
What is carving of hair. Carving for short, medium, long hair - photo. How to make carving of hair at home

What is carving of hair. Carving for short, medium, long hair - photo. How to make carving of hair at home
Want seductive curls on your hair? Then the carving procedure for your hair is for you.

Well, what kind of girl does not dream of cute curls that give the image romance and ease? But bad luck, the hair is straight, and the curl requires huge time costs. For girls who are charming curls on curls, today an interesting procedure has been developed - carving of hair. In a nutshell, this is a modern safe and long -term method of chemical curling. You will learn more about the carving of hair in today's article.

Carving hair: what is it

Carving is a modern method of chemical curling with a long -term result. Thanks to the special compositions that penetrate the hair structure, charming curls appear on the curls, the hair visually seems more thick and rises at the roots of the hair, which compensates for the lack of volume. It is noteworthy that this method of curling allows you to simulate various styling, which retain their attractive appearance up to two months.

Initially, chemicals for carving were developed by Schwarzkopf, and the procedure was carried out exclusively in the salons of this network. Today, almost all beauty salons and even girls on their own at home can produce such styling.

Advantages of carving hair:

  • preserves the internal structure of hairs;
  • eliminates the problem of confusion;
  • visually increases hair volume;
  • makes the hair "obedient" for various styling;
  • eliminates the problem of fatty hair;
  • curs hair, forming seductive curls.

It is also worth noting that carving preparations do not contain glycolic acid. Thanks to this, the hair structure does not change, and the hairs themselves are not damaged during the procedure. In addition, the “soft” composition of the funds allows you to re-carving again 3-4 months after the primary curl.

It is worth paying attention to the following features of the carving:

  • the result after carving lasts from 4 to 8 weeks;
  • during the procedure, the client himself can choose the size of the curlers and, accordingly, the diameter of future curls;
  • on painted, highlighted and thin hair, the result will last longer (up to 4 months);
  • if the hair is thin, then in the first days after the curls the curls will be very hard and tight. This effect will weaken after each hair washing;
  • curls gradually fall into soft waves, so that the overgrown roots look natural and do not stand out;
  • on thick, long or thin hair, carving will be barely noticeable or not at all;
  • it is undesirable to do the carving procedure on dry hair, since the chemical composition of the drug will additionally dry them;
  • with carving, a variant of light hair lightening is possible.

Carving hair: photo

The carving procedure of hair looks best on short and medium hair, but not rarely and girls with long curls turn to this service.

Carving for short hair

Medium hair carving

Carving for long hair

Carving hair with bangs

Carving compositions

The main thing when carving of hair is to choose only high -quality curls. The most popular compositions that deserve trust:

  • Schwarzkopf;
  • Londa;
  • Wella;
  • Salerm;
  • Estel;
  • Revlon.

According to reviews about the carving of the hair, the drugs of the above firms do not contain aggressive components and carefully carry out curls. Thus, a more accurate definition of carving is a bio -pounding hair.

Types of hair winding during carving

Carving involves winding hair on special curlers. Depending on the type of these curlers, the shape and diameter of the curls will depend.

What are the types of wrapping during carving voltage:

  • traditional curling. Bigudi certain shapes are wound in a way in which the effect of uniform waves or curls along the entire length is created;
  • vertical curl. Such a curl is carried out over the entire length of the hair using vertical curlers. After vertical curls, violent curls and a delicious volume at the roots of the hair remains violently;
  • local winding. This type of curling is suitable for girls who dream to leave her hair straight at the same time receiving a lush volume at the roots;
  • texture. During the procedure, the hairstyle is modulated using curlers of different sizes. This type of carving is suitable for original and creative girls who are not afraid to experiment with hair.

Types of carving curlers:

  • bigudi-spearfish. Bigudi-speakers have a small diameter and allow the master to create small curls like African;
  • spiral curlers. As already clear from the name, spiral curlers are made in the form of a spiral and ideal for vertical curling. They allow you to purchase many seductive curls after carving;
  • volumetric curlers allow you to achieve the effect of a large carving of hair. After their use, the barrel volume and light waves on the hair remains;
  • bigudi-bumulars. This type of curlers is made of foam rubber with a soft wire in the middle. They are suitable for creating large curls and small curls.

Carving hair: Protocol of the procedure

Carving of hair is a fairly simple procedure that takes place in six main stages. Despite this, it is better to produce it in salon conditions with the hands of a hair care master.

How the procedure goes:

  1. The first stage is preparatory. First of all, the master examines the hair to take into account all possible defects and choose the right carving product and the size of the curlers. Then the hairdresser carefully combs his hair, unraveling it.

It is worth noting that carving for thin hair is a risky procedure, so the masters often refuse to produce it to girls with this type of hair.

  1. Next, the master divides the hair into small strands and wraps it on curlers.
  2. The next stage is the application of the composition for carving.
  3. After applying the drug, it is necessary to give time to absorb into the curls. This process takes about 10-20 minutes, depending on the composition used.
  4. Washing. After the time of absorption of the composition into the hair, the master carefully removes the curlers and washes the hair with a special coiner. Please note that this stage is very important, because if a fixer is not used after applying the main composition, then the effect of carving will last less than two weeks.
  5. And in conclusion, drying and hair styling is carried out using a hairdryer.

In general, the carving procedure takes from 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on the structure and long hair.

Carving hair pre- and after- procedures

Carving hair at home

You can do carving of hair yourself at home. To do this, just purchase a special composition for carving and accurately follow the stages of the procedure described below.

How to independently perform carving of hair:

  1. Before the procedure, it is recommended not to wash your hair within 2 days.
  2. Comb your hair so that there are no tangled places left on it.
  3. Divide the hair into small strands.
  4. Wrap the strands on the curlers, starting from the ends of the hair to the roots.
  5. Swell your hair with a carving composition.
  6. On top of the curlers, put on a plastic cap.
  7. Bake your hair with a towel in order to warm it slightly.
  8. According to the incident of the time indicated in the instructions for the drug, free your head from a towel and hat.
  9. Wash your hair using a fixer.
  10. Wake your hair with a towel and dry it naturally.

An important point! During drying, do not pull your hair into a bunch or in any other way. Also, after the primary procedure, it is forbidden to comb the hair. After carving of hair, washing the head is allowed only on the third day after the procedure.

How to lay hair after carving

It is a pleasure to care for your hair after carving, because the hair is not confused, it is enough to simply dry your hair or create a wet effect with a special gel for styling.

It is worth noting that after carving it is best to comb the hair with a comb with rare teeth. In addition, for washing the head, it is worth buying a shampoo for dry hair. It is also recommended to use various restorative masks and air conditioners so that the curls look healthier and natural. After washing your head, try to dry your hair naturally, without using a hair dryer.

Carving of hair. Video



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