
How to abandon sweets and flour to lose weight. How to abandon sweets forever - methods of psychology

How to abandon sweets and flour to lose weight. How to abandon sweets forever - methods of psychology
Why we are drawn to sweets and what are the consequences of this dependence. Ways to abandon sweet and flour forever.

Do you know that even the most avid sweet tooth needs no more than 20 g of sugar per day, which their body can take without prejudice to health? We will transfer this figure to real products - only one candy or a cup of tea with two tablespoons of sugar is obtained! If you are sweet, then most likely you are not limited to so much sweets. Is it worth talking about the dangers that you do, sending another cake in your mouth? Let's talk about how to abandon sweets quickly and painlessly.

Food dependence is a special term in psychology, meaning a disorder in which a person eats not in order to satisfy a natural feeling of hunger, but in order to obtain pleasant emotions or suppress a sense of anxiety, loneliness, disappointment. Most often, sweets and pastries become the object of lust, and we turn into voluntary hostages of sweets, chocolate, cakes and sweet pies.

However, many of us sooner or later come to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for proper nutrition, and at this stage of working on ourselves, the question acquires a special relevance whether it is possible to abandon the sweet? To understand this situation, we turn to the origins of the problem.

How to abandon sweet and flour. Why I want to eat sweet and flour

Scientists call several reasons for the unbridled desire of sweets:

  1. Deficiency of chromium, phosphorus and tripophanes. These substances are directly involved in the processing of glucose. The body tries to make up for their deficiency due to the receipt of sugar from the outside.
  2. High intellectual activity. To feed the brain and maintain its functionality, the body consumes about 20% of energy reserves, which are replenished due to glucose entering the blood from food. With excessive mental activity and a lack of necessary trace elements, the body literally requires sweets from us.
  3. Recovery after a concussion, an attack of hypotension or with osteochondrosis. All these conditions are the cause of slow blood circulation, against which the body desperately needs glucose.
  4. Life in conditions of stress, suppressed condition. Chocolate, ice cream or sweet buns can brighten up gray everyday life and literally drive away a bad mood. This happens by increasing the level of serotonin in the blood. The hormone is responsible for a good mood.
  5. Disorder or temporal changes in metabolism. Many women are familiar with an irresistible desire to eat something tasty the day before and during menstruation.

As you can see, you don’t always want sweets “just like that”: there are a number of physical problems that the body is trying to solve with the help of additional portions of glucose.

How to abandon sweet and flour. Consequences of excessive sweat

The main reason for high demand for potentially harmful products is the fact that sweets and cookies contain carbohydrates. Thanks to these substances, the human body replenishes its energy reserves.  As a result of combustion of 1 g of carbohydrates, 4 kcal of energy is released. This is valuable information for those who are tormented by the question of how to abandon sweets forever: you cannot completely deprive themselves of sweet and flour, otherwise a person will simply die.

However, no one canceled the rule of the golden mean: the large amounts of sweets are as harmful to the body as their complete absence. Especially many complaints from nutritionists to the so -called fast, or simple carbohydrates, which are broken down in the body in a matter of minutes. When too much sweets are eaten, one part is spent on energy, the second is stored as a fuel for muscle work, and the third is stored in the form of fat deposits.

The high content of simple carbohydrates in the body can result in serious complications for human health. Here are the typical results of "candy" dependence:

  • obesity;
  • severe pregnancy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • skin diseases;
  • caries;
  • thrush;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • violation of the immune system;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines;
  • reducing life expectancy.

How much sweet and flour can be eaten

Is it possible to lose weight by abandoning sweets? Undoubtedly!  If you suffer from excess weight and unsuccessfully struggle with it, you need to reconsider your attitude to sugar -containing products in the first place.

Eating carbohydrates is more than necessary and possible is very simple. You enjoy one piece of chocolate, but you do not feel a feeling of saturation, and having dealt with all the tiles, you understand that you would not refuse one more.

The permissible daily norm of carbohydrates is determined by the way of life and the degree of physical activity of a person, and varies within 300 - 500 g, which corresponds to 1200 - 2000 kcal. The standard tiles of milk chocolate are fraught with about 25.5 g of carbohydrates (about 500 kcal), and this is the third part of the daily norm.

You can only afford to use energy from simple carbohydrates for its intended purpose - for example, diligently “work out” an extra piece of the cake eaten at dinner in the gym.

How to abandon sweet and flour: simple and complex carbohydrates

Simple (fast) carbohydrates are always present in sugar and other sugar -containing products, that is, honey, jam, cakes, sweet “soda”, white bread, white rice, sweet fruits and vegetables eaten in large numbers can leave a couple of extra centimeters At your waist.

It is the products consisting of quick carbohydrates that cause food dependence. Sugar in sweet and flour treats helps the body produce endorphins, or hormones of happiness. And you are known to good, so you get used to it quickly, so having refused ourselves in the usual portion of sweets, we feel so depressed and uncomfortable. When the habit becomes addiction, the lack of sweets and baking makes us get angry, nervous and break into our relatives.

There is a way out of a difficult situation - the energy potential of the body must be fed with complex carbohydrates, and not simple. Only useful complex carbohydrates will help not exceed the threshold of the daily norm. Their splitting time largely exceeds the decay of simple carbohydrates, and if you consume them in moderation, excess weight does not threaten you. But even if there are such products in large volumes than nutritionists recommend, there will be less harm to health than from quick carbohydrates. Correct carbohydrates contain beans, vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, all types of cabbage), oatmeal, buckwheat, potatoes, bread from coarse flour, etc.

How to abandon sweets: we are looking for pitfalls

In order not to depend on sweets and flour, you will have to do considerable work. You can belong to those lucky people who eat sweets and chocolate in any quantity, but do not recover at the same time, or to get into the category of people who are given every lost kilogram with great difficulty even with a very strict diet.  Judging by the reviews of nutritionists, the ability to abandon sweet and flour is determined by the individual characteristics of the body and factors that entailed the formation of food dependence.

Even more often, pathological love for sweet is the tip of the iceberg, and the rest of the block is hidden by our subconscious, that is, dependence on goodies is due to the causes of a psychological nature. The most common of them:

  • the attitude to sweet in childhood as a promotion and reward for labor instilled in childhood;
  • the habit is sweet when negative emotions are overcome: fear, doubts, sadness;
  • the habit of fencing off with sweet from troubles in the family and at work;
  • the attitude to sweet, as to something forbidden and unremarkable, to what you want especially strongly.

Dependence on sugar -containing products is based on the subconscious perception of such food as a source of joy, pleasure and pleasure. Since sweets and cakes to some extent contribute to the synthesis of hormones of happiness, they are actually capable of improving mood, but this is a quick-free effect. While we absorb sweets in large quantities, our problems and insecurity remain with us.

Speaking about how to abandon sweets, psychology experts do not insist that we completely exclude it from our lives. Simple carbohydrates also have the right to be present in the diet, but only in limited quantities - about 5% of the total norm of carbohydrates.

How to abandon sweets and flour: the secrets of psychology

In an effort to lose weight and join a healthy lifestyle, we thoughtlessly sit on strict diets, and the body perceives this act only as punishment. Not far off, the breakdown is not so easy to get rid of the craving to sweets. Meanwhile, psychologists assure: if a stumbling block is only a psychological problem, and health is in order, then you can cope with food addiction yourself.

"What to do - I cannot refuse sweets!" “Wait alarm, maybe you haven’t even started solving this problem yet.” Let's find out what psychologists think about this:

  1. Stop perceiving sugar -containing goodies as something exceptional. Food is just a means of human existence, but not a goal. A sense of security that you experience, without analysis, buying cakes, sweets and pies, false. Show respect for your health - stop deceiving yourself.
  2. Work on the habit of thinking during eating only about what you see on your plate. Leave thoughts about the problems for later, turn off the TV, put the phone to the side. As soon as you learn to concentrate on what you eat, then protect yourself from overeating.
  3. Take care of research: study the composition and features of the production of your favorite sweets. Having gathered to the point, you will understand that sugar is not a panacea from a bad mood, but a real danger to health. So you realize that you do not punish yourself (people sitting on a diet, as a rule, are very sorry), but do an invaluable service for yourself.
  4. Find yourself a motivation that will help you get to the victorious end. For example, it is easier for a girl to lose weight if in the near future she has a wedding, vacation, etc. If you give a clear installation to the brain, why you are losing weight, you will cope with the set purpose without mental throwing.
  5. Do not rush the events. Sweet from your life cannot be excluded quickly and completely - this will not lead to anything good. They refuse harmful but favorite products gradually, daily reducing their number. It should become easier for you on the 7th - 10th day of the diet.
  6. Be sure to get enough sleep. In order to once and for all overcome dependence on sweets, you must fully rest. Otherwise, the deficit of strength and energy during the working day will again push you into the “sweet” abyss of overeating.

How to lose weight, abandoning sweets and flour: psychological tricks

We offer you several effective tricks that will help outwit the brain:

  1. When you want sweets especially strongly, put the candy under the tongue for a few moments, and then spit it out.
  2. Divide one portion to parts and eat in several suits - so the illusion is created that you have eaten a few full portions.
  3. You eat less if you lay out food on small plates of dark color.
  4. Remove everything sweet from home - as they say, out of sight. In stores, the departments with sweets are prudently bypass.
  5. Make the necessary changes to the diet. Remember that it is impossible to completely deprive yourself of carbohydrates, but the emphasis should not be made on simple, but on complex carbohydrates and protein foods. Eat fruits, vegetables, cereals and meat. Always offer the body a useful alternative to sweets: a couple of spoons of honey, dried fruits, sweet apples, pears, nuts.
  6. With an uncontrollable desire to send candy in your mouth, sharply switch your attention to some pleasant activity: lie in a warm bath, make a manicure, play with your child.
  7. Having abandoned sweets, look for other sources of joy and inspiration. For example, they can become:
  • communication with people you like;
  • walks with children and animals in the fresh air;
  • hobby, creativity;
  • reading books, watching interesting films;
  • sport.

What happens after abandoning sweet and flour

Scientists calculated that the formation of a stable habit is required no less - 66 days. However, even if you refuse sweets for a month, you will immediately notice positive shifts. This is what they will be expressed:

  1. Shortness of breath, heart cough will disappear, it will become easier for you to breathe-the work of the cardiovascular system will gradually return to normal.
  2. The risk of developing atherosclerosis, stroke and diabetes will decrease at least 3 times.
  3. The face will become cleaner: the skin will be cleansed of acne and acquire an even natural color. Recent studies have proven that after a complete rejection of sweet skin aging slows down 2 times.
  4. Having got rid of "candy" dependence, you will increase your brain activity and will be easier and faster to remember large volumes of information.
  5. If you are interested in how much you can lose weight, abandoning sweets, you will be pleasantly surprised - after 3-5 months of proper nutrition, you will not read from 5 to 15 kg of excess weight!



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