
What is floating?

What is floating?
How and for what the floating is used.

In the past few years, a modern spa treating-floating has become increasingly popular. The principle of all floating sessions is the placement of the human body in a state of complete weightlessness, approaching the trance. This condition is achieved using the Flooanting procedure - immersion in an ideal insulating chamber of deprivation with a solution of English salt, the density of which is several times higher than the density of salt in the Dead Sea. In this case, the human body falls into a state of complete weightlessness, when the weight of the body is equal to the power pushing it to the surface of the fluid.


Flotting received positive reviews during use in medicine, meditation, immersion, deep relaxation and non -traditional treatment. For the first time, such a camera is a closed space, D. Lilly was used to observe and study the effects of sensory deprivation.

How does the floating procedure go: photo


During the floating session, a person creates the most comfortable conditions:

  1. You are in a serene state in a salt solution of a large reservoir similar to a large bathroom or a jacuzzi with an almost weightless lid.
  2. The fluid temperature in it is close to the temperature of your body and is constantly maintained at this level - this is extremely important. Thus, you seem to soar in zero gravity, not feeling contact with liquid and salt.
  3. The room and capsule for floating are completely isolated from external stimuli and influences. The floors are perfectly smooth, the air temperature is comfortable and constant. So you do not hear anything, do not see and do not feel any extraneous smells.
  4. The water solution is so concentrated that for the entire time of the floating procedures you do not experience the slightest load on the musculoskeletal system. Your body is almost completely on the surface of the water.
  5. The body does not have to support the spine and head, so even the vestibular apparatus does not distract you from immersion in yourself and in deep sleep.
  6. If you have a fear of closed spaces, you can not close the lid. The tightness of the room is quite in the successful floering session. In any case, only you decide when it is closed.
  7. As additional factors for relaxation, if this is not enough, they usually offer pleasant background sounds of the sea, nature and relaxing music.
  8. Floting time ranges from 20 to 40 minutes. Already after 5-10 minutes after the start, you inevitably immerse yourself in a deep sleep and rest.
  9. About 30 minutes of sleep in the float capsule are equivalent to a full rest for 8 hours in the usual conditions. You completely turn off your brain from processing any information.
  10. If you are worried about safety during the floating procedure, you can be absolutely sure that the salt solution will not allow you to turn over and lower your head into the water. This is completely safe.

Types of floating


There are only two varieties of floating procedures: wet and dry. They differ obvious: during dry floating, your body does not come in contact with water, and during the wet one - it completely immerses in it. Of course, dry floating is more popular, and in general it is offered in various spa sites. After all, it is possible to plunge into a concentrated salt solution at home, for this it is not necessary to specially visit the floating procedure and pay for it in spa. Yes, and great delight does not cause bathing in very salt water, also for 40 minutes, and people with sensitive skin, if you have a choice. Of course, the price of different types of floating is different, but everyone chooses what he likes.

The procedure of dry floating is correctly carried out with other manipulations in the spa: scrub, wrap, masks, etc.. Before conducting a floating session, you ideally take a shower and peeling, and then you are carefully lowered into a float camer, by the way, reminiscent of a solarium camera, in a special “blanket”. As a result of a dry floating session, you get extraordinary relaxation, distracted from the hustle and bustle, forget about problems and frees consciousness. Whatever the price, with the help of floating sessions, you truly relax and enjoy a full rest.

Who needs a floating?


According to British scientists, floating sessions put a person into a state of deprivation - complete isolation from any sensations. This has a beneficial effect on rejuvenation of skin cells and overall well -being. The most common goal of dry floating users is the desire to calm down, relax, get rid of anxieties, pain and rest fully.

The use of float capsul and floating procedures show a favorable trend in:

  • diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, nervous disorders and cardiovascular failure;
  • dynamic lifestyle, lack of time to restore strength and replenishment of energy;
  • prolonged and exhausting physical exertion;
  • yoga classes;
  • the desire to plunge into yourself and find your peace;
  • sports;
  • active mental process for people, in the search for solutions for eager inspiration and "insight."

Floting is also used for non -traditional medicine at home without injections, painful procedures, tablets with high price and operations. In fact, he attracts people in this case.

Reviews about the achievements of floating procedures


  1. Achievements in physiology: Deep relaxation of muscle tissue, prevention of the consequences of injuries and sprains, severe loads and removal of pain. The practice of using dry floating in professional sports is noted. Behind the price of floating procedures are entire national teams and international clubs that improve the reaction and shape of their players using a float camera.
  2. Achievements in psychiatry: Improving mental states, withdrawal from a state of stress, treatment of panic and fear attacks, fighting phobias and motivation for the meaning of life. Improving sleep and removing chronic fatigue.
  3. Increase in brain and mental activity. Improving productivity in business.
  4. Improving blood circulation, removal of toxins and getting rid of subcutaneous fats.
  5. Maintaining emotional balance, balance and positive mood during pregnancy.
  6. In order to improve the body and rejuvenate body cells.

Floration at home


If you study the photos of the float capsules, then the floating procedure can remind you of the usual bath adoption, which can easily be repeated at home. But everything is not so simple. To achieve the correct effect after the floating session at home, it is not enough to just correctly measure the concentration of salt solution and see the photo materials on its use.

It is important to take into account:

  • the container in which you are going to dive should be quite large and comfortable - nothing should interfere with your relaxation;
  • the floors in the bathroom should be perfectly even and not slippery;
  • in the room under the float camera, there should be an ideal sound, light, heat and moisture insulation;
  • the temperature of water and air in the room must be constantly maintained at the level of body temperature;
  • it is necessary to exclude the possibility of receiving any irritants into the room.

Flotting: Contraindications


The Floting procedure on numerous reviews is unique, comfortable and completely painless. However, floating sessions have a number of contraindications, warnings and recommendations. Nothing complicated, just adhere to elementary rules and enjoy.

  1. Floting sessions are completely contraindicated to people suffering from epilepsy and infectious diseases. Those who are in alcohol or drug intoxication. It has extensive lesions and open wounds of the skin.
  2. Refuse for food two hours before the procedure of dry floating - this will save you from possible unpleasant sensations in the stomach during the session.
  3. It is strictly contraindicated in the floating session to taste water, wash and touch with wet hands of the mucous membranes, especially the eyes.
  4. According to reviews, the first few minutes of floating procedures are accompanied by panic due to the lack of auditory, tactile, tangible and smell. It is strictly contraindicated during floating to panic. It is recommended to calm down - an attack of excitement will pass as quickly as it began.
  5. It is contraindicated to make sudden movements during the floating session - to suddenly get up, even after its end.

Flotting. Video



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