
Lack of female hormones. What and when to take tests for female hormones. How to increase female hormones

Lack of female hormones. What and when to take tests for female hormones. How to increase female hormones
All about the symptoms of a lack of female hormones in the body, about methods for diagnosing and treating the problem.

Hormones play a leading role in almost all processes that occur within the female body. No wonder the PMS jokes go in a wide circle, because on the eve of critical days, the girl can experience such mood swings that it becomes difficult for others to communicate with her. The expectant mother can sometimes experience similar sensations, suddenly bursting with tears above a good joke or laughing in hysteria for no reason. Thanks to hormones, in principle, the state of pregnancy becomes possible, it is, among other things, they are responsible for changing the cycles, create favorable conditions for conception of the baby and prevent miscarriage or premature childbirth. Thanks to them, a woman after childbirth is able to breastfeed. This is all just a small fraction of what depends on female hormones. Impressive, isn't it?

As female hormones are called - a rather frequent question among girls, therefore we will delve into the theory a little. Male hormones are called androgens, and female hormones - estrogen. But this does not mean that men have only hormones and women have different women! In each organism there are androgens and estrogens, simply in different proportions. For women's health, it is extremely important to determine the level of sex hormones. Their excess or deficiency is noticeable to the naked eye: the condition of the skin, hair, nails, excessive thinness or large weight are determining factors.

Causes of excess or lack of female hormones

So, if you or the close people around you noticed constant mood swings or a deterioration in appearance, you should consult a doctor in the near future in order to be sent for tests for female hormones. Usually directs a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

And the reasons causing hormonal imbalance may be a mass, and they are all diverse and unpredictable:

  1. Stress and emotional instability in principle lead to many serious consequences, and hormonal imbalance is one of them.
  2. Sleep disorders, insomnia, which can be directly related to the previous point.
  3. Severe diseases-maybe there was some kind of injury in the past, or there was an acute infection?
  4. Dot in the body, for example, disorders in the work of the adrenal glands or endocrine system.
  5. Childbirth - it would seem natural and thought out by Mother Nature a process. However, such serious changes occur in a woman’s body, as, indeed, during pregnancy, that this cannot pass without a trace.
  6. Abortion is a mechanical human intervention in what was conceived by nature, can not favorably affect the health of a woman.
  7. Klimax - this stage in a woman’s life is characterized by the most unprecedented hormonal surge, because the onset of menopause means the end of the childbearing period. Just imagine, all conscious life was menstruation and ovulation, and suddenly this is no longer there.
  8. Bad habits cause tremendous damage to our body! A million books have been written about this and films have been shot no less, everyone knows about it, but everyone continues to do obvious evil for themselves.
  9. Improper nutrition is the root of all evil. This instantly affects both the appearance and the work of all internal organs and systems.

Attractive Woman Holding Her Head Sitting at Her Desk

Lack of female hormones. How to increase female hormones

As follows from the previous chapter, the level of female hormones can be returned to normal by taking a number of simple measures:

  1. Stabilize the emotional background. Try to avoid conflicts, and if it doesn’t work out, learn not to pass through yourself. Remember that when you cannot change the situation, you need to change your attitude to it.
  2. If you have serious sleep problems, then know that such violations can affect health in general. Think about what to change? Maybe, before going to bed, take a fragrant bathroom, read a good book or listen to its audio version? It is better to minimize watching the TV, especially before bedtime, and you should not fall asleep with it at all!
  3. When changes in appearance for the worse and constant mood jumps, all the events that you can provide at home may not be enough. This does not mean that you do not need to do them - but you still need to contact the doctor first of all. After all, the cause of hormonal imbalance may not be stress, and a severe hidden disease is hidden. And here one psychological mood, of course, will be not enough - treatment will be required, which may include hormone therapy and treatment of the specific disease that can be revealed during the examination.
  4. After childbirth, it is necessary to carefully monitor the well -being and find time to visit the gynecologist. This period is characterized by hormonal instability, therefore it is so important to follow the doctor's recommendations.
  5. When menopause, a specialist is also important for menopause. Typically, during this period, an acute deficiency of one or another hormone is observed, and sometimes they have to be completed from external, drug sources.
  6. Refuse smoking and drinking alcohol! No need to look for “useful” alternatives to cigarettes in the form of cigarettes of electronic and other modern bells and whistles. A person smokes or not. Alcohol can be consumed, but not always and not everyone - only good, high -quality and in moderate doses. Ideally, a glass of red dry wine.
  7. If you adhere to the basics of proper nutrition, your body will say thank you! And the reflection in the mirror will please every day more and more. Try to ensure the intake of healthy, vitaminized food to your body, exclude harmful fast foods and snacks on the run! The older you become, the more acute you feel the consequences of such a careless attitude towards yourself.


What products contain female hormones

If proper nutrition means taking proper food, which is more or less for everyone, then when it comes to hormonal deficiency, the girl should lean on the following products:

  • Linseed oil.
  • Color or white cabbage.
  • Dairy and dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, some types of cheeses.
  • Legumes - peas, lentils.
  • Herbal fees, teas - chamomile, linden, sage, ginseng.


Disadvantage of female hormones - symptoms

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in each girl can be expressed in its own way, because each case is individual. The age of the girl, her lifestyle, organization of sleep and rest plays a role. The general symptoms can be attributed:

  • Disruption of the reproductive system. Dot Mestrual Cycle, the beginning of menopause (menopause), established infertility.
  • The work of the central nervous system of the central nervous system - tearfulness, irritability, constant mood swings.
  • Accelerated or slow metabolism, which leads to excessive thinness or, on the contrary, overweight.


What tests for women's hormones

Of course, to whom, how and when to donate blood to hormones, only a doctor can determine. We will only consider the main types of female hormones, what is their role in the functioning of the female body and what the imbalance of a hormone can lead to.

Women's hormone estrogen

The most important female hormone, because it is he who is responsible for our feminine figures, for the mammary glands, for the menstrual cycle - in a word, for making us women!

So, estrogens are female hormones - and their symptoms of the disadvantage are obvious. The deficit can be recognized by violation of the cycle, by masculinization - the manifestation of secondary sexual male features in women, such as excessive growth of unwanted hair, for example.


Male hormones in the female body

It also happens that hormones that prevail in men are suddenly manifested in women! Their overabundance becomes noticeable by the naked look: the girl becomes less feminine as a character (there is a causeless aggression) and appearance - those rounded sexual bends disappear, and gross male lines appear instead of them. Progesterone and testosterone - let's talk about them separately!


Women's hormone progesterone

Oddly enough, but it is this male hormone that helps a woman to become a mother! In sufficient quantities, it contributes to the successful development of the baby in particular and the preservation of pregnancy as a whole. Quite often, doctors prescribe to expectant mothers a synthetic analogue of progesterone in the form of drugs, such as duphaston or Utrozherata. The nested, the tone of the uterus, its reduction - all this can indicate a lack of a hormone of progesterone during pregnancy.


Women's hormone testosterone

Again, a male hormone, but a sufficient amount in the female body positively affects the libido and physical activity of the girl! An excess usually characterizes incontinence and aggression in behavior.


Feminine hormone estradiol

A less popular and well -known hormone, but this does not cancel its importance. He, for his part, sets up the female cycle, promotes the regeneration of the bone skeleton, reduces cholesterol and increases blood coagulation before childbirth for speedy healing and restoring the difficult process after this. This is a very feminine hormone, thanks to him, girls have such beautiful sexy figures - elastic breasts, a hornet waist, seductive rounded hips, there is no vegetation where it is in abundance in men. The lack of a hormone in the blood can give out a male type of figure and woman, as well as later on the onset of menstruation and their irregularity.


Female hormone oxytocin

This hormone owns our feelings, such as tenderness and caring, the desire to be in a long relationship. If a girl has such features as obsession and constant hysteria about this, then this may indicate an excess of the hormone in the blood. Oxytocin plays an important role in motherhood. Its amount increases sharply in the blood after childbirth, forming in women that very motherly love and endless care of the baby.

Mother Smile to her Child, ISOLATED ORER WHITE

Women's hormone thyroxine

A very important hormone in the life of a person, because he takes part in the synthesis of the protein, the presence of it in the blood in moderate quantities gives a woman a harmonious figure, healthy elastic skin. He is directly involved in the organization of mental activity. With an excess of thyroxine, a woman suffers from excessive thinness, she is not able to concentrate, her thoughts are confused and anxious. On the contrary, excess weight is manifested from the disadvantage, and the condition of the skin is rapidly worsening.


Women's hormone somatropin

The quality of lifestyle is directly related to the development of this hormone. Improper nutrition, malnutrition, poor organization of sleep and rest can provoke a lack of somatropin, but this is a hormone of strength and harmony! Moreover, it forms growth in children and adolescents. If the child lags behind in growth, then this may indicate a lack of hormone, and if it overtakes, an oversupply.


This is not all hormones responsible in the body of a woman for certain processes. For example, insulin is responsible for the splitting of carbohydrates or norepinephrine, the development of which occurs in a stressful situation - all this is important to ensure the normal life of a woman in everyday life. There are also hormones that occur in huge quantities when changing circumstances - so hCG begins to be produced from the moment of pregnancy and grow exponentially, slowing down its growth rate only in the second half of pregnancy.

When to take tests for women's hormones

Hormones are usually handed over for a certain day of the menstrual cycle, you can clarify in more detail on your doctor. Of course, there are general recommendations regarding how exactly you need to donate blood to hormones.

The analysis is done in the morning on an empty stomach, a day before it it will be necessary to refuse smoking, alcohol, sex, physical training.

On what day to take hormones is a popular question, but it is definitely quite difficult to answer it. Each hormone has its own favorable time to determine its level in the blood, consider the most basic ones:

  • estrogen - 4 days of the cycle;
  • progesterone - 7 day of ovulation, when its concentration in the blood is maximum;
  • estradiol can be taken on any day, but ideally the next day after ovulation, which is easier to track with the help of special tests, for example;
  • HCG is handed over for 4-5 days of menstruation delay to confirm or refute the fact of pregnancy;
  • prolactin is not tied to the day of the cycle;
  • testosterone is handed over a week after the start of menstruation;
  • tikoxin - T4 - pass from the first day of the cycle to the onset of ovulation.


Women's hormones with menopause

Nature has laid a very important, childbearing function into a woman. It is for this that we experience periodic pains every month in order to once conceive and endure a healthy baby. However, this gift is not eternal-after 50 years, menopause occurs, when the female body ceases to exist from the cycle to the cycle. Not menstruation - there is no way to get pregnant.

The consequences are noticeable for every representative of the weaker sex - who has not heard about how women complain that they abruptly throw them in sweat and becomes unbearably hot in this state? And all because any change in the body cannot pass without a trace. So here - under menopause, women experience an acute lack of hormones familiar to them. Some and to such an extent that doctors prescribe them to drink synthetic analogues of scarce hormones.

Climax can be confirmed using a blood test for the number of the following hormones:

  1. The pituitary gland is produced by FSH or follicle -stimulating hormone, which, in turn, is responsible for the production of estrogen. If their concentration in the blood is sufficient (as in women of childbearing age), then the FSG is present in minimal quantities. When the menopause of estrogens is ongoing, but the FSG begins to exceed the norm.
  2. With the onset of menopause in the body, the woman begins to fall the level of the estradiol hormone - when its concentration reaches the indicator of less than 35, the fact of menopause can be safely confirmed.
  3. Progesterone, on which pregnancy itself depends, its onset and normal course can also suggest whether menopause has come.

Of course, in addition to the aforementioned female hormones, everyone else changes during menopause. Estrogen, luteinizing hormone and many others.

The onset of menopause is sometimes noticeably naked. Monthly stops coming, a woman becomes grumpy and irritable, her sleep is disturbed, she periodically throws her in heat. You should not let the situation a gravity, because the deviation from the norm of only one hormone can cause the domino effect, and then we will already talk about the failure of the hormonal background at the general level. Have you noticed something like that? Rather to the gynecologist!


We will summarize

Now you know everything, or almost everything about female sex hormones, what is their function in the everyday life of every woman and how important it is to maintain a full hormonal balance in your body. It is thanks to them that the woman was created as she is - tender, sensitive, with seductive forms, in a soft voice. That is why in her body there is an opportunity for the emergence and bearing of a new life. Therefore, if the doctor suspected something was wrong and considered it necessary to direct you to tests-listen to him, it is possible that those insignificant problems that you noticed in yourself arose precisely due to hormonal imbalance. Be healthy!

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