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How to make a honey cake

How to make a honey cake
The delicious cake "Honey". Recipes and cooking guide.

A honey cake is a favorite treat in Russia, which is not only for small sweet tooths, but also to an adult generation. Despite its sugary name, this treat can not be called excessively sweet, and the honey that is part of the cake is practically not tasted. Honey ingredient only adds a pleasant appetizing aroma.

The history of the recipe for a classic honey offices

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Probably, many of you have heard that the medical officer was first prepared for the imperial family. Elizaveta Alekseevna, the wife of Emperor Alexander I, was very selective in food, and her attitude towards honey was, to put it mildly, not the most favorable. Elizabeth simply did not tolerate the aroma and taste of a sugary product, and all the cooks and confectioners in the kitchen of the imperial family knew this and clearly adhered to the rules for the “exclusion” of the named ingredient.

Sooner or later, exceptions appear in each rule. So, the honey honey cake prepared according to a new and failed recipe was presented by the imperial family with a new condy, who was forgotten to warn about intolerance to Elizabeth of honey. Alexander I and his wife were wildly delighted with an unusual and insanely tasty cake, but everyone was interested in the composition. That's the discovery for the empress was the revelation that the cake was prepared on honey cakes! Are you wondering what reaction the ruler had? She was infinitely grateful to the master of the Contain, who managed to show the “other side” of honey and generously awarded him for his labors.

Now we also offer you to get to know the recipes of real honey offices, and not the store cakes, which are actually very far from their taste from an incomparable home honey plant.

We hope that different recipes and tips on how to cook a jacket step by step will be useful to you.

Medovik Cake

If you want you to get a delicious honey carrier that will fully comply with your taste preferences, pay attention to our tips.


Medower Cake: Let's talk about honey

If your family members are like picking up as Empress Elizabeth, and do not really like honey and his bright taste, then we advise you to select a bright color for a honeycock man. Its taste is less saturated, which means that it will be barely noticeable or not at all in the cake. At the same time, dark honey will give the honey to the honey -pronounced taste of honey and a fragrant smell.

Medower Cake: Secrets of sour cream

For impregnation of a classic honeycock, a cream is used, which is prepared (most often) from sour cream. If you like well -soaked cakes, we advise you to take sour cream with minimal fat content. The honey is guaranteed to be saturated, but the layer between the cakes will be “thin”. Fat sour cream (with a high percentage of fat content), respectively, will make the cake fat and very juicy. By the way, you can increase the amount of sour cream indicated in the recipe, then you will get a very nutritious cake.

Cake Honey: soda or baking powder?

If you prefer to use baking powder instead of soda, then you need to add it correctly - mix flour and baking powder and add to the already finished dough at the very last moment.

The honeycost is classic

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A classic honey carrier is the very recipe that every housewife should try before starting to produce their own “manipulations” with the composition of the ingredients. Only after the bake of this unusually tasty and melting cake and obtaining as a result of a classic honey officer can you understand what exactly your family is missing in this dessert.

What do we need?

  • honey: 4 tablespoons;
  • flour: 520 g;
  • egg: 3 pcs;
  • sugar: 360 g;
  • sour cream: 800 g;
  • soda: 1 tsp of the roller;

What we will succeed: a classic honey carrier for 12 servings.

Cooking process:


We cook cakes:

  • We take a deep bowl and mix with a mixer (corolla) of soda and eggs.
  • In another container (pan), mix honey and 1 cup sugar (180 g). Put on a slow fire and mix thoroughly. We are waiting for the sugar to completely dissolve in the honey.
  • Pour a mixture from paragraph 1 (soda and eggs) into a pan with honey and sugar (paragraph 2) at the moment when the honey begins to “boil”.
  • Without removing from heat, we intensively mix the mixture obtained in the previous point. It is necessary to interfere with a spoon quickly and carefully, without leaving lumps. We are waiting until the mixture takes a “foam” look. Remove from heat.
  • In small portions, add sifted flour to the resulting mixture. Mix everything with a large spoon. Attention: This dough is not recommended to be kneaded, because It will stick very much to the hands. We get a rather viscous, but dense dough.
  • Divide the resulting dough into 10 equal lumps - these are our future cakes. Sprinkle the working surface on which we will roll out the dough with a small amount of flour. Roll into a thin layer of all 10 lumps to get cakes. This should be done, adhering to one rule: strive to get the shape of a circle. Attention: the dough needs to be rolled quickly, because It hardens quickly.
  • We apply a round shape for the formation of cakes. If there are no special shapes, you can use a plate of suitable diameter. We do not throw away the “scraps” of the test and do not eat! We will still need them.
  • The resulting 10 cakes and trimming from them put in the oven, which was previously warmed up to 200 degrees. Bake exactly 5 minutes.
  • We take out the cakes and leave them to cool. Wipe the scraps in the hands until they turn into a large baby.

We prepare the cream:

  • We take a bowl and mix sour cream and 1 cup of sugar (180 g). You can mix first with a whisk, and then use the mixer to give the cream splendor.

We form a cake:

  • We take the most even and beautiful cake that you have. We put it on a flat plate and lubricate it well with cream. Do not spare the cream for the first cake, since it does not have an impregnation from below, it can remain dry in case of insufficient impregnation.
  • We put the next cake on top and also lubricate it with cream. Make sure that everything is neat, and the cream does not flow outside the cake, otherwise the impregnation may not be enough. We do this procedure several times in a row until you put the last cake and smear it with a cream on top. Do not spend the cream to the end!
  • The remnants of the cream (about 1 tablespoon) are mixed with a half of those crumbs that we have made of cramped cake scraps.
  • This “mixture” of crumbs and sour cream is formed along the edges of the cake so that it turns out to be even.
  • We grind the remaining half of the crumbs even more, sprinkle the entire cake from all sides: on the sides and from above.
  • We put the resulting cake in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours. A honeycock with sour cream is best cleaned in the refrigerator for a day, then it will definitely be saturated and will be insanely tasty!

Honey honey custard


Many housewives give preference to the recipe of the custard honey, believing that this cake is more delicate and fragrant compared to the classic.

What do we need?

  • honey: 3 tablespoons;
  • sour cream: 600 g;
  • flour: 3.5 cups;
  • sugar: 1 cup;
  • egg: 3 pcs;
  • condensed milk: 1 bank;
  • soda: 1 tsp of the roller;
  • nuts: 200 g (optional);

What we will succeed: curtain cereal cake for 8 large portions.

Cooking process:

We prepare the cream:

  • We take a bowl. We put sour cream and condensed milk there in the indicated proportions and mix - first with a spoon, and then with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • We put the finished cream in the refrigerator to cool.

We cook cakes:

  • We take a bowl or a pan that can be put in a water bath. Mix honey, sugar and eggs in this bowl. Surrender in a water bath. Do not forget to stir the resulting consistency to accelerate the process. At the output we get a fairly liquid mixture.
  • Add quickly soda, mix and immediately remove from the heat.
  • Add sifted flour to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly. If it is not possible to mix the dough well with a spoon, you can try to knead the dough on the table with your hands.
  • Divide the resulting dough into 7 parts - these are our future cakes.
  • We roll out each of the 7 pieces of dough on the table spilled with flour. Try to roll out so that the shape of the circle is obtained.
  • A special shape or ordinary plate of the desired diameter is cut out of rolled pieces of cake dough. We leave trimming from the dough - we will still need them.
  • We put the resulting cakes and cuts from the dough on a baking sheet and remove for 5 minutes in the oven preheated to 200-220 degrees.
  • We take out the cakes, let them cool a little.

We form a cake:

  • Secret: On a thin dish, which will be used to “collect” the cake, add a little cream to the center and put the cake on top - you can be sure that even the lowest cake will not be dry, but will soak well on both sides.
  • Lubricate the cake from above with cream, lay the next cake. We repeat this operation with all the cakes. The last cake on top is also smeared with cream.
  • Sprinkle the finished cake on top with chopped nuts. On top of the cake we cover with crushed chips of dough - scraps that we pulled together with the cakes from the oven.

Here he is, a delicious honey carrier - a recipe in front of your eyes.

A honey carrier with a condensed milk

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  • One of the most popular cooking options, where a cream for a honey cream is condensed milk with the addition of different ingredients. Sweet tooth will accurately evaluate this option!

What do we need?

  • honey: 2 tbsp. tablespoons;
  • flour: 300 g;
  • butter: 400 g;
  • sugar: 200 g;
  • soda: 1 tsp spoon (without a hill!);
  • egg: 2 pcs;
  • boiled condensed milk: 1 bank;
  • nuts: 100 g;

What will succeed: the option of a classic cake is a honey carrier with a condensed milk, delicate and melting in the mouth.

Cooking process:

We cook cakes:

  • We take a pan or bowl that is suitable for a water bath. Add 100 g of butter, sugar and honey - put on fire and mix, bringing to a homogeneous mass.
  • Add soda and, constantly stirring, hold in a water bath for another 1 minute.
  • Remove a bowl/pan with the resulting mixture and quickly add eggs there, whipping everything with a whisk.
  • The next step will be the flour: add it to a bowl in portions, constantly mixing with a spoon. Add flour exactly as much as indicated in the recipe! A larger number can adversely affect taste.
  • Everything was mixed. We put in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the dough is cooled.
  • We take the dough from the refrigerator. Sprinkle the table (or other working surface) with flour. First, knead the dough, and then roll a flagella out of it. Divide the resulting sausage into 8 parts from which cakes will be obtained.
  • We roll all 8 pieces individually into pancakes. Cut in a round form - if there is no special shape, you can use a large plate. The remnants of the dough that obtained during the formation of round cakes are not thrown away.
  • Corges and trimming from them are sent to the oven for 3-5 minutes. Previously, it is necessary to heat it to 220 degrees.
  • We take out the cakes and immediately - with the help of a thin spatula, separate from the baking sheet, since the cakes will turn out with crumbly: as soon as they cool down, they will immediately begin to crumble.

We prepare the cream:

  • We take butter (300 g). If you just got it out of the refrigerator, and it is very hard, you need to wait until it “warms” to room temperature. Of course, it is better to prepare all the necessary ingredients in advance, but if you forgot about it, it's okay. The same water bath or microwave can come to the rescue. You need to melt the oil a little! It is not necessary to turn it into a liquid consistency.
  • Beat the soft butter at moderate speed with a mixer. Is it already like a cream? Then the time is in portions (several tablespoons) to add boiled condensed milk. Do not stop mixing the resulting cream with a mixer. As soon as you add the entire condensed milk, and the cream will get to a homogeneous mass - remove it for half an hour in the refrigerator.

We form a cake:

  • Grind nuts and cuts in a blender to get a “nut mix”.
  • We take a flat dish on which we will “collect” the cake. We put the first cake and lubricate it abundantly with cream of condensed milk and butter, add a “nut mix”. Do not forget that the first korzhik is not smeared with anything from below, so it can be dry. Therefore, do not be greedy - here you need to take a little more cream than the rest of the cakes.
  • We smear with a cream with a “walnut mix” each cake, laying one on the other. We also coat the upper cake with cream and sprinkle with nuts. Do not forget about the sides: we also coat them with cream.

The cake is ready! Bon appetit!

Honeycotor in a slow cooker


Many housewives have long been successfully using a modern device - a slow cooker when cooking. Unfortunately, the work of the multicooker is slightly specific, so the ordinary combination and proportions of the ingredients are not suitable for preparing this method. We will provide you with a complete allowance on how to cook a honey carrier with your favorite technique.

What do we need?

  • honey: 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking powder/soda: 1 teaspoon;
  • egg: 5 pcs;
  • flour: 2.5 cups;
  • sugar: 1 cup;
  • butter: 0.5 teaspoon (required to lubricate the shape of the multicooker);
  • sour cream (20%) - 400 g;
  • sugar/sugar - 150 g;

The volume of one glass is 200 ml.

What we will succeed: a large and tasty cake honey cake is sour cream.

Cooking process:

We cook cakes:

  • Mix honey with baking powder and put in a water bath. The volume of the mixture should increase!
  • Beat sugar with eggs in a deep bowl with a mixer. Beat until we form a foamy mixture of white color (approximate whipping time at high speed-7-10 minutes).
  • Pour honey (paragraph 1) into the egg mixture (paragraph 2) and add the flour in portions. Mix everything with a spoon, getting rid of lumps.
  • Lubricate the mold from the multicooker with butter.
  • Pour the resulting dough in the shape, put in a slow cooker. The "pastries" mode, cooking time - 80 minutes.
  • We are waiting for the resulting large “cake” the resulting. We cut into several parts horizontally. We get several cakes (the number depends on personal preferences, the thinner the cakes will be, the better they are saturated with cream).

We prepare the cream:

  • Mix sour cream and sugar. Beat with a mixer at an average speed (5-7 minutes) until a creamy consistency is obtained.

We form a cake:

  • We impregnate the cream cut into cakes with sour cream cream. The resulting cake can be sprinkled with chopped nuts or chocolate. Put in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours, preferably for a day. So the cake will be saturated and will be tasty and nutritious.

Honey at home

As you already understood, all the recipes presented here can be easily prepared at home on your own. Do not be afraid to experiment and pamper your big family with different goodies. Especially for our readers, we have collected the best selection of honeyians with a recipe with a photo to arouse an appetite and a desire to prepare a dessert-groove with our own hands!

honey 1   honey 3 honey 4


You still doubt that you can repeat the preparation of this miracle trap? Use the express-based “Medovik Video” express control, which will help to understand all the intricacies of cooking.



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