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How to get rid of edema under the eyes

How to get rid of edema under the eyes
Treatment of edema under the eyes

Swelling under the eyes is a fairly common problem for everyone. Although, most of all, she still bothers the fair sex. Many believe that it is only a cosmetic defect and therefore do not attach much importance to it. In fact, this is also a symptom of many serious diseases. Most often, in order to get rid of edema under the eyes, a cream is bought, which actually rarely helps. In fact, first of all, you need to seem to a doctor who can determine the cause of this pathology. Next, we will tell you in more detail how to get rid of edema under the eyes.

How to get rid of edema under the eyes: we determine the cause


The causes of swelling under the eyes are not always diseases. So, this can be a simple body reaction to a certain stimulus, which in itself is not a danger to health. One of the frequent factors provoking the occurrence of swelling is the errors in the diet. For example, swelling under the eyes in the morning may appear if a lot of any liquid was drunk at night. It can be coffee, tea, water or some other drink. Swelling in this case arise because the kidneys cannot cope with excess fluid, so the drunk is distributed through the tissues.

In addition, there are other factors provoking the appearance of swelling:

  1. In the morning, swelling around the eyes may appear after drinking alcohol, which, as you know, is delayed in cells.
  2. The cause of edema of the century can be excessive use of spicy, salty or smoked food. This is because spices and salt, having entered the body, lead to a violation of the full process of elimination of fluid, which is why it is delayed longer than usual.
  3. Edema may also appear if there is a water deficiency in cells. Inadequate drinking regime leads to the fact that the body intensively begins to stock up fluid in the tissues, which is manifested in appearance as swelling. Usually the daily norm is considered-2-2.5 liters. per day.
  4. Eying of the eyelids can appear as a result of certain reactions of the body. For example, after a strong cry, due to a great emotional shock. Due to the increased discharge of tears, the rush of blood to the eyes intensifies. In this case, excessive liquid accumulates in the tissues.
  5. In the general state and on the appearance of a person, lack of sleep also affects. In addition, if you sleep without a pillow, this can lead to a violation of the normal outflow of blood and lymph from the head, which, in turn, also provokes the appearance of edema.
  6. Often the causes of edema is a long sitting at the computer, reading, painstaking small “jewelry” work and car control. All this causes an overvoltage of the eye muscles.
  7. Swelling can become a protective reaction of the body to some stimuli. In particular, such a reaction can be to smoke, caustic couples, entering the eyes of a foreign body.
  8. Such a pernicious habit as smoking leads to the edema. The reason for this is the fact that the body of the smoking person lacks oxygen, in addition, many harmful chemical compounds come into smoking.
  9. The reason for the occurrence of edema may be a head injury, a blow to the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye, forehead and nose. This factor is not entirely harmless, since the power effect on the eye can cause serious damage.


The swelling can be provoked by some physiological causes. So, it often appears due to age-related changes in the skin and the muscle-ligamentous apparatus of the eye. For some people, swollen eyelids are inherited. However, this does not affect their health.

Some reasons for the development of edema are exclusively female. So, for example, at the end of the menstrual cycle, the female body under the influence of estrogens holds fluid and lays it in the tissues. Backs under the eyes often appear in the late stages of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that due to the increased mode of the kidneys of salt and drunk fluid do not have time to exit the body.

More serious reasons for the appearance of edema are:

  • allergic reaction,
  • inflammatory processes,
  • eye diseases,
  • spinal diseases (intervertebral hernia),
  • liver and kidney disease,
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • vitamin B5 deficiency.

How to get rid of edema under the eyes: General rules


The treatment of edema under the eyes is based on some general principles:

  1. First of all, you need to drink enough water. It is important to remember that you should not consume a lot of liquids in the evening. Most of the daily norm is best to drink up to 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the rest is drunk after. Moreover, after 8 o’clock in the evening it is advisable to make no more than a couple of sips.
  2. It is necessary to limit the consumption of salt and salted products. As we have already said, it is able to retain fluid in the body.
  3. It is also worth avoiding the use of too sharp dishes.
  4. Alcohol can be consumed only in minimal quantities, and better - generally excluded.
  5. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  6. Do not drink too many drinks with caffeine, especially at night.
  7. In order not to appear swelling, you need a normal dream. The norm is considered to sleep a day for at least 7.5 hours. For a healthy sleep, a suitable pillow (roller) is required: it should be hard and low. The head during sleep should be slightly higher than the body.

It will help remove swelling under the eyes and the right lifestyle. So, for this it is recommended to move more, more often spending time in the fresh air, observe the mode of work and rest. In addition, you should get rid of bad habits, if you have them. This is especially true for smoking and drinking alcohol.

eating Healthy Food

Nutrition recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to include more boiled and stewed food in the diet. Food, steamed in the oven and a slow cooker, is still useful.
  2. In addition, the diet should have products containing fiber. These, in particular, include fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals.
  3. Eat more often products that remove excessive fluid from the body. These include a watermelon, melon, shoots of green onions, dill, blackberry, strawberries, asparagus, celery, black ash, pumpkin, major, parsley. Only they should be in moderation.
  4. Products that contain vitamin B5 will be useful. They are rich in cereals from unforgettable cereals, green parts of plants, nuts, beans, bee milk, whole grain bread, dairy products and seedlings.
  5. Products with potassium products will still help to remove excess fluid from the body: black currants, lingonberries, cranberries. Vegetable juices will be useful, for example, a mixture of beets, apples and carrots.

How to get rid of edema under the eyes with cosmetics


What do cosmetologists advise? It is necessary to use sunscreen. They should be applied at least half an hour before leaving the house. For the eyes, it is recommended to take a cream with UV filters from 30. In the summer, to protect the eyes from sunlight, wear sunglasses. If you are prone to swelling, it is recommended to avoid being in severe heat. It is also worth sunbathing to a minimum, it is advisable to completely abandon it.


If you use decorative cosmetics, then do not use silicone products and tonal creams with a dense structure too often. They do not allow the skin to breathe normally. In general, any cosmetics is best washed off at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. This will allow the skin to rest normally. For delicate zones around the eyes, it is useful to end the wash with cool water and take a contrast shower as often as possible. This will improve blood circulation, and, therefore, reduce swelling and circles under the eyes.

Edema remedies under the eyes


To cope with the problem that has arisen, you can use the means in which there are certain components. So, for example, coffee creams are useful. Cosmetics and ointments are also valuable from edema under the eyes with such ingredients as horse chestnut, cornflower, arnik, sage, parsley, linden, chamomile, birch leaves, series, horsetail and rosemary. These herbs and their oils are successfully used to combat swelling and bags under the eyes. For cosmetic purposes, you can use decoctions from the above herbs. The flower water of the cornflow is still useful.

In cosmetics there should not be harmful components that can cause swelling of the skin around the eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to use only natural cosmetics without artificial components.

Means with lemon balm and mint will help remove bags and swelling under the eyes. True, they should be careful with them because they can cause irritation. Massage of the delicate area around the eyes will be more effective if you use gels with a cooling effect. If you use night creams, then they should be applied no later than two hours before bedtime. Excess cosmetic agents must be removed with a cotton swab.

Swelling under the eyes: photo




Swelling under the eyes: video



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