
How to get a product for a review with Aliexpress. How to make money with aliexpress

How to get a product for a review with Aliexpress. How to make money with aliexpress
You can get a variety of products of Aliexpress completely free by creating productive advertising.

Aliexpress - The largest Asian trading platform that helps not only spend money, but earn it. As you know, demand gives birth to a proposal. During the purchase in real stores, the buyer can carefully consider the goods, study his details. During Internet shopping, including in stores Aliexpress, there is no such opportunity. That is why many buyers try to learn about the product from people who have already purchased it. In connection with which in recent years the number of bloggers has increased that represent reviews of goods of almost any category. What drives them and how to get goods for reviews with Aliexpress?

How to make money with aliexpress

Cooperation with the shops of the Asian platform allows not only to become the owner of the goods you like, but also to earn. A variety of conditions and methods of earnings allows almost any person to find his “niche” and the option of interaction with Aliexpress.

How to get goods with Aliexpress for free: General information

There are several areas of cooperation with stores:

  • Implementation of acquired on Aliexpressgoods. This method is suitable for people whose vocation is trade. A wide range, affordable prices and free delivery allow you to get about 20% margin.
  • Earnings using affiliate programs.
  • Free receipt of goods for the subsequent preparation of reviews.

The last 2 methods are a good help for bloggers (both beginners and with a large number of subscribers). Persons who have channels on YouTube are also included in the same category.


How to make money with Aliexpress. Partnership programs Aliexpress

In addition to the actual reviews, partnership programs also bring additional income. What is it and how to become their participant? The essence of participation in such programs is the placement of affiliate links to certain goods, of course, for remuneration (percentage of sales of this product). The size of the commission may vary in the range from 1%to 50%, but the most common are 4-10%. Do not rush to “take” any amount of deductions. It makes sense to work with a small percentage if we are talking about an expensive product or wholesale purchases. Otherwise, you will spend more time than you get money.

  • Registered in one of the partnership programs (for example,,\u003d5F11D6A070).
  • Next, get a letter to confirm e-mail and enter your account.
  • After activating the account, start searching for links. An important nuance is not for every product presented on the site Aliexpress, a reward will be accrued. Therefore, check the chosen heading. On the EPN resource in the "Instruments" section there is a item "References". Click it and make a direct link to the product (from the site The moment is very important. And then a window will appear, which indicates whether this link is involved in the affiliate program. If “yes” - create an affiliate link (“creative” - in the context of EPN terminology).
  • To do this, select “Affiliate Link” - indicate the “Creative name” - prescribe a direct link to the product - press “Create creative”.
  • Shorten the partnership link: find “creative” - click on the link - press the “reduce” key. Ready.
  • You can place the resulting link anywhere - on your channel or on the blog, page on social networks (your own or friends), send by mail or place on any (preferably large) site. Many resources do not want to see advertising links on their pages, so they should approach their choice deliberately. Supporting the link with the text of a useful, not advertising nature, is more likely to cause a desire to follow the link.
  • Studying statistics on your link, you will see the number of transitions and sales on it, as well as the amount of your reward. It should be borne in mind that the money is charged not at the time of sale of goods, but in the fact of receiving money with a store.


How to make money with Aliexpress. AliExpress Mobile app

The Asian site, in addition to a wide range of commodity positions, allows you to use it for earnings and application  AliExpress Mobile. Namely, the promotion of this product. For each installation of the application, you will be charged $ 0.5. Pass the registration on the website and get your reward.


Earnings using Aliexpress: Mediation

This method is suitable for those who are not ready to spend time and effort on creating and promoting their own channel or blog, but have good inclinations of a successful seller. We are talking about classical resale of goods with a margin. The scheme of earnings is as follows:

  • Buy goods in stores Aliexpress.
  • You get them and implement them - hand over to the customer or sell them in your own real or virtual store.

If you decide to cooperate with Aliexpress In such a perspective, your earnings will consist of the installed margin of products and funds received at the expense of cashback. Next, it all depends on the financial base of your “business”.

How to make money with aliexpress without personal investment

If you do not have a sufficient amount of money, you can act as the organizer of the purchases:

  • The buyer appeals to you with the intention of getting goods with Aliexpress.
  • Makes an advance payment (taking into account your commission, 10-20% for services). Thus you get goods with aliExpress Free from the point of view of personal expenses.
  • Next, you are “conducting” the purchase from the moment of order on the Celestial Site and to the transfer of the goods to the buyer.


To interest a potential buyer in your services, you must:

  • To correctly place an advertisement for their services so that as many people - potential customers can familiarize themselves with them.
  • It is good to navigate on the website, it is easy to find interest in commodity positions.
  • Understand the size.
  • To distinguish conscientious sellers from scammers.
  • Knowing all the terms of the transaction - the possibility of return, exchange of goods, monetary compensation (full or partial) after purchase.
  • Know how to control the movement of goods after it is sent from the Middle Kingdom.

Customers who cannot or do not want to understand all the intricacies of working with Aliexpressbut they want to purchase goods in stores of this platform.


How to make money using Aliexpress with their own capital

If you have “free” funds, you can make purchases of products yourself. In this case, the work scheme is no different from the activities of a regular store.
However, do not forget that:

  • You should take care of the place of storage of purchased goods.
  • It is necessary to carefully study the market for monitoring goods of the most interest for buyers.
  • The payback period can be stretched for more than one month.

Why is this method of earnings still relevant? Many people do not want to make an advance payment and then worry a few more weeks in anticipation of their parcel. They want to get a thing immediately after the transfer of money. A significant drawback of this method of earnings is the need for initial financial investments without guarantees for their return.


Obtaining goods for an overview with Aliexpress

Not everyone is ready to provide their goods freely. But this is not surprising - after all, the seller wants to get a good advertising of his product in return, thereby increasing sales, and not engage in charity. Therefore, to receive goods for a review with Aliexpress A number of requirements are advanced to the blogger.

Obtaining goods for a review with Aliexpress: Blogger Requirements

  • First of all, you must conduct your own author's blog. In addition to the resource in which you keep a diary (for example,, or, you must have an account in such common networks as: VKOCKETET, Facebook, Instagram. Do not forget about registration on itao. An additional plus will be the presence of a channel on YouTube.
  • The number of subscribers of your diary should exceed 300 people, because advertising your goods is important for the store. The more people see the review, the better.
  • The next requirement is the possibility of placing itao advertising on your main page or information about various promotions. To decide whether to agree to this point or not, a blogger must. But in the event of a refusal, he is unlikely to receive goods for a review.
  • The final factor is the activity of your blog. On its pages, as well as in the ITAO community, reviews of various products with high -quality photos and video accompaniment should be regularly placed.

If you, having studied the selection criteria, you think that you can fulfill all the stated requirements, you can start working in the ITAO bloggers program. To do this, just leave a request on the site The resource is working closely with the site AliexpressWhat simplifies the procedure for obtaining goods for review.


Obtaining goods for a review with Aliexpress: Requirements for information content

If the deal took place, and you received the goods for the review, do not forget about the terms for placing your appeal. After receiving the products, you have 1-2 weeks during which you must place an overview on the ITAO resource with a special hash tag and in your blog with a link to the review of Requirements for the text:

  • Each photo presented should be accompanied by a brief description.
  • If the review applies to clothing or shoes, tell us not only about the quality of manufacture, but also in accordance with the size of the dimensional grid, color (whether it actually coincides with the image on the site). Indicate your parameters and sensations during the fitting.
  • Share your impressions of buying if she justified hopes.


Obtaining goods for a review with Aliexpress: Requirements for photos and video accompaniment

To make your review true and useful, use photos and videos of the story during the narrative. Naturally, the quality of the images should be high.

  • Your review will begin from the first photo, so it should be not only high -quality, but also artistic, attract attention and interest.
  • All photos that you post on your blog should be duplicated on the resource


If you are a blogger or have your own YouTube channel and want to get free products with Aliexpress - Prepare high -quality and competent reviews, as well as expand the circle of your subscribers. As a result, you can not only make money, but also get useful goods for free.



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