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Therapeutic nutrition

Therapeutic nutrition
Therapeutic preventive nutrition for various diseases.

Therapeutic nutrition or diet therapy is a complex of nutrition measures, the observance of which is aimed at restoring the body's performance, treatment and prevention of certain diseases. The system of therapeutic nutrition was widespread in both traditional and folk medicine. For the treatment and prevention of each disease and pathology, there is a certain diet that contributes to the rapid restoration of the body. The menu is compiled by the attending physician and directly by the patient himself, based on existing recommendations, as well as taking into account the intricacies of a particular disease and medical history.

The principles of therapeutic nutrition


  • Dishes for therapeutic nutrition should be tasty (cause appetite) and diverse. The diet should include foods of both animal and plant origin. Be sure to eat leafy vegetables and vegetable fiber.
  • The organization of medical nutrition is carried out purely individually. When selecting the type of diet and menu, many factors should be taken into account: existing diseases, the history of the disease, the presence of allergic reactions, etc. Therapeutic baby nutrition is organized according to the same principles.
  • Therapeutic dietary nutrition should be directly aimed at restoring disturbed metabolism. So, for example, with diabetes and obesity, carbohydrates should be used less. This contributes to a rapid decrease in body weight and reducing blood sugar.
  • The norms of therapeutic nutrition should be observed. It is recommended to eat regularly and at a strictly defined time.
  • Medical foods are selected taking into account their calorie content and full chemical composition.
  • Products before use should undergo a certain culinary processing.
  • Specialized therapeutic nutrition is based on three sparing techniques. Among them:
  • mechanical. Food is prepared in a certain way (boiled steamed or in water) and is used in chopped form;
  • chemical. Food substances are excluded and limited that can disrupt the functioning of the diseased organ. Sometimes it is allowed to include certain products in the diet, but only if they have passed a certain type of culinary processing;
  • thermal. “Thermal irritants” are excluded from food (they include very hot and too cold dishes). The temperature of the dishes and drinks included in the menu should not be lower than 15 and above 55 degrees.

Therapeutic nutrition: diets

eating Healthy Food

Food in medical institutions and sanatoriums received a license plate system. The main diets of therapeutic nutrition, indicated with one disease or another, are indicated by certain numbers from No. 1 to No. 15 (classification according to M.I. Pevzner). Consider in more detail.

Diet No. 1

  • It is used for gastritis (only with increased secretion), as well as an ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Normalizes the functions of the stomach, restores the mucous membrane, promotes the speedy healing of ulcers.
  • It is a full -fledged diet. It is based on all three types of sparing system.
  • Dishes are prepared exclusively in boiled form, grind.
  • The diet is 5 times a day, small portions.
  • Hot and very cold dishes, and also drinks are excluded.
  • Forbidden to use - tea and very strong coffee, sharp, spicy and fried dishes, and also strong fish, meat and mushroom broths.
  • It is not allowed to use very sour and salty dishes, spices and spices (exciting appetite), except for dill and parsley.
  • Diet No. 2

  • It is used for gastritis (only with reduced secretion), chronic intestinal diseases (for example, colitis, enteritis).
  • Normalizes impaired intestinal and stomach functions, eliminates fermentation processes in the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract).
  • It is a full -fledged diet of therapeutic nutrition. It is based on all three types of sparing (with some exceptions).
  • Dishes are cooked in boiled form (or fried, but with preliminary boiling), crushed. The use of breading is excluded.
  • It is forbidden to include dishes in the menu, which are poorly digested, irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, cause fermentation (for example, juices from sweet fruits, rye bread, sweets, white cabbage, fried meat).
  • It is allowed to include meat, fish and mushroom broths (only low -fat) in the menu of patients.
  • Medical nutrition mode - 5 times a day (can be 4 times) in small portions. You should take food regularly.
  • Diet No. 3

  • It is used for constipation.
  • Normalizes the gastrointestinal tract functions.
  • In the diet, products containing fiber and still dairy drinks are included in the maximum.
  • Vegetables can be eaten both boiled and raw.
  • It is allowed to cook food for steam (you can still bake).
  • Smoothness, canned food, too fatty meat and fish, spicy and spicy dishes are prohibited.
  • Diet No. 4

  • It is used for diarrhea.
  • Normalizes the gastrointestinal tract functions.
  • Dishes are consumed in liquid or semi -liquid form. Food can be salted.
  • Products are crushed.
  • They take food according to this diet 4 times a day.
  • Very fatty meat and fish, canned food (fish or meat), sausages, pastries, coffee, chocolate, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, harmful carbonated drinks are prohibited.
  • Diet No. 5


    • It is used for acute and chronic pathologies of the liver and gall bladder.
    • Overbringing is excluded.
    • It is a full -fledged diet. However, there are some restrictions on the use of harmful refined fats. It is based on all three types of sparing system.
    • Normalizes the activity of the liver and gall bladder. This power system also prevents the formation of stones.
    • It is forbidden to use fried meat, eggs, offal, goose, ducks.
    • Products rich in protein, vegetable oils and vegetables that have a pronounced choleretic effect are limited in the diet. Salt use is minimized.
    • Sninings, vegetables containing oxalic acid, and also fried, spicy and spicy dishes are excluded.
    • The content in the menu of patients with beneficial fiber increases. You need to drink a lot of liquids.
    • Medical nutrition mode - 5 times a day in small portions. Food is taken regularly.

    Diet No. 6

  • Recommended for gout.
  • Sninces, fried, spicy and sharp dishes are excluded.
  • Salt use is limited.
  • Coffee, chocolate, pepper, horseradish, tea, mushrooms, canned goods, sausages are excluded. You can not eat very fat fish, meat and mushroom broths.
  • Medical nutrition mode - 5 times a day in small portions. Food is taken regularly.
  • Diet No. 7

  • Diet therapy for acute and chronic kidney diseases.
  • Promotes the excretion of excessive fluid and toxins.
  • The system of therapeutic nutrition is complete. There are some restrictions on the use of products that contain a lot of protein. The use of salt is minimized (3-4 grams per day).
  • Sninctions, products containing oxalic acid are excluded. You can not include fried and sharp dishes in the menu.
  • A lot of products rich in potassium should be consumed.
  • The diet is 5 times a day (you can 4 times).
  • Diet No. 8

  • Diet therapy for obesity.
  • Promotes accelerated metabolic restoration, perfectly normalizes body weight.
  • The use of fatty products and flour products, spices and spices, salted food and liquid is limited.
  • The medical nutrition system is inferior. The use of calorie foods is limited.
  • You should eat less foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats.
  • The maximum is included in the diet of seafood.
  • The diet - 5 times a day (can be 6 times) in small portions.
  • Diet No. 9

  • With diabetes.
  • Normalizes impaired carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
  • All products containing carbohydrates that are easily absorbed and animal fats are excluded from the diet.
  • The use of products that violate the liver and contain complex carbohydrates is limited.
  • Vitamins C and group V. should maximize in the diet
  • Dishes are prepared exclusively in boiled (baked) form, crushed.
  • Sugar -substitutes are necessarily used in food, for example, xylitol and sorbitol.
  • The diet is 4-5 times a day.
  • Diet No. 10


    • Recommended for pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
    • Restores impaired blood circulation, normalizes important functions of the liver and kidneys. Promotes a slowdown in the development of atherosclerosis.
    • The use of substances that adversely acting on the nervous and cardiovascular system (for example, tea and coffee, cocoa, chocolate, sharp and spicy dishes (with spices), smoked meats) are excluded. Very fatty meat and mushroom broths cannot be included in the diet, as well as products containing harmful cholesterol.
    • Vegetables that can cause flatulence and carbonated drinks are minimized in the menu.
    • You should use more products in which there are salts K, MG, CA and vitamins C, R, E.
    • You need to drink less water. Salt consumption is minimized.
    • The diet is 4-5 times.

    Diet No. 11

  • It is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, weight loss, after operations.
  • Normalizes the functions of the stomach. It has increased energy value.
  • It is a full -fledged medical diet.
  • Dishes are prepared in any form.
  • Fatty meat and poultry, lamb, too spicy and fatty sauces, beef and harmful culinary fats, as well as cakes and cakes with cream are excluded from the menu.
  • Eating should be 5-6 times a day (exclusively in small portions).
  • Diet No. 12

  • Diet therapy for diseases of the nervous system.
  • The use of products that adversely act on the nervous and cardiovascular system (for example, tea and coffee, cocoa, chocolate, sharp and spicy dishes, smoked meats) is excluded.
  • You should eat less meat and salt.
  • You cannot include sharp and spicy dishes in patients, rich and very fatty soups, smoked meats, alcohol.
  • The diet is 4-5 times a day. Small portions are prepared.
  • Diet No. 13

  • In acute infectious diseases.
  • The use of products rich in not very useful proteins, fats and carbohydrates is reduced.
  • You should drink more water (at least 2 liters) and eat products containing vitamins.
  • Preparing food for steam or baked. Finely grind before serving.
  • It is forbidden to use fried meat, eggs, goose, ducks. Sninces, fried, spicy and sharp dishes are excluded.
  • It is not allowed to include fresh bread, butter pastries, bob and millet soups in the menu. Excluded cheese, cream, fatty milk, onions, garlic, mushrooms, chocolate, alcohol.
  • The diet is 4 times a day. Small portions are prepared.
  • Diet No. 14

  • Recommended by doctors for urolithiasis.
  • The diet is 5-6 times.
  • Vegetable, dairy and fruit soups (borscht, broths) should be minimized in the diet. Sninching, dairy products, potatoes, vegetable and fruit-berry juices are not allowed. You can not consume animals and culinary fats.
  • Diet No. 15

  • Therapeutic and preventive nutrition for all diseases that do not require the use of special diets.
  • The body is saturated with useful foods and energy.
  • It is a full -fledged and balanced power system.
  • Salt is used per day of no more than 15 grams.
  • You should drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid.
  • You can not use simple -digested products, smoked meats, spices and spicy dishes.
  • The diet is 4 times.
  • Approximate one -day medical nutrition menu

    eating Healthy Food

    Therapeutic nutrition for gastrointestinal diseases

  • Breakfast (7.00-8.00). 1 or 2 eggs of soft, semolina (1 portion), stale white bread, weak tea.
  • Lunch. Fresh cottage cheese (100 grams) with low -fat sour cream. One piece of stale white bread. A glass (200 ml) of tomato juice.
  • Dinner. Soup from fresh vegetables and cereals. 2 meat cutlets. A portion of rice porridge. One piece of stale white bread.
  • Afternoon snack. A piece of boiled fish (any). A portion of mashed potatoes. One piece of stale white bread. A glass (200 ml) of a rosehip decoction.
  • Easy dinner. A glass of milk (250 ml) and cookies. Stone white bread.
  • Therapeutic nutrition for intestinal disorders

  • The first breakfast. A portion of rice porridge. One piece (60 grams) of stale white bread. Cocoa on water, sugar no more than 10 grams.
  • Lunch. A glass (200 ml) of a rosehip decoction.
  • Dinner. Rice soup (with mucus), prepared on low -fat broth. 2 cutlets (steamed exclusively). Blueberry jelly.
  • Dinner. A piece of boiled fish (any). Jelly with blackcurrant. Sugar is not more than 10 grams.
  • 1-2 hours before bedtime. 100-110 grams of crackers made of white bread. A glass of fresh kefir.
  • Therapeutic nutrition for liver diseases

  • The first breakfast. A portion of vinaigrette with olive or vegetable oil. Curd pasta. The tea is good. One piece (50-60 grams) of stale white bread.
  • Second breakfast (11.00). A glass (200 ml) of apricot juice. A portion of porridge on low -fat milk with honey.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup (1 portion). Steam meat or boiled. Baked carrots. 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut. One piece is white and black bread.
  • Afternoon snack. Buckwheat porridge casserole.
  • Dinner. Cottage cheese, 2 cabbage cutlets. A piece of gray bread. A glass (200 ml) of a rosehip decoction.
  • 1-2 hours before bedtime. Dry cookies. Fruit compote.
  • Therapeutic nutrition for heart disease

  • The first breakfast. One piece of stale white bread. Cottage cheese (100 grams) with sour cream. Porridge (any) in low -fat milk. Tea with milk. A piece of oil.
  • Lunch. Half a glass (100-120 ml) of a rosehip decoction. 2 eggs. Puree from pumpkin and apples.
  • Lunch (13.00-13.30). Vegetable soup. 2 meat cutlets cooked exclusively for a couple. One piece of stale white bread. Big apple.
  • Afternoon snack (16.00). Puree made of white rice and pumpkin.
  • Dinner. Oatmeal porridge with a spoonful of honey. Cutlets (apple, flour, carrots). Half a glass (100 ml) of a rosehip broth. One piece of stale white bread.
  • 1-2 hours before bedtime. Biscuit and a glass of yogurt.
  • Therapeutic nutrition for kidney diseases

  • The first breakfast. A portion of vinaigrette (only without potatoes) with olive or vegetable oil. One piece of stale white bread. 1 egg. Nicky tea (200 ml) with milk.
  • Lunch. 2 baked potatoes "in the uniform." Half a glass (100 ml) of a rosehip broth.
  • Dinner. Pancakes from carrots and apples. Vegetable soup. A piece of boiled meat. Fresh fruits or 1 boiled potatoes.
  • Afternoon snack. Buckwheat porridge casserole.
  • Dinner. Cottage cheese, carrot cutlets. A piece of white bread. A glass (200 ml) of a rosehip decoction.
  • 1 or 2 hours before bedtime. A glass of compote (or tea) and a biscuit.
  • Therapeutic nutrition for weight loss after severe diseases or operations

  • The first breakfast (early). A piece of meat cheese or low -fat ham. Buckwheat porridge (1 portion), cheesecakes (2 pcs.). One piece of stale white bread. Tea.
  • Lunch. Eggs and salad with sour cream. Bread.
  • Dinner. Herring or caviar. Add healthy vegetable oil (you can olive). Borsch (on low -fat broth) with sour cream. One portion of rice porridge and chicken breast. Fruit compote. Bread.
  • Afternoon snack. One portion of fried meat (50 grams) with potatoes. Vegetable salad.
  • Dinner. Casserole from cottage cheese (fresh).  Buckwheat porridge with a piece of fish. Rosehip decoction (200 ml).
  • 1-2 hours before bedtime. A glass (200 ml) of milk or kefir with cookies.
  • Medical nutrition for obesity

  • The first breakfast. Vinaigrette (without adding potatoes). One piece of stale white bread. Tea (sugar no more than 10 grams).
  • Lunch. 50 grams of meat (boiled). Cabbage. A glass (200 ml) of a rosehip decoction.
  • Lunch (13.00). Vegetable soup. A piece of meat (boiled). 1 portion of buckwheat porridge. 1 fruit. A piece (50 grams) of rye bread.
  • Afternoon snack. Cabbage pudding.
  • Dinner. Boiled fish. 2-3 fruits (to choose from).
  • 1-2 hours before bedtime. A glass of yogurt or kefir.
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    Video - therapeutic nutrition for gastritis



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