
How to cook a broker in a beer in Bavarian at home. Step -by -step recipes for sillars in a beer in the oven. Preparation of the beer in a beer in a slow cooker

How to cook a broker in a beer in Bavarian at home. Step -by -step recipes for sillars in a beer in the oven. Preparation of the beer in a beer in a slow cooker
Appetizing baked pork slyka in beer: the best dozen recipes with photos and step -by -step cooking at home.

A ruddy, fried, fragrant and mouth -watering pork knuckle has long won the status of one of the best snacks for beer. In Bavaria, this dish is served at the largest beer festival - Oktoberfest, and in the Czech Republic a baked mall, known as “BECHEN VEPREVE CHEEL”, is one of the favorite dishes.

Baked pork slyka is very popular in many countries and is loved by gourmets not only beer, but also admirers of delicious juicy meat. The dish can decorate even the most festive table. How to cook a shank in beer at home? How to marin and bake meat correctly to hit relatives with a hearty and delicious dinner? All answers in today's selection of material. And step -by -step recipes with photos will help to cope with the task even to a novice cook.

How to choose the right pork chair?

What is the pork shank? This is the name of the part of the pork leg from the knee joint to the lower leg (conditionally).

It would seem that rough muscles, connective tissue, thick skin and bone. What can be prepared from such a not very presentable set. It turns out that you can, and even a very tasty dish. Baked pork slyka in many countries is considered a favorite delicious delicacy. But in order for the dish to be possible, it is important not only to cook it correctly, but also to choose a good ham-only then the cooked slyka will be truly juicy and tender.

  • To prepare pork slices in beer, only fresh young meat must be used. This will provide a saturated meat taste for the dish, delicious aroma and soft meat.
  • It is important to pay attention to the appearance of the goglya: the color of the skin should be light, the smell is fresh, sweet, and when pressed, the meat should spring, which indicates its freshness.

  • Choosing a pork baking pork, it is better to take the back, which is considered more fleshy and soft. The front legs, as denser and sinewy, are better to leave for a junction.
  • The thicker and fleshy slyka, the tastier the dish will turn out. The meat on the leg should be pink, with thin streaks of fat. Naturally, in the context of the shank, 90% should consist of meat and only 10% - fat and skins framing it.
  • Perfectly chosen pork gogly should be completely covered with leather, without damage and slices. Otherwise, the meat will not be prepared evenly and lose its juiciness.
  • Before the preparation process, it is important to carefully clean the skin from dirt, blood and bristles. To do this, part of the pork legs are well washed and scooped up with a knife. At the same time, the skin cannot be cut off, otherwise the dish will lose the uniqueness of taste.

Features and beneficial properties of pork slices

  • Pork slyka is a tasty, juicy and delicious treat, which is unlikely to refuse. It is served with a variety of side dishes, sauces and spices.
  • They also prepare a pork knuckle in different ways: in the oven or in a slow cooker, and unusual marinades give the meat a special taste and aroma.
  • The most balanced and beneficial is the pork slyka baked with vegetables.
  • In addition to the baking option, you can prepare a nourishing soup or a delicious pork roll from the shank.

  • The dish, despite the high calorie content, contains a number of vitamins: H, PP, E and most vitamins of group B. Pork slyka are rich in as much valuable microelements for the human body as potassium, iron, fluorine, iodine, copper, calcium, etc.

Recipes for cooking pork slices in beer

There are a lot of recipes for cooking pork slices. The dish is very popular in many countries, which means that a number of transformations and interpretations have undergone.

Most often, the preparation technology includes the following stages: the pork gogan is first marinated, then boil and only after that is baked. Marinating a beer in a beer is a classic version of cooking. But in some recipes, the meat goglya is not just pickled, but also boiled in beer.

For a hearty dinner for two, one pork shank will be quite enough. The dish is nutritious and very tasty. The only drawback is for a long time to cook it. But the final result is truly worth all efforts.

So, consider the most popular and proven recipes for cooking pork goglya.

Recipe 1, baked pork slyka in beer

  • The pork slyka baked in beer is the most common classic version of cooking a goglyashki.
  • The homeland of the dish is Germany and the Czech Republic, famous for the manufacture of the most delicious beer. So, the background of creating a dish is the search for cooks of an ideal snack for beer, which, of course, became a baked pork shank.
  • Nowadays, the dish is still used as a snack, as well as simply as an independent dish for connoisseurs of delicate tasty and juicy meat with fat.

Necessary products:

  • 1.5 kg of pork goglyashki;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 liter of dark beer;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, peppercorns, cloves, caraway seeds);

Golyashki coating products (mixture to choose from):

  • salt, pepper, ready -made seasonings for meat or lard;
  • oregano, rosemary, turmeric, salt, mustard;
  • mustard, honey.

Consider a step -by -step recipe for a baked shank in beer with honey and mustard. The meat according to this recipe turns out to be delicate, with a sweetish caramelized and crispy crust. A similar option is an ideal serve to dark or light beer.

  • Prepare a goglyashka and vegetables: wash and clean.
  • Back the knuckle with cloves of garlic and pieces of carrots. To do this, a clove of garlic or a piece of carrots must be wetted in salt and placed in a neat, deep incision on the goglya. The cut is made with a sharp knife, trying to “injure” the skin as little as possible. It is important to nourish vegetables evenly over the entire surface, thus providing the suction of meat from the inside.
  • The next important stage is the pork pork pork. In order for the marinade to drink the meat as best as possible, it is necessary to make shallow cuts throughout the goglushka (better in a checkerboard pattern). Then, the stuffed s Sube is poured with beer and left for several hours.

  • Further, the pickled steering wheel is boiled. A deep pan is suitable for this, where the pork goglya will completely fit. The meat is poured with water, brought to a boil, remove the formed foam, and then add spices, a piece of carrots and a whole peeled onion to the broth. Vegetables will make it tastier and fragrant not only broth, but also the meat itself. Pork slyka is cooked over low heat for about 1.5-2 hours (it depends on its size).
  • While the goglisha is cooked, coating-sow is prepared. For this, equal parts of mustard and honey are mixed, for example, 2 tbsp. And add another 0.5 liter of beer (where the shank is pickled).

  • The resulting mixture is put on fire and brought to a warm state to get a homogeneous mixture.
  • The cooked chalk is placed in a container for further baking, pouring a prepared coating there. Carefully coat the sauce from all sides with the sauce.
  • The final stage is the baking of the meat. Put the shank in preheated to 180 0From the oven and bake it for about 45 minutes. At the same time, it is important to periodically (every 15 minutes) turn over and water the shank formed at the bottom of the fiber of the gravy. This will allow meat to bake evenly, and the crust is caramelize and brown.

Recipe 2, baked pork slyka in beer with sauerkraut

The Czech version of the baked pork slyka with sauerkraut is interesting. “Belly Belieming Knee” - this is the name of this dish in the Czech Republic.

A baked ferocious cabbage is considered an ideal side dish for meat. As a rule, it is used as a “vegetable pillow” on which meat is fried. A simpler option is possible when the sideban of the side dish is extinguished separately, in a pan, with the addition of tomatoes or pasta.

Necessary products:

  • 1.5 kg of pork goglyashki;
  • 7-8 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tbsp. salts;
  • 100 ml of soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp. mustard;
  • 1 l beer;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, peas, cloves, rosemary, oregano);
  • 0.5 kg of acid cabbage;
  • 1 tbsp. tomato paste.

Consider a step -by -step recipe for a baked sink in beer with sauerkraut. According to the Czech recipe, pork goglya is not necessary to boil before baking. You can do with a longer baking time in the oven (up to 4 hours) or pickling (up to 12 hours).

  1. Prepare a golyashka: wash and clean.
  2. Back the chain with prepared cloves of garlic. To do this, each clove needs to be wetted in salt and placed in a neat, deep incision on the goglya. The cut is made with a sharp knife, trying to “injure” the skin as little as possible. It is important to stuff the meat with garlic evenly over the entire surface, thus providing additional sucked by meat from the inside.
  3. The next important stage is the pork pork pork. In order for the marinade to drink the meat as best as possible, it is necessary to make shallow cuts throughout the goglushka (better in a checkerboard pattern). Then, the stuffed knitting mall is poured with beer and left for 5-6 hours (at night) in the refrigerator.
  4. At this time, a cash from sauerkraut is being prepared. To do this, the onion is crushed and fry to a transparent state, add cabbage and tomato paste. All ingredients are mixed and stew for 5-10 minutes. Tomato paste neutralizes excessive acid, making cabbage a harmonious addition to fried meat. Instead of pasta, cranberries or lingonberries are also suitable.
  5. The blown shank is covered with spices and a mixture of mustard with soy sauce. It is recommended to use mustard with grains to make the dish more original and tasty. You can also add a little liquid honey to the sauce.
  6. A “pillow” of sauerkraut is laid out in a baking container, a mate is placed on top and the dish is sent to the oven for 2-2.5 hours. The baking temperature is 180 0WITH.
  7. In order to avoid handling of cabbage, you should periodically water the goglyushka from the marinade.

If there was no sauerkraut in the house, you can just bake pork goglya with soy sauce, honey and mustard. This option of cooking is customary to call "Sail in a bead in Bavarian." The meat according to this recipe will be unique, as close as possible to the pork served in Bavaria beer pubs.

Recipe 3, pork slyka in beer, baked in the sleeve

Pork slyka, pickled in beer and baked in the sleeve, does not need preliminary boiling of the goglyashka.

The meat according to this recipe is juicy, soft and fragrant.

Necessary products:

  • 1.5 kg of pork goglyashki;
  • large salt;
  • 50-70 ml of soy sauce;
  • 2 l of light beer;
  • seasoning (mustard, bay leaf, peas, Oregano, turmeric, rosemary);
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Consider the step -by -step recipe for the shank in the beer baked in the sleeve.

  1. Prepare a golyashka: wash and clean.
  2. Salt the chain and pour beer for several hours (you can at night). Marine in the refrigerator.
  3. The marinated pork shin is coated with a gas sauce, spices and vegetable oil.
  4. The final stage is baking. The knuckle is placed in a baking sleeve, sealed and sent to hot (up to 200 0C) oven for 2.5-3 hours. After the first 30 minutes, the fire in the oven is reduced and the meat is left languishing. The baking time can be extended to 4 hours, because the goglya did not pre-boil.
  5. Half an hour before cooked, the sleeve will need to be opened, giving the skin the opportunity to be browned properly.

Recipe 4, pork slyka in beer, baked with potatoes

  • An ideal and familiar combination for us is meat with potatoes. Pork slyka pickled in beer and baked in the oven with potatoes is simultaneously refined and incredibly tasty.
  • Potatoes according to this recipe are impregnated with pork lowering juices and comes out rosy and fragrant.

Necessary products:

  • 1.5 kg of pork goglyashki;
  • large salt;
  • 1-2 heads of garlic;
  • 2 onions;
  • 500-700 g of potatoes;
  • 1 liter of dark beer;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, peas, rosemary, etc.);
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Consider a step -by -step recipe for a shank in a beer baked with potatoes in the oven.

  • Prepare a golyashka: wash and clean.
  • Back the chain with prepared cloves of garlic. To do this, each clove needs to be wetted in salt and placed in a neat, deep incision on the goglya. The cut is made with a sharp knife, trying to “injure” the skin as little as possible. It is important to stuff the meat with garlic evenly over the entire surface, thus providing additional sucked by meat from the inside.

  • The next important stage is the pork pork pork. The awkwarder is poured with a beer marinade and left for 5-6 hours.
  • The marinated pork shin is covered with refueling from all spices, the remains of garlic and vegetable oil. The gas station is lubricated not only the skin of the gogly, but also try to get under it as much as possible.
  • Cut the potatoes in large pieces, onions - rings.
  • The final stage is baking. To do this, the baking sheet is covered with foil, the chopped onion is laid on it, the mall is on top, and potatoes on the sides. Sprinkle everything with vegetable oil and salt.
  • Foil is closed and sent to hot (up to 220 0C) the oven for 40 minutes.
  • Then reduce the temperature to 160-180 0C and languishing for still 1.5-2 hours. 15-20 minutes before readiness, they open the foil and give the dish to be browned.

Recipe 5, pork slyka in beer in a slow cooker

This recipe uses beer not only for pickling, but also for extinguishing, while the pork slyka is no less tasty and fragrant.

For preparation, you will need a multicooker, which will make the process fast and non -commercial. In addition, the meat in the slow cooker will not burn, it will turn out juicy and soft.

Necessary products:

  • 1.5 kg of pork goglyashki;
  • 0.5 l of dark beer;
  • large salt, sugar;
  • 1-2 heads of garlic;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, fragrant pepper, caraway seeds);
  • vegetable oil.

Consider the step -by -step recipe for the shank in a beer baked in a slow cooker.

  • Prepare a golyashka: wash and clean.

  • Pour beer with beer, add to the marinade a pinch of salt and sugar, spices and finely chopped garlic. The container is covered with cling film and left for 6 hours for pickling.

  • The barbed goglyushka is slightly dried (with a towel), deep cuts are made in the skin, they are stuffed with garlic slices, rubbed with the remaining spices and salt.
  • The meat is placed in a multicooker bowl, a little vegetable oil is added to the bottom, it is better than olive, and poured with marinade (in which the meat is pickled).
  • In a slow cooker, the Multipovar mode is set for 2 hours at a temperature of about 120 0WITH.
  • After the specified time, they leave the mall to languish for another 20-30 minutes.
  • Serve hot with vegetables and herbs.

Recipe 6, boiled pork slyka in beer

  • This option is suitable for those who are contraindicated in fried and fat. The meat cooked according to this recipe is tender and almost dietary. In addition, it is prepared with a large number of vegetables, useful and necessary for the body.
  • The use of prunes makes the dish piquant and unusual.

Necessary products:

  • 1.5-2 kg of pork goglya;
  • 1.5 liters of light beer (you can use a mixture of light and dark beer);
  • large salt;
  • 1 kg of fresh cabbage;
  • 0.5 kg of sauerkraut;
  • 2 pcs. bulbs;
  • 2 pcs. carrots;
  • 2 pcs. green apples;
  • 10 pcs. potatoes (medium sizes);
  • a few pieces of prunes;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, fragrant pepper, caraway seeds).

Consider a step -by -step recipe for boiled shank in beer:

  • Prepare a golyashka: wash and clean.
  • Pour beer with a beer so that it covers it to about the middle. Add 1 peeled onion and 1-2 bay leaves to beer.
  • The container is placed on fire, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for about 2 hours. During cooking, the goglisha is periodically turned over so that the meat is prepared evenly from all sides.
  • At this time, fresh cabbage, chopped into strips, add sauerkraut, salt, pepper, caraway seeds and everything is mixed well.

  • A half -born pork goglyushka is taken out of the pan and let it cool.
  • Take a deep pan and prepare a pillow of vegetables. To do this, put cabbage, apples cut into slices, slices of carrots, chopped onions and prunes on the bottom. The knuckle is rubbed with salt, pepper and laid out on vegetables.
  • All contents are poured with a brewery in which meat was cooked and stewed over low heat for another 1.5-2 hours.
  • 40 minutes before cooked, potatoes are added to the pan.

  • Boiled in beer pork slyka is a delicate and fragrant aroma of beer and vegetables. Serve the meat hot with a vegetable side of the Assort.

Recipe 7, baked shank in the oven in beer with vegetables

Baked meat with vegetables is a real restaurant dish. A ghoth is served on a large dish, surrounded by no less appetizing baked vegetables.

Necessary products:

  • 1.5-2 kg of pork goglya;
  • 1.5 liters of light beer (you can use a mixture of light and dark beer);
  • large salt;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, pepper);
  • vegetables (potatoes, broccoli, colored cabbage, pumpkin, mushrooms, pepper, asparagus, eggplant, garlic, tomato, onions, etc.).

Consider a step -by -step recipe for a baked shank in beer with vegetables.

  • Prepare a golyashka: wash and clean.
  • Make uniform cuts on the lower leg, chop garlic slices.
  • Mix salt with pepper and grate the steering wheel from all sides. Leave the meat for 20 minutes for better sucking.

  • Pour beer and leave to marinate about 6 hours in a cool place.
  • The lined goglyashka is wrapped in foil and baked for about an hour in pre-heated to 180-200 0C, oven.
  • At this time, prepare the existing vegetables: wash, clean and cut with approximately the same cubes (about 3 cm).
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables are salted and mixed in a deep bowl.
  • A semi -tower is pulled out of food foil and shifted to a baking sheet.
  • Around the meat, vegetables are laid out, which are sprayed with juice that gathered during baking goglya in foil.
  • Bake meat with vegetables for about an hour.
  • The finished pork steering is fragrant, with a ruddy and crispy crust. Baked vegetables, impregnated with meat aroma and juice, are served as a side dish.

Recipe 8, baked shank in a cocked beer

  • A classic Czech recipe for baked pork goglya can easily be reproduced at home and surprise friends and loved ones with a rich bright taste of meat delicacy.
  • According to the Czech recipe, the mall is cooked in beer with subsequent baking in the oven. Serve with a side dish of stewed sauerkraut with vegetables.

Necessary products:

  • 1.5-2 kg of pork goglya;
  • 2 l of dark beer;
  • large salt;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, fragrant pepper, clove, caraway, coriander);
  • 1 pc. carrots (for broth);
  • 1 pc. celery (for broth);
  • 1 head of garlic (for broth);
  • 2 bulbs (for broth and side dish);
  • 1 kg of sauerkraut (for a side dish);
  • 200 ml of meat broth (for a side dish);
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil (for a side dish);
  • 1 tbsp. mustard with grains (for sauce);
  • 1 tbsp. honey (for sauce).

Consider a step-by-step recipe for a baked shank in a CHOSK in beer.

  • Prepare a golyashka: wash and clean.
  • Pill the pork goglya pour dark varieties with beer, bring to a boil, remove the foam.
  • Add chopped vegetables in a boiling broth: carrots, onions, celery, garlic.
  • Salt the broth to taste and add spices (except caraign cinema and coriander). Cook the goglyushka over low heat for about 2 hours. During cooking (if the broth does not cover all the meat), the lower leg is turned over several times for uniform cooking.

  • While the pork steering is boiled, the vegetable side dish is prepared. To do this, with half -rings, the onions are seized to a transparent state in vegetable oil. Pressed sour cabbage add to onions, simmer, stirring constantly. Pour meat broth into the vegetables, add coriander and caraway seeds. Continue to extinguish over low heat under the lid for about half an hour.
  • The boiled chapo is taken out of the pan, dried and coated with a sauce from mustard, honey and 2 tbsp. beer broth.
  • Starned sauerkraut is first laid out on a baking sheet, and a goglyashka on top. The meat on top is watered with a small amount of beer broth and put in preheated to 160-180 0C, oven.
  • The meat with vegetables is baked for about half an hour, constantly pouring the leg with broth.
  • The dish prepared according to this recipe is very tasty and hearty.

Recipe 9, baked shank in dark beer in Bavarian

The classic German recipe for a fragrant baked pork goglya is characterized by a unique smell of juniper.

In addition, the technology for making the shank is different from the options discussed above. In this recipe, the goglya is first baked, then boiled in the marinade and again baked in the oven.

Necessary products:

  • 1.5-2 kg of pork goglya;
  • 1 tbsp. dark beer;
  • large salt, sugar (to taste);
  • 200 ml of chicken broth;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, fragrant pepper, juniper berries);
  • 1 pc. carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 pc. Bulgarian pepper;
  • 90 g of tomato paste;
  • 3-6 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of honey.

Consider a step-by-step recipe for a baked brook in Bavari in beer.

  • Prepare a golyashka: wash and clean.
  • Make uniform incisions (4-5) in the mall for its best subsequent pickling.
  • Bake the knuckle in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of about 220 0WITH.
  • Prepare the marinade: in a container (pan) with a volume of about 5 liters, dilute tomato paste with 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, pass for no more than 5 minutes. Then pour a liter of water, pour in a pinch of salt and sugar, add bay leaf, juniper berries, pepper and garlic slices.

  • Separately prepare vegetables: wash, clean and chop largely (carrots with circles, onions and pepper in half rings). Fry vegetables in vegetable oil and add to tomato marinade. Bring the mixture to a boil, add beer, chicken broth and liquid smoke (7 g).
  • A slightly fried shank is placed in a prepared marinade and boiled over low heat for 3 hours.
  • The boiled goglyushka is again laid out on a baking sheet, coated with honey and baked until golden brown for 15-20 minutes, periodically pouring the meat with beer. The temperature in the oven is 200-220 0WITH.
  • Serve baked shank in Bavarian with sauerkraut and horseradish-a traditional German side dish.

Another option for the formation of the smell of smoke characteristic of the German dish is to use pork chip in light bristles. After boiling the lower leg, they burn the bristles, preserving the appetizing aroma of the haze in the baked meat.

Recipe 10, baked shank in beer with mushrooms

This dish is rightfully considered festive, satisfying and original. The meat baked in foil with mushrooms looks unusually attractive and has a unique exquisite taste.

Necessary products:

  • 1.5 kg of pork goglyashki;
  • 1 liter of dark beer;
  • salt (to taste);
  • 1 kg of champignons;
  • green;
  • garlic;
  • spices (pepper, paprika);
  • 200 g Adzhiki.

Consider a step -by -step recipe for a baked sink in beer with mushrooms.

  • Prepare a golyashka: wash and clean.

  • Make uniform cuts on the lower leg, chop garlic slices.
  • Pour beer and leave to marinate about 6 hours in a cool place.

  • Grate the chain on all sides with salt, pepper and adjika. Leave the meat for 30 minutes for better soaking.
  • The lined goglyashka is laid out on a baking sheet with mushrooms and herbs, wrapped in foil and baked for about an hour and a half in pre-heated to 180-200 0C, oven. Champignons are previously sprayed with vegetable oil and salt.
  • After the specified time, the foil is opened, the greens are removed, and the meat with mushrooms is baked for another half an hour.
  • The meat with mushrooms when serving is sprinkled with fresh chopped greens, served with boiled potatoes.

Baked shank in beer, cooking secrets

  • The readiness of the baked sink is determined, piercing it with a fork (toothpick) or a knife, while a transparent broth should flow, and gently passes through meat fibers.
  • So that the meat does not separate from the bone during cooking, the goglisha can be wrapped in gauze.
  • The best marinade for pork goglya is considered to be dark -sized beer, giving the dish a unique aroma and spicy taste. Although you can use light beer, then the meat product is delicate and delicate.
  • Beer for the marinade should be of high quality, with a bright hop aroma, without obvious alcohol tones. After baking, all alcohol evaporates.
  • The dish will turn out to be tastier and more saturated, if the mall is not only pickled in beer, but also watered with a drink during the baking process.

Thus, it is not as difficult to prepare a baked brook in beer at home as it might seem at the beginning. The main conditions for successful cooking are: correctly selected pork lower leg and observance of the technological process. Well, the exclamations of the surprise of relatives and friends during the tasting of meat treats will not be long in coming.

Photo, baked shank in beer


  Video: "How to make a shank in beer"



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