
How to make a money tree with your own hands. Step -by -step instructions on how to make a money tree from coins, bills, beads

How to make a money tree with your own hands. Step -by -step instructions on how to make a money tree from coins, bills, beads
How to make a money tree with your own hands - the article presents a step -by -step master class of manufacturing in methods. Instructions for money from coins, bills, beads.

The Chinese ancient legend talks about the existence of a magic tree with gold coins, which brings prosperity, happiness and wealth. It is enough to shake the gold branches of the “tree of happiness” and the money will spy on a person like a lot of rain. The symbol of the ancient legend and philosophy of Feng Shuya was a miniature decorative money tree, providing its owner happiness and material well-being. A similar talisman can be done with your own hands if desired. A souvenir money tree will be an excellent gift or an element of decor in a house or office. About how to make such a magic souvenir and what are the options for making crafts - read in this selection of material. Step-by-step instructions, photos and videos of a master class will help to easily cope with the task, even a beginner needlewoman.

How to make a money tree with your own hands

There are a lot of ways to make a money tree yourself. It all depends on the imagination, the presence of certain materials, patience and specific skills.

In any case, step -by -step instructions on how to make a monetary tree and the corresponding illustrations (photo) will help anyone who wants to cope with the task.

  • Talismans for home and office, money trees, can be alive or artificial. A living indoor plant called "fat man" is a vivid example of this. The prototype of a symbolic craft, in everyday life, is called - “money tree”. To endow the plant with magical power, its trunk must be tied with a red thread, and put a real coin on the bottom of the pot.

  • But, in today's article, the conversation will be about artificial versions of cash talismans made by their own hands - cash trees. Such products are also often called "topiary."
  • First of all, it is necessary to decide on the choice of cash tree. After all, there are many types and techniques for the execution of crafts. It can be a tree with coins, paper bills, beads or stones. In addition to a volumetric species, decorative crafts can be beautifully made on cardboard, fabric or wooden base (for example, fiberboard). Similar paintings or panels are performed using beads, threads or coins. In general, a person’s imagination is limitless, and therefore the manufacture of such an amulet talisman can be completely different and variable.

  • Like any tree, a monetary imitation of a plant has a barrel, roots, branches and leaves. These parts can be performed from various materials and in all kinds of interpretations. For work, you will need materials such as: wire, threads, beads, coins, pots, pebbles, paint, foil, coffee grains, etc. It all depends on the specific model that is made.
  • A miniature heavy pot, decorative slide, well or ravine is suitable as the basis for a cash tree.
  • Making a money tree with your own hands, it is important in the process of work to think about the upcoming profit and large cash receipts. Do not forget the axiom that thoughts are material. It is also necessary to generously decorate the symbolic craft, not sparing coins or beads. A properly manufactured product will certainly bring success, happiness and luck to its owner!

The secrets of the success of the money tree

The monetary tree, made by personally, harmonizes the general energy in the house, attracts good luck and cash receipts. And who does not want to become a rich and financially independent person?! In China, coins have long been considered a symbol of wealth endowed with the positive energy of cash flows.

  • Many consider such a tree not just an ordinary decorative craft, but a thing that contributes to the financial well -being of its owner. To do this, it is important to properly place a money tree in the house and “charge” it with the appropriate energy. Based on the teachings of Feng Shuya, the zone of wealth, where the artificial tree should be located, is located in the southeastern part of the room.
  • According to the ancient Chinese belief, if you shake the branches of the money tree, wealth “sprinkles” on a person like drops of rain. Therefore, most of the crafts of the magic tree have thick, hanging coins, branches resembling monetary rain. It is believed that in order to fill the ancient symbol with magical power, it is necessary to fix at least 100 coins on the branches of the tree. It can be both finished “Chinese” coins with holes, and ordinary coins in which neat holes are drilled.

  • In order for the manufactured amulet to “earn” you need to shake the twigs of the money tree with thoughts about the upcoming “earnings” and wealth.
  • In addition, symbolic crafts are decorated with figures of dragons, frogs, goldfish or stylistic Chinese inscriptions, favorable meaning.

  • On the eve of the Lunar New Year, the symbolic tree is additionally decorated with red small lanterns, symbolizing prosperity and success in the coming year.
  • Eastern psychology recommends tying a magic red thread or tape on the decorative money tree, which increases the energy of this unusual monetary symbol and allows you to improve the material condition of a person.

How to make a cash tree from coins

Coins for a talisman tree can be taken real (one size), but, given their fairly large weight-you need to use a strong hardwood for the branches. In addition, in real coins you need to drill holes in advance. If lightweight decorative coins (with ready -made holes) are used - a thin type of wire is suitable.

Materials for the manufacture of money from coins

For the manufacture of money from gold coins, you will need:

  • small coins;
  • gold paint;
  • wire (aluminum and copper);
  • pVA glue and glue "moment";
  • gouache green and brown;
  • varnish;
  • gypsum;
  • large sea salt;
  • decorative jewelry: pebbles, a figurine, etc.

Instructions: how to make a cash tree from coins

  • If coins of bronze or silver color, it is recommended to paint them in the classic color of financial well -being - gold. To do this, on a newspaper (cardboard, paper), it is necessary to lay out coins and paint them on both sides with golden paint. Let the coins dry, and then proceed to the next stage of the manufacture of a monetary tree.
  • After that, small twigs are made: three coins are connected by a copper wire.

  • For the manufacture of a large branch, 3 small branches -fastening branches are attached and connected. Thus, one large twig will have 9 coins.
  • When a sufficient number of large twigs (at least 11-12 pieces) is made, you can proceed to the manufacture of a pot-the basis for the tree. It can be a prepared decorative pot or made independently, from gypsum. To do this, PVA glue is mixed with gypsum (1: 1) and poured into a mold (for example, a deep disposable plate).
  • The barrel is made of thicker wire so that it holds all the larger branches with coins tightly. The shape of the barrel can be any: from the sign of the dollar to the usual thickened trunk. All prepared branches are attached to the barrel with a thin copper wire. The tree trunk is placed in a gypsum mixture for solidification and “rooting”.
  • A dried pot and tree trunk is painted with brown gouache (you can additionally “gild” the barrel). The craft is covered with varnish (for shine).
  • For decorative decoration of the tree, beautiful pebbles, a toad figure with a coin in the mouth, etc. are used, etc. By painting sea salt in green paint, you can effectively decorate the foot of a magic plant. For this, glue of instant action is suitable.

The talisman of financial well -being and prosperity is ready.

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  • If you replace real coins with souvenir “coins of happiness”, while weaving green beads or decorative small pebbles into the “crown” of the tree - you will get an equally original model of cash tree from coins.

  • The monetary tree made as a panel (voluminous picture) is also spectacular. As a basis, dense cardboard, fiberboard, canvas or burlap is used. Coins, a wire trunk or thick knitting threads, the roots and other elements of the panel are attached with instant glue (or adhesive gun). The tree trunk can be made even from a small amount of putty, in which the texture of the barrel and branches of the tree is scratched when solidified. In this case, putty and coins are covered with paint, better than golden color.

  • An interesting option for making a money tree with a rounded crown. For this, a plastic ball is suitable, which is attached to a stick. Previously, the wand is covered with glue and wrapped with a beautiful decorative braid or ribbon. Coins are glued to the plastic “ball-crown” on the principle of “scales”. Then connect all 3 blanks: a crown, a barrel and a pot. In a pot, wood is fixed with gypsum.

How to make a money tree from bills

For the manufacture of monetary wood from paper bills, both real money and “souvenir” bills are used. The main thing is to put the correct meaning and energy into the work, then the monetary symbol will “work” in the right direction.

Materials for the manufacture of money from bills

For the manufacture of money from paper bills, you will need:

  • banknotes;
  • pot;
  • decorative moss and leaves;
  • gypsum;
  • foil;
  • wooden wand;
  • wire;
  • glue;
  • a ball (soft, for example, from floristic foam or foam).

Instructions: how to make a monetary tree from bills

  • To make the base of the tree, first it is necessary to fix a wooden stick in a ball. To do this, a hole is made in the ball and a stick is inserted through glue, which will subsequently become a trunk of a magic tree. The barrel, wrapped, for example, shiny foil or silver tape, will look brightly and creative.
  • The next stage is to fix the barrel in a decorative pot. This is easy to do using diluted gypsum with water, which, after solidification, will firmly hold the entire “structure”. Instead of gypsum for the “foundation”, you can use, for example, alabaster or ordinary plasticine, sprinkled with heavy drainage (pebbles).
  • When the gypsum is completely hardened, it is “covered” with decorative moss.
  • The leaflets of this financial talisman will serve as banknotes. Paper bills are added to the "accordion", bend in half and fixed with a thin wire. Buildings-Vera are inserted into a ball crown over the entire surface, evenly.

  • In order for the crown to look as realistic as possible, decorative leaves are inserted between the cash bills.
  • Additionally, such a tree can be decorated with red ribbons, in an original way to decorate the pot or add symbolic figures of “material well -being”.

Options for the manufacture of money from bills

  • The cone-shaped “Christmas tree” from paper bills looks spectacular. How to make such a crown of money? For these purposes, you can use foam or polystyrene. Toothpicks and pins will also be used. A cone mounted on a toothpick (or a wooden stick) is fixed in a pot, and the money is fixed with pins. If desired, you can decorate the gift Christmas tree with a star, bright ribbons and labels with wishes.

  • Another version of the Souvenir tree: to use to decorate the round crown of bills, rolled up by the "coolest". If the money is real, they are wrapped and neatly fixed with a pin, if souvenir ones are cut in half, turned and glued to the base. It turns out a very original voluminous ball from bills. If necessary, the finished craft is tinted with acrylic paint (barrel or pot), decorated with suitable fittings (beads, rhinestones, ribbons).

  • As a variant of a decorative panel with coins, you can make a panel using bills. The work will look spectacular on the wall, in a decorative frame. The picture can be made from improvised materials or embroidered with multi -colored threads. In any case, the main element of the decor and semantic load will be neatly rolled (for example, a bow) paper bills fixed in the center.


How to make a cash tree from beads

To perform such a souvenir, at least minimal beads weaving are necessary. As a result, the cash tree will turn out to be bright, spectacular and original. When performing work, it is important to choose the right color of beads. The most “cash” is considered green, red and classic - golden.

Materials for the manufacture of money from beads

  • Beads.
  • Gypsum (alabaster or putty).
  • Copper wire of different thicknesses.
  • Foil.
  • Varnish.
  • Gouache.
  • Glue.

Instructions: how to make a cash tree from beads

  • For the manufacture of leaflets, you will need a thin copper wire, on which 9 beads are strung. After twisting, a leaf is obtained. Having made 5 leaves, the details are connected to one small twig.
  • In turn, 5 such twigs form one large branch of the future bead tree. The number of branches depends on the desire and the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe upcoming craft. The more branches, the thicker, more magnificent and picturesque the crown of the tree will be.
  • How to make a cash tree barrel? To do this, you need a thick wire from which the main frame is made. Thin copper wire will weave thick rods. A mixture of gypsum and water (1: 1) will help to veil the entire wire structure. This mixture lubricates the overall frame of the tree, as well as the attachment location of the branches made in advance. Another option is to wrap the frame with a floristic tape, which is painted from above with not washing acrylic paint.
  • A tree stand is also made of gypsum. You can use decorative miniature pots.
  • After drying, the trunk is painted brown paint, the base is green. Then the product is covered with varnish.
  • They will strengthen the magical properties of bonsai additional symbolic jewelry: ribbons, coins, figures.

Bister cash tree production options

  • Most often, the manufacture of money from beads is combined with coins. Beads in combination with coins look spectacular and self -sufficient. Coins can be attached to thin bead branches with glue or strung on a wire (in the case of a hole).

  • The money tree made of beads on a flat base will become a real picture that can be hung on the wall or put on the table. The selected decorative frame will be able to favorably emphasize the ornate of the artistic plan.

  • The option of embroidered money tree is also interesting. When embroidery, not only beads, but also muline threads, sparkles, sequins, miniature coins or paper bills folded by a “bow” can be used.

  • The original idea will be the use along with bead branches, a pistachio shell painted in a golden color and imitating foliage of a tree. To fasten the wire in each shell, it is necessary to drill a small hole, and then combine them several pieces into one branch.


The craft - a talisman made by his own hands will become a unique and individual decoration of any house or office. In addition, the work carries positive energy and a particle of the manufacturer.

As you were convinced, there are a lot of monetary wood techniques. Guided by step -by -step instructions, everyone will be able to make a money tree on their own.

  • In order for the monetary amulet to bring good luck and material prosperity, it is important to take care of it as a living plant. And although this process is more likely to resemble “conditional” than realistic, the tree “loves” attention and care, responding to his owners “reciprocity”.
  • Fans of Feng Shuya note that the creation of harmonious conditions around the magic tree has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the “work” of the financial talisman.
  • To do this, you need to provide a symbolic tree with good lighting, cleanliness, side by side you can hang paintings with the image of water or install a decorative fountain. Life -giving moisture will allow the tree to strengthen the magical effect of “many times”.
  • In addition, it is better to put a money tree on a beautiful napkin of bright red color, which, as you know, is a powerful activator of monetary energy. Floristic scarlet ribbons tied on the talisman trunk will also not interfere.

Cash tree - a great gift

A monetary tree will be an original gift for a wedding, anniversary, birthday or New Year. Undoubtedly, anyone will appeal such a symbolic gift made with their own hands. It is convenient and creative to present such a cash talisman decorated with real bills: dollars, rubles, etc. After all, it is no secret that money is considered to be the best gift for many. And so, a banal envelope or postcard will replace the original gift in the form of a decorative tree. Topiary will bring good luck and happiness to its owner, leaving pleasant memories for many years.

Having prepared such an unusual gift, it is important to give it solemnly, with some pathos, explaining the essence of this symbolic souvenir and accompanying his words with festive wishes.

There are a lot of congratulations and wishes when presenting a symbol of wealth and financial well -being.

Consider a few examples:


My gift is not simple

With a bright, gold coin

The power lurks in it

The property will multiply!


The money tree can be magical,

Bring you joy, prosperity and luck.

I give you a sincere gift of my sincere

Let him give happiness, love and inspiration!


Happy anniversary, dear, get a gift!

May your every new day be cheerful, bright

The tree is magical, life will be rich,

You will heal, dear no worse than a diplomat!


Accept my gift of my spiritual gift,

After all, this is a manual job

And the tree is magical:

Sensity in it, joy, care!

Such sincere words and an exclusive gift of a tree of happiness will not leave anyone indifferent. Topiary from banknotes will be a welcome and very spectacular gift for anyone.

So, it's time to "light up" ideas and get down to business. There are a lot of options for making a money tree with your own hands. A little patience, fantasy, perseverance-and the “miracle-ruff” is ready!

Step -by -step instructions and photos on how to make a money tree will help to easily realize the plan in life.

How to make a money tree, video



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