
How to draw a bear in stages with a pencil. How to draw a bear Teddy, Freddy, a plush bear with a heart heart. We draw a bear on cells

How to draw a bear in stages with a pencil. How to draw a bear Teddy, Freddy, a plush bear with a heart heart. We draw a bear on cells
Want to learn something new - draw a bear with a pencil. The following examples of phased drawing, you can easily portray any teddy bear on your own.

Drawing is a great opportunity for children and adults to spend time together, because, as you know, joint creativity brings together. To learn something new will be interesting not only to small curious children, but also to their parents.

It is never too late to find out for yourself the new facets of your abilities, learn to draw with your child. Drawing a plush bear will be perhaps the best starting point for beginners, because every child probably had such a toy and a lot of memories are connected with it. With the help of various materials, you can draw bears, the main thing is only your great desire.

If you want to learn how to draw a bear yourself or teach your baby, then in this article you will find a large number of information useful for this, as well as several master classes, how to draw a bear for beginners in stages.

Features of drawing plush bears for children and beginners

With the question of how to draw a bear to a child, many parents face. And adults themselves sometimes want to learn something new. This does not need much experience or professional tools. Enough of your great interest and desire, as well as the child’s enthusiasm. And that's all, to draw a drawing of Mishka at all, and this process will bring only a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and the opportunity to spend time with your baby. To get started with any drawing of the bear, whether it is an ordinary plush bear or the hero of your favorite cartoon, you need to know some features.

  • First of all, you need to decide which bear you will draw. There are a large number of well -known types of bears, as well as heroes of children's cartoons. It can be the well -known Winnie Puh, Bear Freddy from the new cartoon or the good old Teddy bear. The stages of how to easily draw a bear will depend on the choice of a bear for drawing.
  • Next, you need to decide on the technique and tools for drawing. You can draw a bear with a regular simple pencil, or you can use color. Then the drawing will be more lively and colorful. After several attempts to draw a bear with a pencil, try to portray a plush animal with a gouache or watercolor.
  • It is better to start drawing a bear in the simplest ways without a large number of strokes and figures. For a child, it is better to choose the instruction of drawing in large circles or other geometric shapes.
  • When drawing a bear, make clear and bold strokes. Explain to the child that it is not scary to make mistakes and this is fixable. It is enough to remove the extra details with an eraser. Drawing skill comes with experience and with the ability to correct your mistakes.

How to draw a bear in stages pencil

The easiest way to draw a plush bear is drawing using a simple pencil. This is a universal instrument of any artist, beginning and experienced. To obtain an unusual pattern, it is enough to only vary the degree of pressing on a pencil to obtain lines of different thickness and saturation. A simple pencil is an ideal tool for learning to draw a child, because it can always erase the wrong line with an eraser and try to draw again.

A simple pencil for drawing a bear can be used in a variety of types. To draw the main elements, you can take a pencil with an average stiffness, a solid pencil is suitable for highlighting small parts, and take a soft pencil to obtain shadows or give the bear.

There are a lot of ways to draw a bear with a pencil. Consider drawing a plush bear, Teddy bears, a bear Freddy and other options for performing this wonderful animal in stages for children and beginners.

How to draw a bear Teddy with a pencil

Bear Teddy is the most popular plush toy that almost every baby has and even in adults. The classic idea of \u200b\u200bTeddy's bear is a gray bear with a blue nose and patches on the body. Although today there are a lot of other interpretations of this plush bear. There are several legends of the appearance of Teddy Bear - a favorite toy of modern children. According to one of them, the name of Teddy was given to the teddy bear in honor of the American president Theodore Roosevelt. Somehow he hunted in the forests of the state of Mississippi, where his assistants decided to please the president and tied a little bear to the tree as a target. The president was very angry and released a little animal. The next day, a caricature for this case appeared in the newspapers, which used the family of toy manufacturers. They released a toy of a plush teddy bear and placed on a window with a caricature on the president. This toy has become very popular. Let's try to draw a bear Teddy with a pencil.

  • Let's try to portray Teddy's bear sitting on the floor. Before drawing a bear, put in front of you a horizontally clean sheet of white paper and take a well -sharpened simple pencil. Draw two circles: the upper circle is small for the head, and the lower circle is large for the body. Both circles should intersect slightly. After that, through a small circle, draw a line exactly in the middle and draw two horizontal lines: the upper one is slightly longer than the lower. Between these two lines, Teddy's eyes will be located. At the same stage, draw paws to Mishka. Since he is sitting with us, you need to draw his feet. To do this, draw slightly rounded paws of rather large size on both sides of the body.

  • Next, proceed to draw smaller details. Let's start with the head. Draw Mishka small semicircular ears and small dashes extending from them. Between the two lines depicted earlier, we draw two small eyes. Above the lower circle we draw a nose in the form of an inverted trapezoid with rounded corners. Next, around the nose we draw an even greater figure of the muzzle.
  • After that, we move on to drawing the paws to the bear. We draw one paw visible and slightly curved, and the other - guided behind the back. On the feet of Teddy bear, it is necessary to draw ovals exactly as they portray on the feet of animals.

  • Remove with the E Lastik all unnecessary lines from the body of the bear. Then draw the wool with small strokes around the entire perimeter. Next on the face on the right side, draw a fraud, and a sewn cut on the body.

  • In the final stage, remove all other unnecessary lines on the head of Mishka. Add a sewn cut between the eyes and the patch on the stomach. Around the ovals on the feet we draw strokes on the likeness of the stitches with a thread. And in the end we circle all the lines again with a pencil. Our Bear Teddy is ready.

How to draw a bear with a heart with a pencil

A bear with a heart is a rather frequent element of congratulatory cards for birthdays and the day of lovers. For Valentine, you can independently depict a bear with a heart, following our instructions.

  • On a white sheet of paper, draw two circles. The upper is slightly smaller than the bottom for the head of a bear with a heart. We draw the lower circle slightly elongated to the sides - this is the body.
  • Next, draw the parts on the muzzle. Above the lower circle we draw an oval nose to the bear, and above it are two round eyes. We place the nose in a more round oval so that its upper line is in contact with a small nose.
  • Draw Mishka semicircular ears. On the body, depict oval paws of the same size in such a way that after he can hold a heart in front of him.
  • At the next stage, take up the image of the heart that the bear holds. We draw the heart so that its contours are slightly drawn on the already drawn paws of Bear. On both sides of the body from below, draw the paws of the bear in the form of ovals stretched up and down.
  • Combine the ovals of the paws of the bear with its body with straight lines.
  • Remove all the unnecessary lines on the head of the bear and carefully circle the contours with a pencil. Draw a bear's mouth.
  • After that, proceed to a more clear drawing of the body lines. Remove all the extra lines, give the shape of the shoulders and paws of the bear, on which draw small dashes that indicate its fingers.
  • Complete the drawing by finishing the lower body and paws. Your Bear with a heart is ready. It can be made brighter, painting with colored pencils or felt -tip pens.

How to draw a plush bear child

To draw a plush bear, the child needs to choose the simplest and easiest option with a small number of elements and small details. It is still difficult for the baby to portray a realistic plush bear. Most likely, a more animated form of image of a bear is suitable. Or, as in the proposed phased instruction, a plush bear with cubes, which was often present in children's books.

  • Take a clean white sheet of paper and put it in front of you vertically. Draw two circles on it. They must intersect a little. The upper circumference for the head should be slightly less than the lower. While the lower circle needs to be drawn slightly elongated and down. On two circles, draw slightly curved lines, slightly shifted from the center. This is necessary in order to draw a plush bear sideways.
  • Next, draw a circle for the muzzle on the upper circle. Place it over the place of intersection of circles. Draw the bear two oblong paws, portray them elongated to the sides and more narrow in the place of connection with the body. Next, draw your legs. Also use an elongated oval in order to get a bear sitting on the floor.
  • Draw a teddy bear in the form of circles. Remove the excess part at the end with the help of an eraser. On the feet of the bear, draw your feet in the form of ovals stretched up and down.
  • Inside the ears, draw a semicircle, depict two eyes from two sides from the previously drawn line. Under the upper part of the muzzle, draw a small nose. In the center of the paws and feet of a plush bear, draw circles.
  • Remove all extra lines with an eraser. Then finish the bear, a smiling mouth and smoothly circle all the lines of the heads and torso of the bear so that you get a beautiful and neat drawing.
  • If desired, a plush bear can be painted with colored pencils or paints. And adding other elements, get a full -fledged picture.

How to draw a bear Freddy pencil

Bear Freddy is a hero of a fairly popular game in the style of horror Five Nights at Freddy’s. Such a character can be drawn to an adult, since for a child this is a rather terrible image that differs from his ideas about the plush bear. Having mastered the technique how to draw this bear, you can also portray his friends.

  • This is a rather complicated drawing, so do not despair if something may not work out the first time. Let's try to draw a bear Freddy in five stages, making it a little kinder than the original.
  • Picture on a vertical sheet of paper the approximate skeleton of Freddy, making an oval head, long hands with divisions, sketches of arms and legs.

  • Next, we will begin to detail our drawing. On an oval basis, draw an approximate outline of his head, round ears, half -open eyes, thick eyebrows, a nose with a muzzle and dots for a mustache. We make a little convex sides opposite the mouth in order to then draw an open mouth. We finish the second part of the jaw with the teeth. Do not despair if the first time you can’t do the first time. A little experience and you will draw everything. Do not forget to draw a hat of Mishka Freddy.

  • Freddy is a character of the game, so parts of his body are much simpler than a real bear. One hand consists of several parts. We make the joints much thinner. We draw the second hand bent, so for the most part you need to draw a brush. We draw a butterfly.

  • Next, we draw a body proportional to the head along a skeleton drawn earlier. The connection of the body and legs of the Freddy is drawn in the form of shorts in the shape of a triangle. Next, we depict the legs that consist of two parts and feet. Between the two parts of the legs, draw a small circle. Draw the feet massive, three -fingered.

  • Next, you just have to remove all the extra lines with an eraser and circle the whole bear along the contour. Your Mishka Freddy is ready. If you want to draw a more original Freddy, you need to make your head aggressive.

How to draw a bear posi from the "porro" with a pencil

On the Internet you can find a huge number of pictures of drawn bears, which are heroes of a variety of fairy tales and cartoons. You can try to portray a hero of a foreign cartoon or Russian. Consider the phased drawing of the bear from the cartoon "Pororo".

  • Put a sheet of white paper in front of you and take a well -strained pencil. Draw an oval for the body and a smaller circle for the head. Two circles must intersect. In the upper part of the head, draw a straight line, at the level of which the eyes of Mishka are in the future.
  • Next, we begin to detail the head. Draw semicircular ears on your head, and in the middle of the circumference for the head, draw an elongated nose figure.
  • At the next stage, proceed to draw hands at the bear. One hand is lowered down, and draw the other raised up with his palm open.
  • Next, draw part of the body and a voluminous leg with slightly distinguished fingers. This leg should be slightly turned to the side.
  • Draw another leg and circle the body of the body, making the figure voluminous and well -fed.
  • After giving Mishka, you can draw specific details. Inside the ears, draw small semicircles, then depict the eyes along the line that you drew earlier. On the fingers of the open palm, draw points that indicate the pillows and circle in the middle.
  • Remove all the extra lines in your figure and circle the whole figure of the bear. You can also obscure the bear to give it volume.

How to draw a bear Winnie Pohu Poop

The Soviet cartoon about Winnie Pukh and his friends remember many, especially his funny and cheerful bear, who sang songs and ate honey. You can try to draw such an interesting hero with a pencil with your child. Previously look at the cartoon so that your baby understands that he has to draw.

  • On a white sheet of paper, draw a large oval from which we will get the body and head of Winnie. Through the middle of the oval, draw a flat line, which will separate the head from the body.
  • Next, we separate the contour of the head and body with smooth lines. We draw semicircular ears on the head, and draw part of the muzzle along the contour of the head. Sove the location of the legs - under the body, and also do not forget to mark where the bear’s paws will be located.
  • At the next stage, give the ears of the volume due to the second semicircle inside the first and small folds. Draw Winnie the eyes and nose, as well as draw a muzzle that this hero has a different color. Draw oblong, small paws, one of which should be visible better. Draw your legs turned to each other.
  • Start complement the drawing of the details: draw eyebrows along the upper part of the muzzle, eyes, nose and mouth. On the paws, mark the claws with strokes.
  • At the next final stage, remove all extra lines, circle the contour of the bear and paint it with a simple pencil.

How to draw a bear with gouache in stages

To draw a plush bear, you can use not only a simple pencil. Most often, a pencil is needed by novice artists, when the strokes and lines are not bold and sometimes you need to correct something. With experience, you can draw immediately with a felt -tip pen or colored pencils, the drawing will turn out to be brighter and more alive. By drawing with a pencil, you can also at the end circle the image of the image with a felt -tip pen and paint.

As an option, any bear can be drawn with gouache or watercolor. This can be done according to the already drawn contour or painted with gouache initially.

How to draw a bear in the overalls of gouache in stages

You can draw such a bear with your child. It will be fun, as the children like to draw immediately with paints.

  • Take a thick sheet of white paper, gouache of brown, pink, blue, black, brush. Slowing the brush in brown, draw a small circle for the head on paper.
  • Next, draw the second circle under the first brown paint under the first. Do the bottom circle a little more.

  • Next, proceed to drawing parts of the body of the bear. Brown paint draw semicircular ears, oblong paws and legs, which in particular are also paws.

  • Take a thinner brush and begin to draw your eyes, mouth, nose, claws of the bear with black paint. White paint make glare on the nose and eyes to make your drawing more alive. Pink or mixed white with red paint inside the ears and make a blush on the cheeks. Let the drawing dry.

  • After that, you need to draw a bearish clothes. Draw his pants in blue paint, and after drying, finish the straps to get a jumpsuit. Once again, let the pattern dry and draw large buttons. Your bear is ready in overalls.

How to draw a bear on cells

Another exciting type of lesson is to draw a bear through cells. To do this, you need to have a note in a cage at hand, preferably A4 format, as well as several ballpoint pens of different colors. The essence of the process of drawing by cells is to circle and color the cells in an ordinary student notebook to get a bear.

Of course, only small drawings of a bear can be obtained in a conventional notebook in a cage. For more large -scale drawing, you will need a much larger sheet. Also, drawing on cells can be combined with a graphic dictation, so the child will learn to understand the directions left and right, up and down.

Photos of drawn bears on cells:

Video drawing bears with a pencil in stages

You can see more clearly how to draw a bear on the video that is posted below.

  • Bear Teddy Flamaster - video.
  • Bear Teddy with a heart with a pencil - video.
  • Olympic bear with a pencil - video.

Drawing is a wonderful vacation of children and their parents, which brings great satisfaction and fun. Take a child with drawing a bear, perhaps setting a similar toy in front of you, and you will be able to captivate your restless baby for a long time. You yourself can also pass the time by learning to draw various types of bears with a pencil, felt -tip pen or gouache. After all, there is no limit to perfection and boundaries to your talents.



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