
How to make wine from cherries at home. Simple recipes of home wine from cherries step by step with photo

How to make wine from cherries at home. Simple recipes of home wine from cherries step by step with photo
How to make home wine from cherries - recipes. How to make wine from cherries at home step by step with a photo. Homemade wine from cherries.

Homemade wine has a special taste and energy. It can be prepared not only from grapes, but also from cherries or cherries. In order for homemade wine to get fragrant, with a unique cherry taste, some standel rules must be observed at home. In this article, we will learn how to cook wine from cherries, what devices and materials for this will be needed, what are the secrets of home winemaking.

Wine from cherries at home - the subtleties of cooking

  • If cherries do not have a pronounced aroma and juiciness, then when preparing homemade wine from this berry, berries are most often added - black currants, cherries, strawberries, etc.
  • For delicious home wine from cherries, it is advisable to choose berries of dark-beard or almost black. Varieties such as Vladimirskaya, Schirpotreb, Shubinka, Lyubskaya, Flight have long earned love and recognition from winemakers. Drinks are fragrant and with dark color.
  • The advantage of home wine from cherries is that drinks do not need a lot of endurance before use. You can tasting wine from cherries immediately in the year of manufacture.
  • For the manufacture of homemade wine from cherries, you need to select exceptionally ripe fruits. They can be overripe, but in no case should there be traces of mold on the cherries.
  • On the surface of the cherries, which was only tore off the branches, special microorganisms are present. It is for this reason that it is impossible to wash the cherries before the preparation of wine. It is also not recommended to collect cherries for wine after heavy rain. If you wash the berries, then the leaven for wine will wander well.
  • It is desirable to cook wine from cherries on the day on which the berries were collected.
  • Getting rid of bones in cherries is a rather time -consuming process. But experienced winemakers recommend not to do this. Wine made of berries with bones will have a unique tart and rich taste. You can easily get rid of bones at the stage of straying wine.
  • From the cherries you can cook strong, light, dessert or liquor wine. Its fortress will depend on how much sugar you use in the preparation of wine.
  • To improve the processes of fermentation of wine from cherries, a special starter is sometimes added. Take care of its preparation 10 days before you do wine. A starter is prepared for wine of 2 glasses of cherries (you can add other ripe berries), 250 ml of water and 100 grams of sugar. All components are placed in a bottle, tightly clogged, put in a dark and warm place for fermentation. After a few days, the sourdough will be ready. Before adding it to the wine, the leaven is filtered.
  • After fermentation, wine from the cherries will form a natural precipitate, which should be eliminated. Usually the wine is poured with a hose to another container. When you are in the sediment in wine, you will lighten it.
  • In order to give the taste of home wine from cherries greater saturation, citric acid is used. This component also extends the shelf life of such a drink.
  • If you are going to store homemade cherries for a long time, then the capacitance of wine is better to pasteurize. For this, the bottles should be tightly clogged. For reliability, the neck of the container is wrapped with twine. Then the bottles of wine are placed in a large pan with cold water so that the water reaches half of the height of the bottle. Water is heated to 60 degrees for 15 minutes. Then the wine is cooled. Some winemakers prefer a hot spill of wine. They heat the wine to 60 degrees, and then pour it into bottles.
  • The temperature is one of the most important points that you should know if you are going to make homemade wine from cherries. The optimum temperature for fermentation processes is 20-30 degrees of heat. If the temperature drops to 10-11 degrees, then the yeast will stop their activities. If the temperature is too high, then the yeast will also die.
  • Great homemade wine can be prepared from wild forest cherries. But in order to get rid of bitterness, it is better to combine a forest berry with a variety berry, add currants, etc. If you give guilty from the wild cherry to infuse for 9 months, then you can get a drink that resembles vermouth to taste.

We calculate the fortress of home wine from cherries

Is it possible to make wine from the cherries very strong? Or light? Of course, each winemaker has its own technology for making home wine from cherries. If you are just starting to make wine at home, then to determine the fortress and sweets of wine, you can focus on the following data:

  • to get a light table wine, you will need 16 kg of cherries, 9.6 liters of juice from the total of cherries, 600 grams of sugar, 21.6 grams of wine acid, 20 grams of oily acid;
  • to get strong table wine, you will need 15.5 kg of cherries, 9.3 liters of juice from all volume of cherries, 1100 grams of sugar, 22.8 grams of vinocaman acid, 30 grams of acidic acid;
  • to get strong sweet wine, you will need 14 kg of cherries, 8.4 liters of juice from the total cherry volume, 2600 grams of sugar, 56.4 grams of vinocaman acid, 30 grams of acidic acid;
  • to get dessert wine, you will need 13.4 kg of cherries, 8 liters of juice from the total cherries, 3400 grams of sugar, 58 grams of wine -ocamic acid, 30 grams of acidic acid;
  • to get liquor wine, you will need 10.9 kg of cherries, 6.5 liters of juice from the total cherry volume, 5700 grams of sugar, 94 grams of vinocaman acid, 30 grams of acidic acid.

Of these proportions of the products, 10 liters of wort will be obtained. It is noticed that yellow and white varieties of cherries are better suited for strong wines, but dark varieties of cherries are simply perfect for light drinks.

Wine recipes from cherries at home

Wine from cherries with bones

Some winemakers prefer not to remove cherries from cherries in order to achieve a piquant almond flavor of wine. Sometimes the bones are even specially grinded so that the taste becomes even more saturated. But this method of making homemade wine from cherries has opponents. Consider one of the recipes for making homemade cherries with bones. You will need:

  • cherries - 15 kg;
  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • tanny acid - 35 g;
  • vinocaman acid - 60 g;
  • wine yeast.

So, we proceed to the preparation of light wine from red cherries with a fortress of 10-12%:

  • we begin to prepare cherries. You can’t wash them, if there is a need, then simply wipe it with a cloth;
  • take a separate container over which you will squeeze the seeds. During this process, a lot of juice will be released, which is necessarily useful for the preparation of wine;
  • save 5-6% of the seeds from their entire volume. The rest of the bones will not be useful;
  • mix the cherries with the juice that formed when squeezed out, cover with a clean towel and leave for 2 days at room temperature;
  • after 2 days, squeeze the juice from the cherries with gauze. You should get about 10 liters of cherries;
  • from the juice received, we begin to prepare a wort. Add to it wineocamous and tannic acids according to the recipe, 2,600 grams of sugar and wine yeast in the proportions indicated on the packaging;
  • add the seeds in the wort and mix thoroughly;
  • now homemade wine needs to be poured into a suitable clean container, tightly closed, install a hydraulic survey and put for fermentation. Typically, fermentation processes occur most actively in a dark place at a temperature of 20 degrees of heat. But you focus on the instructions on the packaging of wine yeast that you used;
  • if air bubbles cease to form in the water plant, the wine stopped wandering. At the bottom of the container, you can notice a natural precipitate, from which you need to get rid by transfusing wine into another container using a thin hose, droppers or siphon;
  • now homemade wine should ripen. Pour it into a glass bottle, add the remaining sugar, install the water seal. The wine should ripen at a temperature of 5 to 16 degrees of heat;
  • wine from cherries with bones will ripen for 2 months, during which you need to pour the drink 4 times into another container in order to get rid of sediment;
  • after ripening, we pour homemade wine into the bottles in which it will be stored. The drink will purchase a more saturated taste for another 3-6 months.

Simple recipe for cherry wine

The simplest recipes for preparing home wine from cherries require a minimum set of products. Consider one of the most popular recipes:

  • cherries - 10 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 25 gr.

We proceed to cooking delicious home wine from cherries:

  • first you need to get rid of the bones of the cherries, since they will not be useful to us. You can do it manually or use a special device. Squeeze the bones over the container to collect the formed juice there;
  • mix cherries without bones with juice and water. Cover the container with a clean towel or gauze and leave the berries for 3 days;
  • check the cherries every day and mix thoroughly;
  • after 3 days, you can notice a “hat” of bubbles on the surface of the berries. This means that the berries roam. With the help of gauze, separate the juice from the pulp;
  • now you need to choose a container suitable for fermentation of wine. Its volume should be 30% more than the volume of wine;
  • mix the cherry juice with 400 grams of sugar and with the entire volume of citric acid. We pour the juice into the container and install the water seizure on top;
  • in order for the drink to wander well, it must be put in a dark and warm place with a temperature of 17 to 25 degrees of heat;
  • after 4 days, you need to open the container, cast 1 liter of wort, add 300 grams of sugar to it and pour back into the container. After another 3 days, you need to cast 1 liter again and add 300 grams of sugar again. After that, the wort is left to roam in the same warm and dark place for another 25-30 days;
  • about a month later, the drink is poured through a thin hose or other device into the container in which the wine will be stored. Before that, you can try wine and determine whether sugar still needs to add. In order to stop the possible fermentation processes, a little alcohol is added to the wine. Its volume should be about 10-13% of the total volume of wine;

  • now homemade wine is ready for storage. It is advisable to choose a room where the air temperature will be from 5 to 17 degrees of heat. Young wine from cherries at first storage must be checked. If you notice the sediment at the bottom of the bottle, then pour the drink into another container through a thin hose or a medical dropper to get rid of it. As soon as the sediment stops appearing, homemade cherries are ready for use.

Wine from yellow cherries with gooseberries

How to make wine from cherries using other berries? Other berries are often added to the cherries from cherries to make the taste and color of the drink more saturated. Consider the recipe for making wine from yellow cherries with the addition of gooseberries. You will need the next set of products:

  • yellow cherries - 9 kg;
  • gooseberries - 3 kg;
  • 500 g of raisins;
  • 6.5 kg of sugar.

We start preparing home wine:

  • berries do not need to be washed before cooking. If there is a need, then just wipe the individual berries with a clean cloth. Make seeds from the cherries;
  • now, with the help of a clean gauze cut, you need to carefully squeeze the berries;
  • do not throw away the pulp, mix it again with the juice of the berries, add raisins and sugar;
  • now you need to choose a capacity of a suitable size. It is necessary that the entire volume of the wort enters the bottle, and that there is enough space to add boiled water. Water must be added so that it covers the pulp 5 cm higher;
  • on a bottle with a worship, set the water seal and put in a dark and warm place with a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees;
  • when you notice that the fermentation processes have stopped, transfer the bottle to a cooler place for lightening;
  • as soon as the sediment falls on the bottom of the bottle, pour the drink into another container. You will notice that the wine was noticeably brighter;
  • after the sediment stops falling out, the time has come to pour wine into beautiful storage bottles. In each bottle, you first need to place 30 grams of sugar, and then pour a home drink. The bottles are tightly clogged and stored in a dark and cool place. It is advisable to guilty to brew for 12 months, after which you can start tasting.

Wine from cherries and cherries

Wine from cherries and wine from cherries have different taste shades. The cherry contains more natural acid, and in the cherries there are more sweets. If you combine these two berries when preparing home wine, you will get a bright taste and extraordinary aroma. You will need to make wine:

  • cherries and cherries (in a proportion 2: 1);
  • 500 grams of sugar;
  • wine yeast.

Consider the technology of preparing wine from cherries and cherries:

  • prepare cherries and cherries. It is not necessary to wash the berries, just tear off the leaves, stems, you also need to remove the seeds;

  • next, the berries must be chopped with a blender;
  • heat 2 liters of water and dissolve sugar in it;
  • add cooled sugar syrup to puree from cherries and cherries;
  • next, add wine yeast to the mixture in the proportion indicated on the package. We pour the wort into a large jar or bottle, cover with a clean cloth on top and place in a dark and warm place for fermentation for 3 days. Every day mix the wort;
  • then the wort should be filtered with a gauze cut. Carefully squeeze the berry pulp. Pour the drink into a clean container, install the water seizure and put it in a dark place for 3 months. During this period, a precipitate will fall on the bottom of the bottle, from which you need to get rid of. Using a thin hose or droppers, pour wine into another container;
  • after 3 months, you can pour wine into the bottles in which it will be stored. It is too early to consume wine. It should take about 2 months so that the drink becomes light.

Wine or cherry pouring

Pouring is called a rather sweet alcoholic tincture on berries or fruits. Cherry is just an ideal berry for making such a drink. There is a technology for preparing a filing with vodka and without vodka. Consider the preparation option without the use of alcohol. For cherries, you will need:

  • cherries - 2 kg;
  • water - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg.

We proceed to the preparation of cherries in cherries:

  • from the non -washed cherries, remove the seeds manually or using a special device. Some winemakers do not extract bones to give the bulk to a tart almond flavor;
  • take a clean 3-liter jar. Pour a small part of sugar to the bottom, then place a layer of berries and continue to alternate the layers;

  • pour berries sprinkled with sugar, water;
  • on the jar, install the water seizure;
  • put the container in the most dark and very warm place for 1-1.5 months;
  • after the fermentation processes are finished, filter the wine from the berry arrow with gauze. Pour the drink into a clean container and close tightly;
  • after 2 or 3 days, filter the wine again. This time you can use cotton wool to get rid of the smallest particles of the peak;
  • pour homemade wine into clean and beautiful bottles in which it will be stored;
  • after 2-4 months, cherries are ready for use.

Homemade wine from the cherries - the mistress

  1. If the wine from the cherries is not sour, add citric acid.
  2. If homemade wine turned out too hard, then add sugar.
  3. If you want to make a fortified drink of cherries, add vodka during cooking.
  4. If you plan to store homemade wine from cherries for a long time at a temperature exceeding 5 degrees of heat, then the capacitance with the drink must be pasteurization.
  5. Store bottles with home wine from the cherries should be in a horizontal position so that the cork from the inside is immersed in the wine. So the air will not penetrate the container.
  6. If you do not have a water plant, then you can use ordinary medical rubber glove. It is put on the neck of a bottle of worship. When the fermentation processes begin to occur, the glove will inflate. So that she does not burst, just make a puncture with a needle on one of the "fingers" gloves. When the fermentation processes end, the glove will “fall”.

Wine from cherries - video

Summer is a great time to prepare a fragrant wine made of delicious and ripe cherries. Depending on what kind of cherry variety you choose, what technology for preparing wine you choose, the drink can turn out to be dark red, scarlet or golden color.



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