
What does the bite of the oat look like - symptoms, photos. The consequences of the bite of the oat. What to do if he bit the fuel - treatment than to smear. Overview of funds from oat bites

What does the bite of the oat look like - symptoms, photos. The consequences of the bite of the oat. What to do if he bit the fuel - treatment than to smear. Overview of funds from oat bites
What does the bite of the oat look like: tumor, photo. Symptoms and consequences of oat bite. How to treat a bite of the oat - means. What to treat the bite of the oat.

Summer holidays in nature love many. But here is a huge number of insects that are especially activated in the warm course of the year, attract few people. In this article we will find out what danger to a person is the bites of the oat, what to do if it was bitten by this insect, what the oat bites look like.

Bites gadflies and horseflies. General characteristics of insects

  • Gadfly - a species of parasitic flies Diptera.
  • There are about 150 species horseflies.

  • Gadfly - it's not blood-sucking insects, as many people think. Gadfly attacks mammals with a single purpose - to oviposition.
  • Gadfly is very often confused with the horseflies. Horseflies - blood-sucking insects that can attack humans.
  • Most species gadflies are dangerous mainly for cattle and other mammals. Man can bite only one species of oestrus - oestrus human skin. Fortunately, these insects are found in Central America.
  • Gadfly distinguish the following families: gastric gadflies, abdominal gadflies, subcutaneous gadflies. For example, equine gastric gadfly attached to the hairs of the Protection of the animal, and then enters the gastrointestinal tract. Inside the insect damages the mucous wall bodies causes catarrh, then comes out together with the faeces. Abdominal gadflies can parasitize on sheep, goats, horses. They lay their larvae in the nasal cavity, eyeball, under the eyelid.
  • Gadfly - insect that goes through several developmental stages - egg, larva, pupa, imago. Depending on how much nutrients accumulate in insect larval phase will depend on the duration of the life of an adult, as they do not eat. Once the female is fertilized by a gadfly, she begins to actively search for the animal to lay eggs. Next, the eggs hatch into larvae, which are beginning to penetrate the animal's body. As the development of the larvae they penetrate deeper and deeper. Gadfly larvae in the later stages of development require air, and so the animal's body at this time can be seen formed fistulas. Further larvae leave animal body to pupate.

  • Bite a person or animal is only fertilized females gadfly. Males, gadflies feed only on nectar of flowers.
  • Depending on the species of oestrus body length may be between 6 mm to 30 mm. The wings of the insect may have a gray tint or marble.

  • The activity of the heights directly depends on the temperature conditions. They prefer to fly at a temperature of from 15 to 31 degrees of heat. If the air temperature is higher or lower, then insects spend a lot of effort on the flight, which is why the duration of their lives is reduced.

Bite of Odod - Photo

Bite Fun - Symptoms

If the bite of the mosquito can not be felt, but the red spot is noticed only after a while, then with the bite of the oat, everything is wrong. First, almost always you will notice or hear the approximation of a large gray flies with huge eyes and an elongated trunk. The greatest activity of the waters appear in the warm course of the year near rivers, reservoirs, near the places of cluster of cattle. Secondly, you will always feel the moment of the bite of the oat. Most people celebrate a sharp burning in the field of bite. The symptoms of the bite of the female of the FRAME are:

  • outlet of oat bite. When the oat bite, the tumor does not occur immediately, but after a while. First, the place of bite will simply turn red, gets clear boundaries. Then the stain will begin to increase, compact, swell. Depending on the individual characteristics in the bite of the oat, the tumor and redness can be stored for different times;
  • itching from the bite of the oat. Strong itching on the site of the bite of females of the oat appears almost immediately. This is due to the fact that the insect at the time of the skin squeezing allocated its saliva, which also has a strong irritating effect. The bite of the fusion itchs from one to several days;
  • bush after oat bite. The strong seal at the site of the bite of females of the oat arises not immediately, but a little later. Such a symptom manifests itself quite rare. Usually there is a papule on the site of the bite of the oat, and then the solidity is simply maintained. But sometimes papula can be changed with a solid delight. Such a seal in the place of bite may mean that the female managed to postpone their eggs or brought infection with saliva;
  • furniture from the bite of the oat. If you have bitten a heap, then most likely after complete recovery you will not have any trace. But with a strong calcination of the place of the bite, when an purulent infection is attached, a scar can remain when forming a dense cone. If the seal is not resolved independently, it can be removed surgical way;
  • allergy to bite of the oat. Most people whom the heated was observed, only a local allergic reaction is observed, expressed in the red rash, itching. But there are situations where such a bite can provoke the emergence of a serious general allergic reaction. There are such symptoms such as an increase in body temperature, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, chopping, schoq quinque. In the risk group on the occurrence of an allergic reaction to the bite of the oat there are children and people who have a tendency to manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • bite of the oat - temperature. If a person rose after the insect bite in the insect, then this is a faithful signal of what is worth consulting a doctor. This means that the saliva of the oat caused severe intoxication of the body.

Each person is individual, and symptoms after the bite of the oat may be different. Someone is separated by a 3-day itch, and someone will have to deal with a heavy allergic reaction. Now you know what the bite of the oat looks like.

Tacule of Fruit - Treatment

In order to prevent itself from the emergence of possible complications after the insect bite, it is necessary to take timely treatment measures:

  • antiallergic treatment. If the bites of other insects previously never caused you a local or overall allergic reaction, then the antiallergic means after the bite of the oat is still needed. The drug is advised to take immediately after the bite, without waiting for the reaction. Choose efficient modern antihistamines - suprastin, phenyatil, phenkarol, claritin, etc.;
  • disinfection. Acepan is a parasitic fly, which, together with its saliva, can be in a rink any infection. It is for this reason that the place of the bite of the oat is desirable to be treated with any disinfecting composition - hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, etc.;
  • anesthesia. The place of the bite of the oat will be very sick. To facilitate the state, drink any modern anesthetic - nimesulide, ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.;
  • wound-healing therapy. The place of the oat bite can bleed quite a long time. To speed up the healing of wounds, you can use any wound-healing ointments, cream - froth, phenyatil, etc.;
  • anti-voice treatment. If the federation and swelling around the bite space applies too quickly, it is desirable to use any hormonal ointment or gel. It is these drugs that are more efficiently removed the symptoms of inflammation on the skin. You can choose a hydrocortisone ointment, advantan, etc.;
  • removing itching. The place of the bite of the oat will be very strong, causing a person discomfort. Special gels will help you to remove it, cream after insect bites (phenyatil).

Of course, if the pad bit you in nature, and you did not have a full-fledged medical aid kit at hand, the process of recovery can delay. It is also possible to facilitate the condition of the victim to facilitate the funds of the folk medicine, which we will look at just below. The funds listed above can conduct independent treatment at home. If the patient's condition deteriorates sharply if the oat bites were numerous if the heap bites the child, then be sure to call ambulance.

Bite of the Fisher - Consequences. Than dangerous bite of oat

The heap is not a harmless insect. This parasitic fly with his bite can cause various complications in humans:

  • infection of dangerous diseases - Siberian ulcer, pylyarosis, tularemia, tribanosomosis;
  • finding larvae under the skin. Despite the fact that most varieties of these parasitic flies in our region are more dangerous for animals, they can postpone eggs and on the human body. If the wound after the bite does not heal for a long time, increases with each day, then most likely the heap managed to postpone his eggs during the bite;
  • strong overall allergic reaction. Some people can react to the bite of the oat very sharply. The lightning forms of the quinque, for example, can even lead to a fatal outcome;
  • attaching a bacterial infection at the bite place. Strong itching and pain in the bite of the oat bite is huge discomfort. If you calculate this place, you can make an infection in the wound.

Bite Fun - Large

As the larvae of the oat fall into the human body

Warves when bitten can postpone the larvae. But such an infection can occur in other ways. The larvae of the oat can get into the human body with the following paths:

  • the female of the oat can postpone the eggs on the scalp of the human head;
  • a person can infect the larvae of a fad from cattle wool;
  • a person can infect the larvae of the oat if you eat infected meat.

Waters - parasitic flies, which as an "incubator" most often choose animals, but can attack and human. Insects parasitizing exclusively in humans are found in Central America.

Symptoms of infection with larvae of oat

How do you know what happened infected larvae gadfly? In this state there are certain symptoms. Benign myiasis on the human body, which are the causative agents of gadflies, in medicine called hypodermosis. The symptoms of this disease are:

  • increase limfauzlov;
  • fever;
  • muscle pain, pain sting gadfly;
  • myositis;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • short-term memory loss;
  • dizziness;
  • bluish or brownish seal on the skin.

Gadfly larvae migrate in the body under the skin with a rather high speed - about 10-12 cm in 12 hours. First, a person can not feel pain during movement gadfly larvae in the subcutaneous tissue. Upon infection of cattle, for example, the larvae are always eager to get on the back of the animal. If the insect has got into the human body, it tends to get in the upper torso. The most dangerous condition occurs when the larvae enter the human brain, the organs of vision or sluha.Esli larva migrates into the eye, the person may completely lose his sight. Gradually bot will form around a capsule filled with serous fluid. Then, on the skin surface formed a fistula.

How to get rid of gadfly larvae

Get rid of the gadfly larvae can be the following two ways:

  • surgically. If larval habitats gadfly beneath the skin is clearly visible, then the doctor may decide that the surgical method of their extraction;
  • creating unfavorable conditions for the larvae. If larval habitats liberally lubricate fat cream, seal the plaster, apply a pressure bandage, the parasites may come out on their own, because they will not have enough air;
  • medication. Gadfly larvae can banish from the human body, if we take the appropriate antiparasitic agent.

Of course, any self-medication should be excluded. Only a doctor should assess the situation, make a correct diagnosis and to select the optimal treatment plan.

What to do after being bitten by a gadfly. Aid at a sting gadfly

The anoint sting gadfly

How can remove the sting gadfly? If a person is bitten by a gadfly, you should take the following steps:

  • the bite should be tightly squeeze to prevent the spread of the insect's saliva under the skin;
  • the bite should be washed immediately with soap and water, if the hand is not other disinfectants. Also, the wound can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, cauterize zelyonkoj chlorhexidine;
  • to eliminate the ferrous, you can attach to the place of bite of ice, lubricate with dental, ammonia alcohol. You can also make soda compress.

If, after the adoption of these actions, the person's condition deteriorates if an allergic reaction is rapidly developing if there are signs of general ailment, then urgently call ambulance.

Funds from the bite of the oat

The universal means from the bite of the oat does not exist. For quick recovery, you may need a whole arsenal of pharmacy:

  • antihistamine preparations;

  • hormonal ointments;

  • disinfecting solutions;

  • package preparations.

Folk remedies from the bite of the oat

If the bite of the oat caught you surprise, and no pharmacy preparations were at hand, recipes from traditional medicine will come to the rescue:

  • if there were no disinfectants at hand, it is possible to effectively process the place of bite you can with an ordinary soap solution. Drip a couple of drops of liquid soap into a bottle with clean water, shake and pour into the wound;
  • in order to remove the ethnicity, stop the bleeding, you can use medicinal herbs. Great plantain, mint, dandelion, strawberry leaves. Plants need to rinse, grind and attach a crawl or juice to the bite place;
  • in order to relieve an unbearable itch after the bite of females of the oat, attach to the amazed location of the ice or any cold subject. Cold will also help stop the blood and reduce the edema;
  • from the cabbage sheet you can make a compress in the place of the bite of the oat. Such a folk remedy perfectly copes with the removal of the edema, reducing redness and itching;
  • soda solution - an old and proven tool for eliminating itching after bite not only the oat, but also other insects. Just divert the soda with a small amount of water before receiving the casserole, dustly lubricate the bite and impose a gauze bandage from above.

Bit the fuel - what you can not do

Incorrect first aid when the bite of the oat can not only slow down the recovery process, but also aggravate the situation. We learn that it is impossible to do with the bite of a fusion in no way:

  • it is forbidden to warm the place of bite, to make a warming compress, smearing the place of bite of warming ointment, etc.;
  • it is not necessary to scratch the place of bite;
  • do not try to open the place of bite;
  • do not independently assign yourself antibiotics or tools to get rid of parasites.

Book of a baby's bite

If the fodder bites your child, then follow the following advice:

  • publish the first help the child: disinfect the bite place, give an antihistamine drug in the appropriate dosage for age, as well as give an analgesic drug based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. These drugs will also have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • without waiting for the appearance of other symptoms of the child, immediately call ambulance. Allergic reaction in children is developing very quickly. In addition, children can not always reliably tell about their health.

How to protect against the heated

In order not to encounter the problem of the bite of the oat, it is better to take care of the prevention of attacks of these fly-parasites. Follow the following recommendations:

  • in summer, mosquito nets must be installed on the windows and doors. This is especially important for country houses, cottages near reservoirs or rivers;
  • try to bypass pasture for cattle;
  • if you have to contact animals in the summer, choose the right clothes. It must be of dense cotton fabric, long sleeves. It is advisable to have gloves and a special hat with a mosquito net for the face. Also remember that the clothing of bright colors is bait for the hedge and other insects. Choose natural muted shades of clothing. Also, you should not wear black clothes, as it attracts insects;
  • use Date-based chemical repellents if you are going to spend time in nature. Choose those tools that have a mark "The drug against midges, mosquitoes and other bloodsowing insects." The higher the concentration of DETA in the agent, the stronger will be the protection;

  • in order to protect against the hedge, it is possible to apply not only chemical protection tools, but also natural "repelters". For example, you can apply to the open fate of the body of the oil solution or ointment of Vishnevsky. Waters do not like such sharp smells and will fly away to you by the side. But remember that such "defense" will have to update every 2-3 hours;

  • in order to further protect your site from the invasion of the heap, you can treat the territory with a special lemon "cocktail" from the sprayer. To make it preparation you need any rins of mint-based oral cavity, lemon ammonia and lemon soap;

  • in order to protect yourself in its area of \u200b\u200bthe hedge, you can plant some types of plants around the perimeter, the smell of which will naturally scare the parasitic flies. Such plants include any coniferous cultures, chamomile, anise, cherry, carnation, basil;
  • mechanical traps are another effective measure of the prevention of drying bite. There are special traps for large insects, light lamps for the destruction of large insects, sticky tapes. You can make a trap and do it yourself. If you build a stable design from sticks, hang the black ball inside the "shala", go to the inner surface of the design with sticky ribbon and cover everything with a grid, then you can catch a large number of insects. The ball periodically needs to swing, as the movement attracts the heap;

  • since a person can get infected with animal heap larvae, then you must take care of their protection against insects. The body of animals can be processed by permitted insecticidal means, cover the ears, mordes with grids in hot weather. If animals graze in hot time around standing water, then its surface is better to cover the grid. It is also important to remove manure timely timely, contain the facilities where animals live, clean. Castration or other medical interventions are better spent during the cold season, when there is no activity of the heap.

Video. Live healthy! Council per minute: bite of oat

Now you know everything about the signs of the bite of the oat, possible reactions on the bite of the oat in adults and children, than to treat the bite of the oat and how to get rid of the bite of the oat as soon as possible.


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