
How to wear sind

How to wear sind
Scarf Snud - Trend of this season. Allows you to make your image bright and fashionable.

It is called differently - a scarf collar, a scarf tube or a scarf-hood. All these words are synonymous with one of the most popular accessories to date - slander. This is a scarf ring, knitted in a circle and has no end. He became an alternative to several heads.

What is the LICs


Many believe LIC novelty. However, fashion tends to repeat itself, and she came back to us from the '80s, when women wore long scarves, collars, covering their heads.

To date, there is a huge range of LIC. There are models of lightweight flying fabrics that complement the autumn or spring images. These scarves will go perfectly even with dresses of calico.

You can pick up and the winter version of LIC - knitted scarf. He can be very useful in the cold frosty days.

LIC has become very popular due to its practicality and versatility. Moreover, this element of the wardrobe for both men and women who are dressed in different styles - be it romantic, sports or business. LIC is always appropriate and versatile. In the market there is a huge selection of all kinds of colors LIC, from plain to classical strips and cells. Today you can buy Snudy lace, knitted, bouclé and even fur.

How to wear LICs


Many women simply do not know how to wear LICs. In fact, as such rules do not exist. LIC can be worn anywhere: around the neck as a scarf, as a cap, located on the head like a hood or as a poncho, throwing on a coat or a fur coat. It all depends on your imagination.

Let us consider in more detail the most popular ways to wear LICs.

  • Scarves-Snudy vary in length. If your accessory is not very long, you can just throw it on the neck. LIC can twist in the form of eight. So it will look more voluminous. However, there is still the scarf closes your neck. sharf-snud-kak-nosit-11
  • If it's cold outside, you can wrap the scarf around the neck several times. Thus, it will be well encircle the neck and keep you warm.
  • LICs often used as a cap. Wrap a couple of times a scarf around his neck and cover their heads. Such way of wearing make your image is very romantic. In addition, it will be an excellent alternative to hats. After all, there are women who do not like hats because they spoil the hair on his head. A LIC will not only retain the folding, but also perfectly cope with the cold. 740b977e5a89c04a5a93ce3c86e24a4011
  • If you want to make your image more elegant, can be attached to LICs beautiful brooch. Thus you fix a scarf on her head. In addition to the decorative effect is obtained and the practical benefits - LIC will not fall from your head.
  • LIC - it is also a great cape, which can be worn even on top of clothing. Bright colors scarf diversify plain coats and fur coats, and bring to your way of novelty. sharf-snud-kak-nosit-3black-coat-mustard-snood
  • There is another version of the original - LIC mono wear knitted vest or bolero. One has only to fold it in half and threaded through the head to the torso. In this case, the upper loop must be raised on the shoulders.

In addition to the fact that the sample can be easily transformed from the scarf to the hood, he has another important advantage: the sind is never unleashed. Whatever you do and how much time was not on the way, this scarf will not let you freeze.

How to pick up sind


As a rule, the sind is designed to warm you in the cold season. Therefore, choose a scarf based on your autumn-spring wardrobe. If you need a sneody for spring and summer, pick this accessory from light fabrics.

Sand, like the rest of the scarves, is located near your face, so you need to take into account some nuances. The figure and colors of the scarf can emphasize your features of the face or, on the contrary, to identify disadvantages and make them more explicit. For example, add an excessive pallor face and make a faceless eye color.

Snad of bright and contrasting outfits will greatly look at women with dark hair and brown or green eyes. In this case, the scarf color needs to be selected based on the tone of the skin and lips - cold or warm.

The owners of sharp and elongated features of the face are well suited with geometric patterns. But women with a round face such sharp forms will give even greater roundness.

If the snead is large and volumetric, it will be more suitable for the owners of a long neck, otherwise such a scarf will create the impression that the face is drowning in draperies.


If you want to try the scene as a hood, it is worth noting: it is suitable for all types of person, with the exception of the extended. In this case, the scarf will only emphasize the hoodoobu and the elongation of the traits. But the round face visually adjusts.

Pick up the color of the slander - the case is individual and depends on the fantasy of a woman:

  • if you like Casual style, you can try a knitted white stern or gray and dark green,
  • scarves of dark burgundy or blue, dressed in the form of a hood, give your image of femininity,
  • if you have a chiffon dress or a light silk suit, a beige shades are suitable as it is impossible,
  • in the case when the sind is an addition to the main details of your wardrobe, choose a scarf into tone clothes.

What to wear sind


You purchased a slander, but you can't decide what things to wear with what things. In fact, the sind is not capricious as you may seem. This scarf is perfectly combined with various styles in clothing.

The scell will perfectly complement any of your winter clothes. It can be a classic coat, elegant raincoat or sports jacket.


If you are a business woman, the scene is allowed to wear in an office style over a jacket or a thin blazer.

Wearing a sneody with dresses. Silk or chiffon scarves are suitable for the summer option. In this case, they will play an exclusively decorative role as an additional element in the wardrobe. But in the complex with winter and autumnal outfits, the sind will also make the role of an additional insulation. If the dress is a monophonic, you can pick up a bright and motley sind. For example, a snow-white outfit can be supplemented with a scarf with a multi-colored pattern. And vice versa, if your clothing itself is bright, choose one-picture squeezes or suitable tone of your clothing.


Snad is very functional and convenient, because with it you can quickly revive your image. For example, a slander can decorate the usual blouse and make a casual dress evening, putting on top of it a dear silk scarf.

This universal accessory will help you again, when immediately after work you need to run to a meeting with friends or a date. Thanks to one scarf, you can refresh the image, make it more romantic.

The same shed can be applied in completely different images - starting with the classic and ending with sports.

What to pay attention to when buying a sneody


  • If you buy a sneody for the first time, pay attention to long models. Of these, you can make more combinations.
  • Choose to begin with a classic model of the scene - from materials such as wool, silk, cashmere or cotton. Refrain from fur products, as wearing them are much more complicated.
  • Choose the optimal 2-3 models. For example, for different seasons. The knitted scene is perfect for autumn and winter, silk - for summer outfits, and lace - for romantic evening outlets.

Fur Snud - Hit Season


Fur Snud became a real hit of this winter. This is evidenced by fashionable shots of the most famous designers of the world. For example, in the collection of Christian Diora Snud, it is proposed to carry with fur cuffs. And Gucci and Prada in their collection showed bulk fur sinds that fall on shoulders. Such sinks border with a fur scarf and a collar. Other designers went even further, representing a slander showing as shapeless vests. There are more reserved collections where the snead is invited to wear under the throat in classic costumes and cocktail dresses.

Whatever designers have come up with, we all have certain rules. Such a scene must be restrained colors and harmonize with your way.


Not all women can afford to purchase a designer fur stern. But fashionista is not despair and make it personally. In fact, there are no special difficulties in this. You can use old stocks from fur pieces, old fur coats and sew a beautiful fur slander in atelier.

Interesting facts about sind


  • Snud is popular not only among the representatives of the fine sex. Men are worn with great pleasure. But it is better to choose the scarves of calm monophonic colors either in a classic strip or cage. Bright colors are not recommended.
  • The sind was first demonstrated in the collection of designers of Burberry and Missoni. After them, the scarf was used in other fashion shows.
  • It is not a very difficult task on your own. You will be guaranteed a unique image and initiality!
  • The usual wardrobe will get a new breath. It is enough to buy a sneody and not be afraid to experiment!

How to wear sind - 10 ways (video)


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