
How to cook a droplet with poppy seeds at home. Recipes for cooking rolls with poppy seeds step by step with photo. Homemade roll with poppy and puff pastry

How to cook a droplet with poppy seeds at home. Recipes for cooking rolls with poppy seeds step by step with photo. Homemade roll with poppy and puff pastry
How to prepare a droplet with poppy seeds at home from yeast and puff pastry. Recipes of delicious roll with poppy seeds. Supervision of poppy poppies.

Homemade poppy roll is able to drive any person crazy with only aroma. It is not at all difficult to prepare such pastries if you follow some general rules. Depending on what dough you choose, the taste of baking will depend. Rolls with poppy filling are equally tasty from yeast dough, and from layered and biscuit. In this article, we will consider the recipes for cooking the most amazing poppy fillings for rolls, and also learn about the preparation of home rolls with poppy seeds as a whole. 

Poppy roulette at home - Features of cooking

Each separately taken recipe for preparing a roll with poppy seeds has its own secrets and features. But we can distinguish the most general rule that is suitable for all varieties of poppy rouletts, which consists in choosing the right poppy and its preparation.

  • You can buy a poppy without any problems in almost any grocery store or confectioner store. It can be sold both by weight and already to be packaged on packages.
  • It is advisable to buy a poppy on a weight. That is how you can verify in its quality, the absence of mold, insects, small garbage, etc.
  • Do not buy a poppy, which is packaged in opaque packaging.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the poppy. The “old” product will have an unpleasant odor and taste, which will definitely ruin your baking.
  • Experienced housewives advise before using a poppy in baking, boil it in a small amount of water or milk. First, the grains are poured with boiling water, they are waiting for their swelling, then drain water and pour a little new water or milk. At your request, you can add sugar, butter in a poppy in cooking. It is also possible to add honey, but only at the end of cooking, since the honey emits not very useful substances when boiling. On low heat, poppy is boiled for about 30-40 minutes.
  • In order for the poppy to “give” the baking of as much aroma as possible, it is recommended to rub it after cooking in a mortar. Some housewives also scroll the poppy seed through a meat grinder or crushed to a pasty state in a blender.
  • Mack in baking goes well with raisins, dried apricots, prunes.
  • If you bought a poppy in the package, then on the back the manufacturer usually gives its recommendations for the preparation of poppy for use. Also on sale you can find banks with ready -made sweet poppy fillings, which undoubtedly accelerate the baking process.

Roulet with poppy seeds - photo

Test for a roll with poppy seeds - recipes

Droplet with a poppy

The yeast pastries have always been a kind of “higher pilot” among the hostesses. If you haven’t managed to “make friends” with the yeast before, then try to cook according to a different recipe. Consider the option of making a roll with a poppy filling from yeast dough.  Consider the recipe for yeast roll with poppy seeds:

  • 50 grams of fresh yeast;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 130 grams of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp of lemon zest;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 3 chicken eggs (of which 1 egg will go to grease);
  • 5-5.5 cups of flour;
  • 100 butter.
  • products for poppy filling - 2 tbsp. poppy, 4 tbsps of sugar, 4 tablespoons of honey, a little milk, 0.5 tbsp, nuts to taste, 50 grams of butter and 2 eggs (only proteins are required).

If the set of products is in front of you, then we proceed to cooking a delicious roll from yeast dough:

  1. The most crucial moment in the preparation of any yeast test is the choice of correct yeast. In our recipe, we use living yeast, which should be extremely fresh. Pour warm (but not hot!) Milk with 1 tsp. sugar and dissolve yeast in it. Set aside the bowl to the side for 15 minutes so that the “hat” from the yeast on the surface of the milk rises.
  2. In a larger bowl, connect the diluted yeast, the remaining sugar, salt, chopped zest, eggs. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Gradually add flour to the dough. Depending on the quality of flour, a little less flour may be needed, or the essence is greater.
  4. Add the melted butter to the dough.
  5. Kneam the dough with your hands for at least 15 minutes. The longer you knead the dough, the more magnificent the pastries will turn out.
  6. Roll the dough in a large ball and put it in a bowl lubricated with a small amount of vegetable oil. Cover the dough with a clean towel and leave to climb into a warm place. Depending on how warm in your house, a test for an increase in volume by 2-3 times may need from 30 to 60 minutes.
  7. While the yeast dough for the roll rises to make cooking poppy filling. Pour the poppy in a small amount of milk and bring it to a boil over low heat. The cooled poppy should be rejected and chopped in a blender if desired. But you can leave the grains intact. Next, just connect the poppy to sugar, honey, raisins, nuts and egg proteins.
  8. The yeast dough, increased in volume several times,, once again beat with your hands on the table. Divide it into 2 parts, of which you get 2 rolls. Roll out the layer from one part of the dough, lubricate it abundantly with poppy filling and roll it into a roll. The edges of the roll carefully pinch your fingers. Do the same with the second part of the test.
  9. Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil or bewhaled with oiled parchment paper. Place the rolls on a baking sheet, grease with egg yolks and leave to “rise” again for about 30 minutes. As soon as the rolls increase in volume, send them to the oven of the oven for 25-30 minutes heated to 180 degrees. The cooking time of yeast baking depends on the power of your oven.

Mac from puff dough

Preparation of puff dough at home is a rather laborious process. Even experienced housewives prefer to buy a ready -made puff dough. The recipe for the preparation of poppy roulette from such a finished test we will consider. You will need the next minimum set of products:

  • 1 packaging of a non -free -skinned layer dough;
  • 1 st.
  • 1 tbsp of milk;
  • 3 tbsp of honey;
  • 3 stable sugar-sand;
  • 50-70 grams of butter;
  • yolk from 1 chicken egg for lubricating the roll.

We begin to cook a delicious and aromatic puff roll with poppy seeds:

  • pour the poppy water with water and send on medium heat. We bring the mixture to a boil and remove;
  • drain the water. Add milk, sugar, honey and again send a poppy to the fire. We are waiting for the liquid to evaporate almost completely, after which we put the butter. After 5-7 minutes, remove the container with poppy filling from the fire;
  • put the layered dough from the packaging and roll out into a rectangular layer;
  • put the poppy filling on the dough, smooth out with a spoon, turn the roll and pinch the edges with your fingers;
  • lubricate the surface of the roll with egg yolk;
  • a poppy roulet of puff dough is prepared in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 35-40 minutes, depending on the size of the roll and the characteristics of the oven. Serve a skilled roll with a chilled poppy. Bon appetit!

Biscuit roll with poppy

Biscuit rolls with poppy filling are prepared very easily. Baking is particularly tender and soft. To prepare a roll from a biscuit dough with poppy filling, you will need the following products:

  • chicken egg - 5 pcs;
  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar-sand-1 tbsp;
  • poppy - 6 tbsp;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp;
  • raisins - 3 tbsp;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp.

We begin to prepare a biscuit roll with poppy seed step:

  • for a classic biscuit, you need only 3 ingredients - an egg, sugar and flour. We separate the proteins from the yolks and beat them with sugar. Then, in a protein-sahar mass, we introduce the yolks whipped with a whisk. Then gradually administer the flour and interfere with the dough until the lumps disappear;
  • we cover the baking sheet with oiled parchment paper and pour the dough on it;

  • the oven is heated to 180 degrees. The biscuit cake is baked very quickly-in 10-12 minutes. You can check its readiness with a wooden toothpick;
  • now let's make cooking poppy fillings for the roll. We divide the milk into 2 parts. We put one part on the fire and bring to a boil. In the second part of the milk, add raisins, poppies, sugar and semolina, and then add this mixture to boiled milk. Cook on low heat with constant stirring before thickening;
  • the finished biscuit cake is removed from the oven and straighten up with parchment paper into a roll. We put the biscuit to cool in this position;

  • when the biscuit has cooled, we begin to gently deploy, while removing parchment paper. Generously lubricate the cake with poppy filling and wrap again;

  • the finished biscuit roll can be watered with chocolate icing or decorated with any other way. A beautiful roll with poppy seeds is ready. Bon appetit!

Pack Roulet - Recipes

Rule recipe with poppy

Preparation of a roll with poppy seeds in the oven is possible without the use of yeast. Consider the option of quick preparation of such a roll for tea drinking in the circle of relatives and friends. Prepare the following products:

  • power of the highest grade-300-400 gr;
  • cottage cheese - 130 g;
  • sugar-sand-100 g;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • food soda - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml;
  • chicken egg -1 pcs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • poppy - 100 g;
  • raisins-50-70 gr.

Now proceed to cooking a roll with a poppy seeding without using yeast:

  • we begin to cook poppy filling. We put the poppy in a small amount of water on a slow fire and cook until the grains swell, then add sugar and raisins. Remove the poppy filling from the fire and let it cool;
  • now proceed to the manufacture of the dough. To begin with, mix all liquid ingredients: egg, milk, vegetable oil, soda, barking vinegar. Then we introduce sugar, salt and grated cottage cheese through a sieve. In small portions we introduce flour and knead the steep dough;
  • the dough should not stick to the hands. We roll out a rectangular layer, lubricate it abundantly with a poppy filling and turn it into a roll. We transfer the roll to the prepared baking sheet, covered with oiled parchment paper. Lubricate the surface of the roll with yolk and let the product “distance” a little. A roll with a poppy filling without yeast is baked in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 40-50 minutes. Check the roulette readiness with a wooden toothpick.

Tasty roulette recipe with poppy seeds and nuts

Nuts are remarkably combined with poppy seeds. Such a filling is quite suitable for a roll on a festive table. You can choose any nuts, depending on your taste preferences. The size of the nuts also choose for yourself. Someone prefers to completely grind them, and someone likes to feel the taste of both small and large pieces of walnut. To prepare an unusually tasty poppy roulette with nuts, you will need:

  • power of the highest grade-450-600 gr;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • dry yeast - 1 small bag;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
  • milk - 350 g;
  • mAC - 200 grams;
  • vanilla sugar-4-5 tsp;
  • nuts - 200 gr.

Now proceed to preparing a roll with a mock-narely filling:

  • in order for the baking to be soft and air, take the highest grade flour and always sift it before use. Mix flour with dry yeast (according to the instructions on yeast), salt, 50 grams of sugar, softened oil, 150 grams of milk and yellow from one egg. Knead the dough, wrap it in a bag and leave to "rest" in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes;
  • next, we proceed to the preparation of the mock-narely filling. Make the poppy with the remaining milk, sugar, vanilla sugar and bring to a boil over low heat. Then add chopped nuts and let the mass cool;
  • next, we begin to roll the dough into rectangular sheets about 3 mm thick. Put the filling so that the edges of the rectangle remain unfit. Turn the roll, make punctures with a fork or small cuts with a knife. Lubricate the rolling surface with yolk and let the product “rest”. After the surface dries, grease it a second time, but already beaten protein. Now the roll can be sent to the oven, warmed up to 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Cooking time can vary depending on the power of your oven. Serve the roll with cooled, cutting into portioned pieces. Bon appetit!

Root recipe with poppy seeds and raisins

Raisins in the same way as nuts go well with poppy seeds, gives baking additional juicers, makes the taste brighter. In order to prepare a roll with such a filling, prepare the following products:

  • butter-150-200 g;
  • higher grade flour - 250 g;
  • poppy - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp;
  • cinnamon to taste;
  • raisins - 60 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • a pinch of salt.

Now we start preparing a delicious home roll with poppy and raisins filling:

  • before using flour, be sure to sift it. Make a slide from the flour with a deepening in the center. Pour 4 tbsp into this recess. water, 50 g of melted butter and a pinch of salt. The dough is almost ready. Knead it thoroughly until smooth, roll it into the ball and send it to the “rest” to the pan under the lid for 30-40 minutes;
  • now proceed to cooking the filling for the roll. Mix poppy, 50 g of melted butter, sugar and cinnamon. Rinse the raisins thoroughly under running water and also add to the poppy. In order for the filling to be spread on the dough, add as much hot milk to it as the filling will “take”. Mix well and let the mixtures stand for about 30 minutes;
  • roll the dough into a rectangular layer, spread the filling, leaving the edges of the dough untouched, roll the roll. Pin the edges of the roll with your fingers. The baking sheet where the roll will be baked, grease with vegetable oil or bewhaled with oiled parchment paper. The roll is baked at 180 degrees for 50 minutes. Check the readiness with a toothpick. Bon appetit!

Poster Roadflap Recipe

If the guests are already on the threshold, then you will certainly help you out a recipe for a quick poppy roll, for the preparation of which you will spend only about 30 minutes. Be sure that the guests will go crazy with the smell alone in your apartment. So you will need:

  • for poppy filling: 300 grams of poppy, 300 grams of cream, 100 grams of sugar, protein of one egg;
  • for the test: 250 grams of flour, salt and sugar to your taste, 7 g of dry yeast, 20 g of softened butter, 150 ml of milk, yolk from one egg.

Now we start preparing a tasty and incredibly fast home roll with a poppy filling:

  • as usual, we sift the flour of the highest grade, mix it with dry yeast, salt and a pair of tablespoons of sugar. We heat the milk, combine with the flour mixture, interfere, add the melted butter. Knead the dough and leave it to the side to increase in size. You will accelerate this process if you put a container with a dough in a slightly warm oven or in a multicooker in “yogurt” or “fermentation” mode;
  • now let's make cooking poppy filling. To make Maca's grains soft, boil them for some time in the water. Then the water is drained, the poppy is connected to the cream and sugar, we languish for about 5-7 minutes over medium heat. We send the filling to cool into the refrigerator;
  • we roll the dough into a rectangular layer and spread with a poppy filling, into which the protein of one chicken egg was pre -added. Pin the edges of the roll with your fingers. Baking will be ready in about 20 minutes. Nice tea party!


The taste of a poppy roulette will directly depend on the option of preparing the filling. We list the most popular fillings with poppyers for rolls:

  • mac with sugar. Mac is soaked for a short time in boiling water or boiled with water until swelling and softness. Then the poppy is twisted through a meat grinder and mixed with sugar. This poppy filling is the simplest and most quick in preparation. The disadvantage of mowing-sugar filling is its frustration;
  • mac with honey. If you want to get a viscous and "adhesive" poppy filling, then use honey. Just mix the swollen poppy with liquid honey in the desired proportions;
  • makovo-Sakhany filling with honey. This filling combines the 1st and 2nd version of poppy fillings, which are described above. Honey allows you to make the filling less crumbly;
  • mac with raisins. Raisins are perfectly combined with poppy seeds. Soak in hot water until the poppy and raisins swell in equal proportions, and then simply mix with sugar;
  • mac with lemon zest and milk. Such a filling is ideal for open pies and buns. Maca's granny must be unconscious before swelling and softness in milk with sugar. There you need to add the zest of one lemon, which will give a unique citrus note to the filling;
  • mack with an egg. If you want to make a roll with a very thick and dense poppy filling, then try this recipe. The swollen and soft maca grains are mixed with sugar in equal proportions, after which one raw chicken egg is added. The mixture is thoroughly beaten;
  • mac with honey, raisins and nuts. Fans of difficult fillings will surely appreciate this recipe. To prepare such a roll for the roll, swollen maca grains, a pinch of vanilla, a zest of lemon, chopped nuts and swollen raisins are mixed. If the mass turned out to be too thick, then just dilute it to the desired consistency with lemon juice;
  • mack with an apple. If poppy fillings seem dry to you, then try using the apple to prepare the filling. The boiled poppy is mixed with a small amount of butter, sugar, honey, chopped nuts, the zest of one lemon. The entire mass is thoroughly mixed and brought to a boil over low heat. After cooling to the mixture, add a groove apple.

Now you know how to cook a droplet with poppy seeds at home, what are the options for poppy fillings. Prepare with pleasure and you will definitely succeed!



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