
From what helps Juniensim: testimony, contraindications. Juniensim Tablets: Instructions for use. Review Analogs of UNIENZIMA

From what helps Juniensim: testimony, contraindications. Juniensim Tablets: Instructions for use. Review Analogs of UNIENZIMA
For which you are appointed by UNIENZIM. How to take UNIENZYM adults, children and pregnant women: instructions. Analogs of Juniensima.

The Juniensim medicine normalizes the digestion in case of enzyme failure after the use of new and difficult food. It has a complex of enzymes that help food fully absorbed, eliminate meteorism, diarrhea and feeling of gravity. The drug quickly fills the shortage of natural enzymes in the intestines, while not oppressing their synthesis in the body. Consider the properties and composition of UNIENZIM, from which this medicine helps and how it is better to use it to restore digestion.

Yunienzim: Information about the preparation

The drug Yunienzim relates to an enzyme group of drugs whose action is directed to the stimulation of the digestion of food in the intestines. It is produced in the form of black tablets on Unichem Laboratories Limited, India Company. Full name drugs - Yunienzim MPS.

Description and composition Yunienzima

Yunienzim - tablet preparation containing papain, simethicone, activated charcoal, and nicotinamide and diastase. These are the basic components that provide medicinal properties of the tablets.

Among the ancillary components include:

  • cellulose;
  • talc;
  • gelatin;
  • wax;
  • castor oil;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose;
  • acacia powder;
  • charcoal.

Content pills enclosed in sugar coated black. On licensing pills necessarily have UNICHEM inscription. The tablets are packed into blisters 10 stuff. In one carton may be 20 or 100 pills.

Pharmacological properties Yunienzima

The drug is marketed as an enzyme for digestion. This biochemical drug with diverse medicinal properties.

Yunienzim medicinal properties of the drug:

  • proteolytic - lies in the ability of enzymes to digest protein structures;
  • amilolitichesky - breaks down complex carbohydrates without unnecessary expenditure of energy;
  • lipolytic - promotes lipolysis without releasing byproducts;
  • adsorbent - it absorbs harmful substances (toxins, metals, bacteria) and outputs them completely from the body;
  • laxative - it accelerates motility, softens the stool, eliminate constipation;
  • elimination of flatulence - retards putrefaction processes accelerates the breakdown of proteins, which hinders the development of flatulence.

To eliminate gas formation in the intestine, normalize the digestion of lipids and carbohydrates present in the composition of fungal diastase and papain enzyme. These compounds exhibit activity intestine at pH \u003d 5.

Diastase prepared from certain kinds of fungi which were grown in the laboratory. According to the composition and action of diastase fungi is no different from pancreatin, which synthesizes the human pancreas. The main objective of this enzyme - starch degradation in the gut.

Papanine is another enzyme, only he is vegetable origin. It is obtained from papaya fruits. Finding into the body, it contributes to the complete splitting of casein and other animal proteins. The enzyme is active in any medium - sour and alkaline. It is used to eliminate the shortage of human pepsin.

To eliminate constipation and bloom in tablets there are simethicone. This is a biological surfactant compound that connects small air bubbles together and displays them out. Such a process allows you to save a person from bloating and chairs. A pair with enzyme substances eliminates heartburn, a sour belly, spasms in the stomach. Does not penetrate the bloodstream and leaves the body unchanged.

In order to derive toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract, activated carbon has been added to UNIENZIM. In a pair with Siemetikon, he releases from the lumen of the intestinal gases and disintegration products.

Nicotinamide - Vitamin, without which the process of splitting fats and absorption of glucose is disturbed. Its role in the drug is to regulate the Krebs cycle. Vitamin also supports intestinal microflora and is a building material for coenzymes - substances accelerating metabolism.

Thus, UNIANZIM contains a complete set of substances necessary to digest all groups of products and the subsequent removal from the intestine of recycled waste, toxins and gases.

UNIENZIM: Indications for use

A complete list of indications for the use of Pill Uniaventzim:

  • As an aid in the treatment of pancreatitis.
  • Meteorism and discomfort in the intestines on the background of enzyme failure.
  • Symptomatic treatment of impaired digestion (nausea, heartburn, belching, dyspepsia, constipation).
  • Gastritis with low acidity mounted.
  • Overeating or use of unusual dishes.
  • Preparatory period before surgical and diagnostic interventions (ultrasound, gastroscopy, radioscopy).

UNIENZIM: Application during pregnancy

In the gestation period, the digestion disorder is observed very often. The cause of pathology may be enzyme failure, and liver disease, and banal non-compliance with the power mode. This leads to the harmony in the abdomen, nausea and belching, the woman decreases appetite, the beneficial substances are not digested properly. In such situations, you have to take UNIENZim during pregnancy.

The manufacturer does not recommend this drug to pregnant women, because it does not own the necessary information about his influence on the fruit. But if you consider each component of the tablets separately, it becomes obvious that they will not bring harm to the baby.

It is especially effective for UNIENZIM in early time when toxicosis and physiological decrease in muscle tone leads to constipation, nausea, vomit, meteorism. Treatment is carried out short-term - up to 5-7 days. Only two pills are prescribed per day.

UNIANZIM: how to take children

Most gastrointestinal disorders serves as a reason for the appointment of UNIENZIM children. But this drug can only be assigned from the age of age. The medicine with ease copes with gas formation, nausea, constipation, exhaust and not digesting certain products.

UNIENZIM can be appointed for children both for the correction of digestion, which was broken as a result of overeating or introducing new products to the diet and for the treatment of chronic diseases of the liver and pancreas.

The treatment regime is the same as in adults - 1-2 capsules per day after eating.

UNIENZIM: Instructions for use

UNIENZIM - a non-pressed drug that does not lead to complications from systems and organs. But before its application requires a consultation of the doctor and attentive study of the instruction.

Reception Rules and Dosing Mode of UNIANZIMA

The dosage of the Tablets UNIANZIM is installed individually. The doctor can either reduce, or increase the daily dose depending on the degree of enzymatic insufficiency of the patient.

The instructions indicate that the day shows a three-time reception of one tablet regardless of age. The duration of treatment is established by a doctor.

Media Juniensim - Contraindications

The use of UNIENZIMA becomes impossible if the patient diagnosed the following diseases:

  • Jet pancreatitis or exacerbation of chronic form.
  • Acute course of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • The intolerance to galactose.
  • The intolerance to the components of UNIENZIM.
  • Age up to 7 years.

In addition to absolute contraindications, we note relative:

  • Ulcerative disease of the digestive organs in history.
  • Diabetes.
  • Liver pathology.
  • Gout.

Juniensim Tablets: Side effects

Given the competent ratio of active substances, UNIANZIM rarely causes any complications. Only a small amount of the following states can be attributed to the number of possible side effects:

  • allergic reactions;
  • abdominal pain;
  • exacerbation of chronic ulcers and stomach erosions;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the head;
  • dry skin;
  • hypotension;
  • arrhythmia;
  • problems with the assimilation of glucose.

Important! Long-term use can cause a sharp Yunienzima vitamin deficiency, certain hormones in the body fat. This side effect requires medical treatment.

Yunienzim: interactions with drugs

The presence in the sorbent Yunienzime affects the assimilation of all drugs that are taken orally. Therefore, in the case of receiving other medications must withstand a two-hour break between them and Yunienzimom.

Nicotinamide, which is contained in Yunienzime, increases the need for insulin. For this reason, people with diabetes need to be treated under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

Yunienzim: analogs description

In this preparation there are several dozen fully worthy counterparts with excellent performance and reasonable price. Consider the most popular products:

  • Abomin - complex preparation, containing a set of animal enzymes. It is indicated for the maintenance of digestion as a result of gastritis, enterocolitis, and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, occurring against a background of reducing acidity. It is produced in tablets, there are children's forms of the drug.
  • Pepzim - syrup with enzymes and essential oils. Showing to eliminate dyspepsia, flatulence, and pains belching after ingestion of complex carbohydrates and animal proteins. No contraindications. It applies to two years.
  • Enzimtal - has the same composition as the Yunienzim. Indications and rules for admission of these drugs are similar.
  • Digestal - tablets with a set of enzymatic substances. It is indicated for all gastrointestinal disorders provoked by deficiency of enzymes. By complete analogy Digestal include all known Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin, Ipental.
  • Fermentium - tablets with bovine enzymes, which are similar to human action. Shown to stabilize digestion, eliminate bloating, nausea.

Yunienzim: consumer reviews

Responses of pills are usually positive. On various Internet sites to meet a bad review about the preparation is difficult, after all, who use it are satisfied. Only a small part of the consumer be specified minor imperfections, such as a small short-term itchy skin or nausea after ingestion Yunienzima. In this case, there was not one negative word about the effectiveness of the drug. Therefore it can be concluded that the obligations laid upon him, he regularly performs as it eliminates a "storm in the stomach", adjusts digestion, removes harmful residues processed foods.

Yunienzim: price, terms of implementation

UNIENZYM is an imported drug, but its cost is not too high, since Indian drugs are not famous for the high cost. The estimated cost of 20 tablets in pharmacy networks 142 rubles. The drug is released without a recipe.

UNIENZIM is a high-quality accessible drug that has a wide range of therapeutic properties. He will eliminate bloating without barriers and will help your body cope with difficult-known food. But before his reception, do not be lazy to consult with your doctor.


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