
Hair masks at home

Hair masks at home
You can improve the appearance and condition of the hair with homemade masks.

In the cosmetics departments, hair masks are presented in a huge assortment. But the hair mask, made by yourself at home, has several advantages. For its manufacture, only natural components are used, preservatives and stabilizers are not used, its composition can be varyed based on the condition and needs of the hair. A homemade hair mask has a low cost, and it also prepares for itself, with love and a great desire to be beautiful and healthy.

Special skills for applying a mask are not required. The procedure is best carried out 30-60 minutes before washing the head. Having prepared the composition, apply it to the scalp, then on separate strands. It is advisable to cover your head with cellophane. In order to look neat during the procedure, wrap your head with a beautiful towel. The mask is better “works” in warmth. Wait until all active substances are absorbed. The procedure is completed by washing the head with shampoo.

Hair growth masks

Hair growth masks contain substances that warm the scalp. They contribute to the activation of metabolic processes in the roots of the hair. The components that make up such masks: pepper, onions, mustard. These are long -tested folk remedies that enhance blood circulation and tonic skin.

Mask for hair growth with mustard


This warming mask is recommended to accelerate hair growth with increased fat content. Mustard has a drying effect, so it is better to use another composition for dry hair. When using warming masks, an allergic reaction is possible.   If, when performing a mask, burning on the skin has become unbearable, it is better to stop the procedure.

Mask recipe for hair growth with mustard:

  • 2 tbsp. dry mustard;
  • 2 tbsp. any vegetable oil;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. water.

Mix mustard powder with hot water, constantly stirring, add the rest of the components. Any can be taken by vegetable oil: sunflower, olive, peach. Apply a warm mask to the scalp, heat it warmly. The oil slightly softens the effect of mustard, but does not relieve absolutely a burning sensation on the scalp. Hair mask with mustard keep for 30 minutes. This warming method can be used no more than once a week.

Regular use of the mask will make the hair thick and beautiful. Hair growth is significantly accelerated. A mask with mustard is contraindicated in diseases of the scalp: dermatitis, allergies, seborrhea.

Mask with ginger


This mask is recommended for dry and normal hair. She will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. crushed fresh ginger;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Persian or sesame oils.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly. The mask is ready. The exposure time of half an hour. Ginger has a soft warming effect, improves blood circulation in the scalp.

Hair masks from falling out

woman with Brush

There are situations after which the hair begins to quickly leave their heads. Most often this happens after severe stress, taking some drugs, as a result of vitamin deficiency. In order for the body to be healthy, we eat beneficial foods containing vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, for healing the hair, the same methods should be used: they must be nourished with useful substances. Perfectly strengthens the hair use of oils. Cosmetic oils contain fatty acids, vitamins, proteins. But it is also impossible to overdo it, to make masks to strengthen hair more than once every 10 days is not recommended.

Hair with burdock oil


The burdock for a long time was used to care for the hair. In the recipes of traditional medicine, a burdock root was used. To do this, it had to be dug in the autumn time of the year, dried, and then used in the form of decoctions for rinsing the head or in the form of oil tinctures to strengthen hair. Now we can buy burdock oil in a pharmacy. Burdock oil contains natural trace elements and substances that activate metabolic processes in the skin. A burdock mask for hair has an excellent ability to moisturize hair. We prepare the ingredients and heat them in a water bath:

  • 1 tbsp. burdock oils;
  • 1 tbsp. honey;
  • 1 yolk.

Hair masks

  1. A mask of three types of oil. Take in equal parts of castor, olive and coconut oil. In warm form, massage the roots of the hair.
  2. Mask with vitamins for hair and oils. Take equally olive and castor oil and 5-10 drops of vitamin A and E (oil solution) heat. Glut the warm composition into the scalp.

Masks for dry and damaged hair


Dry hair is most susceptible to negative external influences, and therefore require constant care and attention. Dry hair masks contain various nutrient ingredients:

  1. Hair mask with honey. 2 tbsp.  l. Stir warm honey with beaten yolk. Apply to the skin and hair for half an hour. This is a delightful mask for splitting hair. It is very easy and fast to cook it, you can use your head with each wash.
  2. Hair mask with yolk and rum. Beat one yolk, add equally castor oil and rum.
  3. Mask for hair with an egg. Beat 1 egg and 100 g of natural yogurt. The time of the procedure is 15 minutes.
  4. Mask from milk and honey. Take ¼ cup of warm fat milk, dissolve in it 1 tbsp. l. honey. The mask is ready. You can keep 45-60 minutes.
  5. Mask with a banana. Grind the banana and a quarter of the avocado in a blender, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tbsp. olive oil, whipped egg.
  6. Hair density mask. Very "tasty" chocolate mask. Making it is very pleasant. Dilute a tablespoon of cocoa in warm water, add 3-4 tablespoons of kefir and yolk of one egg.

Castle masks for hair


Hair is constantly exposed to our part. We put them, dry a hairdryer, stain and bleach. As a result of these aspirations for beauty, we lose a healthy look of hair. Hair is made dry, dull, deformed. To return their original appearance to damaged hair, it is recommended to use nutrient masks for hair. Masks containing castor oil are considered the best masks for hair restoration.

  1. Mask for hair growth. Mix 1 tbsp. castor oil and 1 tbsp. Tincture of burning pepper (can be bought at a pharmacy).
  2. Hair restoration mask. Mix 1 tbsp. castor oil, one yolk, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp lemon juice. Heat in a water bath.
  3. Mask from dandruff. The pharmacy tincture of calendula and castor oil in equal proportions mix and heat to 35 degrees.
  4. Mask for dry dull hair. Mix one tablespoon of glycerol, castor oil and 3%vinegar, add one yolk.

Hair mask with gelatin


This magic mask will allow in a short period of time, without visiting the beauty salon, made tired of dry hair smooth and shiny. Gelatin nourishes hair with protein. The microparticles of gelatin create a smooth shiny film on the surface of the hair. This film moisturizes dry hair, and also makes thicker thinned and deformed hair. And, as a result, an excellent volume!

To achieve this effect, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Before applying the mask, wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. Correctly prepare gelatin. First, gelatin must be soaked in cold water: for 1 tbsp. dry matter must be taken 4 tbsp. cold water. Let gelatin swell for half an hour. Put the container in the water bath and heat, stirring constantly. How many spoons of gelatin to take one mask can only be determined by experimentally, it depends on the length and density of the hair.
  3. Cool gelatin to a warm state, add 1 tbsp. Hair balm.
  4. Apply the mask only to the hair, trying to avoid hiding on the skin. Warm your head with a hairdryer. Wait another 45-50 minutes.
  5. Rinse the mask with cool water.

The only minus of the gelatin mask is the difficulty washing of gelatin. But if you follow the recommendations correctly and add hair balm to the mask, the removal of the mask will not be a big problem.

Gelatin masks are very fashionable and effective. The composition of such masks can be changed at your discretion. The basis is taken from a tablespoon of gelatin and 3-4 tablespoons of water. You can add an egg yolk or a tablespoon of honey to the mask. If it is necessary to refresh hair affected by coloring, it is good to add whole milk or kefir to the main composition of the gelatin mask. No need to be afraid to turn on other useful ingredients. It is possible that through experience, a new excellent recipe will be found.

Of course, after one use of such a mask, a chic result should not be expected. But if you make gelatin masks within a month once a week, the result will be amazing! The hair will be smooth and shiny, as after an expensive salon of lamination.

Gelatin hair mask. Video.

This video shows in detail how to cook this popular mask.



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