
Kefir at home

Kefir at home
Home kefir: benefit, use, cooking

Kefir is one of the most useful sour -milk products for the human body. The beneficial properties of this product are determined by its unique ingredients.

Without kefir, it is difficult to imagine any diet of healthy, dietary, children's and therapeutic nutrition. Many are used to using this product daily just to normalize digestion or weight loss. However, depending on the various use of kefir, as well as on its type, you can get the necessary healing effect.

Home kefir is several times higher than a store in its healing properties. Such a product, prepared independently, contains more beneficial bacteria for the human body, which are responsible for normalizing metabolic processes, and also positively affect the nervous system and reduce the risk of cancer cells. To date, there are several recipes for home kefir, which are quite easy to cook.

Kefir history


This sour -milk product has a rather rich centuries -old history. A special type of kefir fungus is a sourdough that contributes to its production and was first widely used in Muslim countries and in the Caucasus. Such kefir grains were considered “tears of Allah”, and the process of preparation itself was like a magical ritual.

Milk with a sourdough in special wineskins fit into the middle of the road, and each passerby had to push him with his feet and, the more shocks he got, the tastier the resulting product was tastier. The recipe for cooking was stored by family members in the strictest secret and was inherited. It has long been believed that when the secret of preparation becomes known to the stranger, Kefir will be spoiled forever.

For the first time, the recipe was published by the Caucasian Medical Journal in the mid-70s of the last century. In Russia, the healing drink was first used only at the beginning of the twentieth century for the treating Hospital Botkin, after which its wide production began to improve. After that, a kind of dairy product quickly took a leading position on the table of every house and began to be widely used mainly to normalize digestion.

The benefits of home -made kefir


Therapeutic composition of kefir drink

This common sour -milk product is valued primarily for the uniqueness of the composition. The product includes vitamins of group A, B, N, Calcium, minerals (chrome, selenium, manganese, copper, phosphorus), Triptofan, choline. Kefir contains from 0.2 to 0.6% alcohol of lactic acid, which helps to increase the appetite and activation of the intestinal.

Sour -milk drink allows you to quench thirst and maintain the tone of the central nervous system and the circulatory system. Most of the beneficial elements contained in the cow's milk are better absorbed by the human body precisely in the form of sour -milk, and not a fresh drink. Iron, animal fats, calcium, dairy proteins, phosphorus and B vitamins, which are formed in larger quantities in the kefir product in fermentation processes.

Also, even people with milk intolerance and lactose allergies can eat this sour -milk product. With a wide range of diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, gastric colitis, excess weight, gout, and other cardiovascular diseases), such a milk drink is used in the everyday diet as a diet and therapeutic product. Recent scientific studies have shown that kefir fungus contains kefiran polysaccharide, which helps to prevent malignant tumors.

Kefir stimulates the immune system due to the activation of leukocytes in the blood. During menopause, this sour -milk drink is useful as a source of calcium for the prevention of bone fragility. It is in this hormonal period that women are most susceptible to osteoporosis.

The fat content of kefir

Which kefir is more useful: fat or vice versa, low -fat? The answer to this question directly depends primarily on age, since, for example, home kefir for children should be the most fat, because it contains more useful substances and vitamins necessary for the normal development of the growing organism. It is the non -living product that contains antioxidants and vitamin growth of group A.

For adults, nutritionists recommend the use of low -fat product up to 1% fat, since it is more useful for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the circulatory and digestive systems. Also, milk fats are completely absorbed by the body, which with increased fat content of the product can lead to their excessive accumulation. Fatty sour-milk products are not recommended for atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as at the risk of cancer, since growth vitamin can provoke the reproduction of malignant cells.


Kefir alcohol

The small percentage of alcoholic vapors in the drink makes us abandon the use of the product of many motorists. However, after half an hour after the use of fermented milk product, the pair of alcohol completely disappears. A child who uses kefir also cannot become alcohol dependent, since such a risk can occur with a systematic use of a drink only more than two liters per day.

But with a hangover or abundant festive overeating, kefir will become your best assistant for cleaning and protecting the body from excess food and decay products of alcoholic beverages. During the diet, kefir plays the role of a cleaner from toxins, which provides a feeling of lightness. Also, with a minimum of calories, the drink provides good nutrition with vitamins, minerals and useful elements.

Healing use of kefir

It is quite simple to make home kefir yourself, given the fact that its utility exceeds the store product. However, it is worth knowing how to use it correctly to treat various ailments with maximum health health. So, for example, it is known that the Triptophanes contained in the drink allows you to fight insomnia.

For the prevention of constipation, it is preferable to use precisely a fresh one -day sour -milk product. A fresh drink will help cleanse the body of harmful toxins and toxins if the intake is daily. But with diarrhea it is better to use a three -day drink.

Kefir at home should also be in the treatment of anemia, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver diseases, bronchitis, gastritis, hypertension, diabetes, gastric and intestinal colitis, anemia, heart diseases and for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. In such cases, it is worth using a two -day kefir. However, this drink is best excluded from use for exacerbations of ulcerative diseases of the stomach and intestines.

The three -day drink is characterized by the highest percentage of milk acids, therefore it is contraindicated in ulcerative diseases, kidney diseases and with an increased acidic environment of the stomach. It is preferable for children to use kefir daily for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases during breakfast or lunch. Adults suffering from bloating, flatulence and constipation are recommended to use a drink during dinner or two hours before bedtime.


Home kefir for baby

From the first days of life, such a product will be useful in the children's diet, because it is allowed to be accepted from two -week age. Such a special product is used with a lack of breast mother's milk and is prepared separately at home or in children's dairy cuisines. This drink is usually called kefir or mixture of “B”, since infants cannot be consumed by pure sour -milk products, but only mixtures with them.

To prepare home kefir “B” for children under a year is necessary in proportions of 1: 1 with a decoction of rice and the addition of sugar. Such a “B” kefir is given to the child for two weeks, and then a mixture of kefir and a decoction of rice is used in a ratio of 2: 3. Only after 2-3 months, the child can be transferred to a solid kefir product with the addition of sugar.

With such artificial feeding, kefir has several advantages compared to cow's milk. It is with sour -milk complementary foods that all the beneficial elements of the product are absorbed much better. However, a complete transition to a kefir product without the use of children's mixtures can lead to an occurrence of acidosis in a child.

Kefir recipes at home

The preparation of such a dairy product directly depends on the presence of high -quality kefir fungus. Such a specific fungus externally is a cottage cheese lump containing useful microorganisms that form in the process of propaganda of milk. To prepare kefir at home, you should start from the stage of the sourdough of fresh cow's milk.


Zhakwaska for kefir

First of all, a dry fungal enzyme must be turned into a curdled mass and activated the grains of dry fungus. Rinse the dry enzyme with cold water and put in a sterilized container. To 50 g of the enzyme add a glass (about 250 ml) of warm cleaned water and leave the product for two days at room temperature.

Next, sort out kefir flakes with a spoon disinfected with boiling water. We throw out the mucous membranes, and the rest are used to make a drink. The grains of the starters are placed for two hours in a soda solution (1 tsp. Soda on a glass of water), and then rinsed with purified water and placed in milk designed for kefir.

It is better to choose low -powered varieties of cow's milk in proportions of 500 ml per 50 g of sourdough, which must be pre -boiled and cool. After placing fungal flakes in milk, it must be stored for at least a day at a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees. If the fungus has formed and surfaced to the surface, then it must be filtered and washed with water, and then pour milk again for a day.

To obtain high -quality sourdough, it is necessary to repeat the procedure about five times. A useful sourdough will look like sour cream in consistency and foam slightly. It must be stored in the cold with the possible use of no more than two weeks.


Home kefir

To prepare a sour -milk drink in this way, you can use any type of cow's milk: fatty or low -fat, whole boiled or pasteurized. Such milk needs to be poured into small banks, given that approximately 200-250 g of at least 3 tsp should be used for approximately 200-250 g. Source. The taste and speed of the cooking of kefir depends on the amount of milk enzyme.

Basically, for the preparation of sour-milk drink, it takes at least a day with the correct temperature storage mode of 15-20 degrees. Thus, you can get a high -quality one -day drink. To prepare a two- or three-day product, the mixture should be stored for several days, but at a lower temperature of 8-10 degrees.

Simple method of making home kefir

Homemade sour -milk drink can be prepared without a dry enzyme for leafing, and using a fresh store product. Distribute pre -boiled milk and add to it a store product in proportions of 2 tbsp. l. by 250 ml. In this case, milk should be a warm temperature from 35 to 40 degrees.

Leave the mixture in a warm place for at least 6 hours until a complete thickening, then put in the refrigerator at night. The resulting leaven is used to repeat the process, but no more than 10 times. Shop kefir can be replaced with sour cream, filling it with milk and thoroughly stirring the mixture.

The benefits of such a home product are certainly more store, since useful bacteria necessary for therapeutic and dietary purposes are born only with special temperature conditions. The store product has special additives that allow you to maintain a long shelf life, which negatively affects the beneficial properties of the drink. When buying kefir in the store, it is impossible to accurately determine the exposure time of bacteria, useful for microflora.


Using home kefir

In addition to the direct use of home kefir, this product is widely used for the preparation of soups, sauces and dough for pies, pancakes, frying and cakes. Only on a homemade sour -milk product can you prepare the dough for thin as paper and lace pancakes. Also on kefir, fragrant cakes are prepared, which can be consumed for lunch with a liquid dish or as a basis for any snack.

Preparation algorithm for simple homemade cakes:

  1. For the dough, a mixture of homemade kefir (100 g), a pinch of baking soda, sugar (1 tsp), salt to taste, chicken egg (1 pcs), vegetable oil (1 tbsp.) And flour for dough are necessary. .
  2. In self -cooking kefir, add soda, sugar, salt, egg and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. To such a mass, stirring, we gradually add flour until an elastic consistency is obtained.
  4. At the end, add vegetable oil and thoroughly knead the dough.
  5. Having covered the mass, we leave in a warm place for at least half an hour.
  6. We divide the dough into equal parts and remember the cakes from them.
  7. Pre -greased baking sheet with cakes is placed in the oven and bake at 180 degrees with a temperature mode until cooked and golden crust.
  8. Such cakes can be baked with filling of vegetables, meat and cheese, for which it is necessary to make recesses in cakes.

Homemade kefir video recovery

Kefir can be prepared according to the following detailed video lesson:


Kira 13.01.2017 Answer

I also really love home kefir. I usually drink it before bedtime. This is also due to the fact that I am a little afraid to get behind the wheel even after a glass of kefir. Indeed, if the alcohol tester at the traffic police shows the presence of alcohol, it will be difficult to prove that it was kefir. Yes, it seems to me that it does not matter to them, since the law is one for everyone. But my kids are very fond of afternoon snack bunches with kefir. I prepare it, by the way, on the sourdough from the bucks.
