
Hair glazing

Hair glazing
Glazing of hair today is considered a common procedure among the fair sex. And all because with its help you can very quickly return their naturalness and brilliance to their hair.

Glazing of hair, or as it is also called glaze - a method by which you can restore damaged hair, protect the ends from relaxation, and also give the curls natural beauty.

What is hair glazing


Glazing of hair is one type of lamination procedures. Using special drugs, which include ceramides and moisturizing components that do not contain ammonia additives, a protective film is applied along the entire length of the hair. She thickens her hair and “seals” damaged areas. The glazing process is not complicated, does not require much time and is almost harmless.

The principle of glazing

Beauty Woman Touching Her Long and Healthy Brown Hair

To achieve the maximum effect when glazing hair, the glaze is applied to several layers. This will enable hair to absorb as much composition as they need, excess is washed off with water. It is worth noting that this procedure is most often carried out to achieve an aesthetic effect, since, for example, it does not have a pronounced therapeutic result. This is excellent hair protection from direct sunlight, dry air, sharp temperature changes and gives the volume and shine of the hair.

Hair glazing indications

Use the hair glazing procedure in the following cases.

  1. If the ends of the hair are split.
  2. With dry, thin and brittle hair structure.
  3. To strengthen the color of dyed hair.
  4. To give the hair a brighter shade.
  5. If you wish, get rid of gray hair.
  6. To protect hair from chemical and mechanical influences.

Hair glazing contraindications

There are three contraindications in which it is undesirable to conduct hair glazing.

  1. With pathological hair loss.
  2. In case of diseases of the scalp.
  3. If damage or skin injuries are present.

Pros of hair glazing


  1. Due to the fact that the drug does not include harmful ammonia paints, but there are only moisturizing substances and ceramides that level hair, after the procedure the hair will become stronger and more elastic.
  2. The versatility of the procedure allows the use of glazing for both thin and brittle and thick and long hair, because it does not strive at all curls.
  3. Since glazing allows you to change the color of the hair, it can be used instead of conventional coloring.
  4. After the glaze, the hair is easily laid and combed.
  5. Glazing of hair produces a decorative effect - as a result, the curls look more voluminous, more smooth, silky and shiny.
  6. Stained hair after glazing will have a saturated color longer.
  7. After the procedure, the hair is not afraid of negative environmental influences.

Cons of hair glazing

  1. After the procedure, in no case can you dye your hair.
  2. Glazing of hair is not a “long -playing” procedure, after each wash of the head, the effect will decrease.
  3. Glazing should not be confused with glossy and shielding, having a therapeutic effect.

Hair glazing procedure


Before starting glazing, the master must first study the condition of the hair - their length and thickness, how much they split, whether they were painted, whether curls were carried out and whether they were bleached before glazing. The amount of glaze, as well as the result of the procedure, will depend on this. Based on this, the master draws up a certain program, it is individual for all.

It is worth noting that glazing is colored and colorless. The principle of these two procedures is almost the same. The only thing they differ is that with color, an oxidizing agent and different colors add to the mixture to achieve the desired shade of hair. Thus, the color of the curls can be changed by 1-2 tones.

Colorless hair glazing


The beginning of the procedure lies in careful hair cleansing. To do this, use shampoo for a certain type of hair. Then the curls must be well dried and, if they split, weakened or brittle, they apply a special softening composition on them. It is he who levels the structure of the hair and is a kind of preparatory platform before applying the glaze. Then, a glaze is applied over the entire length of the hair. After that, it is worth thoroughly washed the hair without shampoo and balm, cover with a towel and dry without using the hair dryer. After that, apply a foam stabilizer to slightly wet hair. He will be a fixer of the glaze. At the end, before laying, you need to apply an air conditioner for the entire hair length.

Color glazing of hair


For a radical change in their appearance, many girls use color glazing. But this procedure also has its subtleties. So, without the use of heat on bleached hair, the glaze must be kept no more than 15 minutes, with permanent curls - no more than 20 minutes, with painted hair - from 15 to 30 minutes, and with natural hair with a small gray hair - no more than 40 minutes.

Note. If the thermal effect, for example, a hairdryer or lamp, is used during glazing, then the procedure time is reduced by about 1.5 times.

To extend the hair glazing effect, after the procedure it is necessary to properly care for the hair. First of all, try to use softening shampoo, for example, children's, it is not as aggressive as shampoo for damaged hair. Try to abandon the use of all kinds of cosmetics - air conditioners, masks that cleanse shampoos and hair styling - gels, varnishes, mousses.

The duration of the effect

Since the duration of the hair glazing effect lasts from 2 to 4 weeks, the procedure can be repeated if desired. But it is desirable to do it no more than 4 times, after which the hair should give a rest - carry out nutritious and recovery procedures, after which you can again make hair glazing.

Hair glazing at home

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To make high -quality hair glazing at home, experts recommend buying Estel funds, as well as shampoo for hair cleaning. For colorless hair glazing, an Estel 00n neutral corrector is needed. For color - correctors with coloring pigments. Their color will depend on your preferences. Shine of the hair will be able to give the so -called Estel chromoenergetic complex. And to restore damaged hair, you will need an oxide or Estel activator 1.5%.

Stages of hair glazing:

  1. Prepare the composition. Pour 60 ml of an abomic corrector into a separate bowl, add 120 ml of oxide, then pour 5 ampoules of the chromoenergetic complex, stir well.
  2. Apply the mixture for 30-40 minutes. On previously wet long hair, washed with shampoo for deep cleaning. For short mass, it is necessary to apply no more than 20 minutes. If your hair is very bleached, you can perform the procedure without using the activator.
  3. Rinse the icing with warm water without the use of shampoo.
  4. The next day, the hair should be washed again so that it does not seem oily.

Glazing of hair at home can also be performed with the help of improvised means.

For this you will need: 1 bag of gelatin, 10 tbsp. l. water, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. corn oil.

It is necessary to mix gelatin with water, dissolve the powder until a homogeneous state and the disappearance of lumps in a water bath. Then, pour in vegetable and corn oil, vinegar into the resulting mixture and mix everything thoroughly. Cool the mixture. Wash the hair, dry with a towel, comb and apply the mixture evenly on the strands, without touching the roots. Cover on top with cling film, a towel and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly with running water without shampoo. If the hair remains oily to the touch, you can rub whipped yolks into the roots and wash it off again with water.

Hair glazing, reviews


All representatives of the fair sex who have tried the hair glazing procedure continue to use it. After all, thanks to her, her hair always looks well -groomed, healthy and have a natural shine.

As for the duration of the effect, it all depends on the condition of the hair. And it is worth taking into account the fact that any procedure has its own validity period. For example, dyed hair must be refreshed every 3-4 weeks, and the owners of natural hair need regular care-just like when glazing.

And one of the advantages of glazing is that the glaze does not have to be applied to the entire length of the hair, the mixture can be used for damaged areas, applying it, for example, only to the ends.

Video: hair glazing



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