
How to salt herring at home

How to salt herring at home
How to salt herring at home: fish selection features, recipes, recommendations.

Fish from the herring family is a delicious delicacy due to the ocean. At the same time, it is quite common in our stores and on market shops, so buying it is not difficult. Also, a large plus is the relatively inexpensive cost of this fish compared to other inhabitants of the ocean depths on our counter. And the last, but not by significance, is the benefit of a product for a person and his exceptional taste, so loved by our brother.

A delicious salted herring is always to the table. With her participation, we prepare a variety of dishes from snacks and salads, ending with pies and other culinary delights. For the first time, a dish such as pickled herring was prepared in the Dutch Flanders with an ordinary fisherman who invented the first marinade for this fish. The popularity of the recipe was not long in coming and already in the 15th century they cooked such a dish, almost every house. When the Dutch herring in the 16th century began to export in large volumes to Russia, then it became one of the most beloved snacks of our compatriots and is even almost considered a dish of Russian cuisine.

Today you can buy a salted or pickled herring in any supermarket and even try extravagant omits in numerous cafes and restaurants, but many housewives still prefer to prepare such a snack on their own. Moreover, salt the herring itself is not only tasty, but also very quickly.

How to salt herring: Basic rules


  1. A herbal for large and small feasts is a herring. The variety of the simplest and at the same time popular recipes, there is no limit. Starting from fish, salted pieces in various marinades and with black bread, continuing the famous herring salad under a fur coat, an original course of the force and just an indispensable ruddy potato in a uniform with pickled pieces of herring and fresh onion feathers.
  2. Without a doubt, the quality and taste of each of the dishes is influenced by a set of products, but it is the quality of herring that is the key in any recipe. Buying fish even in the most prestigious store, you can be displeased with its taste. It can just be a little under -sub -powerful, in your opinion, or, conversely, too spicy, and maybe even worse - not fresh. In addition, every housewife understands that the fish in the store is always more salty, since it should be stored longer, and there is also a chance that it will not be the first freshness or simply the ratio of spices in the brine will be unsuccessful.
  3. To be confident in the exceptional taste of herring dishes on the festive table and know for sure that everything is made of natural ingredients, it must only be done independently. In addition, you can quickly salt herring without a special brine. In general, there are a great many ways to marry the ocean fish from classical recipes, ending with spicy alms of various stripes.

Buying a good herring


  1. Here it is not necessary to say that fish is the most important thing in such a dish as pickled herring and on what quality and freshness it will depend on the taste bouquet and the tenderness of the finished product.
  2. If you don’t have to choose a trip to the store - this is our only option, you can sketch an approximate list of parameters that it is important to pay attention to when selecting the ingredient.
  3. First we dwell on the types of herring. An ideal option would be the Atlantic or Pacific fish. The fact is that the river type of herring may contain substances harmful to humans, such as heavy metals and even toxins, which cannot be in the ocean fish.
  4. Most of the fish is sold in frozen form, but here without options. But how then to determine the fresh or not, because the smell does not give it out? To begin with, pay attention to the condition of each fish separately, the carcasses should not be crumpled and conquered, without damage on the surface of the scales.
  5. In addition, pay special attention to the color, there should not be yellowish shades on the fish, only a natural silver color. The herring of the proper quality is easy to determine by convex uncomplicated eyes and tightly pressed toads and fins.
  6. Enterprising sellers and even some supermarkets, in order to hide a poor -quality product, often decrease carcasses. If you want to cook a really delicious herring or dish from it, never purchase fish without a head.
  7. Remember that in winter the fish is more oily, and in the summer - less.
  8. It is extremely tasty to salt the house to get a large herring. The carcass should be quite heavy, with glossy scales, round sides and a wide back.

Preparation for the supplies


  1. After you bought a delicious herring in all respects, now it is important not to spoil anything. Do not think that defrosting is only a mechanical process, on how you do this, its further taste will largely depend.
  2. In no case do not use the microwave and even just hot water, it will only ruin the product and its quality. By the way, this approach is best used for any products.
  3. To do everything right, put the carcass in a convenient container and put in the refrigerator for about 24 hours. Slowly the herring will acquire the desired temperature and will not heat up to room. With this approach, you will maintain the original structure of the fish and its taste characteristics.
  4. Before salting, be sure to remove the gills, otherwise they will give unpleasant bitterness to the finished dish. Therefore, first of all, after defrosting with a knife or scissors, remove everything unnecessary.
  5. Then wash the carcass well with cool water.
  6. It is advisable not to gut the fish before the salting. The fact is that just such a carcass will absorb salt and spices evenly that it will give it the desired taste. But if you do this, then greet caviar and milk along with herring, why should the product disappear.
  7. The whole herd can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. By the way, the degree of salt content in it directly depends on how long the fish will stay in the marinade.
  8. If you need a finished product today or tomorrow, then when preparing, remove not only gills, but also your head, gutted, as well as external and internal film. Of course, such an extra-control will not make herring of its own salting phenomenal, as it should be, but still it will be better than a store.
  9. If you are preparing to receive guests in advance and worry so that the herring does not lose their taste and, worse, does not go bad to do the following. After 4 - 5 days of stay in the brine, the salted herring must be removed, peeled from films and bones and cut into pieces of 3 - 4 cm wide. Put all this in a clean glass jar, shifting each layer of fish with rings of onions, then pour everything with a small amount of olive or sunflower oil, close the capronal lid and refrigerate.

How delicious to salt herring: recipes

For many years, marinades and brine for herring have not come up with, and each recipe is unique in its own way. Consider the most common methods of herds of herring.

Herring pieces: classic recipe for salting



  • frozen herring - 1 kg;
  • white onion - 250 - 400 g;
  • salt, fragrant pepper with peas to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 20 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. We defrost the fish naturally at a temperature of -5 C. It will need about 1 day per process.
  2. When the herring becomes completely soft, you can take it for its processing. Be sure to remove the peel, cut the fins, tail and other unnecessary parts of the carcass.
  3. Then touch. We make a neat incision along the entire length of the lower part of the fish from the fin to the tail, pull out the guts and be sure to remove the inner film.
  4. Now you need to remove the bones. To do this, we make a thin incision along all the length of the ridge and carefully divide the fish into two parts, stretching the costal bones from half of the carcass along with the ridge. Try not to break the bones, this will facilitate the separation of the fillet.
  5. We do the same with the second half, and cut into the same pieces about 3 - 4 cm in width. And we rub each piece with salt from all sides.
  6. The classic recipe is very simple, since we will salt herring in a bank, directly placing fish with onions in layers. Starting from a layer of fish, fill in the jar and fill everything with oil to the edge.
  7. Close the jar with a kapron lid and clean the refrigerator for 12 hours. When serving, the snack is served with a fresh ray and black bread. Bon appetit!

How to salt herring in spicy brine



  • atlantic herring - 1.5 kg;
  • pepper peas - 13 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • purified water - 1.5 l;
  • large salt - 8 tbsp. L.;
  • sugar-sand-5 tbsp. l.


  1. Take the herring from the refrigerator and leave to defrost. Then rinse the fish thoroughly under cool water and put in a comfortable tray, preferably plastic.
  2. Now let's start preparing a brine. In a convenient container, heat the water to a boil, pour salt, sugar, fragrant pepper and throw a bay leaf. Leave it on fire for up to 12 minutes, set aside for 30 minutes.
  3. Pour the resulting cool marinade into a container with herring, cover with a lid and take it into the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
  4. If after 4 days you still do not plan to use a herring, take out a carcass of brine, place in a plastic bag and leave in the refrigerator. Rut and cut exclusively the entire carcass before cooking.

Gollandic herring recipe with video

Hell, salted in Hollandic, is perhaps one of the most original and at the same time affordable recipes for herring herring. The fish according to this recipe is salted with a pleasant sourness, and it is easy to do it.


  • atlantic herring - 1 kg;
  • medium carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • large lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • fragrant ground pepper - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • middle bay leaf - 8 - 10 pcs.


  1. Prepare two clean dry jars of 0.5 liters.
  2. Thaw, wash, wash, separate from bones and cut into pieces of 2.5 cm.
  3. Wash the carrots, peel and cut with non -weeded circles about 1.5 mm.
  4. Cut the onion with rings, removing a solid core.
  5. Wash the lemon and cut in circles about 1 mm thick.
  6. Mix salt with sugar.
  7. Now let's get down to the calculation. On the bottom of the cans we lay out several onions, then carrots, 1 lemon, 1 bay leaf and several pieces of herring. Sprinkle everything with a small amount of mixture of sugar with salt and pepper. We repeat this procedure in layers until the herring ends.
  8. Now banks can be closed with nylon lids and put in the refrigerator for 3 days. During the day, turn the banks at least 2 - 3 times.
  9. By readiness, serve with green onions and crowns. Bon appetit!

How delicious to salt herring: Recommendations


  1. During the preparation of the marinade for herring, always fall asleep in portions and after the water boiled. You can check the desired concentration of salt in water with the help of a purified raw potato, which in fairly salt water will pop up at least half.
  2. It is better to always prepare the volume of brine with a margin, in any case, for proper marining, the fish should be completely covered.
  3. If you do everything right, every day the brine acquires a brown color and a fish smell.
  4. If you do not like too salty fish, then do not salt herring more than 2 days.
  5. Never use iodized salt for salmon of fish, only stone.
  6. The container is an important part of the correct ambassador of herring, so it must necessarily be plastic, glass or enameled. In no case do not try to marry the fish in an enameled or tin pan.
  7. Carefully clean the fish from the lower film, otherwise the marinade can be bitter, and, therefore, the finished dish too.
  8. Do not throw away milk and caviar, advanced parts of the fish also have a great taste.
  9. When separating the fillet, try not to break the ridge and carefully remove the remains of the bones, otherwise the pleasure of salt herring can be spoiled.
  10. Take care of serving the dish and be sure to water the herring with a small amount of olive or sunflower oil.



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