Urethritis is one of the frequently diagnosed pathologies of the genitourinary system in the population. The disease is inflammation of the walls and mucosa of the urethra (urethra). Urethritis is a male pathology. However, due to the physiological feature of the structure of the female urination channel, women are also subject to the development of pathology. How is the disease diagnosed, what types of urethritis exist and how to treat urethritis in women?
Urethritis - Features of the course in women
Pathology pathogens - fungi, microorganisms or sexual infections. The reason for the frequent diagnosis of urethritis in women is the anatomical structure of the female genitourinary system. The urethra of a woman has a significant difference from the male selection organ. According to the structure, the female urethra is wider and shorter, has access to the vagina, which favors the more easy penetration of various infections and pathogenic microorganisms into the bladder or kidney. With untimely diagnosis and lack of treatment of urethritis, the infection is rapidly spreading through the urinary tract and leads to complications. Very often, the urethritis satellite is cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). This disease has similar symptoms and is a complication of urethritis. A woman addresses doctors after the occurrence of cystitis.
Urethritis in women - symptoms
The first signs of urethritis in women do not have vivid characteristic symptoms. A woman experiences discomfort, rub, pain during urination, which interferes with her everyday life. This symptom is the initial stage of the presence of inflammation. As a rule, women are in no hurry to doctors, since unpleasant symptoms pass quite quickly, turning into a different form, and the disease continues to develop. At the next stage, the pain and surrender more and more often and are more pronounced. Sharp pain and rubber can appear not only when urinating, but becomes constant. Without proper treatment, there is a likelihood of further infection of the urinary organs. Complications such as inflammation of the appendages, endometritis and other diseases of the female genital area are possible. The most unfavorable outcome of the disease is infertility.
Most often, such symptoms as::
- Frequent urge to the toilet, burning, sharp pain during urination.
- Redness, itching, burning pain in the vagina, which intensifies during the period of menstruation.
- In chronic urethritis - pain and pains over the pubis, in the lower abdomen.
- The appearance of purulent discharge with a specific smell of urethra, the color of the discharge from greenish to yellow.
- Identification in the urine.
Female urethritis: species
Several types of urethritis are distinguished in medicine, depending on what was the pathogen of pathology:
- Infectious urethritis caused by specific pathogens: chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma.
- Nonspecific urethritis in women caused by streptococcal, staphylococcal infection, gonococci.
The main varieties of urethritis in women:
- Candidiasis urethritis. The occurrence of the disease is facilitated by the infection of the urethra and its mucosa with a fungus of the genus Candida. The cause of infection is most often a decrease in the patient's immunity and a long intake of antibiotics. This type of ailment often goes into chronic urethritis in women.
- Allergic urethritis. Inflammation in the urethra is caused by various kinds of substances, drugs or food products that cause an allergic reaction, swelling of the urethral mucosa. Urethritis of this species is dangerous in that it can lead to a complete overlap of urine exit from the urethra.
- Bacterial urethritis. Pathology develops against the background of non -specific microorganisms in the urethra (E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci). The pathogens, being in the urethra, are activated when the immune system is reduced. Treatment of pathogenic microflora requires a professional and competent approach.
- Trichomonade urethritis. This type of pathology develops against the background of infection of the patient in a trichomonna infection transmitted during sexual contact. The insidiousness of this disease is that the first symptoms of trichomonas infection are manifested only on 10-14 days after infection infection. Untimely treatment can go into chronic urethritis, which is more severely treated.
Causes of urethritis in women
Such factors as::
- Unprotected sexual intercourse with a new partner. Infections transmitted during sexual contact become the cause of the development of the disease.
- Hypothermia of the genitourinary organs.
- Temporary weakening of the immune system, a change in the hormonal background in women in connection with pregnancy, menstrual cycle, menopause.
- Gynecological diseases that reduce local immunity.
- The use of spicy, salty, smoked food, alcoholic drinks exacerbate the problem and lead to an exacerbation of the disease.
- Cystitis can both provoke urethritis in women, and be the result of the disease of the urinary canal.
Urethritis - diagnostics
If the symptoms of urethritis are detected, it is not recommended to engage in independent treatment, the correct solution will be the address to the urologist or gynecologist, who prescribes additional laboratory tests and examinations to the patient to establish the correct diagnosis. It is worth remembering that the female genitals are in close connection with the urethra, any violation of the microflora can cause inflammation of the urethra. The doctor examines the external opening of the urethra and conducts diagnostics:
- A general study of urine to detect the number of leukocytes, the presence of an inflammatory process;
The study of urine by Nechiporenko and the bacteriological sowing of urine to determine the etiological pathogen. - Taking a scrap from the urethra by the PCR and the study of the material.
- Urethroscopy is the instrumental method of studying the urethra mucosa.

Urethritis in women - treatment
Treatment of primary urethritis without complications can be carried out at home, hospitalization of the patient is not required. It is enough to observe all the prescriptions of the attending physician. In the treatment of pathology, a comprehensive treatment regimen is used with antibiotics, vitamins, the use of candles, and a number of physiotherapeutic procedures. For each patient, the doctor selects an individual treatment regimen of urethritis and drugs, depending on the diagnosis of the disease.
- Antibiotics are an obligatory remedy for urethritis in women who are prescribed after a series of studies that determine the sensitivity of the infection to antibiotics. Often, with urethritis, a digiier, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, puffloxacin in a tablet form or for intramuscular administration. Perhaps combined treatment with several antibiotics. One of their most effective antibiotics, which is prescribed for the first symptoms of the inflammatory process for urethritis in women - monoral. This is an antibiotic based on phosphomicin in the form of powder. The effect of the drug is aimed at suppressing the activity of microbes and microorganisms - pathogens of the disease.
- Along with taking antibiotics, drugs in the form of suppositories are used for local exposure to the focus of infection, which are administered vaginally. Candles for urethitis in women quickly remove unpleasant symptoms of the disease: itching, burning pain, redness of the external genitalia. The use of vaginal candles allows you to conduct effective treatment of urethritis to pregnant women, nursing mothers and those women to whom antibiotics are contraindicated. Effective in the treatment of urethritis candles hexicon, metronidazole, genher.
- To raise and strengthen the weakened immune system of a woman, polyvitamins are prescribed.
- Antiseptics. Antiseptic drugs that have an analgesic effect on the focus of infection are widely used as a medicine for urethritis. Antiseptics can be prescribed for both internal administration and for external use: douching, physiotherapy, baths. One of the most well -known antiseptics for urethritis is furadonin. Also used to treat Kanefron, Miramistin.
In addition to the treatment of urethral inflammation, physiotherapeutic procedures are effectively used with drugs:
- Special baths using antiseptic agents to eliminate infection.
- Introduction to the vagina of tampons treated with an antiseptic.
- Electrophoresis in the area of \u200b\u200bthe disease.
Non -drug methods are used to combat the disease:
- Compliance with the right lifestyle and diet. Strictly exclude spicy, salted, pickled and spicy foods from the diet, as well as reduce the use of spices, alcohol, fast food, fried products. It is recommended to include fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables in the diet, dairy products and milk are useful. It is required to observe drinking mode, drinking at least one liter of clean water per day.
- Careful personal hygiene, restriction of sexual contacts, a decrease in physical activity during the period of exacerbation of urethritis are the necessary conditions for quick recovery.
Folk treatment of urethritis in women
Comprehensive treatment of urethritis with medicines allows you to completely recover from an unpleasant disease. Independent treatment without the necessary administration of antibiotics can lead to serious complications, and urethritis can become chronic. Treatment of urethritis in women at home should only be aimed at relieving and weakening the symptoms of the disease, used as an addition to the main complex treatment.
- Posorushka infusion: 1 tbsp. Push parsley leaves on 500 ml of cold water, let it brew in a dark place. Apply infusion inward 3 tbsp. l. Every two hours.
- Herbal tea from currant leaves. 3 tsp, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for about 20 minutes, like tea. Drink herbal tea during the day.
- Tincture made of linden color. To quickly eliminate burning, rub and itching use a proven recipe for tincture from linden: 2 tbsp. l linden -colored pour 2 tbsp. boiling water and put on fire. Boil linden for about 10 minutes over low heat, then cool and strain. Take half a glass of tincture before bedtime.
Prevention of urethritau women
To protect herself from an insidious disease, a woman needs to observe the right lifestyle and take preventive measures:
- During sexual intercourse, it is imperative to use barrier contraceptives to protect yourself from infection with sexually transmitted and infectious diseases. As a rule, a woman falls ill with urethritis after sexual intimacy with an infected partner. In women, the infection manifests itself much later than in men and quickly spreads to all organs of the genitourinary system.
- To reduce the number of pathogenic organisms after sexual intercourse, it is necessary to urinate - some of them are washed in urine.
- Be sure to comply with personal hygiene, which is the basis of female health.
- Visit a gynecologist regularly, at the first appropriate symptoms when urinating, immediately contact a specialist.
- Try to maintain immunity by taking a course of polyvitamins, avoid stress, hypothermia of the body.
All women should remember that urethritis is easier to treat at the initial stage, so a careful attitude to their body and health will help to avoid the main factors of the disease that provoke the development of the disease.
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