
How much green is on the skin. How to wash the green from the skin. How to erase the green after chickenpox in a child

How much green is on the skin. How to wash the green from the skin. How to erase the green after chickenpox in a child
How to remove green spots from the skin of the hands and face. How to wash off the green from the skin after chickenpox. How to quickly remove green from the skin.

A solution of diamond greens is a dark green liquid with a specific smell and is a golden green powder dissolved in alcohol.  In the days of the Soviet Union, he was the most popular “folk” antiseptic, a marker with chickenpox. Now the love of green is subsided, periodically there are disputes about the safety and the advisability of using this tool. But even supporters of the antiseptic tested for decades note one large drawback of the green - intake. Next, we will talk about how long the spots left by the green are on the skin and in what ways you can remove the green from the skin.

How long spots from green are on the skin

Diamond greens have excellent resistance, due to which it was even used in light industry. With its help, they gave a beautiful golden green color to silk, cotton, woolen fabrics, leather products. On human skin, the traces of use of greens also last long, up to 10 days. And when it hits previously bleached hair, diamond greens even showing miracles of resistance, remaining in place for up to 4 weeks.

Remove green from the skin with oxidation

The intensive color of the greenhouse with a solution of green gives the compounds with free radical groups. To neutralize them, an oxidation reaction is required. It can be produced using the following substances.

Hydrogen peroxide to remove green from the skin

In terms of efficiency and safety, the use of hydrogen peroxide to remove emerald spots left by green from the skin, occupies a leading position. Peroxide is one of the best options on how to wash the green from the skin.  The liquid should be used pointwise. It is allowed both multiple moistening stains with solution and the use of lotions. The concentration of peroxide should not exceed 3 percent, otherwise burns are possible.

Contraindications to the use of peroxide:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Psoriasis, eczema.
  • Injuries of the skin.
  • Too dry or sensitive skin. In this case, the use of Solo peroxide is not recommended.

Hydroperitis to remove green from the skin

After dissolution peroxide, urea, after dissolving in water, becomes a solution of hydrogen and urea peroxide. The recommendations for its use are similar to those for peroxide.

To obtain a solution, equivalent to 1 % peroxide, it is necessary to dissolve 4 hydraititis tablets in a glass of water.

Chlorine bleach to remove green from the skin

The most popular chlorine bleach - “Whiteness”, “ACE”.  The main disadvantages of the means of this group are an expressed unpleasant odor and aggressiveness: chlorine -containing bleaches are merciless not only to the acquired undesirable coloring of textiles, but also to the structure and initial color of the fabric.  The same dilemma concerns the removal of green from the skin. With the help of a chlorine bleach, you can wash the green from the skin quickly, but the skin will be hard.

In no case, chlorine -containing bleaching bleach to remove the stains of green from the skin of the face on sensitive, prone to allergies or children's skin, mucous membranes. The optimal application zone is hands, especially well similar tools cope with the removal of green from under the nails.

The proportions of the breeding of the chlorine bleach are indicated on the package. The resulting solution is treated only with green areas of the skin, after bleaching, the composition is thoroughly washed off the composition. If after use there is a feeling of discomfort or burning, then you can try to neutralize the alkalis with a weak solution of acid. Vinegar, for example.

Oxygen -containing bleach to remove green from the skin

Sodium percarbonate in terms of efficiency, safety and delicacy is a head above the chlorine and optical bleach.  Advantages of the product:

  • not toxic;
  • it has no smell;
  • does not violate the structure and color of the fabric;
  • it is well ruptered.

The oxygen -containing bleach is contained in special equipment. In high -quality modern washing powders and gels, it also is, but in much less concentration.

In order to get rid of green on the skin, you can use a liquid bleach in a pure form or the composition of the powder agent diluted in water prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. After bleaching the dye, treated skin must be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap.

Removing green from the skin with slightly alkaline agents

Soap to wipe the green from the skin

Mylovars know that it is impossible to use green soaps with handmade soap: over time, the color of the resulting product fades. But quickly and qualitatively, wash the green with the skin with soap only if the spot is fresh.

Adults are recommended to use classical laundry soap, for children's skin it is better to choose a more gentle option. To combat green spots, thick soap foam is used, which is thoroughly rubbed into the spot, after which it is washed off with water. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. The soap dries the skin, because after removing the greens on the skin, it is recommended to apply your favorite cream.

Soda to wipe the green from the skin

You can wipe the green from the skin with the help of sodium bicarbonate, more known as "soda". In addition, soda is an abrasive tool: after applying the scales of painted keratinized skin, they exfoliate, which also reduces the intensity of spots.

To use soda, the need to dilute with water to the consistency of the gruel. After apply the mixture on the spots, massage thoroughly, rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Remove the greens with the skin with weak acids

Lemon to wipe the green from the skin

You can rinse the green from the skin with a lemon. To do this, grate the spots with the flesh of the citrus and wait from a quarter of an hour to half an hour. After washing lemon juice from the skin. Repeat the procedure until the result is satisfactory.

Spring from green on the skin

This plant contains oxalic acid - a substance that gently bleaches stains from green and delicately affects the skin of a person.

To remove green, it is recommended to rub sorrel juice into spots.

Dining vinegar from green on the skin

In the fight against green vinegar, vinegar is often used as “heavy artillery”: they bring spots on fabrics, linoleum. For the skin, it can also be used, but already in a divorced form: no more than 5 tablespoons of 9 % acetic acid for a glass of water.

The removal of green from the skin is carried out by friction of the spots with a cotton pad moistened in the resulting liquid. As the cotton pads should be replaced with new ones. At the end of the procedure, thoroughly washed the treated areas of the skin with soap water.

Lactic acid from green on the skin

The inhabitants of the refrigerator containing lactic acid can help in a difficult struggle with an intake dye. Most of it is in kefir, baked milk, sour cream, yogurt, serum.  These products can be used to remove stains from the skin, but most often they are used to remove green pigment from a normal or oily hair. For this, one of the above products is applied to the hair, left for a while for exposure. To enhance the effect, you can hide your hair under a plastic cap. After rubbing, dyed places and wash the hair abundantly with water. If desired, the procedure can be repeated.

Acetylsalicylic acid from green on the skin

Another pharmacy that can be useful in this situation is aspirin. It is strictly forbidden to take orally with chickenpox, but it is allowed to use to combat traces of the use of diamond greens. To do this, the tablets of acetylsalicylic acid are crushed into powder and, with the help of pure water, turn into thick gruel. The resulting tool is applied to a finger wrapped in a bandage or a cotton pad that rubs the spot. After the composition is washed off the skin with water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Ascorbic acid from green on the skin

The principle of use of ascorbic acid is identical to such for acetylsalicylic acid.

Cosmetics from green on the skin

Fat cream or mask from green on the skin

The use of fat time is probably one of the safest ways to get rid of the stains of green on children's skin. With its help, it is recommended to wipe the green from the skin after chickenpox. To do this, on the skin, preferably previously steamed, the cream is abundantly applied, left for a while and after a cotton pad is removed. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Mineral, petroleum jelly or natural oils from green on the skin

Liquid oils will also help remove the green from the skin of the kids. However, it is important to remember that basic oils, like any other means of natural origin, can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. Therefore, with a tendency to allergies, it is better to dwell on high -quality mineral oil without dyes and flavors. It is a derivative of oil, does not cause allergies and, with proper purification, is absolutely safe for health.

The principle of removal of green from the skin with oils is to apply oil lotions and subsequent friction.

On the hair, the dye lingers especially for a long time. You can reduce Zelentsa using a mask of basic oils. This method is more suitable for hair and dry hair.

Demakes for greens on the skin

Lasons, milk, micellar water, a tool for removing waterproof cosmetics will gently help to cope with the problem, though this method will take a lot of time.

To remove stains, you need to moisten the cotton pad in one of the products and rub the stained area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. As they become so pounded, the disk should be replaced with a new one.

Peelings, scrubs from green on the skin

To weaken the intensity of spots by exfoliating the painted keratinized layer of the skin will help special cosmetics. The principle of their work can vary and is indicated on the packaging with the product.

Removing varnish on green on the skin

Liquid fluid is what else you can wash off the green from the skin of the arms, legs, and the body of adults. The presence of acetone in the recipe does not play a significant role: non -packed liquids cope with the task no worse.

Spots are removed by friction of pollution with a cotton pad moistened with a cotton pad or a special napkin.

Toothpaste from green on the skin

The toothpaste, especially whitening, is well removed by the stains of the green. Paste can be used both in its pure form and slightly diluted with water. The removal of green spots in this way is more effective if the effect is carried out using an old toothbrush.

Removing green with skin with alcohol -containing agents

Diamond greens are soluble in alcohol. This means that you can erase the green from the skin with alcohol. Salicylic, boron, camphor alcohols, vodka, perfumes, alcohol impregnated with alcohol or cloth for office equipment - all this quite effectively removes green spots from the skin. This method is not recommended to experience on children's or sensitive skin.

The principle of action is simple: take an alcohol napkin or a cotton pad moistened in alcohol and rub the spot until disappeared. To enhance the effect, you can use a solution of 5 parts of alcohol and 1 part of lemon juice. As they become so pounded, change napkins or discs to new ones. After removing the green, wash the place of processing with warm water and soap.

Tips for removing green skin

  1. Fresh spots are wiped much easier than dried. Therefore, in case of accidental shedding of the solution, it is important to process stained areas as soon as possible in one of the above methods.
  2. A visit to the steam room contributes to a faster renewal of the upper layer of the skin and, therefore, the removal of green spots.
  3. After using any method for breeding green, it is important not to neglect the caring cosmetics for the skin.


Diamond greens are a powerful antiseptic, the feasibility of using which is increasingly discussed in recent years. A significant minus of the funds is the difficult spots left by him. To remove green spots from the skin of the smallest children, it is best to use fatty cream, basic or mineral oil. Older children will not harm hydrogen peroxide, lemon or oxalic juice. The most effective means for cleansing the skin of adults from emerald spots are recognized alcohol, oxygen and chloride bleach, but the latter must be used with particular caution.



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