
Hair highlighting at home

Hair highlighting at home
Hair highlighting. Methods and use at home

Hair highlighting has long been an excellent alternative to simple plain staining. This type of painting refreshes and gives youth to the face, as well as fashionable highlighting of the hair will give a highlight to the image without cardinal changes in appearance.

The hairstyle with highlighting looks more voluminous and expressive, and the hair does not deteriorate like from simple staining. There are several types of hair highlighting, as well as its prototypes in color and dark coloring. Classics of highlighting is considered to be the lightening of some strands of hair partially or throughout the volume.

When highlighting, the hair color does not change completely and it is easier to grow or change. Also, this type of staining will help to mask gray strands. The price of hair highlighting in the salon of the hairdresser will depend on the length of the hair and the dyeing method, but the procedure can be done independently much cheaper.

Pros and cons of hair highlighting


Hair dyeing in antiquity was considered a sign of a high position in society. The Egyptians considered dark hair colors a sign of powerful natures, and the Romans preferred light tones. The first to change the world fashion of hairstyles English Queen Elizabeth.

Possessing by nature with bright red hair, she began to paint them in lighter and darken tones. Since then, fashionistas began to use hair dyeing everywhere, and wigs and shinions were also in fashion to change the image.

The pluses of hair highlighting

Referring to reviews about hair highlighting, consider the positive aspects of this type of staining:

  • paints gray hair;
  • has several different types of staining;
  • humming hair can be done independently;
  • does not harm the hair as complete painting;
  • does not require monthly update;
  • does not require complete painting;
  • making hair highlighting is quite simple;
  • refreshes and makes any hairstyle more original;
  • allows you to change the image without cardinal staining;
  • allows you to hide age;
  • allows experimenting without cardinal changes;
  • gives the hair volume, shine, brightness;
  • wide selection of colors for highlighting hair;
  • has no age restrictions;
  • allows you to grow your natural color.

Cons of hair highlighting

In addition to positive aspects, highlighting can have its negative sides:

  • contraindicated in brittle and split hair;
  • unhealthy hair after highlighting may look untidy;
  • the staining procedure takes a lot of time - about 3 hours;
  • it is not recommended to carry out highlighting on dyed hair, bleached with henna or after a chemical curling.

Types of highlighting


There are several types of highlighting, which, in turn, are divided among themselves in the technique of execution and by hair color.

Types of highlighting using staining technique

The highlighting technique can be the following types:

  • american/California - several colors;
  • avant -garde - bright color highlighting;
  • basil - highlighting the ends of the hair;
  • diagonal - highlighting the strands diagonally from the parting;
  • reverse - coloring strands in natural colors without their discoloration;
  • ombre/gradient - with the transition of color on strands;
  • contrasting - highlighting several strands of various widths;
  • shatush - highlighting with indentation from the roots or at different levels;
  • partial - highlighting one or more strands;
  • classic - one -color.

Also, highlighting for short hair with strands of the same color is usually done with a special hat, and for more complex types of coloring and highlighting techniques for long hair, the method using foil is used. The latter method is more common and is used both in home staining and when painting in the cabin.

Types of hair highlighting by hair color, photo

Highlighting is considered to color individual hair strands in one lighter or somewhat different colors. Staining of strands in darker colors, unlike the main one, is called coloring, which is also a type of color highlighting.

Black hair highlighting


For black hair, it is better to select highlighting one different from the base color of the shade. It is better to refuse contrasting light highlighting of hair in order to avoid painting for the color of the leopard, since a sharp contrast will look quite simple and inaccurate.

For such staining, it is better to select black, red, purple or blue shades. Not all strands of hair are distinguished by color, but only part of them on the tips with a feathers.

Highlighting for dark hair


The classic option is considered to lighten some strands into several tones lighter than natural dark hair color. Dark highlighting on the dark hair of one tone will not look as bright as brightened, or can be performed by staining strands in a different bright color. Highlighting brown hair can be performed with a new fashionable effect of gradient ombre with the transition of one color or several shades.

From examples of highlighting on dark hair, from the photo you can see that for dark hair there are several types of highlighting:

  • clarification of strands of one tone;
  • staining strands in a different color, different from the main one;
  • gradient staining of strands;
  • clarification of the ends;
  • coloring strands with different colors.

Highlighting on red hair


For red -haired ones, it will be relevant to clarify the strands in one lighter tone. Frequent highlighting of the hair will also look original with several shades at the same time. Dark coloring of the strands in more saturated brown or even red colors will help shade the brightness of red color.

Highlighting on blond hair


The most common type of highlighting staining. This species became the founder of highlighting hair and subsequent types of coloring with strands. The first stars of world show business with lightened strands were all famous fashion legislators-Jennifer Aniston and Sarah Jessica Parker. After the appearance of these girls with refreshed locks, the whole world began to ask the hairdressers to make a similar hairstyle.

Today, bluish hair is made by both lightened strands of one or more tones, and darker strands of warm shades. Ombre strands with transitions can be performed both in one color scheme and in bright contrasting colors. Highlighting options for brown hair is the most. This color provides a wide space for the imagination of stylists, as it is combined with almost any strands.

Highlighting on blond hair

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It is not recommended to lighten the strands of hair already dyed with henna or previously strongly brightened, as this will lead to the destruction of their structure. Highlighting on white hair is best done with darker strands in tone. The strands can be painted randomly or colorized in strict order.

It is better to refuse black strands, but brown and caramel warm shades will make the hairstyle completed. For an extravagant style, coloring in different colors with gradients or bright colors of strands on the tips painted in fire or ultra is suitable.

Hair highlighting at home


The highlighting of the house can be done in two ways: using a special hat - more suitable for short hair, with foil - for different types of dyeing strands and different hair lengths.

Highlighting for short hair

We will need the following tools and materials:

  • hair dye of a darker or light shade, or a clarifier;
  • silicone hat for highlighting (you can replace swimming);
  • gloves;
  • paint brush;
  • plastic or glass bowl for paint;
  • old T -shirt or plastic cloak for staining;
  • stretch-film or food.

The paint should be applied to unwashed dry hair, following the instructions for use. For highlighting, the application of paint begins with the occipital part and at the very end we stain the temporal and frontal strands. Time is cut off from the moment of staining the last strands, and not from the beginning of the procedure.

Pre -combed your hair, put on a hat. There are holes in a special hat through which you stretch the strands you need for painting. If there is no one, then you can make not too large holes located in a checkerboard pattern, yourself in a rubber cap for swimming.

Color the outer strands in the desired color and hold the time indicated in the instructions under the film. Then, having removed the film, thoroughly rinse the strands with shampoo and rinse the paint. After removing the hat, rinse the hair with shampoo again, and then apply a moisturizing balm for dyed hair. Next, dry the hair and rejoice in highlighted strands.

Long hair highlighting

This type of highlighting is used in salons and at home to perform it more difficult to independently, so ask a friend for help. For the procedure you will need:

  • a bowl for paint;
  • paint brush;
  • hair clamps;
  • foil;
  • dye;
  • gloves;
  • kit on the shoulders.

Coloring algorithm:

  1. Cut the strips of foil 5 cm in width and in proportion to the length of the hair strands.
  2. Comb the hair and prepare the paint.
  3. We begin staining with the occipital part.
  4. We highlight the strand for highlighting, and lay the foil from below.
  5. We paint the strand and wrap it in foil from the sides and in half.
  6. We fix the foil with a hairpin.
  7. We go to the upper strands.
  8. After staining the occipital part, stain the side and then the front strands.
  9. We are waiting for the time indicated in the instructions for the paint.
  10. Gently remove the foil and thoroughly wash off the paint with shampoo.
  11. Apply the balm to clean hair after dyeing.

The same method is used when highlighting strands in several colors. Since the paint is used different, you should start with one coloring in one color. After staining and washing off the paint, the hair needs to be dried and the highlighting with other paint on the next strands.

For gradient highlighting, a foil method is also used. The paint should be applied to the lower half of the strands and hold for 10 minutes. Next, apply paint to the upper part of the strands and hold for another 10 minutes. To obtain a smooth transition, it is necessary to comb the strands so that the gradient line is not sharp, and hold the strands for another 10 minutes. Rinse the paint thoroughly with shampoo.

Hair highlighting tips


For successful staining of strands at home, you should pay attention to some features:

  1. Dye. Choose thick paint in consistency so that it does not spread on the neighboring strands. For staining for one tone, keep the paint for no more than 15 minutes, and for severe lightening for at least half an hour.
  2. Strands. Choose strands of one width and at the same distance from each other. If the highlighting is gradient, then follow the level of the border of the flow of colors.
  3. Highlighting on dyed hair. Such re -staining should be carried out at least in a week, in order to avoid damage to the structure of the hair. It is better to select paint the same company that you were painted earlier.
  4. At home or in a hairdresser? If you are not confident in your abilities, then you should seek help from a specialist and see how he performs this technique. Further, to save funds, you can independently tint the roots of highlighted strands after 2-3 months.
  5. Color. If the lightened strands are too contrasting with the main hair color, then you can smooth out the color with a tinted balm. Just apply it after washing your hair with shampoo.
  6. Care. Although highlighting is considered more gentle staining than a complete change in color, do not forget about the care products for lightened strands. Balms and masks for dyed hair will help maintain the health and beauty of hairstyles for a long time.

Hair highlighting yourself. Video

A detailed video material will help you study the highlighting technique at home and apply it in your experiments:

Beautiful and correctly performed highlighting of the hair will give the volume and shine with a hairstyle, and the face will look more young. To date, stylists have developed many methods and types of highlighting and coloring hair. Today, to transform the annoying image, all means are available to us for experimentation on appearance at home.



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