
The causes and symptoms of umbilical hernia in children. Umbilical cable in newborns. What the umbilical hernia looks like - a photo. Treatment of umbilical hernia in children

The causes and symptoms of umbilical hernia in children. Umbilical cable in newborns. What the umbilical hernia looks like - a photo. Treatment of umbilical hernia in children
The article describes the causes and symptoms of the appearance of umbilical hernia and children and newborns. Methods of treating umbilical hernia.

In this material, a frequent problem in children will be considered - this is an umbilical hernia. Let's try to find out all the symptoms of this disease and determine the treatment method. After all, this ailment is not only unpleasant, but also extremely dangerous.

Umbilical hernia: symptoms and signs

The umbilical hernia is an unpleasant disease that is characteristic of which is the protrusion of internal organs (intestines, a large oil seal) through an expanded umbilical hole, creating a neoplasm similar to a bag. A loyal attitude to the disease can result in fraught with consequences. When the first symptoms or signs of the disease appear, the best solution will be a consultation with a doctor. Only a surgeon is engaged in treatment.

To understand how to determine the umbilical hernia, it is worth paying attention to the state of the navel when tension of the abdominal muscles, the hernia is characterized by a rounding of a rounded shape in the navel area. Also, such a disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Increase in the navel.
  • Pain for power loads or cough.
  • Nausea.
  • Pain in the stomach.
  • Unpleasant sensations when touching the navel.

When the disease appears, you can not immediately determine what the umbilical hernia looks like, in this case it is necessary to listen to well-being, and if there is discomfort, some pain, then the first thing you need to consult with a specialist.

If, the presence of a hernia is obvious, many have the question of what to do with the umbilical hernia?  Although the disease is quite unpleasant, and brings significant discomfort, still the problem is solved, and it is not always necessary to lie down “under the knife”.

Often, if a hernia has occurred in a child under 5 years of age, then more sparing measures are taken. For example:

  • Wearing a bandage.
  • Normalization of weight (because one of the reasons for the appearance of an umbilical hernia is a sharp obesity).
  • As well as proper nutrition, strengthening the abdominal muscles.

The umbilical hernia in children, in principle, is a common phenomenon, almost every 5th newborn has a similar problem. This is often justified by a genetic arrangement to the disease. Also, the cause of the appearance of a hernia in children can be frequent constipation.

The umbilical hernia can have an innate form and acquired over time, decisions are also conservative and operational. In most cases (more than 90%), in newborns it is possible to fix the problem thanks to a special massage technique when wearing a special belt, and therapeutic gymnastics is required. If you follow all the rules, and the instructions of the doctor, then the hernia will disappear by 2-3 years, perhaps by five when the muscles are stronger.

The causes of the umbilical hernia

The umbilical hernia is an unpleasant disease, characterized by the entry of internal organs into the area of \u200b\u200bthe umbilical ring. Most often, the disease is found in women after 40 years, this is justified by the fact that after childbirth the muscles of the press are weakening, thus, expanding the area around the navel.

Why is the umbilical hernia dangerous? The disease brings certain discomfort, if not treated, a number of complications may occur. For example, hernia is often accompanied by vomiting, nausea, a periodic increase in temperature, as well as enhanced pain in the abdomen, is possible.

There are several main reasons that increase internal pressure, which provokes the appearance of an umbilical hernia:

  • Injuries in the abdominal wall.
  • Sharp weight loss.
  • Excess weight (obesity).
  • Reusable and frequent pregnancy.
  • Heavy birth.
  • Large power loads.
  • Chronic constipation.

The umbilical hernia in a child can be as congenital (depending on the genetic intrauterine arrangement of the organs) and acquired, depending on how strong the abdominal wall. The causes of hernia in newborns can serve both heredity and the influence of various adverse environmental factors during pregnancy, in turn, affect the development of the fetus.

The acquired hernia in children is often caused by diseases such as rickets, hypotrophy. That is, basically, a child’s umbilical hernia occurs with a weak tone of the abdominal muscles, also with frequent constipation, colic, flatulence, which contributes to additional internal pressure.

How to treat umbilical hernia in children?

Treatment of umbilical hernia in children is both conservative, loyal, and is solved with the help of operations. Which method to choose, the surgeon decides, depending on the size of the swelling. Conservative treatment is used for the size of the umbilical ring less than 2 cm. Of course, if there is no infringement of the hernia (the state is when the gut stuck in the umbilical ring). If the size is more than 2 cm, it is worth immediately contacting a specialist, and suddenly make a simple surgical intervention.

The umbilical hernia in newborns is treated mainly without a surgical knife, since in more than 90% of cases, self-healing is observed until the age of 2-3 years. In some cases, the disease takes place by 5 years, with the strengthening of the abdominal muscles. In young children, you can find a hernia in the first days of life.

The umbilical hernia in infants is treated thanks to these methods:

  • Massage.
  • Special charging.
  • Avoidance of constipation.
  • Do not allow to be loud and prolonged.
  • Minimum large loads.
  • Treatment with a special bandage.

Acquired umbilical hernia in boys and girls can occur at any age, especially if there is a genetic predisposition to illness and a weak umbilical ring. To prevent surgical operations, it is worth carrying out measures to prevent the appearance of a hernia, for example, strengthening the muscles of the press, daily charging, proper nutrition, massage for tightening the umbilical ring.

For a better solution to the problem, the choice of treatment is recommended to make an ultrasound study for a more clear understanding and the correct choice of treatment method.  Using it, you can determine the cause of education, as well as identify irreparable hernias. Umbilical hernia can easily be confused with small tumors of small sizes, this is easy to check with ultrasound.

Operation - umbilical hernia in children

The operation to remove a hernia is also called herneoplasty. It lasts completely short, approximately 30 minutes, the effectiveness is high and does not provide for serious consequences.

Basically, the removal of umbilical hernia in children occurs under general anesthesia, but local anesthesia for older children is possible. The essence of the operation is to correct the internal organs in place, to get rid of the umbilical bag by cutting down, then the gauze bandage is sutured and applied to avoid the hematoma.  Sometimes, in difficult situations, synthetic nets are used to block the hole.

The umbilical hernia in the baby is a fairly frequent phenomenon. This is one of the common topics for discussion and disputes. The main reason for the problem is muscle weakness based on a genetic predisposition. You can notice the protrusion of the navel with a prolonged scream of the baby, cry or when the child is pushing. Also, with a slight press on the tummy, with a normal condition, the child will not cry, but if there is a hernia, the newborn will immediately begin to cry.

In most cases, the treatment of umbilical hernia in infants is on its own, as the child develops, the muscles are strengthened, so the hernia is delayed over time without surgical intervention. Of course, do not forget about the control of the size of the umbilical bag, with a size of more than 2 cm, a surgeon is necessary, as well as to perform preventive methods to avoid increasing protrusion.

Umbilical hernia: treatment without surgery

Umbilical hernias in many cases (at the initial stages of the disease, with small sizes) can be cured without the help of surgical interventions.  In most cases, the bandage for the umbilical hernia is recommended to newborns and children under 3 years of age. Also with mild forms of the disease to suspend the development of protrusion. Also use the anti-heating belt those that are contraindicated in any operations.

The bandage is an integral accessory of the postoperative period. Provides confrontation between relapse, helps with physical exertion and relieves pain. The belt is also recommended for pregnant women, and wear with high physical exertion (sports with weight lifting).

Another popular treatment method is massage with an umbilical hernia. Most often, they are prescribed to newborn and small children, in which the size of the umbilical bag does not exceed 2 cm.

The massage technique is quite simple. The main thing is to remember some rules:

  1. Manipulations are performed only clockwise.
  2. Massage should be a baby in joy, and in no case should cause discomfort or pain.
  3. Repeat the session 2-3 times per day, for the speedy recovery of the baby.

Massage is performed in circular movements around the navel, rubbing, warming up, also do not forget about the oblique muscles. Not a little important movement is pressing the hernia with the index finger, it is worth performing such exercises without unnecessary pressure and smooth movements.

In the video you can clearly see how to properly perform massage from the umbilical hernia in the child:

Often with such an illness as umbilical hernia, they turn to non -standard treatment methods. To get rid of the disease, a conspiracy from the umbilical hernia is used.

You can contact the knowledgeable grandmothers, or you can carry out the ritual yourself, for this you need to read the conspiracy 4 times, 3 of them - with a growing moon, one with a complete one. Words are read to the growing moon:

“Help me God, come to the aid of your slave (name), a slave born, prayer, and baptized. As a month will rise, so the slaves of God (name) of the hernia will disappear forever. ”

On the full moon read these words:

“Help me God, come to the aid of your slave (name), a slave born, prayer, and baptized. The moon full in the sky rose, and my hernia has already passed. Amen. Amen. Amen.".

Umbilical hernia: Komarovsky

To dispel the experiences and all the fears of young parents about the appearance of an umbilical hernia in a child, the useful tips of the good doctor Komarovsky will help. Most cases are associated with heredity, that is, if the child has a predisposition to the disease, then the appearance of protrusion in the baby is approaching the maximum.

Often, parents are not particularly worth experiencing, children with a weak abdominal wall may have a hernia, but with age the muscles are strong, thus, the umbilical ring decreases. For the treatment of newborns, only conservative methods are used, the exceptions are considered to be those cases in which the gut is stuck in the umbilical opening, this is solved due to a slight surgical intervention.

Conservative treatment methods at home:

  • The first thing parents can do is massage with simple manipulations (circular movements clockwise, stroking, rubbing, etc.).
  • Of course, the implementation of a simple charge.
  • Fixing the bag with a patch.
  • Using a special bandage.
  • And most importantly, this is daily laying on the tummy. This will help not only solve the problem, but it is easier for the baby to know the world around him.

For the treatment of umbilical hernia in children, we do not recommend using “grandmother's” methods of independent treatment, for example, to adjust the hernia with a coin or wrapping an elastic bandage. Self -medication is a direct road to the operating table. First, be sure to consult a doctor

Video: inguinal hernia in children: Komarovsky tips



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