
Gelatin hair masks

Gelatin hair masks
What is the benefits of gelatin hair masks? How to cook them and apply them to curls?

Georgia masks for hair are useless in cosmetology, the effect of them surpasses all kinds of expectations. Thanks to such procedures, the hair becomes healthy, shiny, voluminous, simply luxurious. The gelatin mask is useful for activating hair growth.

How to make gelatin hair masks at home?


The recipe for gelatin hair mask is quite simple. It is necessary to dissolve 1 tbsp. this substance in 4 tbsp. boiled water. Then, for 10 minutes, wait - the gelatin will swell during this time. Next, it is required to heat the composition in a water bath - the powder must completely dissolve. Water should not begin to boil. Before preparing a mask, cool the dissolved gelatin. After that, add the necessary ingredients to the solution.

To make the composition conveniently apply, rub the gelatin mask with your fingers in the scalp, leaning over the bathroom. Gradually distribute the composition through all the hair. At hand, you must have a towel so that you can quickly remove the excess masks, as well as a comb with rare teeth - with its help, the mixture is conveniently distributed through the curls.

Gelatin masks should always be applied to clean hair, immediately after washing. Particular attention should be paid to the ends of the hair, not the roots. After applying the composition, maintain a calm position for the specified time.

In preparation, you must adhere to certain rules.

  1. Most of these masks are applied to wet hair.

  2. The exposure time is about half an hour.

How to choose gelatin for gelatin hair masks


  1. For the splendor of the hair and their rapid growth, you should opt for a high -quality food gelatin.
  2. You should not buy a product on the packaging of which there is an inscription "fast -soluble".
  3. Only white gelatin is useful for hair.
  4. If the product has a yellowish or cream tint, then it should not be bought.
  5. It is preferable to use gelatin, which is compressed in plates.

Gelatin masks for all hair types

Gelatin mask with activated coal

Activated carbon is a natural product with which it is possible to treat diseases. In addition, it is also used for cosmetic purposes. A combination with gelatin is an excellent tool for strengthening hair. Thus, it is possible to make them alive, healthy, voluminous. Crush several coal tablets into a diluted gelatin, stir it until smooth and you can apply a mask to your hair.

Gelatin mask with milk

One part of dry gelatin, 3 parts of warm milk, as well as from 8 to 10 drops of vitamin A. In order to make such a gelatin mask, will be required, use milk instead of water when preparing gelatin. Add vitamin A to the cooled mixture, apply the mixture to the hair for 20 minutes. As a result of this procedure, hair will get good nutrition and become strong, healthy, smooth and shiny. The composition should be used 30 minutes before washing the head. The mask is alternated with other nutrient masks. The course of hair treatment is from 8 to 10 weeks.

Gelatin mask with honey

The package of gelatin should be poured with 3 parts of a herbal decoction of chamomile for blond hair or nettle for dark ones. Heat over low heat and cool a little, then add 1 egg yolk and 1 part of honey. Distribute the mask along the length of the hair. Keep the product for 40 minutes, and then rinse. Thanks to the yolk, curls are moisturized and fed. Honey restructures the hair, and gelatin protects and strengthens. Such a mask is successfully used for dry hair, the structure of which was changed due to prolonged and multiple staining. To achieve a positive effect, 10 procedures are enough. They can be repeated in six months.

Gelatin mask with glycerin

1 part of the gelatin granules must be mixed with 2 parts of glycerol. Add 1 part of olive or burdock oil, as well as balm. Rub the mixture into the scalp for half an hour. Do not forget to walk along the entire length of the curls. Thanks to glycerin, active hydration of hair is achieved. Oils are nourished by the visited and split ends, and the granules of gelatin level out and strengthen the hair thanks to the collagen contained in them.

Recipes of gelatin masks depending on the type and structure of the hair


Gelatin mask for dry hair

With gelatin and yeast

Pour 1 part of the yeast with 3 parts of a warm kefir. Wait when the mixture is suitable. Mix 1 part of gelatin with yeast and 1 part of the balm and oil. Rub the mask thoroughly into your hair, warm your head for 40 minutes. As a result, the hair will strengthen and get active nutrition.

Gelatin mask for oily hair

Gelatin mask with bread and lemon

This is a very effective gelatin mask that is suitable for owners of oily hair. It stimulates hair growth and increases volume. The hair remains clean longer. In order to make a gelatin mask, you need to soak 100 g. Black bread in warm milk - half a glass will be quite enough. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of a disgusting gelatin powder. Mix and apply the mask to the hair, not forgetting about the roots. Top with a plastic film and a warm towel on top. Keep the mask for 40 minutes. Then the gelatin mask needs to be washed off.

Gelatin mask for hair straightening


Food gelatin envelops the hairs with a thin film and thickens them, weights them. As a result, it is possible to achieve hair straightening.

Pour 1 tbsp. gelatin 3 tbsp. water. Leave for 20 minutes. Then add half of the station to the gelatin mass. Hair balm. Apply the mask to the hair of the ambassador and cover the head with a hat, and on top with a dense towel. Wash off after 2 hours running water.

Gelatin mask for laminating hair


With the help of gelatin, you can achieve the effect of laminating hair at home. If your hair is badly damaged, the ends are split, there is no healthy shine, the curls are dry like straw, then use this mask.

To prepare it, you will need 1 bag of gelatin, boiled water and hair balm. First you need to boil the water, then let it cool a little. Pour 1 tbsp. gelatin in a glass container and pour 3 tbsp. non -row water. For dense or long curls, the dosage should be 3 times. Mix everything. Cover the dishes with the contents of the plate - gelatin should not cool or freeze. While the gelatin will swell, wash your head with shampoo, apply balm and rinse. Wipe the curls with a towel and make so that excess moisture is removed, but the hair remains a little wet.

After preparing gelatin gruel, 15 minutes passed, you need to see what condition of the gelatin is in the state - if it does not disappear completely, warm up in a water bath to get a homogeneous mass. Then add to your favorite mask half of the station, this will be quite enough. According to the consistency, the resulting gelatin mask should be similar to a thick sour cream. Apply it to the hair, retreating 1 cm from the roots. Put a plastic bag on top, then wrap it with a towel and warm your head with a hairdryer for 10 minutes. Then get distracted for 45 minutes, then rinse your hair with water.

Gelatin mask for volume and hair growth

Gelatin mask with the addition of oils

  1. Add 1 tbsp to the gelatin. castor oil and burdock. Heat all the ingredients in a water bath and distribute the mask along the length of the hair, massaging the scalp. Keep the mask on your hair for up to 40 minutes. Such masks can be used for any type of hair.
  2. For owners of thin hair, an effective gelatin-shampoo mask will help increase volume. Add to a portion of shampoo while washing hair 1 tbsp. gelatin powder.
  3. You can also give volume to the hair, diluting gelatin powder in warm water and insisting it within 10 minutes. Dip clean and dried with a towel hair in a solution by 1 cm. Then do not wash your hair until the next time. If the curls are dry, then add a few drops of coconut oil to the mask.

For those who prefer traditional gelatin masks

For the growth and volume of hair, use the oil prepared as follows.  Dilute 1 tsp. gelatin powder and insist for a while. Then mix 1 tsp. colorless henna with egg yolk and dry mustard - it will also need 1 tsp. Mix the gruel with gelatin mass. Apply the mixture to the hair roots and along the entire length. Wrap your head with plastic wrap and tie a towel on top. After 30 minutes, wash your head with a conventional shampoo under cool water. With the help of such a mask, your hair will become lush.

Gelatin-kefir mask

It effectively helps to increase the volume and growth of hair. In addition, a gelatin mask-film is obtained, which will become an excellent protection for hair from negative environmental influences. To prepare a gelatin mask, the reviews of which are the most positive, it is necessary to dilute in a small amount of boiled water 1 tsp. gelatin powder. Then add a glass of low -fat kefir to the solution. Apply the mass to the hair and thoroughly massage the scalp. How much to keep such a gelatin mask? Exactly 25 minutes. Then rinse the curls with cool water. Add vinegar - 1 tbsp to the water for rinsing. l. per liter of water.

What are the useful masks for hair useful?


Firstly, such masks should be applied to the hair once a week. If you apply gelatin to your hair more often, then they will get used to this procedure, and a positive effect will not be noticeable. Without such a mask, the hair will be dull and lifeless. Shampois masks can be done with every hair washing.

If we talk about the benefits of gelatin masks, we must recall that the main component of all recipes is gelatin. It contains a hydrolyzed collagen, whose molecules are very small, so they can penetrate the deepest layers of hair. Hair gelatin is a kind of building material with which it is possible to eliminate the imperfections of your hair.

As a result of the regular use of masks, a special film is formed on the hair - it gives shine and performs a protective function. Thanks to the film inside the hair, moisture remains, curls moisturize and become thicker. This is what can explain the impressive volume after applying a gelatin mask for hair - the effect is simply stunning. Most gelatin masks contain other components, for example, lemon juice or kefir. They are responsible for accelerated hair growth. If the procedure is regularly carried out, then you can achieve impressive results.

Hair "before" and "after" a gelatin mask. Photo



Gelatin hair masks. Video



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