenience and muscle tension can cause excessive height of the pillow;
  • pain in the neck and numbness of the shoulders after sleep can be caused by a too low pillow, especially in combination with a high soft mattress. 3

It is necessary to pay attention to the following features:

  • it is recommended to choose pillows depending on the size of the berth - for small beds, cumbersome and volumetric pillows do not need;
  • if you choose a pillow with a lock in the form of a zipper, then it will be convenient for you to adjust its rigidity, removing the excess filler, as well as dry and clean;
  • high -quality pillow covers are made of dense cotton or silk fabric.

How to choose a pillow: shape and size 

From the variety presented on sale, you can choose pillows of a rectangular, square shape, round, in the form of hearts and soft toys, all kinds of rolls and rollers. Some of them wear purely decorative functions. To choose pillows for sleeping and a good rest, consider the features of the varieties proposed by manufacturers.

The main purpose of the pillow is to support the head of a sleeping person. And here there are a number of nuances on which your successful choice will depend.

To choose a pillow, look at its shape and size. For most, rectangular and square products are familiar, the classic rectangular shape of the pillow is considered optimal.

The correct pillow will correspond to your shoulder width, usually the height is no more than 14-15 cm. A lower soft pillow will require lovers to sleep on the stomach than for those who prefer to sleep on their side. If your favorite pose for sleeping is on the back, then it is recommended to choose a pillow of medium height and hardness.

As for the length, it should not be more than the mattress, the same applies to paired pillows. The standard dimensions of the pillows range in the range of 40-80 cm in length and 30-50 cm in width, bedding sets are mainly equipped with pillowcases of 50 × 70, 70 × 70, as well as 40 × 60 for a children's pillow.

You can also choose orthopedic and ergonomic pillows - repeating the anatomical shape of the neck and head, which will achieve optimal relaxation.

How to choose a pillow: filler 

As a cover (half) for a pillow, a dense natural fabric is usually used, reliably holding inside the filler. There are two varieties of fillers for pillows - natural and synthetic.

Products with natural fillers of various types are produced, among them you can choose pillows:

  • the traditional composition is the fluff and a pen of various birds (ducks, goose, swan, gaga) mixed in various proportions. For many years they were considered the best pillows due to the convenience of use and durability. These products easily absorb and evaporate moisture, and then restore the previous volume. If you want to buy such a soft pillow, choose compounds with a large content of fluff in relation to the pen, the optimal ratio of 90 % of the fluff and 10 % of the pen will be optimal. With an increase in the content of the pen in the pillow, its rigidity will respectively increase. The down pillows are pleasant to the touch, warm and soft - and are suitable if you do not have an allergy to the fluff. Periodic cleaning and drying of these products is necessary to exclude the reproduction of a dust tick, which can cause allergies. As an alternative to chemical cleaning, one can carry out periodic drying of down pillows during the day in the sun;
  • from wool - such products are light, warm and comfortable. You can choose a pillow with a filler from sheep, camel wool, as well as alpaki. They differ in a useful effect in diseases of the joints, muscle pain - in contact with woolen fibers of the pillows create an electrostatic field that has a beneficial effect on human health. It is recommended to combine with a woolen blanket. From the shortcomings of this filler, it can be noted that the wool after a short operation can fall out and huddle into the clods (after which the filler will not be able to restore the filler in any way), and also cause allergies;
  • from natural cotton cotton wool - such pillows differ in low price and are not allergenic, but they are short -lived, since this filler quickly rolls;
  • from buckwheat husk (lures) - a hypoallergenic natural filler, which is similar from Japan, where they believe that this raw material is effective against headaches and osteochondrosis, and also helps from snoring. The buckwheat pillow “breathes” perfectly, has the optimal indicator of thermal conductivity, eliminates negative energy and soothes, normalizes pressure. Due to its elasticity, a buckwheat pillow allows the muscles to optimally relax, effectively repeating the anatomical shape of the head. Manufacturers sometimes add dry grass (hops, lavender, mint) to a pleasant aroma and healing exposure to a pleasant aroma and healing exposure). Buckwheat pillows will last 3-4 years. Chemical cleaning is allowed, and they can also be vacuumed at home through a department. It should be borne in mind that this filler can rustle and at first secrete a peculiar buckwheat smell, which in a couple of weeks of using the pillow disappears;


  • from latex - this filler also has natural origin (latex foam is made of rubber wood), is not afraid of water and washing, characterized by wear resistance and antibacterial properties, hypoallergenic. Natural latex is soft and elastic - it has the ability to adapt to the shape of the head. In the finished product, the latex content in the composition is 20-80%, the rest is styrene-butadien synthetic latex. The mixed composition filler is more wear -resistant and elastic, cheaper in production, and also makes the pillow easier. Products containing at least 85% of natural rubber as a filler are considered to be products from natural latex, they are marked as “100% Latex Natural Origin”;
  • from bamboo - natural bamboo fiber is distinguished by antistatic properties, prevents the reproduction of bacteria, hypoallergenically, perfectly ventilated. The technological process of fiber production allows you to maintain all the beneficial properties of the starting material - it is believed that a bamboo pillow can moisturize and tone the skin, as well as gently regulate blood circulation and metabolic processes. Bamboo pillows differ in high durability, withstand many washes.   These products are soft and delicate, you can choose a bamboo pillow for children, as well as the elderly.


As an alternative to natural fillers, you can choose pillows made of synthetic materials - such products are hypoallergenic, do not accumulate dust and smell, keep their shape well and ventilate, easy to care (most species can be washed in a washing machine).

The following synthetic materials are used as part of the pillows:

  • a synthetic winterizer - wear -resistant filler made of polyester fiber, without smell, lasts about 10 years;
  • silicone - is characterized by high elasticity, such a pillow is magnificent and quickly restores the shape;
  • comfortel - a filler consisting of synthetic fiber balls, is easily erased and holds the shape perfectly;
  • holofiber - filler from hollow fibers of polyester, high -quality substitute for natural fluff and pen. In the composition of the filler of orthopedic pillows, a mixture of holofayber and natural wool is used;
  • materials with memory effect - designed taking into account nanotechnologies. In the process of use, take a form convenient for the position of the head and neck of a person, while restoring their initial configuration in a few seconds. 22

How to choose an orthopedic pillow

For comfortable placement of the head and neck, relaxation of the spine, reducing stress and pain in osteochondrosis, it is recommended to choose an orthopedic pillow.


These products are classic as well as ergonomic shape (with special recesses and rollers to reduce the load on the spine), or using materials with memory effect, massage granules.

The modern pillow of Assonia takes the shape of the body, sensitively responding to pressure and heat, evenly distributing the load over the entire surface of the product, while creating a feeling of lightness and comfort. The filler of the pillow is a microgranula of sodium -harvesting glass, due to the absorption of excess electricity, the effect of the returned heat, as well as the corrective orthopedic effect, allows us to normalize sleep.


How to choose a pillow.  Video



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