
What is pleurisy of the lungs, symptoms and causes of the disease. Diagnostics of pleurite of the lungs. How to treat pleurisy of lungs by medicines and folk remedies

What is pleurisy of the lungs, symptoms and causes of the disease. Diagnostics of pleurite of the lungs. How to treat pleurisy of lungs by medicines and folk remedies
Purit of lungs. How it happens. Symptoms of the disease. Medical and folk ways of treating pleurite of the lungs.

Lightweight is the life-supporting person. After all, it is they who satisfy each cell of the body through blood oxygen. The physiological structure of the lungs provides special protection in the form of a two-layer film. With its inflammation, disease is diagnosed - purit of lungs. The disease is quite serious and can give complications, including death. Pleurisy, lung, what it is and how to treat the pathology of lung medicines and traditional medicines. Let's deal with.

What is the pleurisy of the lungs? Mechanism for the development of the disease

To understand what is pleasing lungs, turn to the anatomy of human lungs.

Lungs - This is a pair body consisting of two identical parts (right half and left). Each of which is located in Plegre, which is similar to the bag, the front of which is fought with a chest. Since the pulmonary fabric is very gentle and externally similar to a porous sponge, she needs protection, in order to work (oxygen intake and extraction of carbon dioxide), the lungs could painlessly touch the inner part of the sternum.

The protection in the form of pleura is divided into two parts:

  • prieucan - parietal;
  • pulmonary - visceral.

Inflammation localizing in one of these parts is called pleurite of the lungs. The inflammatory process can be different. So, with a payout pleuriant, the liquid in the lungs accumulates, and the fibrinous or dry pleurisy differs in the pleuris.

Causes of the appearance of pleurite of the lungs

Purrites as an independent disease may rarely occur. In most cases, such pathology is a consequence of (complication) of any disease. It is characterized by fibrous overlays or a cluster of fluid in / on the tissues of the pleura. In the pleurisy of light causes can be divided into two types:

Noncommunicable pleurisy. About 30% of all cases. The cause of such pathology can be:

  • lung injuries obtained by mechanical or surgically;
  • lung infarction;
  • in women - breast cancer;
  • the presence of foreign formations with metastases in Plegre.

Infectious Purrites It takes 70% of all cases, and provoke its development:

  • inflammatory processes in the lungs;
  • pathogenic microflora (bacteria, viruses, infections);
  • beating tissue fungus.

According to the specifics of the development of the disease, pathogenic microorganisms (infectious pathogens) operating on nearby tissues in abscess, pneumonia, tuberculosis, all sorts of ways are trying to penetrate the pleura.

It happens that pleurisy develops in people with elevated vessel permeability. The cause of inflammation is the deficit of immunity, systemic blood disease.

What could be the pleurisy of the lungs? Types of pathology

Based on the etiology (liquid accumulation or formation of fibrous plaque), there are several varieties of pathology.

Exudative pleurisy of the lungs

Exudative pulmonary, Or as it is also called the paying pleurisy, it strikes only one half of the lungs. It is characterized by the accumulation of liquid in Plegre, which leads to its swelling and deterioration of the general hemodynamics of the human body. With this type of disease, the patient is observed: dry cough, general weakness, temperature, increased swelling on the face and in the zone of neckline, severe pain in the left or right side (depending on the localization of the liquid accumulation), which are retreating during the coup in the lying position.

Purulent flurry of the lungs

From the very name it is clear that the main reason for the appearance of pleurite is a pus, which accumulates in Plegre. This species belongs to one of the forms of exudative pleurite of the lungs. The course of pathology occurs in severe form and is accompanied by a strong cough, pain in the chest, shortness of breath, temperature, internal pressure on the heart, which causes hypertension. Most of the diagnosed cases purulent pleurite of the lungs Greetings to the children's age and on the elderly. Since pathology has an acute form, the therapy is carried out in the hospital under the supervision of specialists.

Caught pleurisy of the lungs

Caught pleurisy of the lungsThis is another kind of exudative pleuritis. It develops as a pleural reaction to the chronic presence of the inflammatory process. It is expressed in the emergence of massive battles (sucks), in the cavities of which the liquid is assembled. Depending on the accumulating biological substance, the amusing pleurisy of the lungs can be:

  • serous;
  • serous-fibrous;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • purulent.

As for the manifestation of symptoms, the clinical picture depends on the localization, the size of the lesion, the presence limitation. So, for example, the interdhea pleurisy almost does not have manifestations, and the discomfort in the diaphragmal sine causes discomfort when swallowing and characterized by pains in the top of the abdomen.

Dry pleurisy lungs

Fibrous or other name dry pleurisy lungs, Usually acts as a secondary disease. Therefore, the initial therapy should be targeted to eliminate the main pathology. For fibrous form, stiff pain in the lung area are characteristic, there is a press intensity, superficial breathing accompanied by cough. In the absence of treatment, such an inflammatory process can provoke adhesions.

Tuberculosis pleurisy lungs

This is a secondary pathology caused by tuberculosis of the lungs. The clinical picture of the disease is diverse and depends on the peculiarities of the flow of the tuberculous inflammatory process in the lungs. In addition to Purrita, in most cases in patients with tuberculosis pleuritis Diagnose the damage of bronchial cells and other parapecific reactions. This type of disease is divided into subspecies: allergic pleurisy, peopocal or empy.

Parapnemonic flurry of the lungs

Present in acute flow pneumonia, pleurite Call parapneumonic. It is characterized by an increase in temperature with insignificant effusion. When examining with X-ray, a specialist may noted an infiltrative shadow, which is poorly traced in the contour.

Features of pleurite of the lungs in children

In kids, regardless of age, can diagnose any kind of pleuritis, which is often secondary pathology. Purit of lungs in children can develop as a complication of any disease that is caused by such reasons:

  • supercooling;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • fungal defeat;
  • mechanical damage to the chest;
  • consequence of the suffering diseases such as: pneumonia, tuberculosis, typhoid typhoid.

It was noted that 80% of children's serous, fibrous or dry pleuritis is a complication after tuberculosis. As for purulent, it appears if infected with pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci.

Symptoms of pleurite of the lungs

Lung disease - pleurisy, has a kind of symptoms, which depends on the type of pathology. But with any "defolds", the patient complains of breast pain, cough attacks, shortness of breath. In some cases, fixed increased temperature. Over time, the chest increases, becoming more in size, and breathing is hampered.

Depending on the type of pleurite of the lungs, symptoms may be as follows:

1. With an exudative pleurisite of the lungs, there are:

  • stupid pain painted in the left or right side of the sternum, depending on the place of the defeat;
  • permanently present dry cough;
  • protrusion of intercostal intervals;
  • shortness of breath, sense of air shortness, inexplicable gravity;
  • the temperature is increasing, accompanied by chills.

2. For dry pleurite, the following symptomatics is characteristic:

  • with sighs, puncturing, sharp movements of the patient notes stitching pain in the chest;
  • there is strong sweating;
  • breathing becomes superficial, and with visual observation, the patient is lagging behind in rises when breathing from a healthy side;
  • the temperature is accompanied by chills and fever.

3. Acute purulent pleurisy has the most complicated flow and has such symptoms:

  • high temperature indicators;
  • tachycardia;
  • strong pain in the chest;
  • lomits the whole body;
  • there is little man, which affects his weight;
  • tint of leather becomes Earthy.

Symptoms of pleurite of the lungs In adults, often initially progression remain unnoticed. Since they write them off on the manifestation of ordinary colds. Therefore, in order to prevent pleuritis, you need to pass fluorography twice a year, and with suspected pulmonary diseases and more often. If the disease is not treated, it flows into a chronic form, which entails scar changes (spikes) of the tissue of the pleura. As a result, the lungs cannot reveal to the fullest, leading to the insolvency of breathing.

Purit of the lungs - Treatment

The treatment of pleurite of the lungs depends on the type of pathology itself and illness that provoked such a complication. Certain funds are prescribed, which contribute to the decrease in inflammation and eliminating symptoms.

Medical treatment of pleurite of the lungs

Medication drugs are issued on the basis of the diagnosis, so pleurite:

  • against the background of pneumonia or caused by infection, is treated with antibiotics;
  • on the background of rheumatism - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers;
  • in the complex with tuberculosis, it is aimed at treating antibiotics of aimed action (the destruction of koch sticks).

Regardless of the type of pleurit, analgesics are prescribed to facilitate the patient's condition, as well as means for maintaining the cardiovascular system. With a strong dry cough, antitussive drugs are registered along the way.

Other methods of therapy pleuris

With dry pleurisy, prescribe mustard pieces and other hewing compresses. As soon as the acute phase passes, a special respiratory gymnastics is needed. It prevents the appearance of adhesions between the external and inner pleura.

If there is an exudative character with a large amount of traffic, then a pleural puncture is appointed. It is done to produce the cavity of the pleura. For one procedure, no more than one and a half liters of fluid is pumped out.

If chronic purulent pleurisy is diagnosed, then operational intervention is required. Operation is carried out under the name of the pleurectomy, during which parts of the pleura with purulent content are removed and lungs are released.

Treatment of pleurite of the lungs by folk remedies

When pleasing the pulmonary treatment with folk remedies can act as an auxiliary, since to cure this pathology without medicines will not work. And during the time spent on folk therapy, the disease can progress. Patients should take note of the following recipes of traditional medicine:

  • Beet juice. It is consumed fresh with honey. On 50 ml of juice 1 st l honey. Daily reception 100 g, in the morning and evening. This medicine is not stored, so the juice must be squeezed before each use again.
  • Onion juice Mixed in equal proportion with honey and taken 1 st l twice a day. Black radish has the same effect, so onion juice can be replaced by juice.
  • Tincture from the plantain. 2 STL of dry leaves of the plantain pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Interest and take in warm form 100 ml 3-4 times a day.
  • Mix in the same grace proportion: dryers, coltsfoots, mint. Brew 1 tbsp. l. Like tea and drink three times a day.

Features of the treatment of pleurite of the lungs in the elderly

At pleret off the lungs, symptoms and treatment in older people Slightly different from the standard approach to therapy. In addition to drug treatment, people aged are recommended to be in bed. Since with age, the body will be restored much more difficult. Doctors advise not to load heart muscles, avoid stress, excitement. It is also necessary to adhere to gentle nutrition with a large number of useful trace elements and vitamins. The basis of nutrition should lie vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Complications of pleurrites

As a rule, after proper therapy, the patient forgets about pleurite forever. In case of non-compliance with the recommendations and appointments of a doctor under therapy of pleurite of light consequences may be deplorable. The development of complications depends on the main etiology of the disease.

Complications of pleurite of the lungs may be as follows:

  • flash processes are developed;
  • there is a contagion of interdetal cracks;
  • pneumosclerosis develops;
  • fIBROZATION, when the pleura sheets are compacted;
  • massive mooring are formed;
  • empiama - the suppuration of the liquid clugged in Plegre;
  • respiratory failure.

Caring for your health is the best prevention of pleurit. Good, balanced nutrition, active lifestyle, lack of bad habits, is an excellent potator for strong immunity. Do not let the colds on samonek, as this can lead to the development of light inflammation, tuberculosis, pneumonia. Purritish, this is not a common disease, but once "having acquainted" with her, for many years to be observed with specialists. In the launched cases, the accumulation of fluid in the lungs can lead to the death end, so it should not be left without a suddenly appearing thoracic pain.


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