
What to do to hair not fluffy

What to do to hair not fluffy
What measures to take action so that the hair does not fluff

The owner of the furry hair is taking a variety of measures to pacify the disobedient curls. But often just such an air, light image is a cute individual difference. If you certainly decided to change the situation and make your hair with a smooth and obedient, it is necessary to deal with the reasons for this phenomenon.

Why do hair fasten?

The most important and main reason that the hair is very fastened is physiology or heredity. In this case, even if you are against curly and fluffy hair, it is very difficult to fight it. You can periodically align charming curls, but they will appear again and again. It is better to take such a structure of the hair as a gift of nature, because co-worn hair is not so often. You can pick up an interesting hairstyle for curly hair and make curls of the highlight of your appearance.

The second cause of very fluffy hair may be lack of moisture in the hair structure. This may occur in the summer, if you are constantly at the open sun without a headdress. There is a shortage of vitamins and a drinking mode disruption. Hair can be filtered if they often fall under the influence of dry hot air. All these problems can be eliminated if you make nutritious masks for hair and take the complex of vitamins.

Another reason why the hair is very fired, there may be excessive passion for staining and straightening. All these effects on hair lead to the fact that they are made dry, brittle and look naughty sticking strands. Council One: If you want to be beautiful, it is not enough to limit the banal painting and styling of the hair, do not forget to feed your horses with useful substances.

Many of us face that the hair is fed after washing. Then it is better to abandon drying hair with a hairdryer, it will only aggravate the position. Wet hair can comb on wooden comb and leave them dry at room temperature. It is absolutely optionally intensively rub the hair with a towel, they dry and without this, traumating them, procedures.

What to do to hair not fluffy

If you firmly decided to fight fluffy hair, you need to abandon the hair dryer and ironing. In case you are very hurry, and the hair must be dried quickly, you can turn on the hairdryer on cold air mode. Direct the air stream better on the roots of the hair, without leaking them in length.

Try not to wear synthetic clothes and comb hair only wooden comb. Static electricity that is formed by synthetics can provoke fluffy strands from your hair. So that when combing hair does not electrify, splash the comb with water.

What if the hair is very fired, and you have a very responsible day? Assist in this can spray antistatic hair. Such a tool produce different trademarks, it perfectly helps to put the recalcitable hairs, besides, it does not require flushing. It is only necessary to take into account that the immentable means is better to apply on the hair, avoiding entering the skin of the head, retreating from the roots of 5 cm.

Pay attention to the shampoo that you use. He definitely should match your skin and hair type. If you pushatsya hair, it is better not to use shampoo to create a volume, it will make your hair even more dry and unruly. After washing your hair, you can use a mask or air conditioning, it will not take too much time, the funds applied for a few minutes and rinsed off with water.


In any case important integrated approach. If you decide to deal with excessive hair fluffy, 2-3 times take vitamin complexes to improve the condition of hair per year. Reassess your diet, give up junk food in favor of eating fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, lean meat and fish. Do not forget to drink enough water. Negative impact on the condition of the hair smoking acts.

Special care products for hair Pushan

Hair balm

If after shampooing hair pushatsya become unruly, you must use the balm. This tool takes care of hair, creating on the surface of an invisible protective film. Conditioners may be conventional, nutrient, and may contain special additives. For example, the balsam-conditioner include antistatic agents, so it can be used, if the hair is electrified. This is what happens in the winter, when we continually walk in the header. And in the balsam-conditioner added substances, which moisturize the hair and clean them from remaining shampoo. Better to choose a shampoo and one brand. Then those funds will complement each other, rather than oppose. Balsam is selected for your hair type, given the nuances damaged, painted, split hair. Most balms applied to wet hair after shampooing, are kept for 2-3 minutes and rinsed off with water. It is important to remember that the balms are applied only to the hair, departing from the roots of 1-2 cm.

Sprays, serums, gels and foams for hair

Of hair, not to pushilis, there are so many, and from different manufacturers. The main task - to choose what is right for you. Recommendations lot, but it is best to pick up empirically. You probably know what shampoo suited to your hair? Means and other means of care is better to choose from the brand. If you have thin hair pushing, means for giving the hair smoothness and leveling should be very light, otherwise they will harm instead of good.

So that the hair is not fluffled, when laying it is necessary to give the advantage of wax, and not lacquer and gels. The varnish can cut the already dry, lightening curls, and the wax is weighting and creates a protective film in the hairs.

Salon treatments

If the hair goes and fasten, it is possible to align them yourself only with ironing. But there are salon treatments to give hair smoothness. Drain the hair and make them stop fluffing will help laminating hair. All the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure can be discussed with a hairdresser's master. Currently, beauty salons offer different types of hair lamination. The chapels after this procedure looks amazing, but not to all girls can be on his pocket. The disadvantage is that lamination eliminates hair fluffiness only for 3-5 weeks. This procedure for straightening the hair is considered absolutely harmless, even on the contrary, after lamination, the hair is securely protected from the effects of dry air and drying. But experts argue that if you are weakened, dry and damaged hair, then they must be treated at first.

Folk remedies for hair care so that they do not fluff

So that your hair was smooth and healthy, you can take advantage of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. They were real wizards! Without any salons and cosmetic products, they retained their hair healthy and beautiful for many years.

Natural-Composition-Hair Care

Rinsers for hair

Prepare your hands the rinser is easier than simple. The first time the hair equalization effect will not be visible, but as the hair is used, it will become shiny and well-groomed.

  1. Rinse with lemon. Take in equal proportions of lemon juice and water, mix. Apply to wet washed hair, distribute along the entire length. Wash your head is not necessary. See hair without a hair dryer.
  2. The rinse from the infusion of chamomile. 2 tsp Dry daisy flowers pour glass boiling water, cover, insist 15 minutes. Relaxed influence to rinse blonde hair. Instead of chamomile, you can prepare on the same recipe for blinds or hops. The rinser from the oak bark is suitable for caring for dark hair. This infusion will strengthen the hair and give them a brilliant well-groomed appearance.

Mask from burial or castor oil


If you have very dry hair, then such a mask is perfect for you. Repene and castor oil has long been used to strengthen and restore damaged hair. Mask made of oils can be recommended if the hair tips are filled and shakes. Warm oil apply on the skin of the head and hair, cover the head with a hat with a shower and a towel. The time of the mask is quite long - at least 2 hours. After that wash your hair with shampoo.

Honey hair mask so that not fluffled

This mask gives a delightful result. If you at least once tried the impact of honey on your hair, you will forever remain a fan of this mask. Folk hospitals recommend doing a honey mask for the night, but if you have no comfortable sleep at night, hold the mask longer than the daytime. Melt honey on a water bath, apply on the hair. At the end of the procedure, rinse the hair with warm water. Even after the first use, the hair will become silky and shiny.

Hair bread mask so that they are not fluffled

This mask can be used to lose weight. After several sessions, you will notice that your hair has become shiny and well-groomed. 200 g of rye bread poured with warm water and leave before softening. Press the water, grind and mix with egg yolk. Add to a mixture of 1 tsp. Olive oil or a few drops of the oil solution of vitamins A and E. The mixture is applied to the hair and the scalp, cover and keep half an hour. The disadvantage of this mask is the complexity of its washes, but the excellent condition of the hair compensates for this flaw. The mask is better to apply a course in 5-6 procedures, then the result will be obvious.

What to do so that the hair does not fluff out. Video

Tip: What if the hair is dry and amused?


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