
How to restore a password to Aliexpress. How to change the password for aliexpress

How to restore a password to Aliexpress. How to change the password for aliexpress
If you can't get into your personal account on Aliexpress, because they have forgotten the password, we will tell you how to fix this unpleasant situation for minutes.

Aliexpress website fans every day becomes more and more. For those who still do not know, explain that Aliexpress is one of the largest trading platforms on the Internet. It distributes all sorts of categories around the world. Worldwide Web users loved the virtual store for the ability to directly cooperate with Chinese sellers and make purchases with free shipping. As practice has shown, it is a great way of economical shopping. Our article is devoted to the topic of changing and restoring the user's password on Aliexpress.

To feel in a Chinese online store, like a fish in the water, it is important to know and remember the different rules and nuances of the operation of this service. For example, many people do not even imagine how to change the password to Aliexpress if such a necessity arose for some reason. Agree, such a gap in knowledge can bring certain inconveniences, especially if you want to have good discounts instead of going to routine. In fact, there is nothing difficult here and on all manipulations with a PC or telephone you will have only a few minutes.

Why change or restore a password for Aliexpress

Some ignorable users are likely to ask a completely natural question: "Why wise? Invented one password - and use yourself on health! " In fact, there are many circumstances that force us to abandon the usual password in favor of the new one. We list the main reasons:

  1. User forgot the password to Aliexpress, because it does not have a useful habit to duplicate the necessary information in paper information.
  2. All passwords, again not recorded in the notepad, disappeared after reinstalling the Windows system.
  3. The operating system attacked viruses and all passwords "flew".
  4. The user has stolen the phone with all the necessary accounting information.


How to change the password to Aliexpress from the phone or pc

Here is a simple action algorithm for quick password change.

How to change the password for Aliexpress. Go to the settings

To get started to go to your personal account: Enter the login (mailbox address) and the initial password, then click the Login button. So you find yourself in your account profile. Now click the "My Aliexpress" button - you will find it in the user menu on the right.


Attention! In some cases, you first need to hover the mouse cursor in the name of the cabinet owner (that is, in your name). The username is always located in the upper right corner of the page.

By clicking "My Aliexpress", you will fall into the profile settings. By selecting "Profile Settings", you will find yourself on a page where you can change the settings regarding your account.


Confirm the desire to change the password to Aliexpress

As you can see, the system will communicate with you in English. Do not be discouraged if you can't boast of deep knowledge of a foreign language. Now we will explain to you how to change the password to Aliexpress. Your goal is to change the combination of numbers and letters to access your page. To do this, you need to perform a few simple steps.


Click the "Change Password" button, which in the literal translation means "change the password". There are two ways to change the code combination, one of which will offer you the system:

  • In the first option, you will be offered to answer the secret question - it is necessary to make sure that the password changes the legal account owner. The user chooses a secret question and records the correct answer to it even during registration in the system. Such important information as you understand should be duplicated in the notebook.


  • In the second version, the password is changed using email. Click the "Check Now" button. You will open the window to which you will need to make an email address "tied" to your cabinet to Aliexpress. This email system will send a message in which you will find automatically generated verification code. To start this process, confirm your consent and click the "Get Verification Code" button. Open your mailbox and get five-digit verification code.

Attention! If you did not find the desired letter in your mailbox, be sure to check spam. Perhaps the letter was sent there.

We change the password to Aliexpress

Return to the Aliexpress website page to change the password. Find the window marked by the "Verification Code" pointer, enter a five-digit number and confirm the severity of your intentions by pressing the corresponding button to confirm. You will open a page where you can replace your old password new.

To do this, enter your old password that you used to open your account initially in the window called "Current Input Password". Now pay attention to the window marked by the "New Password" pointer, where you need to make a code combination of your new password.

It is important! The code combination for the site AlExpress can consist from 6 (minimum) to 20 (maximum) characters. The password is made up of digits, capital and capital letters of the Latin alphabet and punctuation marks. The latter will provide your account with the highest degree of security. Use the most original combinations to make a password to make it very reliable. A completely win-win version - Introduction to Hestegov Password. Or you can use the program that is engaged in generating passwords. Be calm, such a cipher will not even be able to hack professionals. Here are some examples: dxhysskupn, 530zoghehz, shjcmkfy8l. It is not difficult to guess that the combination you as a result will be remembered quite difficult, so write it down in the notebook, so that it soon did not have to engage in the recovery of the password on Aliexpress.

Now in the new password window, make your new code, and then duplicate it in the "Confirm the New Password" window below.


Pay attention to how the reliability level indicator will appreciate your new digital and alphabetic combination. Protection of personal information of the user can have a low, medium or high level. The more reliable the secret cipher, the safer shopping in the virtual store. Moreover, some users Aliexpress tie the number of personal plastic card to their account.

When all these actions are executed, click the "Request" button. You must open the page where you will be informed that you have successfully changed your password and now you can enter your office on Ali Spress using a new code combination.


How to restore password to aliexpress via phone or pc

If you do not record a password in a notebook by frivolousness and, going to virtual shopping once again, could not get into your personal account, because they forgot the cherished combination, do not despair. Complete the simple password recovery procedure.

We describe what actions you need to perform for this:

  • Open the input window into the Aliexpress office and over the password entry field you will see the "Forgotten password?" Button. Click on this button, after which you will be transferred to the Alibab site. Do not be surprised - no error here is not. Alibaba and Aliexpress - a general system with one login password.


  • You will open a new window where you will need to enter the address of your email, which is tied to your cabinet to Aliexpress, as well as enter a valid digital combination so that the system is configured in that you are not a robot. When all fields are filled, press the "Submit" button.
  • Then go to your mailbox where a special letter came. You need to open it and go through the link you will find there.


  • Now you can replace the password that could not remember the new code and thus restore access to your personal account. In the appropriate field, enter a new password and confirm it by re-administration. Click "Submit". From now on, you will enter your personal account under a new password, just do not forget to keep it just in case in writing. If you do all actions exactly with the instructions given, you will soon be able to start your favorite Internet shop again.


If for some reason you can't change or restore the password to Aliexpress, we suggest you watch the video. Perhaps a visual example will help you do everything correctly and achieve the desired result.


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