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From what Unienzim helps: testimonies, contraindications. Unienzim tablets: Instructions for use. Overview of the analogues of Unienzima

From what Unienzim helps: testimonies, contraindications. Unienzim tablets: Instructions for use. Overview of the analogues of Unienzima
Why is Unenzim are prescribed. How to take Unienim to adults, children and pregnant women: Instructions. Analogs of Unienzima.

Unienzym medicine normalizes digestion in case of enzyme failure after eating new and difficult to digest food. It contains a complex of enzymes that help food fully absorbed, eliminate flatulence, diarrhea and a sense of severity. The drug quickly replenishes the deficiency of natural enzymes in the intestines, while they do not inhibit their synthesis in the body. Consider the properties and composition of Unienzim, from which this medicine helps and how best to use it to restore digestion.


Unienzym medicine refers to the enzyme group of drugs, the effect of which is aimed at stimulating digestion of food in the intestines. It is produced in the form of black tablets at the Indian enterprise Unichem Laboratories Limited. The full name of the medicine is Unienzim with the Ministry of Railways.

Description and composition Unienzima

Unienzim is a tablet drug containing papain, symeticon, activated coal, as well as nicotinamide and diastasis. These are basic components that provide the medicinal properties of tablets.

The auxiliary components include:

  • cellulose;
  • talc;
  • gelatin;
  • wax;
  • castor oil;
  • magnesium stearat;
  • lactose;
  • acacia powder;
  • charcoal.

The contents of the tablets are enclosed in a black sugar. On licensed pills, there is always an inscription Unichem. The tablets are packed in blisters of 10 pieces. There can be 20 or 100 pills in one cardboard package.

The pharmacological properties of Unienzim

The medicine is positioned as an enzyme for digestion. This is a biochemical drug with a variety of healing properties.

The medicinal properties of Unienzym:

  • proteolithic - consists in the ability of enzymes to digest protein structures;
  • amylolytic - without unnecessary energy costs, breaks down complex carbohydrates;
  • lipolytic - contributes to the breakdown of fats without releasing by -products;
  • adsorbing - absorbs harmful substances (toxins, metals, bacteria) and completely removes them from the body;
  • laxative - accelerates motor skills, softens the chair, eliminates constipation;
  • the elimination of flatulence - slows down the processes of decay, accelerates the process of splitting proteins, which prevents the development of flatulence.

To eliminate gas formation in the intestines, normalization of the absorption of lipids and carbohydrates in the composition, there is a fungal diastasis and enzyme papain. These substances show intestinal activity at the level of pH \u003d 5.

Diastasis is obtained from a certain kind of fungi, which are grown in laboratory conditions. In terms of composition and action of mushroom diastasis, it is no different from pancreatin, which synthesizes the human pancreas. The main task of this enzyme is to break down the starch in the intestines.

Papanin is another enzyme, only it is of plant origin. It is obtained from the fruits of the papaya. Once in the body, it contributes to the complete splitting of casein and other animal proteins. The enzyme is active in any environment - acidic and alkaline. It is used to eliminate the deficiency of human pepsin.

To eliminate constipation and bloating in tablets there is a Simeton. This is a biological surface-active compound that connects small air bubbles together and removes them out. Such a process allows you to save a person from swelling and problems with the stool. In tandem with enzyme substances, it eliminates heartburn, sour belching, spasms in the abdomen. It does not penetrate the bloodstream and leaves the body unchanged.

In order to remove toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract, activated carbon has been added to Junienzym. In pairs with Simeticon, he releases gases and decay products from the lumen of the intestines.

Nicotinamide is a vitamin without which the process of splitting fats and the absorption of glucose is disturbed. Its role in the drug lies in the regulation of the Crebs cycle. Vitamin also supports intestinal microflora and is a building material for coofers - substances that accelerate metabolism.

Thus, Unienzim contains a complete set of substances necessary for digesting all groups of products and subsequent removal of processed waste, toxins and gases from the intestines.

Unienzim: Indications for use

A complete list of indications for the use of Unienzim Pill:

  • As an auxiliary tool in the treatment of pancreatitis.
  • Meteorism and discomfort in the intestine against the background of enzyme failure.
  • Symptomatic treatment of impaired digestion (nausea, heartburn, belching, dyspepsia, constipation).
  • Gastritis with reduced acidity.
  • Overflow or use of unusual dishes.
  • The preparatory period before surgical and diagnostic interventions (ultrasound, gastroscopy, radioscopy).

Unienzym: Application during pregnancy

In the gestational period, digestive disorders are observed very often. The cause of the pathology may be enzyme failure, and liver disease, and banal non -compliance with the diet. This leads to rumbling in the stomach, nausea and belching, a woman has a reduction in appetite, beneficial substances are not assumed properly. In such situations, Unienzim has to be taken during pregnancy.

The manufacturer does not recommend this drug to pregnant women, because it does not own the necessary information about its effect on the fetus. But if you consider each component of tablets separately, it becomes obvious that they will not bring harm to the baby.

Unienzim is especially effective in the early stages when toxicosis and physiological decrease in muscle tone leads to constipation, nausea, vomiting, and flatulence. The treatment is carried out short-term-up to 5-7 days. Only two pills are prescribed per day.

Unienzim: how to accept children

Most gastrointestinal disorders serve as a reason for the appointment of Unienzym for children. But this drug can be prescribed only from the age of seven. The medicine easily copes with gas formation, nausea, constipation, belching and not digesting certain products.

Unienzim can be prescribed for children both for the correction of digestion, which was violated as a result of overeating or introducing new products into the diet, and for the treatment of chronic diseases of the liver and pancreas.

The treatment regimen is the same as in adults-1-2 capsules per day after taking food.

Unienzym: Instructions for use

Unienzim is a restraint that does not lead to complications from systems and organs. But before its use, a doctor’s consultation and a careful study of the instructions are necessary.

Admission Rules and Dosage mode Unienzym

The dosage of Unienzim tablets is installed individually. The doctor can either reduce or increase the daily dose depending on the degree of enzyme failure of the patient.

The instructions indicate that the day shows a triple reception of one tablet, regardless of age. The duration of treatment is established by a doctor.

Unienzim medicine - contraindications

The use of junienzyme becomes impossible if the patient is diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • Reactive pancreatitis or exacerbation of a chronic shape.
  • The acute course of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Galactose intolerance.
  • Intolerance to Unienzima components.
  • Age up to 7 years.

In addition to absolute contraindications, we note relative:

  • A peptic ulcer of the digestive organs in history.
  • Diabetes.
  • Pathology of the liver.
  • Gout.

Unienzim tablets: side effects

Given the competent ratio of active substances, Unienzim rarely causes any complications. The possible side effects include only a small number of the following states:

  • allergic reactions;
  • abdominal pain;
  • exacerbation of chronic ulcers and erosion of the stomach;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the head;
  • dry skin;
  • hypotension;
  • arrhythmia;
  • problems with the absorption of glucose.

Important! A prolonged technique of Unienzym can provoke a sharp deficiency of vitamins, some hormones, fats in the body. Such a side effect requires drug treatment.

Unienzym: Interaction with drugs

The presence of sorbents in Unienzim worsens the absorption of all drugs that are taken orally. Therefore, in the case of taking other drugs, it is necessary to withstand a two -hour pause between them and Unienzim.

Nicotinamide, which is contained in Unienzim, increases the need for insulin. For this reason, people with diabetes need to undergo treatment under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

Unienzym: Analogs with a description

This drug has several dozens of quite worthy analogues with excellent efficiency and affordable price. Consider the most popular drugs:

  • Abomin is a complex drug containing a set of animal enzymes. It is shown to maintain digestion as a result of gastritis, enterocolitis and other gastrointestinal pathologies that occur against a decrease in acidity. It is produced in tablets, there are children's forms of the drug.
  • Pepzim - syrup with enzymes and essential oils. Show for the elimination of dyspepsia, flatulence, belching and pain after taking complex carbohydrates and animal proteins. It has no contraindications. It is used from two years.
  • Enzymal - owns the same composition as Unienzim. Indications and rules for taking these drugs are similar.
  • Digestal - tablets with a whole set of enzyme substances. It is indicated for all gastrointestinal disorders provoked by deficiency of enzymes. The full analogues of Digestal include the famous Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin, Ipental.
  • Enzymes - tablets with cattle enzymes, which are similar to human. It is shown to stabilize digestion, elimination of swelling, nausea.

Unienzim: consumer reviews

Rides about pills are usually positive. On various Internet sites, it is difficult to meet a bad review of the drug, because everyone who used it was satisfied. Only a small part of consumers stipulated minor disadvantages, for example, a small itching of the skin or short -term nausea after taking Unienzim. At the same time, there was not a single negative word about the effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, we can conclude that the obligations laid down on it, it regularly fulfills, namely, eliminates the “storm in the stomach”, establish digestion, removes the harmful residues of processed food.

Unienzim: price, conditions of implementation

Unienzim is an imported drug, but its cost is not too high, since Indian drugs are not famous for the high cost. Estimated cost of 20 tablets in pharmacy networks 142 rubles. The drug is released without a prescription.

Unienzim is a high -quality affordable drug that has a wide range of therapeutic properties. It will eliminate bloating without obstacles and will help your body cope with simple -digested foods. But before his reception, do not be too lazy to consult your doctor.



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