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Which umbrella to choose

Which umbrella to choose
How to choose a suitable umbrella model.

With the onset of autumn, usually accompanied by rains, it comes time to think about how to protect yourself from bad weather. You can find a shelter from the vagaries of the weather under an umbrella. The comfort of movement during the rain will depend on his choice - a good umbrella will reliably protect against atmospheric precipitation, while it will not turn inside out and will not break at the first gusts of wind. Such a correctly selected and high -quality design will subsequently last more than one season.

Which umbrella to choose: constructive performance

It is believed that nature does not have bad weather - especially if you properly prepare for any of its whims. With the advent of rainy days, the question of how to choose the right an umbrella is particularly relevant. It is not difficult to move in the rain in the rain, choosing a stylish, high -quality and reliable umbrella. Often, his absence at the right moment turns into a real problem, because to get wet to the thread, spoiling the makeup and hairstyle, as well as the risk of catching a cold, it is unlikely that anyone will like it.

Currently, a significant number of various models of umbrellas of various sizes, colors and styles are presented on sale. If the umbrella is selected unsuccessfully, you will find out about that quickly enough - such a product can proceed, turn inside out and even break at the first gusts of wind. It is not too difficult to avoid the emergence of such situations and choose a model with a reliable design, which will fail without fail. When planning how to choose an umbrella, special attention will be required to study its constructive performance, as well as choose the most suitable manufacturing materials.

Which umbrella to choose: the way of opening

Distinguish between the structures of umbrellas:

  • mechanical, manually revealed-the so-called trinket umbrellas, which have a minimum number of joints. Such models with a simple mechanism almost do not break. Their knitting needles with a minimum number of joints give the dome stiffness and roundness, which cannot be achieved in the case of a folding product. Rain drops are easily flowing from such a dome, as a result, the umbrella dries quickly enough. At the same time, the models in the form of a cane are quite bulky, it is inconvenient to move in transport with them, they can be forgotten somewhere;
  • semi -automatic - these include models that open without considerable effort when pressing a button, and manually folding. This design is convenient to use;
  • automatic - umbrellas that open and fold without effort, using a simple pressing button (which is very convenient in cases when you need to go into the porch or to transport).

Which umbrella to choose: umbrella size

Which umbrella from rain to choose, solving only to you, it all depends on what you prefer - convenience or reliability. First of all, you should decide on the size.  Compact mini-zones with a diameter of up to 85 cm will come in handy for those people who prefer to always carry a means to protect against rain “just in case”, without burdening themselves with excess weight. They produce ladies' umbrellas with a very small dome - such a model differs in small weight (about 220 g). Umbrellas with a diameter of 86-96 cm are still considered small, but are more functional and convenient to use. For a mass consumer, medium-sized products (96-111 cm) are intended-these include umbrellas in the form of a cane (both male and female), as well as classic folding models.

Very large umbrellas with a diameter of more than 111 cm, under which two people can be freely placed, are called family. Such a folding umbrella is very convenient to use and is able to provide a reliable “roof over your head” in case of rain.


If you are interested in how to choose a good umbrella, it is worth considering the following - with an increase in the number of joints, the probability of a breakdown increases. The most durable are the canes - the smaller the rod is less than the additions, the lower the probability that such a design will get loose. As a result of frequent opening and closing the joints of the spokes of a folding umbrella, they can be largely wear out. In addition, any mechanism (to the greatest extent applies to the machine gun) can seize or completely break at the most inopportune moment, in this case you will have to get wet on the street. In this regard, the model with manual disclosure or semiautomatic devices is more reliable.

Which umbrella to choose: knitting needles

To decide how to choose a female umbrella, you should also take into account the following information. The strength and durability of the umbrella is largely determined by the quality of its rod and knitting needles. It is worth considering that the durability of the structure as a whole will depend on the material of their manufacturing, its strength, flexibility and elasticity.

If you conduct a test, raise the umbrella up and lower it down with a sharp movement, then poor -quality spokes as a result can simply fly away.  Moreover, it will not always be possible to fix such a broken product.

As a material for the manufacture of knitting needles, they can act:

  • aluminum - spokes from such soft matte metal are largely subject to various deformations and breakdowns. Models with an aluminum frame have a little weight and take up a little space, but short -lived. The wind twists such domes almost inside out, as a result of which the spokes break, and the umbrella may become unusable in a short time;
  • steel - this metal is characterized by a characteristic brilliance. The steel elements of the structure of the umbrella (knitting needles, as well as the rod) do not differ in flexibility, but have significant strength and durability. The frame of the stainless steel umbrella does not break for a long time, the dome of such models has a stable shape and does not turn inside out with gusts of wind;
  • fiberglass - this material, which looks like plastic, is slightly weighty, significant flexibility and elasticity. Fiberglass knitting needles are most often used in the design of umbrella-ages.

There are many folding models with a combined design. For example, the rod and the adjacent links of the spokes can be metal (from aluminum or steel), the ends of the spokes are made of durable carbon fiber. In addition, the umbrella frame may include aluminum or steel links, as well as fiberglass, which gives elasticity to the umbrella - it is important that this material is used on two main elements of the spokes (in this case, the umbrella will be really durable and, even if it is bent from the strong winds, it will be easy to restore its shape). As a result, he can easily withstand any wind, the knitting needles will not break.


Folding umbrellas can be equipped with special springs in places of fixation of the spokes. There is an opinion that they are needed to prevent the dome bending under the influence of gusts of wind. In fact, the springs facilitate the process of opening and closing the umbrella, the knitting needles themselves are most responsible for the stability of the frame. The number of them can range from 8 to 32, while their number from 10 to 16 is considered optimal. More than the number of structural elements of the umbrella allows you to obtain a more beautiful rounded shape of the dome, but this does not affect quality and strength, although the price significantly increases. The dome of the umbrella with the number of spokes less than a dozen can sag and poorly resist significant gusts of wind. Pay attention to the places of their attachment - at a good umbrella, each knitting needle is fixed in several places. Try to move the knitting needle - it is required that it be fixed with a qualitatively and holds quite tightly. It is worth considering that the links of the frame should be fixed with a groove (concave side) in the direction upward, otherwise the umbrella will not withstand gusts of wind.


Which umbrella to choose: the construction of the rod

The rod of umbrellas in the form of a cane, as a rule, does not break. When choosing a folding structure, it is worth paying attention to its shape - it is recommended to prefer a multifaceted shape to a round section. Moreover, a larger number of faces strengthens the rod of the umbrella. Expand the umbrella and try to move its rod in different directions - in a quality product, the structural elements in the joints fit tightly to each other and do not rattles when opening.

The umbrella lock, located on top of the center of the dome, should not spin and shift - it is required that it be securely fixed. Its reliable fastening will eliminate the flow of water in the center of the umbrella.


Which umbrella to choose: fabrics for the dome

The umbrella from the rain is intended not to miss moisture. Thus, the functionality of this product primarily depends on the fabric forming its dome.

Currently, to protect against rain, they use:

  • nylon - this material does not repulse moisture too well, absorbs it and is able to get wet from the inside. In addition, he can dive and paint his hands and clothes, and also fades over time. After drying, the fabric of nylon sits, as a result, the dome of the umbrella can lose its shape;
  • polyester with water -repellent impregnation is a strong durable fabric that does not pass moisture and is resistant to burnout. Sometimes cotton is added to it, in this case, we can consider the interweaving of threads in the light. Such a fabric becomes softer, but its cost increases;
  • eponge is a dense silk or cotton fabric with moisture -repellent properties. Drops of water are freely rolling on the rough surface of this material, while the tissue of the dome remains almost dry to the touch;
  • polyvinyl chloride - this transparent material is quite durable. It is worth considering that for winter storage it is necessary to pour all the folds of the dome of such an umbrella talcum, otherwise they can stick together;
  • rolled satin - perfectly repels moisture and is distinguished by wear resistance.

The material of the dome manufacturing can be determined by the inscription on the label, which is usually fixed from the inside of the umbrella. Open the umbrella and check that the dome fabric is sufficiently stretched. If she sags, it is worth finding another model.

Which umbrella to choose: pens

The convenience of using an umbrella largely depends on how convenient it is to hold it in your hands. Thus, it will be necessary to choose a product with a handle of a suitable shape, which is made of non -slip material and is easily placed in the palm of your hand. If it does not suit you anatomically, then when wearing an umbrella will cause tangible discomfort, up to the joint pain.

Ombrella handles can be made of the following materials:

  • plastic - this material is fragility. A plastic pen may split when an umbrella falls;
  • genuine or artificial skin - such a pen is conveniently placed in the palm of your hand, looks expensive and solid;
  • aluminum - a metal pen, cold to the touch, is not always pleasant enough to pick up;
  • wooden handles are of significant strength. As a rule, wood is covered with varnish. Such a handle quickly heats up from the warmth of the body, it is nice to hold it in your hands. When buying, it should be checked so that there are no dents and chips on the wood;
  • with a rubberized coating - these handles are distinguished by wear resistance, convenient and practical, as they do not slip in their hands, including with strong gusts of wind. In addition, there are no traces of falling on the rubberized handle.


Which umbrella to choose: colors

Currently, you can observe a wide range of products presented for the sale of all kinds of colors. Which umbrella depends primarily on your preferences. For business people, you can advise you to purchase a product of neutral colors in classical colors (for example, black, blue, brown, dark green, bordinal, the colors of wet asphalt). Black color is universal and is suitable for representatives of the stronger sex in various situations. Solid plain models with discreet logos look solid.

Sellers of umbrellas argue that at present, models with abstract drawings, as well as all kinds of strips, cage and peas, are most popular. In general, the trend of wearing umbrellas with fairly bright prints is relevant. You can choose for yourself models with flowers, city or sea landscapes, as well as animalistic images, products in a vintage or minimalist style. Romantic natures can choose intricate patterns or retro images. The monophonic domes of umbrellas with a print, applied from the inside, in the form of a butterfly, a blossoming flower or an image of a cloudless sky, will cheer up.

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