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The properties and use of tea tree oil. Tea wood treatment at home. Tea tree oil for nails, skin, hair, teeth - instructions

The properties and use of tea tree oil. Tea wood treatment at home. Tea tree oil for nails, skin, hair, teeth - instructions
How to use tea tree oil for healing skin, hair and gums.

Tea tree oil is very popular in cosmetology, soap breasts, production of toothpastes and perfumes. It shows exclusively healing properties on the human body, and does not have side effects, like most modern cosmetics. We will talk about the advantages of tea tree oil, areas of its use and folk recipes for skin, hair, teeth and nails in this article.

Tea tree oil - properties and use

Tea tree oil (BE) is extracted during distillation from a young foliage of a plant called melaleuka. It enters the Mirtial family and grows throughout the territory of the mainland Australia. Long bending branches of Malalets are densely covered with thin long leaves, so outwardly it resembles an eucalyptus tree.

For the first time, they paid attention to the bactericidal and anti -inflammatory properties of the natives of the natives, and often prepared compresses and ointments from the leaves, and then began to make oil. And even today, Australia remains the main exporter of tea tree oil and the price of it is slightly higher than that of more common essential oils (about 1 thousand rubles/100 ml).

Tea tree essential oil is in demand in cosmetology and medicine due to the versatility of the composition. It contains more than 40 priceless organic compounds. The oil has a very light texture, a delicate camphor aroma with notes of wood. Tea wood oil does not dissolve in water, but easily connected to the basic oils.

Important! Any masks, compresses or rinsing with a tea tree oil content to a child under 6 years of age are strictly prohibited.

Therapeutic features of tea tree oil

This oil is a powerful plant antiseptic that kills viruses, staphylococci, fungi. Such disinfecting properties are due to the presence of viridofloren. Therefore, the oil is suitable for processing wounds, thermal burns and abscesses. Tea wood treatment eliminates such therapeutic symptoms:

  • Inflammation and infection of the respiratory tract during acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, throat diseases. Used for inhalation or rinsing.
  • Fever. Body massage with diluted oil hd is shown.
  • Exacerbation of skin problems. With psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, baths and ointments with BE essential oil are very effective.
  • Poor immunity. During the flu epidemic or after severe diseases, aromatherapy with this oil perfectly stimulates the immunity and ejection of interferon.
  • Inflammation after an insect bite. Lners with butter satisfy itching and hyperemia after bites.

Interesting! According to recent studies in the field of evidence -based medicine, tea tree oil has the properties of fighting cancer.

The value of tea tree oil in the cosmetology industry

Tea tree oil is popular among dermatologists, dentists and cosmetologists. It has a huge spectrum of useful qualities, and is used to eliminate such diseases and cosmetic skin problems:

  • Chronic or acute inflammation, including acne, furunculosis.
  • Viral or bacterial dermatitis.
  • Skin diseases - psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, herpes, warts.
  • Problem skin is an uneven tone, redness, acne, increased oily.
  • Damage to the skin - cuts, bites, torn wounds.
  • Diseases of teeth and mouth - gingivitis, stomatitis, caries, plaque, stench smell.
  • Parasitic or fungal damage - stomatitis, nail fungus, lice, ticks.
  • Hair loss, dandruff.

Advice! Tea -tree oil from fungi oils is considered very effective. In a few days they die, the nail plate is updated, its growth is restored.

The effect of tea oil on a psychoemotional background

Tea tree oils have a beneficial effect on the psychological state and level of intelligence. With the regular use of oil in aroma, it has the following effect on the body:

  • Strengthens psychological endurance in people prone to painful perception of stressful situations.
  • Soothes the nervous system and liberates from complexes and fears.
  • Relieves general fatigue, helps to concentrate on mental activity.

Advice! There are no contraindications in tea tree oil. But allergies, pregnant women and preschool children are best avoided using it.

Home treatment with tea tree oil - Instruction

You need to use tea tree oil at home correctly and carefully, without departing from the declared recommendations on the package or in a specific recipe. To get benefits without damage to your health, you should adhere to these rules:

  1. To treat large areas of the skin, tea wood oil is diluted with basic oils, and acne, papillomas or nail plates can be treated with a concentrate of tea tree esters.
  2. Tea tree oil cannot be taken inside. Since this will cause burns of internal organs, indomitable vomiting, to whom.
  3. Tea tree oil is "afraid" of high temperatures and heat it undesirable.
  4. All masks, compresses based on BE broadcasts are applied for 20-45 minutes.

For personal consumption, tea tree oil can be bought with different concentration of esters. A product with 10-12% qineol and 25-28% of terpineol is considered optimal and safer. But regardless of these indicators, it is better to use oil in diluted form. Concentrated oil provokes irritation and even burns, so it is important to adhere to the recommended dosage, which is limited to drops, not milliliters.

Tea wood oil for skin

The oil is suitable for the treatment of the following skin pathologies:

  • Herpetic infection. Bubbles with liquid that causes the herpes virus can be quickly dried and stopped by the reproduction using tea tree oil. To do this, twice a day grease each bubble with clean oil. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion is too large, you need to mix 7 drops of tea tree oil and 20 ml of linseed oil and spread the rash for 7-9 days until the inflammation passes.
  • Papillomas. Apply tea tree oil from papillomas a couple of times a day, until the growths turn black and fall off.
  • Warts. If the wart is localized on the foot, you can smear it not diluted oil. The remaining skin areas are treated with diluted tea tree oil with water or squeezed aloe leaf juice in a ratio of 1: 4. You need to process a wart at least 3 times a day.
  • Dermatitis. To calm the inflamed skin, reduce itching and rashes can be baths or light rubbing. For a bath you need to use 8 drops of oil. The duration of the procedure can be up to 60 minutes. For rubbing, mix 50 ml of olive oil and 6 drops of СО oil. This mixture must be rubbed with affected skin.
  • Stretches. Stries, which often appear after pregnancy or rapid weight loss, can be removed using a special cream. How to use tea tree oil: take 2 drops of tea tree and neroli, 60 g of body cream, combine the components and lubricate the stretch marks for 14-18 days. In the same way, skin scars can be reduced.
  • Psoriasis. To reduce the number of plaques resulting, remove redness and itching, you need to prepare such a lotion. Mix 5 drops of bergamot, rosemary oil and tea tree oil, 7 drops of lavender and almond oil and 14 drops of borago oil. Then you need to insist the lotion for 4 days and lubricate psoriatic rashes 3 or 4 times a day. This recipe is also suitable for the treatment of eczema.
  • Cellulite. Penetrating into the skin, oil strengthens cell membranes, removes toxins and restores the exchange process. To forget about the “orange crust” you need to prepare a special scrub: take 100 g of coffee grounds and drop 12 drops of tea tree oil into it. When taking a shower, rub the problem areas.

Tea wood oil for face

HD oil has the strongest antiseptic effect. Therefore, it enters tonics from acne, sprays from oily gloss, ointment from purulent rashes. In addition, the oil shows a bleaching effect, therefore it is used to remove pigmentation.

Consider effective masks with tea tree oil that solve such facial skin problems:

  • Irritation and lethargy of the skin. The following composition will help to refresh and remove the redness of the face: 45 g of green tea, 15 g of chopped and brewed oatmeal, 5 ml of citrus juice, 1 drop of СО oil. Distribute the mask on the face, after a quarter of an hour, rinse off with a decoction of chamomile.
  • Dehydrated skin. Moisturize, give matte and freshness the skin with such a mask: 50 g of cottage cheese (9%), 15 ml of chamomile infusion, 2 drops of tea tree oil. Beat the ingredients with a blender, smear, wait for complete drying, rinse with melt water.
  • Acne. It is possible to destroy the rash infection like this: beat the protein, then enter 2 droplets of lavender and patchouli oil, 4 drops of rosemary, olive and ° C. A mask based on tea tree oil from acne is applied for 15-17 minutes daily until the rashes are reduced.
  • Black dots. To reduce the number of gums, you should prepare a grass decoction: take 15 g of oregano and flowers of calendula and brew them in 200 ml of boiling water. In a filtered decoction, drip 6 drops of lavender and oil СD. Sin in the oils gauze and attach to the face.
  • Pigmentation. Tea wood oil for whitening the skin must be used paired with lemon oil. Mix 10 drops of these oils with 25 ml of olives oil. Process the pigment areas with a small amount of oil and leave until completely dry.

Hair tea

Balms and masks with this oil are able to return to life dull, sophisticated hair, remove dandruff and reduce itching with psoriasis of the head:

  • To strengthen hair Enrich shampoo with BE oil: Add 5-8 drops of oil per 100 ml.
  • To moisten dry and tangled hair Make a spray: mix 15 drops of oil, 30 g of alcohol and 20 g of distilled water. Spray your hair after washing.
  • From excessive oily hair The infusion helps: mix with dry St. John's wort, mint, lavender in equal shares; 1.5 tbsp. l. Boil raw materials in 500 ml of boiling water, strain, drip 5 drops of oil and rinse the washed hair.
  • From dandruff Massage will help get rid of. Dilute the oil with burdock oil (1: 3), and do the head massage. It is not necessary to rinse the oils.

Tea tree oil for teeth and oral cavity

Disinfectants and whitening abilities of BE oil help to remove plaque, strengthen the gum, cure the fungal infection:

  • Stomatitis. To help the wounds to drag on and relieve soreness can rinse with BE oil: 3-5 drops of oil are required on a glass of water.
  • Plaque. Tele-white teeth wood oil dilute the lemon oil (1: 5). Clean your teeth with any toothpaste, rinse your mouth, treat your teeth with oil for 4-6 minutes.
  • Gingivitis. The infectious damage to the gums and third -party smell passes after treating the oral cavity with such a solution: mix the BE oil with a decoction of oak bark in a 1: 3 ratio and lubricate the gum for no more than 5 days in a row.

Tea wood oil for nails

For nails, hd oil is especially useful. It not only strengthens the nail plates, but also serves as the prevention of onychomycosis (fungal damage). Oil can be added to the cream for nail care, do massage, masks, baths with it.

  • HP oil to strengthen nails - In 150 ml of warm water, dilute 3 tsp. Sea salt, add BE oil in the amount of 6 drops. Baths are used three times a week for 20 minutes each.
  • Malley of tea tree from nail fungus -Pour 10 ml of avocado and castor oils into the bowl, 7-9 drops of oil ° C, 1 tsp. boric acid. Lubricate the affected nails in the morning and before bedtime for 2 months.
  • HE oil for bleaching nails - Take the juice ½ lemon, ½ tsp. peroxide, 100 ml of distilled water, 4 drops of BE oil. Dear the nails in a container with a solution for a quarter of an hour. You need to repeat the procedure daily until the nail plates turn white.
  • HP oil from an ingrown nail - In a liter of water, dissolve 15 g of salt and drip 4 drops of hd oils, soak the ingrown nail in this liquid. Then immediately attach the compress to the nail: grate a small onion and stir with 20 g of honey; Leave the mass on the nail all night. In the morning, gently lift the ingrown plate and cut off.

Tea tree oil - use in pregnant women

During pregnancy, tea tree oil can replace a whole first -aid kit of drugs that can harm in this period. If women do not have allergic reactions to this oil, it can be used in small quantities for such spaces:

  1. Diseases of ENT organs (rinses, inhalations are used).
  2. Deterioration of skin condition, for example, peeling, acne, irritation (masks and compresses are recommended).
  3. Hemorrhoids and anal cracks (can be used in the form of lotions and seats).
  4. Gingivitis of pregnant women, stomatitis (rinsing is permissible).

Important! During pregnancy, you need to use reduced doses of tea tree oil. During pregnancy, it is recommended to dilute the tea tree oil in the amount of 3-5 drops by 50-60 ml of basic vegetable oil or children's cream.

You can also infrequently carry out aromatherapy sessions with tea tree oil to stabilize the nervous system, improve sleep and uplift. To do this, you can use no more than 1 drops of BE oil to the room, and it is recommended to slightly open the window.

Tea tree oil - reviews

Most of the reviews about tea tree oil are positive, which is quite natural, given the list of its healing qualities. But there is a small percentage of consumers who note a number of disadvantages of this oil. One oil did not appeal because of its specific smell. And others showed strong allergic reactions, however, due to non-compliance with the declared doses or not the preliminary test to the reaction.

Tea tree essential oil is a good and affordable tool that helps get rid of numerous diseases. But in order for the effect of treatment to be positive, use the dosage of the oil correctly in accordance with the instructions for it.

Video "Tea tree oil - application"



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