
Water purification filters

Water purification filters
Which filter to clean water to choose when there is such a variety of species around? It all depends on what exactly the goal you pursue and what water you have from the crane.

The relationship of human health and the quality of the water that he drinks is obvious. Many diseases are associated with the use of poor -quality drinking water. Nowadays, water from the tap can only be used for bathing in the shower, washing dishes or washing the toilet, but not for consumption. This fluid must be pre -transmitted through cleaning products, because in water there are so many harmful impurities, such as bacteria, rust, particles of heavy metals, a variety of chemical elements, calcium and magnesium salts that form an unpleasant sediment in the kettle.

Closing water cleaning using a filter


In order to obtain complete compliance of tap water consumer standards, it is necessary to carry out a serious reconstruction of existing municipal water treatment facilities, replace most water and sewer pipes, as well as create conditions for reducing harmful emissions of industrial enterprises. But these measures carry significant investment investments and, as a result, cannot be carried out in a short time.

Consumers are trying to solve the problem of water purification in different ways. Some boil water, others defend for some time, someone consumes distilled, but all these methods are not quite effective. For example, with boiling, the concentration of salts, heavy metals, pesticides and organic substances increases. When the water is defended by iron ions, heavy metals salts, carcinogenic chlorological compounds, radionuclides, part of non -volatile organic substances are practically not removed. Distilled water does not contain useful trace elements necessary for the body.

A simple way out of this situation may be to buy a household filter for water. Moreover, buying a water filter is now not a problem, there are many stores offering this product and a huge assortment of the devices themselves.

When asked what a water filter to purchase, you can answer only by comparing your needs and financial capabilities.

Water purification filters: Which one to choose?


Buying a water filter in an apartment is a very difficult matter. First you need to determine the composition and features of your water and only then purchase a water -cleaning device in accordance with the specified properties.

Water filters differ from each other in physical structure and technical characteristics. In order to choose a truly high -quality water -cleaning unit, the first thing is to pay attention not to its appearance, but to the filtration rate, and the degree of cleaning, as well as the resource of the cartridge for the water filter.

Water purification filter: which is better?


So, you still decided to purchase a water-cleaning filter. Where to start, what will be the best water filter? First you need:

  1. Find out the composition of the water by handing it to the laboratory and making a chemical analysis.
  2. Calculate the daily volume of water consumption.
  3. Decide on the purpose of water.
  4. Design the location of the water treatment filter for the apartment.

Water filters for the home, depending on their purpose, are divided into filters for cleaning drinking and filters for cleaning household water.

There are filters for drinking water:

  1. Running type (desktop or “under sink”).
  2. Jug -like type.
  3. Reverse osmosis systems.

Empty desktop filter for water purification


Water cleaning devices of this type are installed next to the sink and connected using a unified adapter to the tap. Since their resource is small, they have an average degree of cleaning and on average filter 1.5 thousand l. water. This volume may be enough for 2-4 months. Filters of this type save water from a large amount of mechanical pollution (rust, sand, small solid elements), chlorine, pesticides, exterminating the unpleasant smell of water and improving the indicator of its color. The disadvantage of installing filters of this type is insufficient elimination of water hardness, weak neutralization of chlorine, bacteria and salts, which obliges to boil water after its filtration. The disadvantages can also include frequent replacement of cartridges.

Print water filters "under the sink"


Such an unit for water purification is built under the sink directly into the water supply, a separate crane for already purified water is displayed. These filters have the highest cleaning rate and compared to other filters of the highest degree of water filtration. They also have a large resource and performance, they do not clutter up the workspace, it is convenient to use them. The lack of such a water filter is a price that is very high.

Filter jug \u200b\u200bfor water purification

1 (1)

A jug -type water filters are simple in their performance, but at the same time have high efficiency of water purification. They save water from chlorine, pesticides, mechanical impurities, unpleasant odors, turbidity and partially from hardness.

A jug filter consists of a container for water and a tank with a filter element. The tank is inserted into the jug, water is poured into it, which flows into the container as it cleanses.

The installation of water filters of this type does not require significant cash costs. The juggle filter is cheap, mobile, elementary in use and does not need to be connected to the water supply. This water cleaning device has a number of minuses:

  1. The resource of their cartridges is small, therefore, depending on the frequency of using the device, they should be changed about once every 1-3 months.
  2. The volume of the container is small, so it will not work for a large family.
  3. The filter does not purify water from bacteria and microbes.

Filters for water purification osmosis (reverse filter for water purification)


The reverse osmosis system or, the so -called, reverse water filter in our time is the best and most effective technology for obtaining biologically clean water. Filters of this type are purified by almost 100%, as they have five degrees of cleaning. In the inhibitory system, liquid purification occurs at the level of molecules, destroying microbes, bacteria, viruses, salt and minerals. After such deep cleaning, the water becomes completely safe for a living organism, does not leave scale on the kettle and you can drink even uncompleted. The osmos filter, in addition to standard configuration, can be equipped if desired by a mineralizer, a structured, a “revival” cartridge of a Grander water, an ultraviolet lamp, as well as a pump, if your water supply network has low pressure. Cartridge is replaced by the water filter for the water filter new once a year. The main disadvantages are high high cost and the fact that all useful minerals and trace elements are removed from the water.

Magistral filter for water purification


Magistral filters for water purification are installed directly on the water line of the apartment. They protect the metal pipes of the water supply from the process of rusting metal and lower the degree of turbidity of water. This type of water treatment plant increases the duration of the household equipment service, protecting plumbing units and household appliances from blockages, rusty plaque and scale.

Water trunk filters consist of plastic flask or stainless steel flask with a cartridge inside. The apartments are standardly provided for two highways. This is a highway with hot and a highway with cold water, so a filter for cold water and a filter for hot water are required separately. Filters for hot water work in more stringent conditions and therefore they are more expensive and make more serious requirements for their work.

It must be borne in mind that the purpose of the cartridges is different. You can not put cartridges for cold water on hot, but you can put the cartridge for hot water on the cold. Almost all disposable cartridges in use and restoration at the end of the service life are not subject to service.

Filter for cleaning water from a well


The generally accepted fact is that the water in the well, having a natural origin, is the purest and most tasty. But in fact, this is not so, very often it is precisely in such water that contains a large amount of manganese, heavy metals, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide. It has high stiffness, and if the well is shallow, then nitrates, pesticides and a number of others that harm human health can be in water.

The filtering of water from the well in most cases requires the presence of a softener. The softener acts on the basis of cationary exchange resin, in water there is an exchange of calcium and magnesium ions for sodium ions. The softener also prevents the formation of lime scrap and plaque on dishes and household appliances. To reduce the content of organic substances and chlorine in water, as well as to eliminate odors and extraneous loss, it is necessary to install an absorption filter based on activated coal.

Rude filter for water purification


Croth water treatment filters are devices that are installed before connecting plumbing or household appliances using water. This type of filters produce primary water purification, removing rust, sand, metals and other unnecessary impurities from it, thereby ensuring the extension of the term of the filter service of the thin water treatment.

Such filters vary very vary in the degree of cleaning, according to the materials from which they are made in their purpose. The result of their work is obvious - the water becomes tasty, much more transparent, with a pleasant smell and completely safe and suitable, and most importantly - useful.

The filter for rough cleaning is a filter for "new" water, cleaner and more useful.

Water filters barrier


The Winnie filter from the manufacturer "Barrier" is a jug-type filter that is equipped with a filtering shift cassette that provides protection against harmful microorganisms, namely: bacteria, chlorine, lead, lead, mercury, oil products and pesticides.

The device is made of high -quality plastic, has a flat shape, placed in the refrigerator door, equipped with a mechanical indicator of the cartridge resource and protection against unpeeled water from a funnel into a jug. Each such filter includes children's stickers for games.

This unit is approved by the interregional public organization “Association of Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation” to organize a drinking regime of young children.

Geyser water filter


Teap cartridge filter for the geyser-1. Its advantage is the possibility of independent installation without involving the help of a specialist. It is connected directly to the water tap.

Thanks to the water -cleaning ability of this filter, water passing through the filter element gets rid of insoluble particles (rust, sand, clay), iron compounds, heavy metals, chlorine impurities, various organic compounds, pesticides and carcinogenic substances, and some types of viruses.

The device consists of a CVS cartridge made with bacteriostatic additives of silver, according to carbon-block technology.

Water filters Aquaphor


The flowing filter “for a sink” for drinking water with a separate Aquaphor Crystal Eco Aquaphor is a reliable protection against bacteria, a compact and elegant design, a large resource of filter cartridges with easy replacement, and it is anti -allergenic.

Water purification filters: reviews


Before buying a filter for water purification, you need to familiarize yourself with reviews about it on the Internet, as this is a reliable source of information about a particular product. According to the reviews presented on various sites, you can judge which water treatment unit is suitable for you, which water store to choose, what new water filters appeared on the market, etc.

If all the reviews about the type of filter you have chosen and its models are good, you can safely buy any such filter financially, especially if it is a guarantee. In this case, you may not even worry about the manufacturer, this will not affect the quality of water. If the reviews about the product chosen to you are more negative, you should think about its purchase. It is customer reviews that will help you decide which filters for water purification should be purchased in the consumer market.

Water purification filters. Video



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