
Lee a zinc ointment from wrinkles helps. How to use zinc ointment from wrinkles - instructions for use

Lee a zinc ointment from wrinkles helps. How to use zinc ointment from wrinkles - instructions for use
Does the zinc ointment of wrinkles help? Does the zinc ointment face the skin better? How to use zinc ointment from wrinkles at home?

The skin condition directly affects our appearance. The better it looks, the younger we seem to yourself and others. But it is impossible to stop the time, and with each last year the number of treacherous wrinkles increases inexorably. Someone is lucky with genetics, and its skin is not very prone to age-related changes. And someone has to make incredible efforts already from young to maintain a "presentable appearance" of his face. On the Internet, you can find a huge amount of miraculous creams, serums, emulsions, homemade infusions and rims that promise almost instant effect. This article will pay attention to zinc ointment - a budgetary and popular medium, which is often used to combat age manifestations on the skin.

Zinc ointment - composition and testimony for use

Zinc is a very important element for the full functioning of the human body. With a lack of zinc, such unpleasant manifestations as baldness, nervous exhaustion, psychosis, vision problems, long-term wounds on the body, dermatitis and much more are occurring. For a day, a person should receive about 15 mg of zinc. It is especially important to follow the flow of zinc in the body of a pregnant woman, so as not to provoke the appearance of uglities by the child. Zinc acts as the main existing substance in zinc ointment. The composition of this product may be as follows:

  • 1 part of zinc oxide;
  • 10 pieces of vaseline oil.

The zinc ointment in various manufacturers may also contain dimethicon, fish oil, lanolin, menthol, vitamins A, E, preservatives, salicylic acid, sodium laureetsulfate, ethyl alcohol. Thanks to the useful influence of zinc oxide, such an ointment is widely used in care for breasts, in cosmetology, in the treatment of wounds and skin diseases. Among the main actions, zinc ointments can be allocated as follows:

  • healing effect on the skin;
  • protective effect on the skin;
  • adsorbing effect;
  • softening effect on the skin;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

A rather diverse spectrum of exposure to zinc ointments on human skin allows you to actively use this pharmacy preparation at:

  • dermatitis;
  • prickly heat;
  • eczema;
  • acne;
  • inflammatory manifestations on the skin;
  • burns;
  • scratches and other small damage on mechanical skin;
  • breakdown;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • facilitate itching with windmill;
  • strepodermia.

As you can see, a zinc ointment can be used as well-minded acne on the face and for serious diseases, to resort to the self-treatment of which is not worth it. Only a doctor can recommend a zinc ointment for the integrated treatment of a disease.

Zinc ointment from wrinkles. Mechanism of exposure

The zinc ointment gained widespread in cosmetology. To read the word "zinc" can be on labels of many creams, lotions, emulsions and serums for the face. Our skin contains 20% of zinc from the total amount in the body, and the disadvantage of this substance is able to cause significant changes in the appearance of our skin. What action is able to provide a zinc ointment on the skin of the face?

  • a zinc ointment can make the skin more elastic and elastic;
  • zinc ointment protects the skin of the face from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • the zinc ointment is effectively fighting with mimic wrinkles, les out the skin relief;
  • the zinc ointment is able to make freckles and pigment stains less noticeable;
  • zinc ointment regulates the enzyme activity of the skin;
  • the zinc ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially valuable for the skin, which is inclined to appear acne, acne;
  • the zinc ointment causes the skin to regenerate, produce new cells.

The rejuvenating effect that a zinc ointment has a face on the skin, based on the ability of this ointment to regulate the exchange processes in the skin, stimulate the production of collagen. If the skin allocates too much enzymes, it leads to the "clogging" of the pore, the appearance of comaons, acne and acne. If the enzymatic activity of the skin is reduced, then this leads to excess skin seal, which gives the skin of the fat shine and many other imperfections. The zinc ointment at regular use is capable of bringing all these processes to normal, make the skin produce more collagen and elastin, almost completely rid of small wrinkles and irregularities.

Zinc ointment from wrinkles - how to apply

How to use zinc ointment from wrinkles? If you think the ointment you just need to lubricate your face, then you are mistaken a little. There are some nuances to pay attention to.

  • First, if you are the owner of dry skin of the face, then you should know that the zinc ointment has a dry effect. Uncontrolled application on the face can provoke even greater dryness, irritation and peeling. In this case, it is necessary to mix zinc ointment with a daily moisturizing cream in proportion 1: 1.
  • Secondly, zinc ointment should never be applied to a tonal cream. This ointment does not act as a primer under cosmetics. Cosmetologists convincingly recommend to apply zinc ointment only on carefully cleaned skin. It is possible to use ointment overnight, but with subsequent skin cleansing in the morning.
  • Thirdly, a zinc ointment with its drying action can only aggravate the appearance of the skin around the eyes or near the mouth. The fact is that the ointment can make wrinkles even deeper by stretching moisture from the skin in such gentle and sensitive places. That is why cosmetologists do not recommend applying a zinc ointment to these sections of the person in order not to make imperfections even more explicitly. If your main problem is "goose paws", remember that it is impossible to use a zinc ointment from wrinkles under the eyes.
  • Fourth, observe certain caution when applying a zinc ointment on the face. The fact is that the falling ointment on the mucous membranes (for example, in the eye) can provoke irritation. It is necessary to apply ointment with clean hands that you also need to wash and after applying the funds on the face.

Zinc Ointment - Instructions from wrinkles

How to apply zinc ointment on the face to get rid of wrinkles? Let's look at a detailed algorithm of actions:

  1. Clean the face carefully. If you enjoy cosmetics, it must be removed using a cotton disc and cosmetic makeup removal (micellar water, milk to remove makeup, lotion for removing makeup). Be sure to face with the help of a wash foam to clean the skin from the remnants of the Demacia. Wipe your face with tonic you usually use.
  2. Wash hands thoroughly with soap.
  3. Issimate a small amount of zinc ointment on a finger or on a cotton wand (some manufacturers produce ointment in a tube, while others in a jar).
  4. Thin layer distribute ointment on the skin of the face and neck, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth. If your skin is dry or combined, then mix ointment with moisturizing or children's cream.
  5. Lightly driven movements of the pillows of fingers achieve full absorption ointment.
  6. It is advisable to apply a zinc ointment overnight, and in the morning thoroughly clean the skin.

In order to get rid of wrinkles, cosmetologists recommend applying a zinc ointment up to 3 times a week. The course can last 3 weeks with the subsequent break.

Zinc ointment for the face of wrinkles and zinc paste - what the difference

In the pharmacy you can offer not only zinc ointment, but also zinc paste. Are there significant differences between these means? What is better to get rid of wrinkles? Of course, the difference between pasta and ointment is. The zinc ointment contains vaseline and 10% zinc oxide, and in the paste - 25% zinc and starch. The paste has a more concentrated composition and more dense consistency. But it will be easier to distribute on the face, it will be easier for a zinc ointment that more resembles cream. The analogue of the zinc ointment can be a lassary paste, which contains starch, salicylic acid and vaseline.

Zinc Ointment and Ultraviolet - Interesting Facts

Recent scientific research on the relationship of zinc oxide and skin cancer is simply shocked. In the course of these studies, they found out that, as a result of chemical reactions between zinc oxide and ultraviolet rays, free radicals can be formed. These free molecules can disturb the DNA of human skin cells, increasing the risk of skin cancer. But it is the zinc oxide that is among many modern sunscreens. But most experts are still inclined to believe that it is better to use such protection for the skin during sunbathing, than not to use anything.

Contraindications for the use of zinc ointment from wrinkles

Zinc ointment is a budget pharmacy that can be freely purchased without a doctor's prescription. Use this ointment or not to use depends only on you. But you must be warned about the risk of the emergence of possible negative consequences:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • dryness;
  • his lips, language;
  • breathing disorder, poor well-being;
  • in case of zinc ointment, conjunctivitis can begin in the eye (in the case of a zinc ointment, they need to be ringed under running water at least 15 minutes);
  • if zinc ointment is hit in the mouth, there may be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, painting in the yellow color of the eye and skin proteins, an increase in temperature.

So, contraindications to the use of zinc ointments in cosmetology from wrinkles are:

  • individual intolerance to one of the components of the zinc ointment. Be careful because different manufacturers can add different auxiliary components to a zinc ointment;
  • a tendency to allergic reactions. Too sensitive skin can respond sharply to react to a new cosmetic, including a zinc ointment;
  • the presence on the skin of inflammatory formations with geek.

Zinc ointment. Use of wrinkles in pregnant women

There are no scientific data that would warn pregnant women from the use of zinc ointment. In women who are in the "interesting situation", various rashes on the face may occur very often. It is with such problems that the zinc ointment struggles best. If acne on the face was much larger, the condition of the skin of the face deteriorated significantly, then the gynecologist's attention should be paid to it. The solution to this problem can be the correction of the nutrition of a pregnant woman.

Zinc ointment from wrinkles - benefits of use

The most important advantage of zinc ointment from wrinkles is the price. Agree that it is much more annoying to buy a fairly expensive imported cream from wrinkles and not see any result. Zinc ointment allows you to check its effectiveness for little money for your skin. Feedback from the use of this budget pharmacy is rather contradictory. But, as already mentioned, you will not take care of making your own opinion about it. What are the advantages in front of expensive cosmetics from wrinkles have a zinc ointment?

  • Availability. You do not need to look for a specialized store where a zinc ointment is sold. It is enough just to go to the nearest pharmacy and buy it. A pharmacist can offer you several options for zinc ointments in different packages, from different manufacturers and with different additives.
  • Security. A zinc ointment, of course, has a number of contraindications, but it is so meager that this tool can really be called safe. Ointment is allowed to use even pregnant women. Remember that applying a zinc ointment need only externally!
  • Wide spectrum of action. Buying this tool in the pharmacy, you make a rather multifunctional purchase. The zinc ointment will be useful to you not only for experiments in getting rid of wrinkles, but also for the treatment of acne, psoriasis, dialoses, small cracks and wounds.

Zinc ointment from wrinkles. Reviews of cosmetologists

Does the zinc ointment of wrinkles help? Whatever delicious women's reviews about the effects of zinc ointments for wrinkles, cosmetologists do not always share this delight. Doctors do not understand where this myth come from about the disappearance of wrinkles under the influence of zinc ointment. The thing is that the main caution when using this pharmacy is the avoidance of its application to the area around the eyes and near the mouth. But women often miss these recommendations by their ears. After all, the first wrinkles appear in these places. Zinc will additionally dry tender skin and make wrinkles even deeper. Instead of the expected effect, the woman gets directly opposite - wrinkles are becoming even more noticeable, normal skin becomes dry and peeling. Thus, the opinions of cosmetologists about zinc ointments can be expressed in the following theses:

  • zinc ointment will be particularly effective when used in women with oily skin, inclined to the appearance of acne, acne;
  • the zinc ointment will not save the wrinkles of women with dry skin;
  • when applying a zinc ointment to the area around the eyes and around the mouth of wrinkles not only will not disappear, but also become even more noticeable.

Respect deserves and the opinion of Elene Parker - a highly qualified specialist in the field of cosmetology. It considers it inappropriate to use any local tools to get rid of wrinkles, since wrinkles appear due to the restructuring of the deep layers of the skin. The most effective methods of combating age-related changes on the skin Parker considers the injection methods and methods of hardware cosmetology.

Zinc ointment from wrinkles. Reviews

Reviews of the effectiveness of zinc ointments in getting rid of wrinkles are quite varied. Someone does not suit the drying effect of ointment, someone began an allergic reaction, and someone simply did not notice any effect ...

  • Elena B. "began to use zinc ointment on the Council of Mom, which has achieved good results. There was indeed effect on its age-related skin. I have a little wrinkle, but they have caused me discomfort. I applied ointment to the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial fold. To be honest, the stunning result did not happen. The only thing that can be noticed is the disappearance of the oily shine around the nose. The skin in this place has become more matte. "
  • Karina S. "Zinc Ointment - My favorite pharmacy that was forever settled in my cosmetics. Once a month, different troubles begin to be involved with my skin. In the chin area, small pimples appear. Zinc ointment nano locally on the pimple immediately after its appearance. The morning of the Reds goes, and the pimple decreases. I heard that ointment can be applied to the face to reduce wrinkles, but this option does not fit for sure. The skin will dry very much. "
  • Marina R. "Every year it began to find all new and new wrinkles. It was very frustrated. After all, I want to look young and touched. On the advice of the girlfriend began to use zinc ointment. After a month of use of wrinkles, they really became less, especially in the forehead area. I am glad that the tool is worth a penny, and it is not necessary to search for long. "
  • Ira M. "I am 45 years old. Skin combined, especially dry skin in the cheekbone, forehead and chin. Zinc ointment recommended using my beautician to ensure complex anti-aging care. Effectively means or not, I can not say, since at the same time I passed a course of hardware rejuvenating procedures. But the harm to me this ointment caused and the condition of the skin did not aggravate. "
  • Julia P. "After applying Zinc Ointment, I had dual impressions. In the first days I could not rejoice at the effect. The skin ceased to glisten to the end of the day, I forgot about what matting powder. Pimples and small redness disappeared, and the freckles on the nose almost completely discouraged. But then .. Over time, a terrible dryness appeared, which is not at all patient my skin. The situation was a little saved by a moisturizing cream, but for a short time. Especially in the deplorable state was the skin on the nose and on the wings of the nose. She began to peel and smell with big flakes. Apply a tone cream was simply impossible, since he emphasized this peeling. Only then I realized that the point was in the zinc ointment, which I continued to apply for the night. Of course, I immediately ceased to use this means, but for a long time I put my face with active moisturizing masks and creams. "

Alternatives to zinc ointments to get rid of wrinkles

If for some reason the zinc ointment is not suitable for you, then you can look at alternative ways of rejuvenation. Consider several popular options:

  • Inno Gialuron is a Japanese cosmetic tool with a high content of hyaluronic acid with very good reviews. Many women celebrate the striking effect of smoothing the skin even after a short time;
  • retinic ointment. The effectiveness of the means in the fight against wrinkles is due to the high content of pure vitamin A, which launches the exchange processes in the skin, stimulates the production of collagen;
  • the hydrocortic ointment has a rejuvenating effect due to excellent skin moisturizing. After all, precisely because of the lack of moisture, our skin can be in a dry and dehydrated state with a lot of small wrinkles;
  • the heparin ointment is also able to benefit the age-related skin due to the removal of the ethnicity and dark circles under the eyes.

In the struggle for beauty, both budget funds and expensive. You will definitely see the effect if the daily and correctly selected face care will be your habit. Maintain a smooth and beautiful skin tone in mature and older will be much easier if you paid attention to this young years. Watch your appearance and be beautiful!


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