
Recipe for cooking cottage cheese cheesecakes

Recipe for cooking cottage cheese cheesecakes
Preparation of cottage cheese cheesecakes: features, secrets, step -by -step recipes.

Syerniks, how tasty it sounds, the name itself already transfers to childhood, when a grandmother calls with a fresh milk in the morning for breakfast with amazing cheesecakes.

The history of the origin of cottage cheese cheesecakes is unknown to the end. Who suggests that this is a dish of Ukrainian cuisine, who believes that the founder of this gastronomic masterpiece is the Baltic cuisine. But we know for sure that this is not only a delicious dish, but also healthy. Cottage cheese is a valuable and delicious fermented milk product. They make it from natural milk with a squash, separating cottage cheese and serum. At the same time, all beneficial substances remain in the finished product. A few children will persuade you to just eat cottage cheese with sour cream or kefir, but cheesecakes of the kids rush with great pleasure.

Unfortunately, a fried dish of sour -milk cheese is often associated with fatty foods. Our article proposes recipes for various curd cheesecakes, not only prepared in a pan, but also baked in the oven. These dishes are ideal for the whole family, and they will be especially useful for children. The vastness of the Internet is full of various recipes for curd cheesecakes with a photo, but we offer the most delicious and convenient ways to prepare them.

Classic recipe for cheesecakes


The step -by -step recipe for classic cheesecakes in the oven will not leave indifferent even the most demanding culinary connoisseurs.


  • flour - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1/2 tsp.;
  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • baking powder - 1/2 tsp.;
  • sugar - 80 g.


  1. To begin with, we will prepare the products: we will put the ingredients on the table, and we will pre -wash the eggs in saline.
  2. We take a small bowl and break the eggs there, add sugar and mix well with a fork, this contributes to the rapid solution of sugar.
  3. We pour all this mixture into the bowl of the blender for further whipping. This process will take no more than 5 minutes.
  4. Next, we send cottage cheese to the mixture of eggs with sugar and continue to whisk, it turns out such a thick curd mass.
  5. Mix the sifted flour with baking powder and add parts to the blender so that it beats evenly and without lumps.
  6. In conclusion, add vanilla sugar, which will give cheesecakes an incredible aroma.
  7. Now the turn of baking has come. We heat the oven and let the baking sheet a little, literally 5 minutes, take it out of the oven and lubricate it with vegetable oil. This is necessary so that the cheesecakes do not burn and do not stick to the tin surface. You can also put cheesers on parchment paper, but previously also grease with oil.
  8. We spread the curd mixture with a spoon and give it the shape of the circles about 1 cm high. We fill the entire surface and send it to the oven preheated to 220 ° C for 30 minutes.
  9. Ready -made cheesecakes can be sprinkled with powder or vanilla sugar for decoration and sweets.

Cottage cheesecakes with Manka and Raisins



  • apples - 600 g;
  • potato starch - 2 tbsp;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • a little ground cinnamon;
  • semolina - 4 tbsp;
  • sugar powder for sprinkling;
  • milk or water - 150 ml.


  1. We thoroughly wash raisins under running water, 2 - 3 times. Then pour boiling water and leave for half an hour. We drain the water and dry the raisins on a paper towel.
  2. Put the oil and sugar in a bowl, beat everything with a mixer.
  3. Cook semolina (3 tbsp) on water or milk. To do this, heat milk (water) and begin to interfere with a spoon, making a funnel. Slowly we pour the semolina and continue to stir until complete readiness.
  4. We take another bowl, mix the yolks, cooled semolina, starch and whipped oil with sugar in it. For complete grinding, it is better to beat everything thoroughly with a blender.
  5. Rinse the apples, clean it from the peel and rub on a coarse grater.
  6. We heat the oven to 160 ° C.
  7. In a large bowl, beat with a pinch of salt of proteins, add cooled raisins and apples, mix well.
  8. Then we transfer the entire contents of the first bowl to the proteins. Mix everything well with a spoon.
  9. We distribute the dough into parchment molds. We spread on a baking sheet and send to the preheated oven for 1 hour at 160 ° C.
  10. We take out fragrant cheesecakes from the oven, serve warm, sprinkling with powdered sugar or favorite jam. Bon appetit!

Cottage cheesecakes in the oven: recipe without flour



  • cottage cheese 1.8% fat - 360 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • vanilla sugar is a pinch.


  1. Rinse raisins under running water, let the water drain, dry it with a paper towel.
  2. In a convenient mixing container, break 1 egg, separate the protein from the yolk into different containers.
  3. We chop the cottage cheese well with a fork. Add vanillin a pinch and mix with cottage cheese.
  4. Add cottage cheese to a bowl with yolk, and beat the protein in the second bowl.
  5. Next, connect the whipped protein with cottage cheese and yolk, mix well with a spoon.
  6. Add the boiled raisins to the common curd mass. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  7. Warm up the oven.
  8. We begin to put the resulting dough into silicone molds. Put them on a baking sheet and send them to the oven. In 30 - 35 minutes at 180 ° C, the cheesecakes are browned and will gain a delicious look.
  9. It is important during the preparation period of cheesecakes must be turned over so that they are browned from all sides.
  10. Serve hot with home sour cream or strawberry jam. Bon appetit!

Lush cottage cheese cheesecakes with photos


Unfortunately, not everyone has the time to prepare cheese rods in the oven. We also offer recipes for cheesecakes in a pan. In order for them to be eaten by children, you just need to let them drain, using paper towels.


  • flour - 200 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • semolina - 100 g;
  • cream or sour cream;
  • vanilla sugar - a pinch;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • jam for feeding.


Preparation of magnificent, air, delicious cottage cheese cheesecakes.

  1. We break the eggs, add vanilla and ordinary sugar, beat with a whisk so that the crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. We knead the cottage cheese with a fork and pour into the egg mixture. All the ingredients mix well.
  3. Add semolina to the resulting curd mass, let stand a little so that the porridge has time to swell, and then mix.
  4. We begin to form cheesecakes, rolling them in flour, helping ourselves with a spatula. If the dough is very liquid, you can add a little more cottage cheese or semolina.
  5. We heat the pan, pour a little vegetable oil there.
  6. Next, we take a bowl of cold water, dip a tablespoon there and pick up the dough. So the dough does not stick to the spoon. We spread in a well -heated pan, giving them a shape. We turn it over after the cheesecake acquires a golden color.
  7. Warm the warm cheesecakes with honey or sour cream, also serve with jam and call the whole family for tea drinking. Children will be delighted. Bon appetit!

Cottage cheesecakes without eggs with banana



  • ripe banana - 1 pc.;
  • raisins - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • oatmeal - 50 - 70 g;
  • vanilla sugar - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil.


The recipe for cottage cheese cheesecakes with a banana differs from the rest in that the composition does not include wheat flour, but oatmeal is used. You should not even say that they are suitable for people who adhere to diets. At the request of the banana, you can replace other fruit, for example, apples, plums, pears, etc.

  1. Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, knead a little with a fork.
  2. We cut the banana into pieces, send it to the bowl of the blender and beat to the puree mass.
  3. We wash the raisins several times under running water and met the moisture with a paper towel.
  4. Add banana and raisins to the curd mass, mix everything.
  5. Pour the flour into the container with the mixture, constantly stirring everything with a spoon.
  6. We take the throat, sprinkle well with flour and lay out the formed cheesecakes there with a tablespoon. We collapse the cottage cheese mixture, while giving the shape to the future dessert.
  7. We heat a pan with several tablespoons of vegetable oil. We carefully spread the cheesecakes so that the oil does not spray, and fry on both sides until golden crust.
  8. Serve with sour cream and a sprig of fresh mint, sprinkled with a small amount of powdered sugar. Bon appetit!

A classic simple recipe for cheesecakes in a pan


This recipe is familiar to all housewives from childhood, I want to share it with you. It can be called a little differently-cheesecakes from the curd mixture, since we do not add flour to the dough at all, only for collapsing to keep the shape. The recipe itself is very simple and fast, which makes it possible for housewives even in the morning before work to cover a magnificent breakfast for the whole family. The dessert is very tender and beautiful.


  • cottage cheese mass - 600 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar to taste;
  • flour.


  1. Pour the sweet cheese mass into a deep bowl and wander with a fork or a crush for mashed potatoes.
  2. Add a small amount of sugar and try so that it is not fresh and very sweet. You can also add half the vanilla sugar bag. Mix everything well.
  3. We take the board, pour 3 tbsp. l. flour and distribute it over the entire surface of the board. Next, we begin to spread the curd mass on the flour with a tablespoon. So that the cheese mass does not stick to the surface, we dip the spoon in cold water before this and further after each time.
  4. With the help of a flat knife, we give the form of cheesecakes. We do this because the cheesecakes are very tender so that they do not fall apart.
  5. During the formation of cheesecakes, we set to warm up the pan. Pour vegetable oil. Fry cheesecakes on both sides until golden crust.
  6. We serve the finished dessert with sour cream, jam or honey, at your request. Bon appetit!

Useful dietary cheesecakes steamed with raspberry sauce


Steam cheese or cottage cheese is a very easy and simple recipe. If you ever used a slow cooker, you could make sure that it is convenient, fast and useful. To prepare such cheesecakes, you need a standard set: eggs, cottage cheese, flour and sugar. As additional ingredients, you can use what the soul wishes: jam, sour cream, jams, berries and fruit sauces.

One minus in these cheesecakes is that they do not look attractive in the preparation process, have a pale look, but they taste not inferior than fried. But they turn out to be gentle, dietary and useful, which is important for people with health problems and for children. And not a very sighted look, we will fix the delicious raspberry sauce.

The big plus is that these cheesecakes can be cooked in the evening, poured into molds and put in a slow cooker, while setting it up on the “deferred start” function. And in the morning you will attract the smell of fresh, delicious cheesecakes.


  • sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 2 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • frozen or fresh raspberries.


  1. We put all the products on the table and proceed to the cooking process.
  2. Pour the cottage cheese into a deep bowl, break 2 eggs, add the flour and beat well with a mixer to the state of the curd mass. You can use a blender. As a result, the dough should not turn out to be very tight, but also inanimate.
  3. Then we put the resulting dough into silicone molds, having previously lubricated them with vegetable oil. If not, molds, you can give shape on your own using a shoulder blade or flat knife in the form of a cake and lay in a slow cooker at a short distance from each other.
  4. We pour 1/3 of water into a double boiler and send tumors with cheesecakes there. You can attract your baby to these processes. This exciting activity will cheer him up. Cover with a lid. And after 30 minutes the first batch of cheesecakes is ready.
  5. We give the finished dessert time not to cool in a double boiler. At this time, we lay the next batch of cheesecakes and proceed to the preparation of raspberry sauce.
  6. We take frozen or fresh raspberry berries and put them in a stewpan. Add sugar to taste and heat on the stove until it is completely dissolved. We let cool the sauce and water the finished cheesecakes.
  7. For lovers of raisins, you can also cook cottage cheese rosemen with raisins, prepare it first, and add at the end to the curd mix. Bon appetit!

How to cook delicious cheesecakes: secrets


  1. It is better to take cottage cheese in medium fat content or dry, so that the cheesecakes do not blur in a pan or oven, but keep their shape.
  2. Do not forget to rinse the eggs well before use.
  3. In order for the cheesecakes to be not tight or, conversely, not spread in a pan, while gaining a blurry shape, the flour needs to be added in parts and gradually, until the necessary result is achieved.
  4. Put the forms of cheesecakes more conveniently with a flat knife.
  5. It is important to lay out cheesecakes on a well -heated pan or a hot oven. For the pan, this can be checked as follows: take a piece of finished dough and throw it in the pan, if they appear around the bubbles, you can safely cook cheesecakes.
  6. It is important for ready -made cheesecakes to give a little cool, and then water them with honey, jam or sour cream. Or you can serve sauces in separate bowls.

Cheeslash are very nutritious and suitable as for breakfast, so after a half and lunch. This article describes various recipes of cheesecakes, we offer to try everyone and choose something special for themselves.



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