
Diet diet for weight loss

Diet diet for weight loss
What are household diet and how to stick to them. Is there harm from diets and when to expect positive results.

Each girl dreams to be slim and graceful. That's just doing those who feel attractive to prevent extra kilograms? Of course, it is accepted for the correction of the figure. Everyone knows that for this you need to play sports and move more, but not at all will not be superfluous to correct your food - in particular, you can sit on the diet.

When pronouncing the word "diet" involuntarily start thinking about the days of painful restrictions and deprivation. In some extent, it is so, and those who have already tried such methods will confirm this fact. However, a diet diet - retail, and much depends on the food habits of a person.

Ideally, the diet should be a nutritionist, but not many have the opportunity to go to a specialist for advice. In this case, you can rely on the experience of thinning or losing girlfriends and read useful tips on the Internet. Diets can be called differently, wearing the name of their compiler, promise the most different effect and its duration. Theories on how to lose weight at home, set! That's just what of the alleged home diets really work? Let's deal with!


Slimming diet: buckwheat diet

Buckwheat is an extremely useful product. In the cereal there are calcium and potassium, iron and silicon and many other useful elements. The ladies who tried this version of the diet at home could really boast quite quick and pleasant results.

Nevertheless, it is not recommended to sit for months on buckwheat (and it is unlikely that someone else will succeed). The harmless duration of a buckwheat diet - 2 weeks. For this time, you will be able to get rid of at least 4-5 kilograms at least 4-5 kilograms - naturally, subject to all the rules.

  • The principle of this efficient home diet is to use one buckwheat with small additions. You can have this product how much you want during the day - it is not necessary to suffer hunger. Moreover, Ideally, the cereal is better not to cook, but wandering - for example, at night (1 cup washed with cereals on 2 glasses of boiling water), in order to be enjoyed with a useful cheek.
  • It is desirable to eat buckwheat without any additives - salt, oil or sugar, but it costs to drink more fluid and refuse coffee and sweet drinks. Conventional water (non-mineralized and without gas), green tea (without sugar) or vegetable Fresh will come as it should not be better.
  • Of course, feeding the tasteless porridge 2 weeks is very hard and sad. Therefore, you can resort to a more popular option: add 1 liter to diet (but not more) 1% kefir, which you can add to buckwheat or drink separately. If the hunger is tormented before bedtime, you can drink a cup of kefir.
  • There will be no special damage if you add dried fruits into porridge - dry apples, prunes, raisins, dried apricots (but not more than 5-6 pants for a portion). Instead of these products, you can add to buckwheat 1 tsp. Honey is a very useful product.

Buckwheat diet for 7 days

Slimming Diets: Japanese Diet

The Japanese diet gathered such a number of contradictory opinions that turned out to be the most discussed in recent years. By the way, the overwhelming majority of articles on the Internet, which describe a kind of "Japanese diet", does not have any relation to the power rules of the Japanese. Who generally came up with this diet, it is unknown, although it becomes clear why it was called it this way: the menu of the inhabitants of the rising sun is considered one of the most correct and healthy, and the Japanese nation itself is famous for the large number of long-livers.

Nevertheless, reading a list of products of the so-called "Japanese diet", which is granted to wide review in the global network, it seems that a person who fantasized this topic never happened in Japan - it did not bother to explore the traditions and food preferences of local Residents: in the menu beef, cabbage, zucchini, as well as coffee to which the Japanese always preferred tea. In general, most of the written "Japanese" diets for some reason are composed on the basis of alien to the Japanese products themselves, which is somehow illogical.

Lose weight on a diet "Japanese", you can, observing a number of clear rules:

  • not there is what was cooked yesterday or the day before yesterday - everything should be fresh;
  • eat products that will not make you suffer from a terrible feeling of hunger. That is, in the diet should be fish, Vegetables, Brown Rice, Fruits, Bean;
  • drink more green tea (at least 1 l) and at least 1.5 liters of water daily.
  • observe contrast in food: Let one day of the diet differ from the other, and then the body will not have time to "tune in to the product," and he will have to lose weight constantly;
  • eat in small portions. Better more often than usual, in order not to overeat, but not hungry. Many are interested in the same size should be a portion in the menu according to the Japanese diet. We answer. You do not need to calculate calories or grams. You can simply separate a certain part of your standard daily portion. For example, if you sit on a Japanese diet for the first time, take your standard portion as a basic size 2/3, and if you already feel comfortable, reduce the volume of food to half. Then you can feel the result.
  • the traditional cuisine of Japan does not complain the heat treatment of products, so they are recommended raw. In this case, all vitamins and useful trace elements are preserved. Naturally, we are not very familiar to us to use raw seafood, so you can minimize the products: the cooking is allowed, cooking for a pair. But fry food is prohibited! Similarly, it is worth entering rice and bean. But vegetables, fruit can be completely used in raw form.
  • if you can't live without soups, you do not need to be upset. One day of the Japanese diet can be soup: the kitchen of this country respects soupsHowever, you will have to boil on the recipes of traditional cuisine of Japan.


Diet diet Malysheva for weight loss

All the well-known TV presenter of TV shows "Live Great" Elena Malysheva does not know how hard sometimes lose weight. Therefore, she has repeatedly shared with the TV viewers with its secrets of weight loss. According to Elena, with the help of a nutrition system that it has developed, it is possible to gradually discharge the weight of 2-3 kilograms per week without special stress. There are a lot of those who are ready to confirm the truthfulness of the words of the doctor.

Well, Internet spaces today are faster offers to learn the secrets of weight loss from the Malysheva, sending SMS or purchasing a special set of products for the "right diet" for 1 month for quite big money. You can, of course, try (buy a set, of course, and not send SMS to some fraudsters). But in fact, everything is quite simple. Just understand the essence of the diet, and embody it at home without additional spending.

So, according to the general rules of the Malysheva diet, it is necessary:

  • eliminate all fat, flour, sweets, alcoholic beverages and carbonated water, vegetables, rich in carbohydrates (potatoes), rice;
  • food can not be frying (only soar and stew);
  • be sure to eat meat and low-fat fish;
  • calorie rate - about 1200 kcal per day.

Pretty standard rules, right? But they work! Now you will see if you begin to follow these simple secrets, gradually the sharp feeling of hunger will begin to go to no, the body will get used to the right nutrition, and you will achieve the desired result - we will lose weight.

elena-Malysheva diet

Lightweight diet for weight loss

This diet is called so at all in vain, because even those who have never been sitting before diet can adhere to it. Of course, it is possible that the effect will not be so soon, but it is possible to follow these power rules for quite a long time, varying the menu depending on the preferences or what is available on the shelves of the refrigerator.

A lightweight diet for weight loss is characterized by a menu with familiar and simple products, for example:

  1. Breakfast - oil sandwich, cottage cheese, pear or apple, green tea.
  2. The second breakfast is a cup of kefir or milk, two loaf.
  3. Lunch is a non-fat soup, boiled beef, apple, a glass of mineral water.
  4. Dinner - buckwheat bash with milk, vegetable salad (except potatoes).
  5. Before bedtime, a glass of kefir.

Remember that the soup can always be replaced with any porridge, and instead of meat, you can 1-2 boiled eggs or baked fish.


Fast home diet: Is it possible to lose weight very much for the week?

Note that dual diets for weight loss 10 kg per week - things are quite dangerous. Such methods should be applied as less as possible. Sometimes the actors are used by these emergency methods, whose work sometimes requires a speedy address of appearance for the right role or responsible event. But simple mortal needs to remember that the diet is not just a radical temporary measure, but the first step to the rational power regime.

If you need to urgently reset about 10 kg per week, you can resort to the monodulations - such an examples of power for some time that allow there is some particular product or one combination of products in an unlimited quantity and ever during the day. The monodins really give the result, but short-term, therefore such techniques are better not to abuse. Most of these solutions implies a complete rejection of flour, salt, sugar and alcoholic beverages, plus will need to change tea and coffee on mineral water without gas.

By the way, a buckwheat diet is an excellent example of a monodi (in this case, a little parsley or dill, sesame or turnips are allowed in buckwheat). Someone like an apple diet.

You can choose a kefir diet with a mandatory daily use of up to 1.5 liters of this milk product and up to 100 g of one of the products on different days of the week. For example:

  • monday - Potatoes for a pair;
  • tuesday - chicken fillet;
  • wednesday - low-fat meat;
  • thursday - boiled fish;
  • friday - fruit.

On Saturday, it is worth "unloading" on one caffener alone, and on Sunday drink mineral water all day.


Slim diet diet - Bonn soup

An interesting subspecies of the monodi - "Bonn Soup". This is a wonderful fast diet at home, which will clean the body from slags and lose weight. If you exactly follow the rules of such a diet, then it is likely that you will get to lose up to 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper week.

To prepare such a soup you need to take:

  • 6 medium bulbs,
  • several tomatoes,
  • head of cabbage,
  • 2 green peppers,
  • celery beam
  • a cube of any vegetable broth.

For a start, tatching vegetables into small pieces, fill them with water, season with salt and pepper (optional - for consuming effect can be without salt). Boil the soup on a strong heat about ten minutes, then reduce the fire and boil everything until the vegetables are softened. Bonn soup can be eaten if you like - as soon as you get hardened. You can capture it with you to work or on the trip.

In addition to soups are allowed (something one choice per day):

  • fruits, with the exception of bananas.
  • fresh stewed (without vegetable oil) or boiled vegetables.
  • 400-500 g boiled beef, chicken (skin not use!) Or fish.
  • green leafy vegetables.
  • brown rice.


Slimming Diets: Belk Diet

The protein diet due to a lack of a daily diet of fats and carbohydrates launches the process of active use by their organism - because of this fact, the weight goes very actively, and at the same time a person does not suffer from hunger. The name of the nutrition system itself speaks for itself: the base of the diet is protein products, in particular, there is a lot of meat and fish. You can use vegetables and fruits, but less than it is required for balanced nutrition. Similar diets for weight loss at home not only help relieve fat, but also contribute to improving immunity, strengthening hair and nails, improving skin and memory elasticity. At the same time, this power supply will allow you to grow muscle mass, which is extremely critical for athletes: protein is the main element of muscle fibers, with which they are engaged in structuring the body.

For example, two days such a diet:

1st day:

  • Breakfast - cottage cheese (100 g), apple, green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch - chicken breast (200 g), cabbage salad.
  • Dinner - kefir (2 glasses).

2nd day:

  • Breakfast - porridge of oatmeal in the water, an apple.
  • Lunch - fish (boiled or steamed), grapefruit.
  • Dinner - boiled shrimps (200 g), green tea.

Nevertheless, here is what are the side effects of such a diet:

  • supersaturation body protein cleavage products;
  • improving atherogenic cholesterol;
  • with prolonged abuse - the formation of stones in the kidneys and the bustling bubble.


Slimming Diets: Egg Diet

This method of weight loss is beautiful in that the digestion of eggs is sufficiently energy-intensive for the body. Therefore, a person feels fastened for a long time. Plus, according to nutritional statements, all products in the egg diet system are completely digested, which is extremely important to drop weight and well-being.

Approximate menu for one day such a diet:

  • Breakfast - 2 egg squirrels, orange, green tea.
  • Lunch - 2 protein, vegetables salad on vegetable oil (as possible - from cabbage or beet), apple.
  • Dinner - 200 g boiled or baked fish with greens, grapefruit or 2 pineapple slices.

With egg diet, you can eat low-fat varieties of meat and fish. Eggs themselves boil the schiek - thus the body is easier to digest, and products retain useful properties. How to cook the egg right? Just lower it in boiling water and keep it there for no more than 5 minutes.

In the best way, with this method of weight loss, necrophismic vegetables are suitable - types of sheet lettuce, cabbage (excluding color), tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh greens, zucchini, podcol, bell pepper and onions. According to the egg diet, you can make salads from these vegetables, stew them and bake them. Moreover, stewed or baked vegetables can be used as separate dishes, for example, in the afternoon.

Some nutritionists suggest that an egg diet can be attributed to homemade diets of fast weight loss, since due to a similar combination of products, splitting and absorption of proteins occurs fairly quickly, and weight gradually leaves.

According to people who applied this method, on egg diet it is possible to throw up to 5-8 kilograms in 2 weeks - you agree, this is a worthy result!

Egg diet for weight loss

Well, unites all the above diets one thing: they are not told in such details that make a lost person further when the desired result is already achieved. It would seem that everything is a waist on the spot, you can already relax and start eating cupcakes, gingerbread and greasy kebabs during picnics. But the experience of many lost weight will tell that the hated excess weight can again gain again. Do not believe the statements in the descriptions of diets, where the "complete restructuring of metabolism and the effect that will remain for 2-3 years without any effort" is promised. These are the most real fairy tales!

We will not open America, if we say that no diet can give a similar stunning and long-playing effect (definitely not for 3 years) - after weight loss, it will be necessary to constantly adhere to healthy nutrition. So, maybe you can exclude diets at all? And the most reasonable answer to the question of how to lose weight at home without diets is just always adhere to the right healthy nutrition. Believe me: Your body will certainly tell you many thanks for that!


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