
What rinse hair after washing

What rinse hair after washing
How to choose the right hair rinser (including from home recipes).

At that moment, when the girl begins to root femininity, cosmetics begin to appear on her shelf in the bathroom. And the first novelty in her lady set will be a hair rinse. However, why are they needed and how to choose the way to choose a hair care after washing the head. Not everyone knows. Let's deal with this issue.



What can rinse hair: general facts

We are used to seeing on the shelves next to the shampoo balsam conditioner - usually their jars look very similar. And we choose them often also on the principle of uniformity. However, which one of you thought about the fact that whether the hair cosmetics she buys?

The rinse hair after washing: Why do I need a conditioner for hair

Rinse hair was invented for a reason. Start with a small retreat. Our hair structure are dead epithelium. Each of our hair is fed from the root and its appearance depends on what kind of impact it suffers from: it can turn gray from stress, UV - burn etc. Shampoo - a tool that cares primarily for the scalp. It contains in its composition lye, which helps us to get rid of fat, ie, pozhirnevshie wash hair. However, it also negatively affects the state of hair has regrown: dead cells from the effects of alkali rapidly destroyed. Acid, which is contained in the rinse aid:

  • firstly acid extinguishes if its particles still remain on the hair cures and converts it into water;
  • secondly presses the hair scales back to the trunk, making them easier to comb, less break and become stronger.


The rinse hair after washing: the effectiveness conditioner for hair

Effects after rinsing the hair can be very different. We will not delve into science, list them:

  • hair become obedient;
  • a gloss (at the expense of the content of vegetable wax in the composition of rinse aid);
  • "Priglazhivanie" flakes;
  • filling the cavities of the hair (keratin);
  • therapeutic effect (if the hair are cut);
  • uV protection;
  • hair reduced ability to accumulate static electricity (electrified hair less);
  • preservation of color in dyed hair.

These are the main ways to influence on hair conditioner. Some of these proprietary funds have a strong focus on achieving a certain result - be it medical cosmetics or just a highly specialized tool.

The rinse hair after washing: what kind of conditioner for hair are

As a rule, all hair rinsing devices are used on the same technique: they are applied to wet hair and washed off after a few minutes with warm running water. There are several types of hair rinses on the principle of their application:

  • conditioner conditioner (helps to keep the hair structure, without improving its condition, has a protective effect);
  • balm-rinse after washing (has a more thick consistency, it is capable of reconstructing the destroyed region of the hair, has regenerating properties);
  • cream-rinse (more fattered structure due to the presence of vegetable wax, which covers hair along the entire length and "seals" it);
  • a hair rinser in the spray (the main function is protective, applied to a well-wiped with a towel wet hair and is not washed off, the hair can be dried with a hairdryer).

It is recommended to use alternately two tools for rinsing hair after washing: hair conditioner plus one. If you enjoy only air conditioning, the hair will not have enough care, and if only the second - they will become excessively well-groomed and can lose their natural beauty and strength. Only you can choose a balance for your type of hair.


What to rinse the hair after washing: myths about hair rinsing

Myth 1. Rinse shampoo.

As you understood from the description above, the acid, connected with the pitch, form water. Thus, describing the principle of operation of the hair rinse, we simply dispelled the myth of cosmetic corporations that there are two-in-one hair detergents. Such can not be created according to the laws of chemistry. But there is a shampoo air conditioning - a means that contains keratines and proteins, unchanged satellites of all rinsers.

Myth 2. The rinser is useful for the scalp.

The rinser is created exclusively for the care of the "subshranny" part of your hair. It is not recommended to use it closer than a few centimeters from the scalp. If your hair is prone to quickly become fat, you should use the rinser only at the ends.

How can I rinse your hair after washing?

Now, when it became clear how rinsers act, why they need and what effects should be expected, moving directly to the choice of cosmetic hair for hair after washing.


What to rinse the hair after washing: branded hair rinsing agents

After spending a lot of time on the forums, we have collected public opinion about the branded hair rinsing workers in one short list, which you present below:

  1. DOCTOR NATURE - Most selection. The only thing that embarrassed girls leading an active lifestyle is an uncomfortable jar: too big for a trap bag, too complicated a comfortable cap for use in public shower.
  2. Gliss Cure is popular among girls with painted hair. In their opinion, he is one of the best tools to preserve color.
  3. Pantene Pro-V - an assessment, as they say, "sterile": without complaints, but without any special delights perceive the buyers this balm-rinser.

However, we ask you to pay attention to the jars from one series with a shampoo that you use, as it is very high probability that, firstly, if the shampoo came up, then the rinse will come up; Secondly, the means after washing the head is best neutralized by the alkaline shampoo effect.

What to rinse hair after washing: home rinsing means

There are many cosmetics for rinsing hair, but the girl is a generation for generation - continue to listen to their grandmothers carefully. And they offer unexpectedly lemon acid and vinegar. On the one hand, it is natural, because Recipes for these domestic tools for rinsing after washing the head holds the main principle of all hair care products, namely: contain acid.

But is it possible to rinse the hair with vinegar? Answer: Yes, and - girls with all types of hair. It is enough to dissolve a tablespoon of apple vinegar in a liter of water. The same proportions can be observed using citric acid in the hair rinse. Important note: After using such a means, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed in cool water.

What rinse the hair after washing: what herbs rinse the hair?

As you already understood, you can care for hair (and you need) constantly, and for this you can use not one hair rinse. For example, the rinser in the spray can be made independently at home - from pharmacy herbs. So what kind of decoction to rinse your hair is best?

What rinse the hair after washing: rinse hair nettle

Nettle is good because it treats not only the hair structure, but also the scalp. In addition, it is very easy to cook it: you need to add juice of young nettle into the water you are going to rinse your head after washing. It does not make sense to brew it yourself - the effect will be not great. But in combination with the bark of oak and the calendula flowers (2 tablespoons per 1.5 liters of boiling water) can be prepared in half an hour to prepare a wonderful infusion that will return to your hair alive shine.

What to rinse the hair after washing: rinse the hair with birch leaves

In order to carry out the regenerating procedure for hair with the help of birch leaves, you can simply put your head on a hot broom, assembled from the branches of this tree. And you can cook with infusion: fresh leaves of birch, the volume is about a tablespoon on a glass, pour boiling water and keep 2 hours under the lid. Especially well rinsed with dry and weak hair.

Why rinse hair after washing: rinse hair tea

This tool is perfect for rinse the hair to give them glitter. Tea can be brewing any - it is important here that these are tea leaves, and not "tea herbs", such as Roibush or Mae. You can drink the brew with fresh or dry mint leaves, the main thing is that the volume of dry matter on liter of boiling water was near the tablespoon. Insstruct such a decoction follows 15 minutes, after which it is rinsed to rinse and rinse with cool water. Such a means can change hair pigmentation in a three-dimensional side.


What rinse your hair (hair colors)

We want our hairstyle to always glitter, and not only after laying - for what, in fact, and care for your hair. To see every morning, waking up, we saw in the mirror of the princess. To do this, you need to carefully pick up the hair rinse - it is your type and exactly your color. About what rinsers solve various hair problems, we talked above, and now we turn to the question of which rinsers can be prepared on their own hair on their own.

What to rinse the hair after washing: brunettes - rinse hair bark oak

Oak is known for its healing properties in folk medicine, does not exclude it from the composition and cosmetics created by their own hands. Cooking the hair rinser from the bark of oak is very simple: a quarter of an hour to approve the bark of oak (at the rate of 3 tablespoons per liter), and then rinse your hair in the resulting brave. Of course, it should be pre-cool and sonar. You can find an oak boring in a chopped form in a pharmacy, and you can collect in the forest.

This hair product is shown to girls with dark hair, prone to fatness. Color Effect, in addition to therapeutic properties, stunning: a vulnerable chocolate tint when reflected in the sun.

What to rinse the hair after washing: blondes - rinse hair chamomile


Rinse your head after washing the chamomile is very helpful. The decoction of it will strengthen the structure of the hair and make them shiny. Why is this flower recommended blonde girls? Because it is especially good in contact with light hair. The dark-haired young lady, who had a rinse curls in the infusion from the chamomile, should be afraid of the loss of their natural color: the longer the grass in water was brewed, the time it would be substances causing a change in pigmentation. Hair can be up to 3 shades lighter! That in no way, however, will not affect the quality of the color of blondes (except that slightly gilds), because As part of their hair, the constant low number of melanin pigments and change the arrangement of the forces of the chamomile is unable.

In order to rinse the hair with a chamomile, just something to cook these flowers for 5 minutes in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of the drywater per liter of water. You can also prepare "welding": pour flowers hot (not boiling) water and let it stand for half an hour. When the rinser is ready, in both cases it should be cooled, moving and dip hair in it. After that, do not flush the remedy after washing the heads of the chamomile, but leave to dry out as it is.


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