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New Year 2016 - How to meet, what to cook

New Year 2016 - How to meet, what to cook
New Year 2016 is the year of monkey. All the subtleties of the New Year celebration.

The new 2016 is one of the most beautiful and bright holidays. In different countries of the world, it is noted in its own way, but everywhere it is equally loved and expecting. The New Year's Eve reigns everywhere - in offices, houses, shops. And this is not surprising, because it is this holiday that I want to meet so that it is remembered for a long time. How and where to meet the new 2016 year, what to cook and what to put on, so that luck was accompanied by luck throughout the year?

New 2016: Symbol of the year


According to the eastern calendar, the New Year 2016 is the year of the fire monkey. The New Year 2016 on February 8 will be thoroughly entered.

Colors that will prevail all year - white, green, yellow, red, blue.

The elements of the monkey - water, fire, earth, wood, metal. Animals are symbols of this year: a rat (mouse), a bull (cow, buffalo, yak, ox), tiger (leopard), rabbit (hare, cat), dragon, snake, horse (horse), sheep (ram, goat), Monkey, cock (chicken), dog, pig (boar).

People who were born under the sign of monkeys have every chance of being famous and famous. Regardless of what a person does and what his character, sooner or later, his characteristic charm and luck will make him successful in life.

Children born in the year monkeys are very active, inquisitive and curious. They always strive for championship and achieve their goals at all costs.

The best partner in marriage for monkeys is dragons or rats. Relations with a cr person, a sheep or a dog will have a little worse. Heavy marriages will be with people born in the year of the snake or boar. Relations with the Tigrian person will develop worst.

Positive features of the character of the monkey: it can be reasonable, devoted, sincere, inventive, intellectually developed.

Negative - excessively emotional and capricious, cunning, careless, sometimes small, loves to indulge in his desires.
The most suitable professions and classes for people born in the year of the monkey: consultant, doctor, stock mcler, architect, literary figure.

Where to meet the new 2016 year


Where and how we will meet the new 2016 and whether the monkey will please the success of each of us throughout the next year. Therefore, in order for the meeting to be worthy, it is worth considering everything to the smallest detail.

The venue for the new 2016 does not matter much, the main thing is that it is fun. The most unexpected events will be welcomed. If you have the opportunity to take part in a masquerade, a quest on the streets of the city, a show in a restaurant, in a rock concert or a party surrounded by acquaintances and even unfamiliar people, do not hesitate and go to a noisy company.

If you like a more extreme type of relaxation and are ready for various adventures, go abroad if possible, namely to Brazil. In a country where there are many, many monkeys, it is relevant to meet the new 2016 year.

How to decorate a house for the New Year 2016

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If you decide to stay at home, then take care of its decoration.

  • Above the front door you can hang a small ceramic, porcelain, rag or plastic monkey.  Next to her, it is advisable to hang bells or bells, they will give the atmosphere of celebration and fun, and each guest will be welcomed by a joyful ringing.
  • Throughout the house (on windowsills, a festive table, sideboard), you can arrange wooden, crystal or bronze statuettes of a monkey.
  • It is worth hanging large balls, rain and serpentine on the Christmas tree. The monkey loves them very much.
  • If your tree is artificial, if possible, spread a couple of branches of fresh needles-a symbol of prosperity and well-being.
  • Snowflakes made by your own hands look original. They can be hung both on a Christmas tree and in the room.
  • If you have enough time, you can finish and make an imitation of snow out of cotton wool, laying out carefully on spruce branches.
  • Do not forget that the element of this year is fire, so everything should be shining in the house, from the lights on the Christmas tree to the candles on the table. In the New Year 2016, the device of each guest can be decorated with a small candle. To do this, you need to take half of the walnut shell and fill it with plasticine. In the center, fix a small candle, and attach small artificial flowers around it with glue. Put the resulting composition next to the plate.  It is better to light candles when the guests are already a little tired and are away from the table.  If there are children at the table, and you are worried about their safety, instead of ordinary candles you can buy electric ones.
  • In order for the monkey to feel at home, spread beautiful garlands on the walls and under the ceiling - let them curl like vines in the jungle.

How to decorate the New Year tree for the New Year 2016

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This year, dressing up a Christmas tree, you can give free rein to creative impulses and decorate it literally. You can hang sweets in brilliant wrappers and fruits on the forest beauty. And homemade toys will also look great: garlands from buttons, “balls” of bulbs, snowflakes from multi -colored foil.

The monkey, according to astrologers, loves money, so that a great idea will please the mistress of the coming year, hanging money bills tied with red ribbons on the Christmas tree.

In addition to the large New Year tree this year, several small ones should be dressed up. For this, bouquets of pine branches or domestic plants are suitable. And if the house has a palm tree or the famous money tree, they just need New Year's decoration!

What is the best way to meet the new 2016


It is also thoroughly worth approaching the choice of clothes for the meeting of the new 2016. In order to like the fire monkey, it is desirable to wear things in which there are colors such as red, orange, yellow, gold, coral, mother -of -pearl, burgundy, brown, red, chocolate. All shades of these "flames" are welcome both women and men.

This time, along with the main party of the year, you need to approach with all responsibility. Bright paints and some masquerade of the costume are a necessary condition. However, in the image, try to combine extravagance and impeccability at the same time.

Women on New Year's Eve should wear evening dresses. You can get family jewelry from the safe (or purchase on the occasion of jewelry from natural stones), feel free to open the shoulders or back. Unusual hairstyles - what you need, forget about modesty and naturalness, get ready to shine!

Ready -made images for the New Year 2016

  • Apasses of gold color are suitable for a red boiler dress - jewelry, shoes and a clutch. A hairpin of the same color will look great, it should be without sequins, beads and feathers.
  • A short chocolate dress goes well with shoes and a handbag of beige muffled shades. In makeup, in this case, it is worth focusing on both eyes and lips.
  • It is advisable to combine a yellow dress with white and golden shoes. It is worth noting that it will look excellent on women with dark skin and dark hair.
  • If you decide to put on a long orange dress, then try to focus on the eyes in makeup, and it is better to choose a neutral calm color.
  • It is better to wear a golden dress with shoes and a handbag of a bodily tint. Also, such an outfit is perfectly combined with coral shoes and muffled orange clutch.
  • If you finish your bow with a fur bolero, you will look enchanting at a festive dinner.
  • Men should take a closer look at fitted jackets or costumes. In addition, in order to be in tandem with your soulmate, it is better to put on a shirt in the tone of her dress.
  • With red clothes, you should be neat. The color itself is very catchy and bright, so you do not need to weight the image with accessories and make -up - only to a minimum.
  • Shirts and dresses that are framed by a golden or silver border will look good. Silver will be associated with a snow -shiny and shimmering snow in the sun, and the gold - with jewelry.
  • Fans of hats can finish their image with an original white hat, which is suitable for any along or in the tone of the handbag. Do not forget about the rule of "three colors."

What to cook in the New Year 2016


In preparation for the New Year, almost every housewife “pulls” the products into the house for several weeks, loading the refrigerator to the state “open and bouncing, otherwise it will fill up with goodies”. How else? Indeed, on this holiday it is worthwhile to think in advance what to cook in order to please not only relatives and friends, but also a monkey who is a full mistress of the coming year.

  • Products in the New Year 2016 should be natural, without preservatives, dyes, taste additives and other carcinogens.
  • Based on the fact that the monkey is a herbivore, vegetarian dishes are welcome on the table. For example, you can prepare salads with the addition of greens, an avocado and tuna or vegetable lasagna.
  • Eggplant dishes, zucchini, as well as vegetable stew. Remember that the monkey prefers green pepper, carrots and chicken eggs.
  • Prepare snacks - stuffed tartlets, sandwiches on toast or rye bread, as well as make all kinds of canapers.
  • If you still cannot do without meat, then you can cook a barbecue or ram of a ham on an open fire. Those who do not have such an opportunity, it is advisable to bake the meat in the oven, but in no case to fry.
  • Be sure to be present on the table. It can be added to the salad, served on sandwiches or in the form of a cut.
  • Also, do not forget to put a vase with pineapple, grapes, bananas, oranges and kiwi. 
  • When choosing drinks, give preference to noble - whiskey, expensive cognac or sparkling guilt. As for non -alcoholic, it is better to buy juice, simple water, fruit drinks or make compote from dried fruits. To diversify your holiday, you can make various cocktails with ice, both alcoholic and dairy. Many prefer mulled wine.
  • On a sweet table, you can prepare a casheuk with the addition of various fruits, puddings, as well as light cakes.
  • It is worth noting that all dishes should be satisfying, but light, because the monkey is an active animal, loves to enjoy and immediately run, wander, play, in a word, not sit still. And it is unlikely to want to do this after the plate of Olivier.

New Year 2016 by script


How to celebrate the New Year, so that it does not work out to be trite? So tired of the annual eating Olivier and walks in the central square. You can go to another scenario and celebrate the holiday in a new way!

First of all, you should think about which circle will gather in your house. Often these are relatives, close friends and friends. And this is great, because these are exactly those people about whom you know everything, well, or almost everything. Do not memorize standard poems, songs, ditties - it looks everything quite tedious, stretched and trite. For example, in order for the holiday to go “with a bang” you need to individualize everything as much as possible.

  • Giving a letter. This can become the so -called solemn part of the evening. On forms, guided by your sense of humor, you can write joking texts for awarding. For example, in the nomination “Development of Interregional Relations”, the son of friends who married a girl from another city may claim to win. If my daughter has learned to walk from Kumovs this year, she can safely become a winner in the contest "who have mastered the vertical position." The nephew entering the university will receive a letter "on the road abroad." In general, there can be more than a reason for the reasons-who finished repairs, who bought the apartment, and someone issued a pension.
  • Photo. Your guests will be pleasantly surprised if you collect their old photos in advance and secure them on a poster or stretch them through the entire room on a rope. Memories of fun moments of life will surrender-first-grader grandfather, dad Zaychik on the matinee or mother-host at the school balcony. But do not tighten the “presentation” much so as not to drown in the abyss of nostalgia at all.
  • Competitions. Try to have a couple of competitions in reserve. Suppose one of these is the testing of an explanation of a particular proverb. The guests in response try to interpret it correctly. So you can use all those present. For example, the most common: they do not discuss the gift, but accept what they give - “they don’t look in the teeth to the giving horse”, you need to study throughout life, brings knowledge every day - “Live - Live - Learn!”, Troubles usually happen there. Where something is unreliable-"where it is subtle, and there it breaks."

New Year 2016 with Santa Claus


If on a festive night your children will be with you, try not to delay the children's part of the program, since it is very difficult for kids to sit for a long time. However, the smallest guests should be prepared for the fact that they will need to tell a poem or sing a song to please the “bearded” and receive a gift. Be sure to order Santa Claus or ask one of the guests to change into it, otherwise, do it yourself.

If you do not have such an opportunity, you can go the other way and play an interesting story with the children. For example, tell them that grandfather is late. Behind the door let a bag with snow tracks and gifts appear. Explain that they were delivered by his friends hares. Invite the kids to cook tea together with a belated guest. While the children will disassemble the gifts, try to cool the cup in the freezer. Say that Santa Claus drank tea and left gifts in gratitude. If you think that your children are too adults for such a story, then choose a classic option - put gifts under the Christmas tree.

What to give in the New Year 2016


You can’t do without gifts in the New Year 2016. First of all, consider that they will be special in 2016.

  • Going to friends, you can capture a picture with the image of a monkey. And if your relatives and relatives have a good sense of humor, then the picture can be comic (for example, a cartoon for the mistress of the year).
  • As a gift this year, a miniature Japanese Bonsai tree, a small palm tree in a pot or a “tree of happiness” from ad art and semiprecious stones is perfect.
  • You can show attention with all kinds of magnets, figurines, soft toys and cards with the image of a monkey. 

By investing in the organization and holding of the new year 2016, you are primarily contributing to the future. And if the festive night passed with a smile, dancing and fun, then the coming year will certainly meet you with luck, happiness and well -being. And do not forget to put a small piece of copper wire in the wallet just in case. According to belief, this will attract wealth to your house.

How to decorate a room for the New Year 2016


Max 29.12.2015 Answer

Great ideas! But I always use a live Christmas tree in a pot for the atmosphere). The living coniferous beauty in the house is much more convenient and beautiful)))))
