
How to make a book a baby with your own hands. Books of the baby for kindergarten and school-master class, photo. Templates for the Baby Book, Projects

How to make a book a baby with your own hands. Books of the baby for kindergarten and school-master class, photo. Templates for the Baby Book, Projects
How to make a book a baby for a kindergarten and school. How to make a book a baby with your own hands from paper - ideas, templates, themes, photos.

A bright book is an invariable companion of the child almost from the moment of his birth. With the help of a variety of pictures, the baby has fun, is developing comprehensively, and finds out a lot of new and interesting. However, a single book is quite quickly bored with a restless child and mom has to go to the store and buy a new one. This leads to constant money. There is an alternative way that will save your money and have fun with your child, while developing and forming.

Any mother can without problems independently or with the involvement of children to make baby books on various topics. Baby children's books are just an unlimited flight of imagination and creativity, they can be made from almost any improvised material, thereby creating crafts very interesting and useful for the child.

In this article, we will consider a description of the books of babies and the features of their manufacture at home. Here are detailed master classes for creating children's books at home, as well as a selection of interesting and unusual projects and templates of such books of babies.

What are the books of the baby: the description and features of manufacture

Books of the baby are a personally manufactured developing books for children of different ages. Today, books in stores are quite expensive, so rarely which mother has the opportunity to update the children's library at least every week. In this case, a real salvation will be the original craft in the form of a small book of the baby. It is noteworthy that such a developing book can be very easily done with the help of simple improvised materials that will be found in any house.

Such crafts can be made for the development of babies, for teaching children of older, as crafts in kindergarten and school, as well as in the form of their own diaries and stories. Each mother can independently construct the book of the baby, or can be attracted to the creativity of children, allowing them to paint and stick an application, which is also a kind of educational moment. The creation of a baby’s book is very interesting and exciting, allows you to make new books with your own hands for their children on almost all possible and desired topics.

Consider the main features of creating a baby’s book with your own hands:

  • As already noted, the baby can be made for any age: for the smallest children under the age of 3 years, for preschool children from 3 to 6 years, for schoolchildren, as well as for adolescents.
  • It is worth noting that all developing books can be divided into several types: books of baby from felt and fabric, developing books from cardboard and paper, as well as books of the baby using photographs.
  • Books of the baby differ from each other by the method of fastening. You can use the simplest option and pierce a few leaves of the book with a hole -roller, and then knit all pages with tape or rope. There is another way, when creating a book of a baby from fabric, you can also tie all soft pages with a tape, but you do not need to make holes. You can fasten the pages of paper books with a transformation mechanism, when all the leaves fold on the likeness of the accordion. The most durable, practical and convenient way to attach pages in books of babies is a fastening like real books. To do this, 4-5 pages are sewn together and so repeated with everyone else, then the leaves are fastened with the cover.

  • The book of a baby for preschool and school age should consist of a maximum of 5-6 pages. This volume is enough to cover a particular topic. In addition, accommodating, for example, more than 5 soft pages in one book is quite problematic.
  • As it has already become clear, the pages of such small developing books can be made of the most diverse material. For this, ordinary paper or cardboard, cotton and synthetic fabric, as well as felt is suitable.
  • The subject of books of babies will differ depending on the age of the child. For example, pages with large and soft elements are perfect for the youngest children who are just beginning to know the world around him. As for preschoolers, in this case, you can make books with paper pages to study professions, animals, pores, geometric figures, numbers and other things. Already for children of grade 1 or 2, you can make the baby books to study the alphabet, with verses and riddles.
  • It is important to remember that one book of the baby should be devoted to only one topic, i.e. On each page you can place tasks, exercises, pictures on one specific topic.
  • Before making a book with your own hands, it is important to carefully think over her theme and the location of the pages. To decorate and open the topic, you can use understandable and colorful pictures and your own drawings, voluminous figures from fabric and felt on Velcro and buttons, beads and buttons, own photos and images from magazines and books.
  • Such an interesting craft can be made in a simpler way - it is enough to print the book of the baby with separate pages from the Internet and put in one book.

Ways to attach pages in books babies

It is important to pay special attention when creating books of the babies to fasten the pages so that such an amazing and interesting craft lasts a long time. The type and method of attaching pages depends on the material from which they are made. Consider the main options for fastening the book of the baby:

  • The simplest option of connecting the pages of a developing book are ordinary holes made by a hole punch. To do this, connect the pages of the book of paper or cardboard one into one, and then bend them. Next, take a hole punch or ordinary scissors and make two or more holes in the bend. After that, you just need to take a beautiful ribbon or rope and tie the pages with a beautiful knot.
  • Using the tape, you can tie the felt pages, however, in this case it will be possible to fasten only a few pages, in addition, the holes must be done carefully.
  • Another simple way to attach paper pages is the transformation of paper sheets or folding them with an accordion. To do this, the leaf is cut in half, after which each half must be bent in half. Further, each bent side is bent once again, only back. Thus, many accordions are obtained that need to be glued with each other. To store such a book of the baby, you can use a box.
  • For sufficiently voluminous pages of the baby’s book, it is recommended to use special metal rings, as in office folders. In this case, you can also use devices for eyelets so that the holes on the fabric look more neat. With the help of the rings, the pages will turn over easily and without effort, in addition, you can accommodate a much larger number of soft pages of the book.
  • Firmware as in this book. This method is quite complicated and troublesome and is most suitable for a baby’s book with paper and cardboard pages. Fold a few leaves on each other (use 5 pieces as best as possible) and roll them in half. Next, take the hole punch and take 4 holes on the bend itself. After that, the thread is taken and stretches through all the holes. On top, the spine is smeared with transparent glue and the cover is glued to it.

The option of fastening the pages at the book of the baby is selected depending on the material from which the craft is made, and the number of pages.

DIY Baby Books for the Small ones - step -by -step instructions

Kids under 3 years old begin to actively get acquainted with the outside world. This age is characterized by acquaintance with new objects by feeling and tactile perception. The baby begins to study all the new things with the help of hands. That is why the books of the baby for children from six months and older are made of soft materials, from fabric and felt. The child from the cover itself feels the material, so it is advisable to use various textures and elements. You should not use easily separating beads, buttons, ribbons that the baby can drag into his mouth. Such small decorative elements must be firmly sewn. It is best to sew large figures from felt and attach them on Velcro, thereby developing thinking, motor skills.

How to make a soft book baby for kids - description

Consider detailed instructions for making a beautiful craft - Books of the baby for small children, consisting of 7 different pages.

Necessary materials:

  • Fetter of various shade, as well as fabric for creating pages.
  • Synthond.
  • Threads to the tone of the selected felt.
  • Various decorative elements: beads, buttons, ribbons, braid.
  • Sewing machine, scissors, ruler, pencil, paper for templates.

We make the first page:

  • First of all, take a piece of yellow felt and measure a piece of 12 cm by 12 cm on it. Then cut out another one.
  • After that, it is necessary to cut circles of different diameters on one piece of felt, as in real cheese. To do this, you can use the usual coins from the wallet.
  • At the next stage, using a sewing machine, we are arranged for each circle with a seizure with a seam. This can be done with your hands with an ordinary needle.

  • Cut the circles inside such a seam to obtain holes.
  • After that, it is necessary to engage in the manufacture of the page itself, on which we will further sew figures from felt. From a fabric or felt of contrasting color, for example, white cut off a square with dimensions of 23 cm by 23 cm.

  • Take a whole square of yellow felt and apply a square with holes on top, then fix two pieces of fabric with the help of English pins on the white page of the future book of the baby.
  • With the help of a sewing machine, stitch the zigzag with a seam.

  • Next, we will engage in the manufacture of mouse applique. To do this, first cut the trim of the body and its ears from the white paper.
  • After that, we transfer the templates to a felt felt or pink color and circle with chalk, cut out with scissors.

  • We put the ears to the body, and instead of the eye you can use black beads or buttons. For the tail, take a long thin tape. We fix with the help of pins on the page, it is best to place the future mouse on the corner of the cheese.
  • Add a zigzag with a seam.

  • At the end of the work on the first page, we string various beads on the tape from the other end and sew, previously extending through the holes in the “cheese”. The page is ready.

We make a second page:

On the next page of the book of the baby for children, you can make a beautiful tree with apples, which can be removed thanks to the buttons.

  • Cut out the trunk of the tree and its crowns from the paper.
  • Next, transfer them to pieces of felt green and brown color, circle with chalk and cut with scissors.
  • After that, cut another page made of white fabric with a dimensions of 23 cm by 23 cm and using the zigzag seam, add the resulting tree.

  • Next, take five ordinary buttons and sew them on the tree.

  • After that, cut out the apples template and transfer it to a red felt. It is best to cut apples with curly scissors. At the same time, it is necessary to cut five red circles from a smaller diameter felt.
  • Take the second part of the buttons and sew it to the red circles. At the same stage, sew small brown ribbons.
  • Next, we apply circles with ribbons to the future apples and sew the machine, then attach it to the tree. Our page is ready.

We make the third page “The scores in the bag”:

  • Cut the page of a white piece of fabric as the previous size immediately.
  • Since this page will be an apple tree adjacent to the page, it is better to use the same colors. Take a small strip of red felt and add it to the upper part of the page.
  • Next, take a dense nylon thread and string five beads on it, in this case these are wooden fish. Sew the thread to the red strip of felt.

  • Next, we are engaged in the manufacture of a bag. Take pink fabric and cut a square from it with a size of 28 cm by 28 cm. In the center of the piece, mark a circle with a diameter of 8 cm.
  • Carefully round the edges of the pink cut of the fabric, then wrap them with a tube in two layers so that they can pass the tape in them. Fix with pins and stitch.

  • Next, attach the fabric to the page so that the circle is in the center and stimulate it with a seizure seam. Drive the tape, add the beads to the corners and tighten the bag. The page is ready.

We make the page "God's cow":

  • Prepare the page of the book of the desired size.
  • Next, take a black felt and cut a circle with a diameter of 10 cm and a muzzle of our ladybug.
  • After that, two halves must be cut out of red felt, and 6 small circles from black.
  • Cut the two halves of lining fabric and sew the zipper to them.
  • We begin to sew a cow with God. First, we add a black circle, a head, from white lace wings, and from the ribbons of an insect's foot.

  • On top we apply red wings with lightning, and our page is ready.

These are only a few pages with a detailed description that can be used to create a book of baby for small children. Examples of various topics can be seen in the following photos.

Books Baby: Photo

Book Baby for young children - video

Books Baby for kindergarten

In the kindergarten, books of baby can become a real assistant in the upbringing and development of babies for both educators and parents. Such developing small books can be done on various topics, thereby forming your child. At this age, you can already try to make books from paper and cardboard, making interesting and useful crafts. First of all, it is important to decide on the topic and devote the whole book to her.

Books Baby: Topics for kindergarten

You can make developmental books of baby for kindergarten on a variety of topics that are studied in the process of being there the baby:

  • Books about domestic and wild animals.
  • Studying professions.
  • The pores of the year and their signs.
  • Colors, numbers.
  • My house.
  • My responsibilities.
  • The simplest concepts are what is good and what is bad.
  • Books baby about favorite fairy tales.

Books Baby: Animals

Books of baby from paper about pets will be an excellent assistant in the study of friends of our smaller ones, as well as their habits and habits. Such a book can be made with drawings and special pockets where various animals will hide. And they will need to be guessed by any features.

  • Take clean sheets of paper and bend them in half. After that, make a few holes at the bending place with a hole punch and take a ribbon or rope in them. If desired, you can make another mount.
  • On the cover you can glue any application about pets.
  • Further on the first page you can make a window from colored paper, inside which draw a goat with a bell. On the window frame, glue the hooves, thereby making the picture more voluminous. From below, under the pattern, you can write a riddle or verse about a goat.
  • On the next page, draw a donkey and a couple of bushes of grass and a trough with water. In this case, we glue the grass only in the lower strip so that the carrot can be hidden for it. Separately, draw the carrots and hide it behind the grass. Write the task for children: feed the donkey with carrots.

  • At the next turn, draw a puddle of water and a pig in it, and then glue the colorful bucket so that it closes the pig. Also draw chicken without the front wing, in the place of which you can draw or glue the chicken. The wing is glued separately. Here, prepare special inscriptions, as in the picture. The child will like to do such tasks.

  • On the next page we glue the image with nature and sew the ribbon on which we attach the horse in advance. We write the inscription on top, as shown in the figure. The horse should easily move along the ribbon.

  • Nearby draw a booth and glue the opening door behind which the puppy will hide on the leash.

  • At the next turn, you can draw stories with riddles about a cat and a cow.

Thus, you can come up with a wide variety of stories with riddles by domestic or wild animals so that it is more interesting for children to study them.

Books of baby: Seasons

Consider how to make babies with your own hands about various pores years. In this case, about the fall.

  • First of all, make a cover for such a book. You can use a dense cardboard or a cover of a solid office folder. Two halves of the cover decorate the scrap-paper. On the front side you can glue a thematic picture on the topic of autumn. In the future, two covers and 4 pages can be fastened using rings.
  • For pages, you can use dense yellow cardboard or ordinary cardboard, which can further be glued with paper.
  • On the first page you can stick a small piece of paper with a curly edge and write a verse about the fall that will describe its features. On the same page, stick an image of a girl under an umbrella and falling leaves on Velcro. Thus, the pattern will be voluminous.

  • On the next page, we again glue a figured sheet with a poem about the rain, and on the next page we draw beautiful puddles, glue the drawn clouds and glue the beads in the form of rain drops.

  • On the following pages, you can glue pockets on which you first print or write riddles about the autumn crop. And inside the pockets you can put figures of vegetables and fruits.

  • On the last page, write a verse about the leaf fall and stick the application of the autumn tree with multi -colored leaves from below. Maple leaves can be cut manually, or you can use a special hole hole.

Books Baby: templates and projects for kindergarten

Baby soft books based on fairy tales

Flowering templates

Books of the baby for the school-detailed master classes

For students of elementary school, the baby’s book will also become an excellent didactic material that will help them learn and recognize the world around them. For this age, most often developing books are made of paper and cardboard with a large number of tasks and exercises. Children from grade 1 to 4 will be able to learn the alphabet, sounds, learn to count and recognize geometric shapes with the help of interesting pages of the book of the baby. In order for them to be fascinating with such crafts, you can decorate them with bright images drawn by hand or carved from magazines, as well as inscriptions and poems. Consider detailed instructions for making books of babies for different classes of elementary school.

Books Baby for grade 1

At this age, children will be interested in dealing with books with riddles who will describe objects of various topics. Here are a detailed instructions for creating your own books of the baby on the topic "Profession" with riddles.

  • First of all, it is necessary to draw on a sheet of white paper using a ruler a template for the main design of the baby’s book. In this case, all pages will be in the box.

  • We cut out the template that we will use in the future to get the pages of the book of the baby.
  • Next, select the necessary colors of cardboard and cut out the pages from them according to the template. It must be remembered that each subsequent page should be a couple of millimeters less than the previous one.
  • Gently bend the resulting pages along the lines, you can use a ruler or compass so that the bend is even and the cardboard is easily bend.

  • The edges of the pages can be rounded with scissors, after which we glue the base of all the pages, pressing tightly with your hands.
  • Next, we proceed to the manufacture of the lid for our book. On a sheet of white paper, we draw a template using a ruler and a pencil, after which we cut it out and bend along the lines. Next, we use a pencil glue and glue the corners to obtain a lid, press with clamps.

  • We glue the lid with beautiful paper, you can use the wrapping scrap-paper. In order for the box to close, you can use a ribbon.
  • Next, proceed to filling the book of the baby. To do this, you can use printed images from the Internet, as well as the text of the riddles.

  • Gently cut the images and text, after which we colorize them with colored pencils.
  • Next, we cut out and stick the baby’s books on colored pages. On the front side we glue the riddles, to which you need to choose the right guess, choosing a drawing from the inside.

  • Inside the box you can put cards with glued images in various professions so that the first grader can select them.

Books Baby: Grade 2

Primary school begins with the study of the alphabet and sounds. For this, a huge amount of didactic materials is used, including the books of the baby can provide simply invaluable assistance. Such books of the baby can be made in various form using different pictures and techniques. This is the study of letters, speech therapy alphabets, the study of letters of a foreign alphabet.

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare the pages of our future book of the baby. For this, dense sheets of white paper of A4 or A3 format are suitable, it all depends on what age such an alphabet is intended.
  • Leaflets with the image of letters and syllable can be printed from the Internet in the finished form.
  • Next, take one leaf and bend it in half, thus we act with all pages.
  • After that, fold all the leaves one to one. You can flash with a tape or rope, or you can make more reliably and attach the leaves to the rings.

  • When the basis of the baby’s book is ready, you can start design. The cover can be decorated with your liking: write the word alphabet, indicate the name and name of the student, glue a beautiful image.
  • Next, we proceed to the alphabet itself. We cut out or draw letters in order, glue the pictures of objects and animals that begin with this letter. From below, under the picture we write the name of the drawing by syllables.

  • You can use other pictures in which poems with this letter or sound are printed.

Books Baby: Grade 3

In addition to the Russian language, students of primary school begin to learn another foreign language, for example, English. In this case, it is important from the very beginning to learn and remember all the letters of the English alphabet and sounds with which there may be confusion. Consider how to make a convenient and practical book to the baby to learn English, which is convenient to take with him.

  • Such a book of the baby will become a real salvation in the process of learning English at the initial level. At the same time, making it very simple.
  • First of all, it is necessary to print cards with the letters and sounds of the English language, as well as with painted pictures. You can print both a color version and ordinary, then to paint the images later.

  • Next, the pictures must be cut into separate cards and folded in order.

  • At the next stage, it is necessary to take sheets of white thick paper and fold them according to the type of accordion, while one page of such a book should be a little larger than the size of the card. The number of pages should be equal to the number of letters in the English alphabet plus the cover.
  • We stick cards on the pages of our book of the baby.
  • Next, you need to choose a box suitable in size with a lid where the book can be put.
  • Such a box can be done with your own hands.
  • Fold all the pages in one box. While working with the book, you can transfer pages to the lid and vice versa.

Books Baby: Grade 4

For children of this age, you can prepare babies' books based on your rest, travel and trips, as well as using various verses. Thus, the child’s memory will develop, his imagination and speech. Consider how to make a book with your own hands a baby with verses for schoolchildren.

  • For this option, it is necessary to take white sheets of paper in size, fasten them with a spring or using a conventional tape and a hole punch.
  • On one page we stick pre -printed and carved texts of popular children's poems or stories, and on the next page you can draw a plot from such a work. So it will be more interesting for the child to read.
  • You can create more voluminous drawings and applications that symbolize the protagonist of the poem or story.

Books Baby: Projects

You can create books of baby for school -age children according to a variety of topics and projects. Consider a few examples.

Book baby with riddles about animals

Book Baby with verses

Book Baby on the Study of Professions

Book Baby with tongue twisters

Baby Book of Observations of Nature

The baby’s book is a unique creative work that allows you to have fun with her child and at the same time create incredible didactic materials for the upbringing and development of her baby.



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