
How much does the road take up to the Crimea by car: the distance, crossing on the ferry. How to get to Crimea by car - Route

How much does the road take up to the Crimea by car: the distance, crossing on the ferry. How to get to Crimea by car - Route
Description of the route for travel to Crimea by car. How much time and money you need to spend on the road. Crossing in the Crimea by car.

Crimea is a picturesque corner washed by the waters of the Black and Azov seas. The edge of the hot sun and beautiful nature. Crimea, favorite place of rest, both ordinary citizens and first persons of the country. And how can you get to this pearl by the sea? Below will carry the route and tell about all the wisdoms, how to get to the Crimea by car.

In the Crimea by car. A little prehistory

A few years ago, about the choice of the route Moscow - Crimea on the car was worth thinking in advance, as he was great enough. After Ukraine with Russia has ceased to be friends, "the only option remained - Kerch duct, which needs to be overcome on the ferry.

Immediately I want to note that there are no huge queues that have been fixed in 2014, and you can buy online in advance. This will help avoid a queue when loading on the ferry.

How to get to the Crimea by car. Moscow - Crimea, how to pave the route by car

Having thoughtfully the trip to the Crimea by car you need to think about how to get there. As already written above, the way is closed through Ukraine, so the route Moscow - Crimea rub along the territory of the Russian Federation.

Moscow - Crimea by car, the route will look like this:

  • The road to the Crimea on the car begins with a segment of Moscow - Rostov. From the Moscow Ring Road to take the direction on the M4 track. It is also called the "Don" route. The trace itself is normal, as to the holding of the Olympics, which was held back in 2014 in Sochi, this highway was reconstructed.
  • On the highway there are paid cuts of the road with alternative paths of the trail. Immediately it should be noted that it makes no sense to travel around the paid sections of this track, as this is a huge time loss. First, the areas of the road for a detour leave to desire the best, secondly, on some bypass areas, the permitted speed of movement is only 40 km / h.

How to get to the Crimea by car. About paid plots of the M4 Don

Go to the Crimea on the M4 route by car, this is the right decision. Because by paid cuts of the road to go a pleasure. There are only eight of them. Paying on the profit point, you fall on a wide range, on which you can go fast, while it is sure that the discs will not be locked in the next pit.

Every 2 km on the track you can find special terminals, thanks to which you can send a SOS signal. Posts and people in pursuit on paid segments of the road are not, but there are camcorders that record any violations, including high-speed mode. Since the speed limit is at a mark of 110 km / h. If you do not want to get home "Letters of Happiness" with the amount of fines, then it is better not to exceed the speed more permissible.

How to get to the Crimea by car. Reached Rostov, what's next?

On the route Don got to Rostov-on-Don. Now we need to get to the port "Caucasus". You can do this in two ways:

  • rostov bypass routes are the M4 and turn to Kislyakovskaya station R268 road. Next, move to the side of Timashevsk, driving that for 30 km on the road P251 to move out and follow up of Slavyansk-on-Kuban;
  • continue to move in the direction of Krasnodar, on the bypass, avoiding Belozernaya station Maryanskaya, Novomyshansk, Ivanovo, Krasnodar leave the city Slavyansk-on-Kuban.

Whichever option you choose, the final destination will be the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban. This stretch of road is not so good as the M4. The road is narrow, and the maximum speed of movement in some areas not exceeding 40 km / h.

Slavyansk-na-Kubani - is the last major town on the road Moscow - Crimea. The port "Kavkaz", which will result in A150 road, have to get, bypassing the small station.

We go to the Crimea by car on the map

Although the main road should be on one track (unless you consider a detour toll stations), many motorists can not do without the card. Therefore, we propose to consider how to get to the Crimea by car on the map.

Originally, "our way" on the M4 highway.

Passing Rostov-on-Don, do not miss the station Kislyakovskaya.

After the way to keep Timoshevskaya.

Next on the station to the ferry terminal.

In Crimea car ferry

As already mentioned, the only way to get to the Crimea by car - ferry. It is located in the port of Kavkaz, which is located on the spit Chushka in the Kerch Strait. It is the largest passenger port, and due to the fact that it is through this port delivered by ferry to the Crimea machine. According to statistics, the average daily passenger flow of up to 20 thousand people in the summer and transported daily to 3.5 thousand cars and about a thousand trucks.

How to get to the Crimea by car ferry. What is an electronic ticket, or how to avoid long periods of inactivity in the queue

Buy ticket for the ferry can be locally on arrival. First of all you will be asked to travel to the observation deck. Next will check. It consists in the study of documents (passports and birth certificates to children). Also ask for the data sheet on the car. Once issued card, where you can buy a ticket. The price of transportation of a car depends on its size, an average passenger car costs 1700-4800 rubles.

As for the people, the "ride" on the ferry to the Crimea:

  • an adult can be 150 rubles,
  • child for 80 rubles,
  • and for children under 6 years old - free.

You can purchase a ticket to the ferry and in advance. It is ordered over the Internet for a certain time. But do not order the time "backdown", as it is not known how it all goes on the road.

How to get to the Crimea by car on the ferry. Couple words about loading

At the entrance to the port there is a large parking area of \u200b\u200bmachines, the so-called expectation area. You can wait until the loading will come. Before the loading itself, all machines are careful. The entire car is investigated, personal belongings (on the scanner). Only after inspection is passed to the last platform, with which loading on the ferry. On average, it takes up to 40 minutes.

On ferry in the Crimea

Crossing on the ferry in the Crimea on the car does not provide permanent location in the car. It takes up to 30 minutes. Cars "Pack" on the bottom deck, and people are placed on the top. On the ferry there is a cafe in which you can have a snack. After the crossing, you finally get into the beautiful Crimea.

In the Crimea by car

Course from the ferry, you already certainly decided where you follow. See the Crimea (attractions) easier by car. Therefore, enjoy the further trip in full.

If you want to get to the Black Sea, then find the track a17 Kerch Yalta. In the case of the choice of the Azov Sea, which is famous for its shallow water for recreation with children. That, driving Kerch, you need to turn right, in the direction of the villages of Lenino, Schelkino.

How much to go to the Crimea by car in numbers?

On average, to get to the solar peninsula you need to spend at least a day. If it is easy to cross or you wake up the paid portions of Trasi M4, then this time can increase half.

Now, with regard to the distance to the Crimea by car in kilometers. The total amount of kilometer on the road is 1654 km. And if you calculate how many km to the Crimea by car for different routes, we will get the following picture:

  • on the highway M4 - 1187 km;
  • on the road P268 - 134 km;
  • on the road P251 - 119 km;
  • on the road A150 - 82 km;
  • on the ferry on Kerch Strait - 131 km.

How to get to the Crimea by car. Finally, money

The most relevant question remains, how much will the trip by car go to the shores of the Black Sea, located in the Crimea. After all, the road is long, and gasoline is expensive.

  • The largest cost of expenses will be precisely fuel. On average, it costs 8-10 thousand rubles.
  • Crossing on the ferry depending on the number of person and the dimension of transport, at the maximum price will cost 5100 rubles.
  • If you still take into account the holidays in the hotel and meals in roadside cafes: 5-10 thousand rubles. On this article, you can save, if you sleep in the car and take food with you.

It turns out if you go by car in Crimea, the price for the trip will vary from 15 thousand rubles. up to 30 thousand rubles. one way. Now think about how best to go to the Crimea on vacation.


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