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Mojito recipe at home

Mojito recipe at home
How to cook mochito at home. Recipes of non -alcoholic drink, how to make a mochito with rum and vodka

Bright taste, health benefits and salvation in the heat. So you can briefly characterize this popular barn drink - Mohito. You can be offered it on the beach, in a cafe and a restaurant, he satisfies his thirst well, which is very important in summer heat. Preparing the drink is simple and at home.

With the advent of summer, the mochito drink is popular. It is not necessary to go to the bar to enjoy the unusual taste of Mojito, it can be prepared independently, since the products are available and are sold in each supermarket. We will consider recipes for making a Cuban drink for every taste, with and without alcohol.

What is known from the history of Mohito

Before you go to the store, and then make a mini-bar to prepare a Cuban drink from the kitchen, you will be interested to know the history of its origin. It all started in a small restaurant in Havana, in the 40s of the 20th century. It was there, by mixing some ingredients, that an interesting drink, perfectly quenching thirst. He was loved by the American writer E. Hemingway, when he traveled around the world and opened for himself a new taste of the drink. Mohito (translated from the Spanish language “somewhat humid”) so much liked not only the famous writer and journalist, but also local residents, that his popularity increased. Soon, all the inhabitants of Cuba could enjoy Mojito's amazing taste to quench their thirst on a sultry day.


The Martinez family is directly related to the history of the appearance of the drink. The head of the family opened a bar in Havana, and in order to invent something special and attract visitors, he adapted the recipe for preparing the healing drink made by the pirates. They insisted on Roma twigs and added pieces of lime. Pirates who spent a lot of time in long -distance swimming, so tried to strengthen the body and protect themselves from infections.

The invented drink called Mojito in Havana differed from the original in that instead of strong alcohol, the owner of the bar took Sodovaya as a basis, laid mint, lime, added a little sugar and a little roma. In severe heat, the drink was served with ice.

We make a mochito at home

Classic recipe for Mojito drink:

  • fresh mint - 10 g;
  • lime (can be replaced with lemon) - 1 pc.;
  • sugar (ideal - reed) - 10 g;
  • rum (light) - 80 ml;
  • mineral soda water - 400 ml.

Mohito preparation consists of several stages. You can easily cope with the task, only you need to buy all the ingredients in the store. As for the basis of this drink - lime, it is advisable to buy lime, not lemon. If it is not possible to find this citrus fruit in the nearest stores, then you can limit yourself to lemon. Only such a bright, literally divine taste, as in the original recipe, will not be.

As for other components: sugar is desirable to use reed, not white. It can also be replaced with white sugar if necessary.

Choose a light rum, mint should be fresh. And a little secret: if you want to get a special and saturated taste of the drink, then do not be too lazy to observe the sequence of product laying.

How to make Mojito? For the first stage of preparing the drink, you will need fresh mint (several leaves), lime - pieces, as well as white rum and brown sugar.

Mix these ingredients in the following sequence:

  1. To obtain 1 cup (or portions of the drink), you need half a lime. This half should be cut with a sharp knife into 4 parts and try to squeeze into a glass (or can), all the juice to the last drop.
  2. Mint is only fresh! The leaves can be torn with your hands, we need large pieces or cut with a knife (just not finely!). Still, whole mint leaves look beautiful in the glass.
  3. Add sugar and proceed to work: gently rub the mint with sugar, ensuring that all products give the future drink the maximum essential oils. This is very important, because if you just put all the ingredients into the container and pour rum/soda, then do not expect a magical taste.

If your kitchen arsenal does not have a special mortar, use a spoon or rocking rock for the dough.

Now the next stage: it remains to add 2 ingredients - this is white rum and soda (soda/tonic that were found in the store). The gas-water should be without salt. Pour 80 ml of rum into a glass first, and then fill the remaining soda space. Mix.

This is a classic recipe for making home mochito. Before serving, put several ice cubes in each glass and enjoy the amazing taste of this refreshing drink.

Photo by Mojito:




How to cook Mojito. The best recipes

The home mochito differs from the classic recipe in that you yourself decide what ingredients can be added to improve the taste of a refreshing drink. Mojito is not necessary to cook only in the warm season, if you gathered all together with a cold winter evening by the fireplace, you have a chance to surprise the guests and present a small piece of summer - treat everyone with a delicious mochito drink.

Non -alcoholic recipe for preparing a drink

Such a drink can be drunk as much as you like: at home, on vacation and even at work. He tones perfectly and quenches thirst.

Classic recipe for non -alcoholic drink:

  • lemon or lime - 1/4;
  • mint-3-5 leaves;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • sprite drink - 200 ml;
  • ice cubes-3-4 pcs.


Preparation of a drink according to this recipe:

  1. Pour ordinary purified water into the ice form, you can also boiled, but this is not fundamentally important.
  2. Put the shape in the freezer. In a few hours, the ice will be ready, and for now you can go to the store to buy all the necessary ingredients for a refreshing drink.
  3. Lime or lemon that bought: cut in half and half for another 2 parts. We need 1/4 of the lime.
  4. Put a lime in a glass, add fresh mint leaves and pour a spoonful of sugar. As for sugar, you do not need to add more, even if you are a sweet tooth. Remember that you will pour a finished carbonated drink, and it already has a sweetener.
  5. It is better to use brown sugar, it is enough to grind a little lime with mint and sugar right in a glass so that all the ingredients are “opened”. It will take no more than a minute.
  6. Add a carbonated drink and put several ice cubes in a glass. Mix.
  7. Everything, a delicious and refreshing drink without alcohol is ready, you can tast and enjoy the taste of Mojito.

Mohito recipe with soda water:

  • you will need lemon or lime - 1/4 per 1 cup;
  • brown sugar - 1 tsp;
  • mint-3-5 leaves;
  • soda water - 200 ml;
  • ice cubes - to taste.

How to cook a delicious drink:

  1. Pour a spoonful of brown sugar into a tall glass. If you like sweet, you can and more.
  2. We squeeze the whole juice out of the half of lime/lemon.
  3. We tear the leaves of mint with our hands, so it will better “give” all the juices and its aroma.
  4. Right in a glass you need to easily rub the mint with sugar.
  5. Now we put ice in a glass (no more than 5 pieces), the remaining space is added to the top with carbonated water.

Do not forget to decorate the mochito with a twig of fresh mint, a slice of lemon (lime). Drinking such a drink, of course, is more pleasant from a straw.

Mojito with a watermelon


Incredibly tasty and very useful! This is a summer drink that is convenient to do in the seasoning season of a useful berry - watermelon. Mojito is prepared without alcohol, so it is suitable not only for adults, but also for small family members.

Mohito's composition:

  • lime - half;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • mint leaves-3-4 pcs.;
  • watermelon pulp - 150 g;
  • ice cubes - to taste.

Features of the preparation of a refreshing drink:

  1. In a convenient container, you need to mix pieces of lime (cut citrus together with the peel), mint leaves and sugar. Using a bush, we carefully knead all the ingredients so that each product shares juice and essential oils.
  2. We cut the watermelon. We need only juicy and ripe pulp without bones, which must be cut into small cubes and knead a little with a fork.
  3. We put the cartoon of the watermelon in the container to the main ingredients, add ice cubes, mix and immediately serve to the table. Do not forget to beautifully decorate each glass!

If you are preparing a drink for yourself, then at will you can add a little white rum (60 ml) to Mojito, but then you need to reduce the amount of watermelon pulp (instead of 150 g, take 120 g of watermelon). Good rest for you!

Mojito with strawberries


Lovers of strawberries will probably like such a bright and very tasty drink with the addition of fresh berries. By the way, you can cook strawberry mohito not only in the seasoning season of this fragrant berry, but also at any time of the year, if you use frozen berries.

The composition of the drink:

  • fresh or frozen strawberries - 10 berries;
  • mint - 5 twigs;
  • lime or lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • ice - to taste;
  • sprite drink - 250 ml.

Preparing a cocktail is easy:

  1. Rinse fresh strawberries under a stream of cool running water, chop finely 6 pieces.
  2. Mint you need to wash, shake off excess fluid and cut large. Leave a few leaves whole for decoration.
  3. Put sugar and mint in a glass, remember a spoon.
  4. Put chopped strawberries, ice cubes, whole strawberries on the bottom of the glass.
  5. Pour a cold drink.
  6. Decorate the mochito with fresh mint leaves.

If you make a drink for children, then you do not need to put ice in a glass, and also do not cool the drink.

Dietary Mojito


This recipe is suitable for those who follow their nutrition and are used to cooking dishes without sugar.

The maximum simple recipe for cooking mochito independently:

  • lemon or lime - half;
  • mint - 5 leaves;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • purified water - 1 cup;
  • ice - to taste.

Preparation of the drink:

  1. Everything is very simple: we put mint to the bottom of the glass, add liquid honey.
  2. If the honey is suchate, then it needs to be melted in a water bath.
  3. Carefully mix honey with mint, try to take a little leaf.
  4. Cut the lemon along with the peel on the slices, send to mint with honey.
  5. Mix the contents of the glass and slightly knead the lemon with a spoon so that it shares his sour juice.
  6. Pour cold water (boiled or cleaned), mix the drink.
  7. We spread the ice cubes and decorate the mochito with a slice of lemon and a mint leaves.

Recipes for the preparation of alcoholic mochito

The real mochito bartenders are prepared with the addition of alcohol. In a classic recipe, this is exclusively Kubin white rum. But we can slightly move away from this tradition and use our drink - Russian vodka.

Mojito with pepper


This drink is intended for real men, it is invigorating and refreshing. Red pepper brings its notes into the general gamut of this drink.


  • lime - half;
  • sugar syrup - 20 ml or just sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • vodka - 60 ml;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • red burning pepper - 1 pc.;
  • green Pod Bulgarian Perez - 1 pc.;
  • mint - 3 twigs.

Preparation of mochito with pepper:

  1. Prepare syrup from 1.25 liters of water and 500 g of sugar. This is done like this: pour water into a saucepan, put on medium heat, add sugar and mix. When the sugar begins to dissolve, stir the spatula for several minutes and turn off the plate.
  2. We will prepare a convenient container, it is good if there is a shaker at home. Pour the prepared syrup into it - 20 ml and squeeze the juice from half lime.
  3. Cut the Bulgarian green pepper into 4 parts, cut the lemon slices. Put these components in a container for making a drink.
  4. Shake well so that all the ingredients are mixed.
  5. Add mint, soda, vodka. Shake vigorously again.
  6. The next step is best to take on gloves, since burning pepper needs to be cleaned and thrown away (they are the most bitter).
  7. Cut red pepper into 2 halves, lower the tip of the pepper into the drink, hold for several minutes.
  8. To serve such splendor, decorating with a leaf of mint by a slice of lemon. For thrill lovers, leave a half of burning pepper to swim on top of the drink, right on ice cubes.

Mojito with lemon


The classic recipe is extremely simple: a quarter of lemon, a spoonful of sugar, a glass of soda or sprite and several mint leaves. In addition, do not forget about the alcohol component: it can be like a classic light rum, there is ordinary vodka. If desired, you can add chopped ice.

Lemon is sold in each grocery store, but lime to meet in a regular product store (not in a large supermarket) is much more difficult. The cost of lime, when compared with lemon, is an order of magnitude higher. If you really want to prepare a refreshing Cuban drink yourself, then to save, instead of lime, we offer to take a lemon.


  • mint leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • lemon or lime - half;
  • carbonated water - 60 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vodka - 40 ml;
  • ice - to taste.

How to make Mojito cocktail:

  1. Put sugar, mint leaves in a glass, remember with a spoon.
  2. From the half of the lime, squeeze out the entire juice, once again open a spoon of mint with sugar and lime juice.
  3. Put ice cubes so that they almost completely fill the entire free space of the container.
  4. Pour the soda and vodka, mix.

If desired, decorate the glass with a mochito leaf of fresh mint and a slice of lime. A pleasant vacation!

Mojito with a cucumber


Very tasty and healthy drink. New taste sensations are guaranteed, the benefits are also, and also the cucumber goes well with lime and mint.

What products are needed:

  • fresh cucumber-1-2 pcs.;
  • lime - half;
  • mint - 6 leaves;
  • carbonated water without salt - 200 ml;
  • reed sugar - 2 tsp.;
  • vodka - 40 ml;
  • ice - to taste.

How to cook a drink with a cucumber:

  1. We clean the cucumbers from the peel and chop in a blender. If you have a large vegetable, it is enough to take 1 pc, if smaller, then 2 cucumbers.
  2. We transfer the cash to the high glass, squeeze the entire juice out of lime to the last drop, mix the juice and cucumber flesh.
  3. Add a mint to a glass, previously pulled with sugar and a teaspoon of water.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, pour vodka. If there is a white Kubinsky rum, excellent - we use this legendary alcoholic drink.
  5. All components are carefully mixed, pour soda water.
  6. We put several ice cubes and decorate the mochito with fresh mint leaves and a slice of lime.



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