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Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil
The most effective methods of using tea tree oil. Recipes, rules, recommendations.

It is known that people used the useful properties of tea tree several thousand years ago - tinctures and compresses prepared from plant leaves. The tool was used for colds, it was also treated and disinfected by wounds.

Tea tree oil: beneficial properties


Today, a lot of ailments are treated with tea tree oil, however, the list of diseases and other problems that tea tree can cope with has expanded significantly. The great popularity of tea tree oil is due to the fact that this tool contains more than 40 organic components. Thanks to this, tea tree oil has a lot of beneficial properties, so it will become indispensable in home use.

  • This is an excellent antiseptic and anti -inflammatory agent.
  • Effectively fights with a cold, used for viral infections, influenza diseases, and problems with bronchi.
  • Has painful properties. Used to reduce heat.
  • He copes with various fungal diseases, helps to get rid of herpes, acne and other skin problems.
  • Helps relieve swelling on the legs, has a relaxing effect.
  • Soothes inflamed skin.
  • It has an effective effect in the healing of wounds on the body.
  • Strengthens hair roots, with regular use will help to cope with the problem of hair loss.

Tea tree oil is used:

  • during inhalations;
  • during the adoption of the bath;
  • in aroma lamps and aroma culons;
  • for adding to cream, shampoos, masks, balms;
  • for disinfection of air in the premises;
  • in combination with lavender, rosemary, fir and other oils.

Tea tree oil: Rules for use and contraindications


  • Tea tree oil, like any other oil, must be stored in a cool place. Make sure that the oil is in a dark container. Be sure to pay attention to the period of its fitness when buying a fund.
  • Take an interest in the manufacturer of the product and the degree of its naturalness.   Really good oil is expensive.
  • It is necessary to use the product taking into account the recommendations for the dosage in order to avoid allergies or skin burn.
  • It is necessary to be careful during the procedures on the skin of the face so that the product does not get into the eyes.
  • The oil is contraindicated if your body has individual intolerance.
  • It is not recommended to use oil for children under 10 years of age, also do not use oil to future and nursing mothers.

Tea tree allergies

An allergic reaction to the product is rare. But before use, it is better to conduct a tolerance test.

  • Mix two drops of tea tree oils with oil vitamin E.
  • Rub the product on the bend of the elbow from the inside.
  • After an hour, make sure that redness and itching did not arise in this area.
  • The oil is checked before the inhalation procedure. To do this, inhale the smell of a scarf impregnated with oil. If there is no dizziness and suffocation, inhalation can begin.

Tea tree oil in folk medicine

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Tea tree oil with a runny nose

It is very useful to use oil for preventive purposes.  To do this, do not forget to lubricate the inside of the nasal passages, as well as the wings of the nose. Only one drop of the product is enough. The problem with the laid nose will pass quickly if the procedure is constantly performed. To enhance the therapeutic effect, put in the room an aromatic lamp with tea tree oil, and also do regular wet cleaning of the room with the addition of a pair of drops of oil.

Oil treatment for sinusitis

Effective treatment with tea tree oil in the form of steam baths. This procedure can be used for chronic sinusitis.

  • Take a medium -sized capacity. Pour water into it and put on fire.
  • Water should be heated to a temperature of approximately 60 S.
  • Drop a few drops of oil into hot water.
  • Get the steam bath - inhale the oil vapors for about 10 minutes.
  • This procedure can be carried out 2 times a day.

Tea tree oil: inhalation


  • Take a large wide pan.
  • It needs to boil potatoes in it, and then make a homogeneous gruel from it.
  • In the resulting mixture, drip one drop of oil.
  • Carry out the procedure: tilt your head at a distance of about 20 cm above the container. To improve the effect, cover with a towel.
  • Sit over the steam for about 10 minutes.

Tea tree oil for coughing and bronchitis

  • 2 tbsp. l. Heat the vegetable oil slightly.
  • Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to this mixture.
  • Make the compress by moistening thin tissue in oil.
  • Put a plastic bag on the fabric, cover with a warm blanket.
  • The duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes.
  • You can also carry out such a mixture of rubbing.
  • Oil for sore throat and asthma

  • Add two drops of tea tree oil to a glass of warm water.
  • Half up the throat several times a day with this solution.
  • You can also add half a teaspoon of soda.
  • Fungus

  • A few drops of tea tree oil are applied to the nail and is thoroughly rubbed with a cotton swab.
  • Also rub the edges of the nail plate.
  • Make sure that the oil does not fall on the skin around the nail.
  • After the procedure, the finger must be bandaged or glued a patch on it. Keep for about 6 hours.
  • The procedure is carried out within 3 months.
  • Feet baths with tea wood oil


    • Prepare the composition of sea salt, honey and soda in equal amounts. Mix thoroughly and dissolve it in a liter of moderately hot water.
    • Drop about 25 drops of tea tree oil and mix again.
    • Hold your legs in the solution until the water is completely cooling.

    Other useful methods of treatment:

    • With the help of oil, you can get rid of the wart. To do this, it must be steamed, after which a few drops of oil carefully apply. Leave the oil until completely absorb. Carry out the procedure until the wart disappears.
    • To prevent the occurrence of denture, add a couple of drops of tea tree oil every time you brush your teeth to the brush.
    • With the help of tea tree oil, you can douch. Dissolve a few drops in 500 ml of boiling water. After cooling the water, use a solution for douching.
    • If you have irritation after “intimate” shaving, mix tea tree oil with any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 4. Lubricate after shaving twice a day. Helps to eliminate redness and irritation in the bikini area.
    • Rub the product into the place of insect bites. You can also dilute tea tree oil with another vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 5 if the bite area is extensive.

    Tea wood baths

    It is good to conduct baths with tea tree oil if you felt the first signs of SARS.

    • To a small amount of milk add a few drops of tea tree oil.
    • Pour the mixture into a bath with not very hot water.
    • Take a bath for 10 minutes.
    • After that, you need to wipe it well with a towel, and then apply a few drops of oil to the points in the temple area, on the wrist and under the knees.

    Tea tree oil for rinsing the oral cavity

    Tea tree oil is recommended for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Also, the product will prevent unpleasant odor from the mouth, strengthen the gums and prevent plaque and tartar on the teeth.  To prepare a solution, a couple of drops of tea tree oil drip into a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth with such a mixture at least 2 times a day. After a week of regular use, you can feel the results.

    Tea tree oil in cosmetology

    The use of tea tree oil for problem skin

    It is very effective to use tea tree oil for skin prone to acne. To get rid of acne, lubricate them daily. You can add a few drops of oil to the cream that you use. Cook a mixture of cream and oil at a time and in small portions.

    Tea tree oil effectively copes not only with acne, but also with inflammation and irritations on the skin. To do this, you can add 1-2 drops of oil to face masks designed for problem and oily skin.

    Facial masks with tea tree oil


    Option one - Cleaning mask

  • You will need 2 tsp. clay (sold in pharmacies). You can take several of its types. For example, blue and white.
  • Add oatmeal to it (the same amount).
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly and pour it with kefir. You should get a gruel.
  • Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil.
  • Stir the mixture.
  • Now we carefully apply the mask on the face and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse the mixture with cool water.
  • Option two - tonic mask

  • For this mask you will need brewed green tea. The drink should turn out to be the middle fortress.
  • Let the tea cool, then pour 1 tbsp into it. l. oatmeal, 1 tsp lemon juice and 2 drops of tea tree oil.
  • Mix the resulting mixture and apply to the face.
  • After 20 minutes, the mask can be washed off.
  • The use of tea tree oil for hair


    The easiest way to use tea tree oil is the addition of several drops of its shampoo. It is enough to drip into a palm with shampoo 2-3 drops of the product before applying to the hair.   This procedure needs to be carried out a couple of times a week.

    You can also make a healing mixture against dandruff on the basis of tea tree oil.

    • You will need any basic oil. It is advisable to use burdock or castor oil.
    • Heat it in a water bath.
    • On 2 tbsp. Add about 4 drops of tea tree oil, as well as 2 drops of essential oils - rosemary, lavender and bergamot.
    • Leave the resulting mixture for several minutes.
    • Apply it to the hair roots and hold it for about half an hour.
    • Rinse your hair with cool water.

    Tea tree oil: Features of use

    Woman Dispensing an Eyedropper of Herbal Tonic

    • Be sure to check if you have an allergy to the oil before performing procedures.  If you have rashes or redness on your skin, you must immediately stop using oil.
    • The oil should not be used to young children, since it has the ability to influence the human immune system.
    • Prevent oil in the eye. When conducting inhalations, always close your eyes. If the oil is still the same, rinse your eyes immediately with flamping water.
    • Do not abuse hot baths with the addition of tea tree oil.
    • Keep oil only in a dark dark place.

    Tea wood oil for hair and body at home -wido



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