
The properties of lavender oil are benefits and harm. The use of lavender oil for hair, face, body. The use of lavender oil from mosquitoes

The properties of lavender oil are benefits and harm. The use of lavender oil for hair, face, body. The use of lavender oil from mosquitoes
In this article we will tell you about the benefits and dangers of lavender oil.

What could be more beautiful than the aroma of lavender - a plant that enchants with its alluring color and attracts with its incomparable smell. From Lavender, people learned to make essential oil, which is widely used today in different areas of human life. If you want to maintain eternal youth, cure chronic diseases and cope with troubles in everyday life, then you definitely need to get lavender essential oil in your first -aid kit. We will tell you in detail what is a unique natural remedy, and also explain how it must be used for different purposes.

Lavender oil: properties and chemical composition

Lavender is considered the oldest Mediterranean plant, which since ancient times was used exclusively in aromatherapy. Our ancestors used the plant to wash the linen and added it to the bathroom instead of a soap product, so that the body smells of after the bath procedure. At first, Lavender was used only by the ancient Romans, but with the heyday of their country, the whole of Europe learned about the beautiful plant. Here Lavender became a sacred plant, although during the period of medieval history it could not be used for cosmetic purposes, because this was punished by a Catholic church.

Believers thought that lavender is a plant, the main purpose of which is to scare away the devils and witches. Therefore, in their homes and on the body there were crosses made from Lavender branches. In the era of the revival of Lavender, she regained his former glory, they began to grow her in monastery gardens, and spirits for ladies of a noble family began to prepare from it - they were called "Hungarian water." Artists glorified Lavender in their works as a symbol of love, beauty, sophistication and charm. We still relate to this plant in the same way, but only we have learned to use it for different purposes, which is not surprising, because Lavender has a very rich chemical composition.

Lavender oil, which is a light, colorless liquid (sometimes it is still yellow-green shade) and is perfectly combined with other essential oils:

  • L-linalol, which is a complex alcohol ether;
  • acetic acid with bitterness and resins;
  • valeric acid;
  • cariophyllene with borneol and oil acid;
  • geraniol with tannins;
  • lavanidiol with urasoilic acid;
  • kumarin with herniana and nylon acid.

Thanks to this composition, lavender oil performs many different functions:

  1. It acts as an antiseptic that relieves inflammation.
  2. It has a diuretic and choleretic effect.
  3. Anesthetizes and relieves spasms (especially effective if a person has a head and teeth).
  4. Eliminates depression and any other manifestations of psycho -emotional disorder.
  5. Fighting rheumatism.
  6. Improves blood circulation in the human body, due to which the blood supply to the brain and blood pressure returns to normal.
  7. He tones a person if he is physically or mentally tired.
  8. Strengthens the immune system.
  9. Heals wounds and promotes the rapid delay in postoperative scars.
  10. Fights with colds and viral diseases.
  11. Cleans the bronchi of sputum.
  12. Improves the condition of the skin, hair, nail structure.
  13. Fighting with insects that often start in everyday life.
  14. Improves memory and increases performance.
  15. Oil treat numerous female diseases associated with gynecology.

Knowing and understanding how to use lavender oil, you can learn how to independently make numerous useful products that will help you preserve youth and cope with the problems related to health.

Lavender oil: application

As we have already mentioned, lavender is used in many areas of human life, but you need to know the correct technologies for using its oil in order to achieve the desired result. We have compiled a list of recipes for you, how and for what purpose should be used lavender essential oil.

Lavender oil and medicine: how to use a natural remedy?

According to reviews, lavender oil is a very effective medication that can be used as an ointment that acts externally and as a tincture that will have an effective effect on internal organs:

  • If you need to prepare a cure for cardiovascular, neurological diseases and nervous disorder, you need to have 5 drops of lavender essential oil in 1 tbsp. honey or alcohol, and take the resulting tool 3 times a day. In its pure form, it is impossible to use lavender oil so that the gastric mucosa does not occur.
  • If you treat a runny nose, respiratory tract disease, then you can prepare inhalation based on the essential oil of lavender - just add 3 drops of oil to the water (no matter hot or cold) and take it over it for 7 minutes.
  • If you want to prepare a useful tool for processing delicate skin of the baby, then you can prepare a cream for children based on lavender oil with yogurt, kefir or sour cream (in 30 ml of sour -milk product, dilute 2 drops of lavender oil if you prepare a cream for an adult, then Add not 2, but 4 drops). Such a tool will remove excess tone in the baby’s legs, and calm him down. By the way, if you have received a strong burn, you have abrasions, wounds, scars, then they also need to be lubricated with such a cream - they will heal faster.
  • If you treat your throat, you can prepare a compress - add 7 drops of oil to hot water.
  • If you or your relative have survived a stroke, then you need to use lavender oil for aroma massage. Dilute 5 drops of oil, 10 drops of rosemary into 10 ml of sour cream and rub the patient's body with the resulting remedy. By the way, this procedure is useful to everyone who has an increased blood cholesterol.
  • If your legs are very tired, apply lavender oil to make a bath - add 10 drops of oil to the water and dip your legs into it.
  • If you are bitten by some kind of poisonous insect or snake, then you need to grate the bite with lavender oil abundantly.

Buy lavender oil in any pharmacy to use it at the right points of your life.

Lavender oil and cosmetology: how to use a natural remedy?

For cosmetic purposes, lavender oil is most often used. For our body, hair and skin, it is a real elixir. We will share with you the recipes for using this natural tool that you can use in everyday life:

  1. First we figure out how to use hair lavender oil:
  • you can simply add 5 drops of the product to a portion of shampoo (rinse or air conditioner) when washing the head;
  • you can comb dry hair if 3-4 drops of lavender oil drip on a comb;
  • you can make a mask with hair of hair oil - take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of burdock oil, warm it in a water bath, add an egg yolk and 5 drops of lavender oil to it, apply the resulting product to wet strands, wrap them with a bag and towel, and after 20 minutes, rinse the mask of water.
  1. How to use the essential oil of lavender for the face:
  • if you have an acne or any other problem of this kind, then you need to prepare a cream for acne based on lavender oil - beat the egg yolk, add 5 drops of lavender oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil, apply the cream to the skin for 15 minutes , and then wash yourself with warm water;
  • If you have sensitive skin, then you need lavender oil to prepare the cream - in 1 tbsp. Dilute 2 drops of lavender oils with linseed oil, apply the product to the skin, and then wipe the face with a cotton swab moistened in water;
  • if you want to restore your face to elasticity and elasticity, then you need to mix 4 drops of lavender oil from 1 tbsp. Jozhoba oils - apply this tool 2 hours before going to bed.

Lavender oil and life: how to use a natural remedy?

Lavender oil brings benefits in everyday life. With it, you can do the following:

  1. Prepare a detergent in order to clean dishes from various kinds of pollution. To do this, you need to dilute 5 drops of lavender oil extract in a glass of water, and then pour the dishes overnone for the night with the resulting solution. This will help you get rid of bacteria and put your kitchen utensils in order.
  2. Pour 2 drops of lavender butter on a cotton pad or bag, and then place the resulting aromatic product in the refrigerator so that there are no unpleasant odors.
  3. Lavender oil from mosquitoes helps. You need to prepare a spray - in 250 ml of water, dilute 5 drops of lavender oil, and then pour the resulting liquid into the sprayer and spray the room. It will smell pleasant in it, and you can get rid of harmful insects.
  4. If you need to get rid of the fleas, then you need to moisten the cotton pads with lavender oil and lay them out at the corners of the room where the pests have started. The same can be done if you have a mole.
  5. In order to smell pleasantly washed clothes, you can add lavender oil to the iron, which will be impregnated with the aroma of lavender your things when steaming.

Contraindications to the use of lavender oil

Some people cannot afford to use lavender oil, because it can harm them. These people include:

  • Pregnant women and new mothers who feed their babies breasts.
  • People with vegetovascular dystonia of a hypotonic type, because lavender oil can even more reduce blood pressure.
  • If you have anemia, or you use iron -containing drugs, then you are strictly prohibited to use lavender oil.
  • If you have individual intolerance to this product, which can provoke an allergy, lavender must be excluded from your life.

You can buy lavender oil in a pharmacy. It is presented there in a wide range and is always available to any buyer. The price of lavender oil for 1 bottle does not exceed 100 rubles, so we advise you to get a natural elixir to use it according to the recommendations given in this article.

Video: "Lavender oil: 10 main properties"



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