
Easter holiday in 2017. What is the number of Easter in 2017

Easter holiday in 2017. What is the number of Easter in 2017
The article describes Easter holiday 2017, rites and holiday traditions.

Easter is the greatest holiday of the whole Christian world. It was on this day that Christ was risen - the basis of the Christian faith. The Day of Resurrection of Christ is celebrated not only Orthodox, but also Catholics and all Protestant denominations.

Easter holiday in 2017. Catholic Easter in 2017

As a rule, Catholic and Orthodox Easter is celebrated in different days. But sometimes this date may coincide. So it will be in 2017. Orthodox and Catholic Easter will be celebrated on April 16.
All Christian denominations each year remember the most important event in history. The name "Easter" was borrowed from the Jewish people. Namely "Pesach." Although the name of the holiday is like, but they have a completely different meaning. Jewish dogs means the exit of Jews from Egypt, where they were slaves.
Christians are celebrating the resurrection of Christ and his victory over death and sin.

Pictures on request Catholic Easter

When in 2017 Maslenitsa and Easter

One of the fun holidays - Maslenitsa will be celebrated in Russia from 20 to 26 February 2017. For a whole week, walking and fun across the country. Maslenitsa symbolizes the head of the beginning of the Great Post. Since the carnival comes just for the last week before the great post. After which the long-awaited and great feast of the Resurrection of Christ comes.

If you look into the church calendar, then there will not find a holiday like Maslenitsa. The name went from people will take and believes.

If you look deep in the ages, then Maslenitsa is a pagan festival, which carried in itself three meanings:

  • The first of them is a greeting of the coming spring. Waiting for the year will be plenty of fruit.
  • The second meaning is the acquaintance of young girls and guys in order to create families.
  • And the third meaning to the continuation of the kind.

During the celebration of Carnival, the pagans glorified God to Yaril, who symbolized the God of the Sun, fertility and the coming spring. In honor of this god baked with pellets, and later the pancakes that resemble the sun. It was believed that when biteling a pancake, a man got the heat of the Sun, which filled his life and warmth.

Thus, the pagan carnival took root in the Orthodox peoples and is celebrated from year to year.

Pictures on the request of Carnival

Easter holiday in 2017. Christian Easter in 2017

The resurrection of Christ is exactly the event, without which there was no Christian people.
Easter is celebrated every year on Sunday. After all, the day "Sunday" and was named after the resurrection of Jesus. In 2017, Easter will be celebrated on April 16th. Crucified the Savior people on Friday and on the third day, by Scripture, he was resurrected.

Easter attribute different meanings, but the most important thing is that if a person hopes only for this life - he is the most unfortunate man on Earth. After all, Easter is a symbol of the fact that after the earthly life there is an eternal life. It is this value that the Bible opens to us - the sacred book of all Christians on the planet.

Catholics and Orthodox celebrate Easter in different dates, as they are countdown and the calendar they have different.

Pictures on request Resurrection of Christ

Easter holiday in 2017. Easter Jewish 2017.

Pesach, Jewish Easter, also one of the most important holidays of the Israeli people.
On this day, according to the Old Testament, God brought all the people from Egyptian slavery, in which they were 400 years old. The exit of the Jews was marked by large wonders and mars over the Egyptians. After all, Pharaoh did not want to let go of the Jews. And God showed all its greatness and glory, after which Pharaoh drove the Jews from his country.

God commanded to celebrate the exit from Egypt. So that future generations knew what happened to their ancestors. And they knew about what the great God they worship.

In 2017, Jewish Easter will be celebrated on April 11. Pesach celebrate 7 or 8 days.
It is worth remembering that the Jewish calendar is different from all other calendar of the world. According to the Jewish calendar, Pesach will be celebrated 14 Nisana 5778, which corresponds to April 11, 2017.
Jewish people are a special people. God in a special way favorables to him. And Jewish holidays are as special. After all, from the exit from Egyptian slavery, the feast of the dog practically did not change either in traditions or in rites and in its meaning.

Pesach celebrate all the Jews, regardless of their place of residence.

Pictures on request

Easter holiday in 2017. What do in pure Thursday before Easter

Clean Thursday in 2017 falls on April 13th. Three days before Easter it is believed that you need to make different rites, so that in the future there was joy in the house, happiness and everything managed.
Clean Thursday is not celebrated, but is of great importance for Orthodox believers.
For many years, there are also beliefs and rites, which are followed by some Orthodox.
And one of the believes says that since after clean Thursday there comes a passionate Friday, then you need to get rid of old sins, fears and problems. After all, it is not necessary to carry the load of the past and unnecessary in the bright feast of the resurrection.

On this day, they need to make rites that will lead to improving life.

  • One of these rites states that after the family woke up in pure Thursday, it should wash with silverware (coin or spoon). The legend states that such a rite gives a person a good health and beauty.
  • Each Orthodox is obliged to get into the house on this day. Cleansing must be carried out both in the house, so with the body and in the shower.
  • To take all the garbage from the house, remove things that have not been used for a long time. It is believed that if any subject did not use more than 1 year, it must be given to the poor or throw it away. Such a rite helps to free the place for new blessings in the house.
    Everyone knows that garbage is where they grind. And where garbage, bad thoughts come, bad words and deeds. Love and good disappears. That is why you need to follow the cleanliness in the house, if possible.
  • Another superstitious legend says that if you swim before sunrise on Thursday, it will take fatigue, pain. And the body will be filled with a new force.
    Before you swim, you need to pray. In prayer thank the Most High for all the benefits that you have in life. And also reassure in all perfect sins.
    They advise during swimming, it can be a shower or bath, represent how water is washes off dirt from the body and soul.
    After bathing, you need to bleed yourself with cool water from the mug.

Pictures on request clean Thursday

Signals for Easter 2017

As at all times, commences for Easter 2017 had its meaning. For example, the weather was determined what will be the upcoming spring and summer.

By the people's calendar could predict future weather for spring and summer.

  • It was believed that if at Easter the night sky was starry, then it was necessary to wait for frost.
  • The peasants believed that if on this day was warm and clear, then the future summer will be filled with the sun, which means that the crop will be good. Exactly and on the contrary, if the sky is cloudy, then the hot summer is not waiting.
  • If there was a thunderstorm on Easter, then waited later and dry autumn.
  • But if the first day of Easter was frost, it meant that there would be a good harvest.
  • If rain fell to the Easter week, then there will be a good crop of wheat.
  • Superval beliefs read in order to avoid failures in the future, you need to wake up so as not to miss the morning.
  • Many girls had hope to embed the elbow. Superstitions read that if it happens, she will meet the groom this year.
  • Those who will hear the knockdown knock, according to the signs, will soon live in their home.
  • Those people who celebrated Dawn on this day were considered successful or a varicolored sunset.
  • Those who have brought water from the well to the Easter night, thus expelled evil thoughts and conspira. This water had to sprinkle all the rooms.
  • It is believed that those who were born in the Easter week will be healthy and luck will accompany them in life.
  • Sewing the morning service - meant to fail.
  • The girls believed that if at Easter, after the Orthodox ministry, say: "Easter Christ! I went to the fiance of idle! ", Soon they will marry.
  • It is believed that it is impossible to drink a lot of alcohol on Easter. And noise. And then the next year will be unsuccessful.

Pictures on request Easter thunderstorm

Ritals in pure Thursday before Easter 2017

In addition to the rites of ablution, cleaning and cooking, there were other rites that the Orthodox believers adhered to.

  • Also at this time, the unmarried girls tried to attract grooms with the help of various conspiracies and magic.
  • Curved rites in order to attract money and beauty.
  • It was necessary on this day to confess. In order for the next year to be a pious life.
  • It is customary to give a legging the poor. It is believed that helping others help themselves. Priests say that the hand of the giving does not care.

Pictures on request Easter

Why is Easter every year celebrated on different days?

Focusing on the lunar calendar, determine the date of the celebration of Easter.
The rule remains unchanged - Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon. Also, Christian Easter is not celebrated in one day with Jewish.

As for the Orthodox and Catholic Easter, they lead their summer by different calendars. Julian calendar adheres to Orthodox, and Gregoryan - Catholic believers. Therefore, they celebrate Easter in different days, and then months.

Jewish Easter is constant and unchanged in his date of celebration. She always falls on the same day - 14 Nisan.
Easter coincides with Catholics and Orthodox every few years. For example, on one day it will be celebrated in 2017, as well as in 2025, 2028, 2031, 2034, and so on.

Pictures on request Julian and Grigorian calendars

When is the parent day after Easter?

Parental Day (Radonitsa) in 2017 will celebrate on the 9th day after Easter, April 25th. This holiday is dedicated to the mercy of the dead. His roots holiday takes in pagan times. Oddly enough, the Orthodox Church made this pagan holiday to his list of holidays. On this day, they will hold cemeteries where relatives and relatives are buried.

Pictures on request Parental day

What do your mind Friday before Easter?

The most important day before Easter is considered a passionate Friday. In 2017, it falls on April 14th. On this day they crucified the Savior of People - Christ. He was beaten, carried a cross and overcame his way, Via Doloryos to die on a hill of Calvary for each person on earth.

  • On this day, religious, Orthodox people refrain from merry, singing and dancing.
  • It is trying to work physically on Good Friday.
  • After serving in the church, it is customary to carry home 12 candles that are burning. And give candles to burn to the end.
  • Friday is not cleaned in the house. It must be done in the day before, in pure Thursday.
  • It is undesirable to paint paint on Friday. They are prepared in pure Thursday. But, as Some priests say, if the family did not have time to make paintings because of work, you can do it on Friday, but before the evening service will begin in the church.
  • It is allowed in a good Friday Kulichn furnace.
  • On this day you need to cook your body. Washed it and put in order. If you need to trim, it should be done on this day.
  • It is important to cook yourself spiritually on this day. Read the history of death of Christ and pray.

Pictures on request Passion Friday

Easter holiday in 2017. History Easter

Celebrating Easter, many people do not even think about the very meaning of the Great Holiday. Many believe that Easter is painted eggs and a hike to church to devote food.
Since Easter is the most important holiday of the Christian world, it is worth knowing the history of this day.

In four Gospels, the events preceding Easter are described.
On Friday, Jesus Christ was shown to Pilat, who did not find any guilt in it. But the Jewish priests have already conceived to kill Christ, as he interfered with their power. Therefore, they satisfied the people to shout, so that Jesus would give out to the crucifixion, and pardoned Wererava, who was sitting in the dungeon for killing.
The word of the people was decisive, so the pilate washed his hands, saying that he was not having to death in the death of this man and issued Christ to crucifix.

Christ, hanging on the cross, prayed his father not to punish people for their atrocities. When Jesus died, an earthquake occurred, and a curtain in the temple was born, from top to bottom, as evidence that did not do this.

Nicodemus, who was a secret adherent of Christ, asked Pilate to remove his body from the cross and bury. To fulfill all the prophecies about the life and death of Jesus.

Saturday was a peace of rest for the Jews. On this day it was forbidden to make any business.

Sunday, in the morning, early, several women from the environments of Jesus came to the cave to anoint the body of Christ. On the way, they thought about who would fall off the stone from the coffin, since he was heavy. When they came, the stone was recovered, and the bodies of Christ were not in the cave.

Not only these women, but also the disciples of Christ witnessed the fact that the bodies of Christ were not in the tomb.
After his resurrection, Christ was many people, including their disciples.

Four evangelists describe events for their part. But by connecting their stories, you can get a complete picture of what happened in those days.

Christians celebrate Easter, as she is evidence that as Christ is risen, they will be resurrected. So, there is hope for eternal life.

Pictures on request Easter tomb

Easter holiday in 2017. What do you need to do on Easter? Signs

Meeting Sunday Day Easter, Orthodox go to church for service. They carry baskets with cooked food so that the priest to the water sanctifies it.

  • On this day, no work is done, gifts are given to loved ones and spend the day in awe.
  • Easter is considered a family holiday, so it is held in a circle of loved ones.
  • The first thing you can eat after the Great Post, from the Easter Table, is the painted egg that brought from the church.
  • Encouraged the fooling poor on this day and help in need.
  • Good sign - make a wreath of living flowers. Do you hang it on the wall or put on the floor, you decide.
  • Easter days are devoted to doing good deeds. Not only close, but also those who do not really love.
  • On Easter dress new clothes.
  • It is believed that Easter Day is the most suitable to reconcile with the enemies, solve controversial issues.
  • A good promise is considered to - give debts and forgive all the sins against you.
  • At Easter it is undesirable to be sad and swear with people.
  • It is believed that on this day it is necessary to call someone to visit someone, visit those who need support. And then until the next Easter in the house there will be joy and peace.

The main thing is how priests believe - on this day to visit worship. There, during the stroke of ministry, think about eternal life, about the love of God to people.


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