
Lavash roll recipes

Lavash roll recipes
Delicious recipes for lavash rolls to the everyday and festive table.

Lavash is a flour product of Armenian cuisine. It occupies an honorable place on a par with Slavic wheat bread. Traditionally, Lavash is served with Armenian broth Hash and eaten with barbecue. In order to arouse appetite in front of the main meal, cheese and fresh dill are wrapped in it. They call such a roll in Armenia "Durum".

In addition to such a roll of Armenian lavash, another dish is also famous - Brutch. Blacks are called lavash rolls prepared with different fillings. The rim can be based on cheese, meat, boiled eggs, greens and spices. Today, these dishes and variations on the topic of rolls have become so popular in many countries that the number of recipes and fillings for thin lavash rolls is difficult to count. Therefore, in order not to be confused in this abundance, we suggest getting to know the most common recipes for lavash rolls with a photo.

Fragrant homemade Armenian lavash


For the preparation of lavash rolls, thick lavash is not used. You need to choose a thin one. It can no doubt be bought in any store, but it is much more pleasant to cook it at home.

Real Armenian lavash in shape resembles an oblong pancake, 1 m long and 40 cm wide, weighing about 450 g. It has an intrinsic color after cooking, due to different thicknesses of the middle and edges.

To prepare Armenian lavash at home, you need to set the maximum temperature of the oven, as well as stock up on the necessary ingredients.

How to cook homemade Armenian lavash:

  1. We dilute fresh yeast (25 g) in a glass of warm water, add a tablespoon of salt.
  2. In a separate container, we sift 1 kg of wheat flour, make a recess in the middle and pour into the funnel the yeast dissolved in warm water.
  3. We begin to knead the dough with our hands, adding water (500-700 ml) if necessary, the amount of water depends on how much the dough will take. After several minutes of kneading in a bowl, we transfer the dough to the working surface, after sprinkling it with a small amount of flour. We continue to work with the test.
  4. The whole process will take you about 20 minutes. After all the efforts made, your dough should not pester with your hands and be cool.
  5. We transfer the finished dough into a deep dish, sprinkle it with flour on top, cover it with cling film and send it to a warm place. You will see how the dough will gradually increase.
  6. The rising dough should be shifted to the surface, having previously sprinkled it with flour, dividing into several small balls.
  7. We roll the balls subtly, giving them an oval or rounded shape.
  8. We send the lavash to the oven, having previously warming up the oven. Do not forget that the heating temperature should be maximum.
  9. After cooking, we transfer the finished lavash to the bag so that the cakes remain soft.

Fragrant home -made lavash is ready.

Lavash rouletics with fish: salmon and smoked salmon


How to cook lavash roulettics with salmon:

  1. Carefully lubricate the surface of a large lavash sheet with soft cheese (250 g), distributing it evenly. Here you can use any soft cheese depending on taste preferences: creamy, cottage cheese, melted.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut pieces of slightly salted salmon (300 g) with thin plates and distribute the fish evenly, on top of the cheese base.
  3. We clean the cucumber from the peel, cut into strips, put the salmon on top. You can also lay out the leaves of the salad on top.
  4. We wrap the lavash with filling. When serving, we cut the roulettic obliquely into portioned pieces, put it on a dish.
  5. For decoration, you can put on a dish along with pieces of rolls from salmon of slices of cherry tomatoes, fresh cucumber sloses.

Despite the fact that the salmon salmon, do not try to put it a lot in a roll, otherwise it may turn out to be too salty.

How to cook lavash rouletics with smoked salmon:

  1. If you have a large sheet of lavash, share it in half. But it is better to use 2 middle sheets.
  2. Using a vegetable cleaning, cut the cucumber strips.
  3. The first half of the lavash is spread with caviar oil (250 g), lay out evenly straws of cucumber.
  4. We put the second half of the sheet of the lavash on top of the cucumber layer and spread it with melted cheese (250 g). We spread on top of the cheese base thin slices of smoked salmon. Sprinkle fish with chopped greens.
  5. We turn the lavash with the filling into the roll, wrap it with cling film and send it to the refrigerator for about an hour.
  6. With a sharp knife, cut a roll with salmon into portioned pieces and serve to the table.

If you have chosen salmon you have chosen, it seems to you unsalted, then you can replace a fresh cucumber with salty.

Piquant lavash steamers with crab sticks


How to cook a crab steering wheel from a lavash:

  1. We cut a large lavash into 3 equal parts.
  2. Cut the slightly salted salmon (300 g) thin slices.
  3. We spread the first part of the lavash with a thin layer of soft cheese (100 g), lay out crab sticks (200 g) on \u200b\u200btop.
  4. On top of the first layer we put the second lavash layer, lubricate it with soft cheese (100 g), sprinkle with herbs and grated hard cheese (200 g), spread the lettuce leaves on top.
  5. We cover the second layer with the third layer of the lavash, again lubricate it with a soft cheese (100 g), lay out the plates of chopped low salted salmon (300 g), sprinkle the fish with chopped greens.
  6. 3 layers of the lavash with filling we turn into a dense steering wheel, wrap it with cling film. We send for a couple of hours to a cool place.

Lavash rouletics with ham and yogurt sauce


How to make a lavash rocket with ham and sauce:

  1. We wash a bunch of fresh herbs and salad leaves in clean water, dried. Finely chop the greens, cut the leaves of the salad coarsely.
  2. We cut the pepper in half, remove the seeds, partitions, rinse the peeled halves, cut them with stripes.
  3. The ham (200 g) is cut into thin plates.
  4. Mix chopped greens with melted cheese (250 g).
  5. We distribute the finished mass of cheese and greens evenly along the leaf of the lavash, on top we spread the slices of ham and strips of pepper.
  6. We turn the lavash with the filling into the roll, send it to the refrigerator for an hour, having previously wrapped it in the dietary film.
  7. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. We knead in a separate container of feta cheese (100 g), add 30 ml of olive oil to the resulting mass, a squeezed clove of garlic, a chopped bunch of fresh basil, pour 200 ml of yogurt (without taste flavors and fillers), mix everything thoroughly. We season the yogurt sauce to taste with pepper and salt.
  8. Cut the chilled roll into pieces and serve it with the sauce.

Fitty lavash rolls with mushrooms and onions


How to make lavash roulettics with mushrooms and onion-cata:

  1. From a leather onion, we take only a white part of it, cut it in half rings, pass it in vegetable oil.
  2. Add mushrooms (400 g) to the cassed onion (400 g), fry until cooked. We season the filling to taste spices, give her time to cool.
  3. We share 200 g of melted cheese into 3 equal parts. Mix the first part of the melted cheese with half of the chopped greens. We spread 1 part of the lavash part of the first sheet.
  4. We put the second sheet of the lavash on top, spread it with the second part of the melted cheese, and distribute the onion and griting filling over the cheese base.
  5. We lay the third sheet of the lavash on an onion-gear filling, smear it with the remaining melted cheese with herbs.
  6. We turn everything into a dense roll. We send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours, let it soak and cut it into rolls.

Fried roulettics from lavash with greens


How to cook fried lavash roulettics with greens:

  1. Rinse any greens thoroughly, dry it and finely chop it.
  2. Mix chopped greens with sour cream (150 g) and grated hard cheese (100 g), season to taste.
  3. We spread the filling on a sheet of lavash, distributing it evenly, turn everything into a roll.
  4. We cut the resulting roll into several small rolls.
  5. Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil, lay out the rolls and bake them in the oven for about 10 minutes, after heating it to a temperature of 200 degrees. You can also use the grill or just fry the rolls with greens in a pan.

Baked lavash rouletics with chicken and a cold snack with chicken, egg


How to cook baked lavash roulettics with chicken:

  1. The chicken fillet (300 g) is washed and cut into small pieces.
  2. We pass one carrot, 1 bell pepper and 200 g of onions in vegetable oil, 1 bell pepper.
  3. We send pieces of chopped fillets to the saved vegetables, fry all together until cooked, let the filling cool the time.
  4. Lavash cut into wide ribbons. We lay out the filling on each tape, turn the rolls.
  5. Pour half a glass of chicken broth on a lubricated baking sheet for baking and lay out rolls.
  6. We send them to the oven and bake them at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15 minutes.
  7. Serve hot with your favorite sauce.


How to cook a cold bustle of lavash with chicken and egg:

  1. Boil the chicken breast (500 g) until complete readiness, not forgetting to pre -sunken water.
  2. We cut the finished breast arbitrarily, but not very small.
  3. We cut the bell pepper peeled from seeds and partitions by strips.
  4. Boil 2 hard -boiled eggs and cut them with small cubes.
  5. Mix chicken fillet with chopped ingredients.
  6. Lubricate the lavash with mayonnaise, evenly lay out the leaves of the salad on top and lay out the meat filling seasoned to taste.
  7. We turn the lavash with the filling into the roll, let him soak in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  8. When serving, we cut the roll into small portioned pieces, with a thickness of 3 to 5 cm, we do it carefully so that the filling does not fall.

Lavash steering wheel. Video



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