
How to answer rudeness

How to answer rudeness
How to answer rudeness correctly

If rudeness is rude to you and say, it doesn’t matter if you can answer the same or say nothing, in any case, an unpleasant sediment will remain in your soul. Nobody wants to put up with such an attitude to yourself, so in this article we will try to open the veil to the reasons for the appearance of inappropriate appeal to people (rudeness), and we will also tell you how to respond and respond to it.

Causes of rudeness: Psychology Hamov


Hamov can be found everywhere, but most often they are faced with various public institutions. Most often, such people work in low positions. They often themselves often experience pressure from the leadership and, speaking rudeness, in fact, clean everything on others. This is a kind of protection and compensation. Moreover, they are often rude to people, in the appearance of which we can immediately say that they are decent and brought up. After all, most likely, they will not answer the same. By the way, those who do not like or even hates their work are often rude.

The main components of rudeness are aggression, rudeness and irresponsibility. These features are especially pronounced in conditions of impunity. You can hardly complain to someone about an open official or the incompetence of a doctor. Rudeness is quite found not only in real life, but also on the Internet. Indeed, on the network most often people are hidden behind nicknames and remain anonymous, i.e. No one knows their names and surnames. It is simply impossible to shame such a person and even more so punish. Therefore, he, feeling a sense of impunity, pours out his aggression on other people, mocks.

In addition, one of the reasons for the appearance of rudeness is the desire for self -affirmation. Many boories know how to “recognize” and “probe” a person. They will not contact those in whom they will feel the strength and ability to answer them properly. But people who are uncertain and weak in spirit are an excellent target for those who want to assert themselves at their expense.

Why are some powerless before rudeness?


In a person who cannot respond to rudeness, the external boundaries of perception are somewhat disturbed. Inside, he is a small obedient child, and those who rude are adults for him, who constantly scold him. In any case, if a person feels the power to give a proper rebuff to hammam, then he will do it. But often this is not so. And unscrupulous people use these weaknesses.

The powerless before rudeness are those who have their hands in the “most necessary” moment. It is possible that the reason for this is the education of a person. Or he had not the best parents who constantly scolded him for something. And he was not able to answer it.

This is strange, but rudeness begins to destroy a person from the inside, even when he knows that he has more advantages than the one who is rude. First of all, you need to understand that the “rude” is an ill -mannered person who is helpless, tired and not settled in life. However, the inability to give a proper rebuff to Hama begins to touch self -esteem, destroy from the inside, a sense of helplessness grows. However, you do not need to put up with an inappropriate attitude towards you in any case. You must definitely grow internally and learn to answer rudeness. Give yourself the right to be an adult person to feel on equal terms with those who are rude. Remember, you have the same rights as the "rude." In the awareness of this, you will look at any unpleasant or conflict situation.

In general, this is exclusively the issue of taking the situation and yourself in it. Such people need to be approached from the perspective of an adult. In this case, one should politely respond to rudeness, without rudeness and insults. At the same time, the person you are addressing must see your good intentions and at the same time be aware of your inner power. Try, first of all, ask you not to be rude.

How to answer rudeness in public institutions


Often we meet with a sharp disrespectful attitude on the street or in the service sector. Rudeness can be heard from waiters, cooks, sellers, conductors, hospital workers, in particular, reference and registers. Many factors can push them to such behavior. For example, this can happen due to the fact that a person strives to assert himself in this way at the expense of you, throw out the accumulated negative emotions from his dissatisfaction with life. In addition, such people may have a habit of rude, because they themselves communicate daily with the same boor. The cause of inappropriate behavior may also well be uncontrolled irritation. It all depends on the motives of the aggressor. If you are in such a situation, then, first of all, you need to understand for yourself what the purpose of communication with such a person is. This will also follow the response measures for his behavior.



  1. If you need to get any information, order, service, goods from a person, or he must return the money, then the right way to protect your interests in this case is the application to the institution that regulates this type of civilian relationship or appeal to the higher employee of this company . After that, you, quite possibly, will never see the "rude." In any case, you should not “sink” to the same level and rudely respond to rudeness. Do not give bad emotions into your soul.
  2. Please note that the response is far from the most productive way, because it only contributes to the even greater growth of the conflict. Moreover, this is not always acceptable. Especially if you have a boss or an official official.
  3. By the way, it is quite possible that a person just provokes you. Therefore, in any case, you do not need to succumb to provocations on his part. After all, many people, if they do not see a rebuff and response aggression, begin to feel guilty when they come to their senses. At the same time, if we answer in a similar way, then we justify the instigator. In addition, after a dispute and conflict, you will certainly have an unpleasant offspring for several days.
  4. Sometimes it’s better to just “let go of” the situation. So you will maintain your nerves and mental balance. It happens that rudeness is completely out of the rut and spoils the mood. If so, then you should think about the fact that you may have too low self -esteem.
  5. If you do not want to be silent, then it is enough for you to politely “besiege” the person who rude to you in a calm voice. In some cases, from the reasonable words heard, the instigator simply stops further disputes.
  6. If a person wants to hurt you with aggression, then in no case should you sink to its level. You can also simply ignore the boor and move away from it. After all, often such a person simply searches for a reason to argue with someone.

How to answer rudeness at work


Sometimes rudeness is found at work by colleagues or even a boss. In this case, you also need to be able to stand up for yourself. In general, these are people with whom you see almost every day, so rudeness on their part should not be missed. If they do not get a rebuff once, then they may well be overwhelmed to you again. With the proper response, employees will continue to monitor their behavior when communicating with you.

In general, some people are simply afraid to answer properly to rudeness to their leader, who begins to switch to personality or simply raises his voice. If you tolerate humiliations at work, then you stop respecting yourself. The fact that he does not yet give him the right to show far from the best personality traits. In an unpleasant conversation with the boss, you can imagine him in the image of an unconscious child who does not know what he says, therefore, is helpless and non -hazardous. This will help not to feel helpless. In addition, you can simply stop noticing the gross manner of communication between the boss.

True, this is not a solution, but just a departure from the problem. Therefore, it is better not to be afraid and “pull” the person who was forgotten. Several phrases will help you with this that allow you to “beautifully” respond to rudeness, which we will talk about later. Insist on a human attitude towards yourself and do not agree to continue the conversation in the same way. Of course, you will deserve respect for yourself, and not lose your job.

How to answer rudeness to loved ones


Sometimes you have to deal with the inappropriate attitude of dear and close people. So, in order to answer the husband to rudeness, first of all, needs to remain calm. Try to understand the current situation without unnecessary emotions and dot all the points over "and." In order not to conflict with relatives, you need to be able to listen to their point of view. Show that the words spoken by a loved one touched you, but you do not want to quarrel further and therefore want to calmly clarify the situation.

How to respond to rudeness worthy: methods and examples

If you are in a difficult situation, try applying one of these options for response to rudeness (with examples):


1. Status of the fact. Allows you to approach the situation creatively and directly tell the offender that he is rude to you. Thus, you can wittyly respond to rudeness.

The situation is "in the store."

  • Buyer: "Please give me that mayonnaise, I forgot what it is called ..".
  • Seller: "And the remedy for loss of memory is not given to you?"
  • Buyer: “And you? Remedy for rudeness? "


2. Sudden sneezing. Suitable in cases where a person is rude to you for a long time and cannot calm down in any way.

The situation is "in transport."

  • First passenger: "Where are you getting, you stepped on my leg!"
  • The second passenger: "Sorry, it turned out by chance."
  • The first passenger: (does not stop, continues to be rude and swear).
  • The second passenger: (he is silent and carefully listening).
  • The first passenger: (does not stop, continues to be rude and swear).
  • The second passenger: (sneezes) “Oh, sorry, I have an allergy to rudeness. What did we stop at? "

Usually this technique allows a rude person to stop and think.


3. Politability. In this case, it is correct to respond to rudeness and the offender should be calm, balanced, reasonable tone. Hams in essence are cowards that are not used to frankness and stamina. Their goal is to force a person to be nervous, to worry. Do not play along with them and do not allow you to use your weaknesses.

The situation is "on the bus."

  • Conductor: “Why do you give me such a large bill? What should I stop the bus now and run to the pharmacy to exchange it? "
  • Passenger: (calmly) "What, excuse me?"
  • Conductor: "Now I will plant from transport!"
  • Passenger: (calmly) "I have to go for a long time, so I hope that you will be able to exchange the bill during this time."


4. Psychological struggle. So, one should agree with the offender in any of his “attacks”.

The situation is "in the hospital."

  • First patient: “Where are you going without a queue? No eye? The smartest you are? "
  • The second patient: "Yes, I do not have eyes and I, of course, are the smartest."
  • The first patient: "We are standing in line here."
  • The second patient: “Yes, you are standing in line, not like me. I will take you a minute of time. "


5. Humor. In this case, to respond to rudeness, you should just make the offender laugh.

The situation "in the office of the boss"

  • Secretary: (enters the office, accidentally catching, falling, pouring coffee).
  • Boss: (viciously) “Are you looking, where are you going? No eye? "
  • Secretary: (smiles) "You are so stunning, I did not resist you."


6. Imagination. Psychologists advise to imagine Hama behind the glass. Imagine that he is silently opening his mouth, and think about something of your own. In this case, what he says, for you it will be perceived only as noise and does not fall into your mind.

How to answer rudeness: phrases


These phrases allow in an original and at the same time smartly respond to rudeness:

  • "Is this all or will you say something else?"
  • "Rudeness has never been to someone to face."
  • “Unfortunately, I don’t have time to reinforce your complexes.”
  • "I was a higher opinion of you."
  • "Artistry is not to your face."
  • “Did you have a difficult day today? My regrets. "
  • “Sorry, what did you say? Repeat again. "
  • "Tell me, please, why do you want to look worse than there really is?"
  • "Tell me, for what purpose do you want to offend me?"

How to answer rudeness: video



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