
Why is the cardiomagnil is prescribed and from what helps. The benefits and harm of cardiomagnila. The use of cardiomagnila - instructions, indications, contraindications. Analogs of cardiomagnila

Why is the cardiomagnil is prescribed and from what helps. The benefits and harm of cardiomagnila. The use of cardiomagnila - instructions, indications, contraindications. Analogs of cardiomagnila
What is cardiomagnil consist of. Indications, contraindications for taking cardiomagnila, side effects. How to take cardiomagnil correctly.

Cardiomagnil tablets are a popular over -the -compuls drug, the main purpose of which is the prevention of thrombosis in those who have a prerequisite for the development of this state of persons.

Cardiomagnil is sold in darkened glass containers containing 30 or 100 tablets. Available in two dosages.  TakeDa is engaged in production.  It is made in Germany, Denmark and Russia.

Cardiomagnil: Composition

  • Active pharmaceutical substance: 75 mg acetylsalicylic acid (ASK) and 15.2 mg of magnesium hydroxide in heart -shaped tablets and 150 mg ASK and 30.39 mg of magnesium hydroxide in oval risk tablets.
  • Additional substances: corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, potato starch.
  • Shell: methylhydroxypropyllulose, propylene glycol, talc.

Cardiomagnil: action

Anti -aggregate: Aspirin does not allow platelets to glue, therefore, it does not allow blood clots and a blockage of blood vessels.

Cardiomagnil: Indications

  • Passed myocardial infarction.
  • Embolia, thrombosis of blood vessels.
  • Unstable angina pectoris.
  • Tolstoy cancer in a family history.
  • Age 45-79 years for men and 55-79 years for women.
  • Increased cholesterol or blood sugar, hypertension, smoking, overweight in combination with atherosclerosis.

Reception of cardiomagnila for primary prevention is not approved by American and European doctors due to the ambiguous ratio of possible harm and alleged benefits.

Cardiomagnil: benefits

  • The anti -aggregate effect of the drug reduces the risk of heart attacks.
  • During the latest studies, it was revealed that the long -term intake of small doses of aspirin reduces the risk of developing non -stratizing cancer tumors of the large intestine.
  • Increase in life expectancy. The average indicator of life expectancy is higher in people, on an ongoing basis taking small doses of aspirin.

Cardiomagnil: Contraindications

Absolute contraindications to cardiomagnila

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the tablet or other NSAIDs.
  • Hemorrhage in the brain, gastrointestinal bleeding, lack of vitamin K, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • 1 and 3 trimester of pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Age younger than 18 years.
  • Bronchial asthma caused by the reception of salicylates and NSAIDs.
  • An exacerbation of erosive and pine forest lesions of the digestive tract.
  • Severe renal failure.
  • Lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme.

Relative contraindications to cardiomagnila

  • Explosion/Hall bleeding in history.
  • Liver or renal failure.
  • Hay fever.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Hyperuricemia.
  • Gout.
  • Polyposis of the nasal cavity.
  • Allergy.
  • 2 trimester of pregnancy.

Cardiomagnil: harm

  • Due to the aggressive effect of aspirin on the inner shells of the digestive tract, the risk of bleeding increases.
  • The risk of hemorrhage in the brain increases.
  • Allergic reactions are possible.

Cardiomagnil: side effects

  • The minimum of every tenth taking the medicine is observed: heartburn, increased bleeding.
  • From 1 to 10 percent of people had to face: Quincke's edema, narrowing of the bronchi, nettle rash, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, headache.
  • No less than one per 1000 people, but no more often than one of 100, such negative effects are observed: anaphylactic reactions, abdominal pain, stomach ulcers and 12-peremail intestine, drowsiness, dizziness.
  • No less than one for 10,000 people, but no more often than one of a thousand can be diagnosed: increasing the level of hepatic enzymes, perforation of stomach ulcers, a 12-perimal intestine, anemia, hemorrhage in the brain, and tinnitus.
  • Less than one for 10,000 people, the drug Cardiomagnil causes: inflammation of the colon, irritable intestine syndrome, inflammation or ulceration of the esophagus, stomatitis, aplastic anemia, blood prostrombin deficiency, thrombocytopenia, agracinulocytosis, eosinophilia.

Cardiomagnil: reviews

According to reviews, the drug is effective and tolerated well.  Many people who take cardiomagnil do not develop side effects. Those who were less fortunate, complained mainly about heartburn, a sense of nausea, sleep disorders.

Cardiomagnil during pregnancy

  • In the early stages, treatment with salicylates increases the likelihood of developing fetal pathologies.
  • In the third trimester, the reception of ASK at a dose of more than 300 mg slows down generic activity, increases the possibility of developing bleeding in the woman in labor and her baby, can provoke intrauterine closure of the arterial duct. The intake of salicylates is shortly before the birth is fraught with the development of a newborn bleeding in the cranial cavity, especially the risk of this complication in prematurely born babies is great.
  • Long-term use of ASK in the 2nd trimester in a dosage of 50-75 mg per day reduces the risk of gestosis.

How to take cardiomagnil

The product is taken once a day, abundantly washed down with non -cramped water.  Preliminary grinding of the tablet is allowed, however, this levels the advantages of the protective shell.

In the presence of indications and the absence of contraindications and negative reactions, the medication is used for a long period, often all your life.

Cardiomagnil: dosage

To prevent the missing diseases of the cardiovascular system, 150 mg of the drug is a history of diseases, in the future there is enough cardiomagnila 75 mg. In other cases, a daily reception of 75-150 mg ASK is prescribed, the dosage is selected by the doctor.

Cardiomagnil before meals or after

To minimize the negative effects of ASK on the gastrointestinal mucosa, cardiomagnil is advised to drink after a tight meal.

Cardiomagnil in the morning or evening

At the discretion of the person who receives a person. The preferred time of the day for taking cardiomagnila in the instructions for use is not indicated.

The medicine can cause sleep disorders: drowsiness or insomnia. Therefore, it is better to choose the time of admission based on the individual reaction of the body to tablets.

Cardiomagnil: Compatibility

ASK interacts with several hundred drugs, so the attending physician when prescribing cardiomagnila should be aware of all drugs and dietary supplements taken by the patient.

The total effect of cardiomagnila

  • Salicilats.  Additional intake of salicylates significantly increases the risk of severe side effects.
  • Anticoagulants.  Against the background of taking cardiomagnila, treatment with other blood diluting medications (heparin, girudin, warfarin and others) is allowed with the permission of the doctor. Incorrect treatment regimens are fraught with widespread bleeding or hemorrhagic stroke.

Neutralization of the effect of cardiomagnila

  • NSAID.  Such a combination not only nullifies the cardi -protective properties of cardiomagnila, but also increases the risk of ulcerative bleeding and myocardial infarction. If during the receiving cardiomagnila, a need for antipyretic or analgesics has appeared, then preparations that are not related to NSAIDs, such as paracetamol, should be selected.

Strengthening the action of medications with the method of cardiomagnila

  • Metotrexate. The intake of cardiomagnila and drugs based on methotrexate (metotab, zexat) in a dosage of 15 or more milligrams per week is prohibited, taking less than 15 mg of methotrexate per week with a special need to be permissible.
  • Insulin.
  • Medmaps for lowering blood sugar. It is important to know that the “heart” aspirin increases the effect of drugs designed to fight in a high blood sugar.
  • Digoxin. Against the background of taking cardiomagnila, the effect of medications based on digoxin (digoxin, no -factal) is enhanced.
  • Ethanol. Is it possible to take cardiomagnil and alcohol? Frequent use of ethanol/simultaneous intake of cardiomagnila and alcohol is prohibited due to a significantly increasing irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. You can take alcohol without negative health consequences occasionally and in very small doses.  It is important that the use of pills precedes the use of alcohol, and the interval between the use of the medicine and ethanol is at least a few hours.

Weakening of the action of cardiomagnila

  • Hypertension medicines.
  • Medicines for gout.

Cardiomagnil: Analogs

The “heart” aspirin releases many trademarks, but there are no complete analogue of cardiomagnila among them: there are no differences in the components or in the dosage of active substances. It is necessary to decide what a professional should replace, since it is impossible to unequivocally say which of the medications is better.

Cardiomagnil or Aspirin

Cardiomagnil should not be replaced with aspirin for several reasons:

  • ASK aggressively acts on the inner shells of the digestive tract. And if the one -time administration of the drug with the aim of anesthesia or reduction in temperature does not harm an adult, then constant use, albeit small dosages, may have sad consequences. Cardiomagnil is equipped with a film shell that allows a tablet in an insoluble form to pass the stomach. Also, the drug contains a small amount of magnesium hydroxide antacid, designed to reduce the negative effect of ASK.
  • To achieve the anti -aggregate effect, it is enough to take 75 mg ASK daily, high doses of aspirin will only increase the risk of negative reactions. Aspirin is usually produced in a tablet form with a dosage of 300-500 mg. It is strongly recommended to divide the tablets, since the active pharmaceutical substance in them can be distributed unevenly, which is fraught with overdose or lack of active substances and a decrease in the therapeutic effect.

Thromboass or cardiomagnil: which is better

  • Thrombo ACS is a monocomponent drug with aspirin as an active pharmaceutical substance. The dosage of ASK in it is lower than in cardiomagnila: 100 mg and 50 mg, respectively.
  • Trombo ACS tablets are also covered with a gastrointestinal membrane.
  • Due to the content of monohydrate, lactose thrombos Ass should not be consumed by people with lactase failure.

Azecardol or Cardiomagnil

  • Askaadol is a monopolistress dressed in the intestinal and deciduous shell. One tablet contains 50, 100 or 300 mg acetylsalicylic acid.
  • It is undesirable to take Askemol with lactase deficiency, due to the fact that this medicine contains a monohydrate of hydrose.


Cardiomagnil is a low -dosed aspirin used to thin blood. This is not a harmless dietary supplement, but the medicine, so the cardiomagli and its dosage should be prescribed by the doctor.

The tablet is accepted daily after a full meal. Drink cardiomagnil in the evening or in the morning is solved by the patient.



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